With unconventional lyrics and tune, Velvet Underground’s third album, which is self titled, has one of the most underrated tracks of all. It is the song Murder Mystery. An extremely complex and conflicted song with overlapping parts and mysterious, incomprehensible and sometimes even nonsensical lyrics, Murder Mystery is a must listen. It has narratives of all four band members and the song runs to nearly 9 minutes.
song, on close analysis, we can unearth the unique aspects of the band - wild, edgy and a play with a melange of vocals and instruments.
Though this album might not be considered one of their best, it is a quintessential representation of their sound and style. With Murder Mystery making references to the death of pop, to fantastic lyrics that bring forth stunning visuals, it makes us connect colours, sounds It almost seems like the bandmates are giving alibis or and feels to one single element. Though the theme of their own views about how an incident occurred with the song is unclear, with some parts seeming to bear no clashing, incoherent viewpoints. It almost seems like connection to the title of the song, it is still regarded as this number is an audio poem or a story with tunes and a masterpiece due to its effect on listeners. While some instruments added to enhance the effect. With phrases parts are vague, seeming to be random words thrown like “silkscreen fantastic”, “denigrate obtuse and active about in haste, or a faint attempt at keeping up a difverbs pronouns” and “objections suffice apelike” and ficult-to-discern rhyme scheme, the song has baffled “tactile bassoon oboeing me cordon the virus’ section”, many a theorist at coming up with a solid explanation we can see the creativity and presentation of the lyri- to every single verse. cists, almost as if they decided to compete with the likes of Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl while spouting what seems While we will keep on ruminating the words in our like nonsense in the first listen, but seemingly makes mind, Murder Mystery continues to enthrall and provide food for thought to all those whose senses it comes sense progressively. in contact with, giving an almost synesthetic feel to it. The whole track creates an entire alternate reality using an extra extreme metallic style. However, while the Liked this review? Follow the song in the first listen doesn’t seem to be a typical Velvet QR to find more! 04
Shiva Kanth