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Abundant Possibilities in a Shrinking World

About the Cover Image The SEM image reveals heavily-charged tiny spheres of a polymer material. The globe superimposed on the polymer sample represents FEI’s global markets and the ability of its tools to open worlds within our world for nanoscale exploration, discovery and development. The sample image is supplied as courtesy of German glass manufacturer, Schott.

Discoveries and innovations are increasingly being made at smaller and smaller scales. Without the right tools and solutions, researchers, developers and manufacturers working at the nanoscale face daunting challenges. After all, how can the unseen be explored, harnessed and built?

The world discovers more, creates faster and lives better with FEI’s Tools for Nanotech.

Accelerated discovery…

World Headquarters 5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA Ph: +1.503.726.7500 FEI Europe Achtseweg Noord 5 5651 GG eindhoven The Netherlands Ph: + FEI Japan Nss-II Bldg 4F 13-34 Kohnan 2-chome minato-ku, tokyo 108-0075, Japan ph: +81.3.3740.0970

for pressing challenges…

FEI’s enabling Tools for

Opening Worlds Within Our World

Nanotech™ are helping to make once unimagined possibilities a reality by delivering break­through results to diverse users. better, safer products…

FEI Asia pacific Shanghai exhibition center 1/F ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1000 Yan an Road (Middle) shanghai 200040 People’s republic of china Ph: +86.21.6122.5988

© 2007. We are constantly improving the performance of our products, so all specifications are subject to change without notice. The FEI logo and Tools for Nanotech are trademarks of the FEI Company. Print code 01OB-OT0111 7/2007

enhanced connectivity…

and better health.

FEI has more than sixty years of technology leadership

solutions for imaging,

As the recognized leader

and field expertise for a

characterization, analysis and

in innovative tools for

wide variety of applications

modification have allowed us

researchers and developers

including the advanced study

to become a trusted partner

working down to the atomic

and development of new

to world-class customers.

level, FEI is committed to

materials, nanoscale process

We have more than seven

helping our customers

control and the development

thousand systems installed at

succeed in solving some

of new nano-enabled

thirty-five hundred customer

of the greatest challenges

products. Our best-in-class

sites worldwide.

of our time.

Abundant Possibilities in a Shrinking World

About the Cover Image The SEM image reveals heavily-charged tiny spheres of a polymer material. The globe superimposed on the polymer sample represents FEI’s global markets and the ability of its tools to open worlds within our world for nanoscale exploration, discovery and development. The sample image is supplied as courtesy of German glass manufacturer, Schott.

Discoveries and innovations are increasingly being made at smaller and smaller scales. Without the right tools and solutions, researchers, developers and manufacturers working at the nanoscale face daunting challenges. After all, how can the unseen be explored, harnessed and built?

The world discovers more, creates faster and lives better with FEI’s Tools for Nanotech.

Accelerated discovery…

World Headquarters 5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA Ph: +1.503.726.7500 FEI Europe Achtseweg Noord 5 5651 GG eindhoven The Netherlands Ph: + FEI Japan Nss-II Bldg 4F 13-34 Kohnan 2-chome minato-ku, tokyo 108-0075, Japan ph: +81.3.3740.0970

for pressing challenges…

FEI’s enabling Tools for

Opening Worlds Within Our World

Nanotech™ are helping to make once unimagined possibilities a reality by delivering break­through results to diverse users. better, safer products…

FEI Asia pacific Shanghai exhibition center 1/F ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1000 Yan an Road (Middle) shanghai 200040 People’s republic of china Ph: +86.21.6122.5988

© 2007. We are constantly improving the performance of our products, so all specifications are subject to change without notice. The FEI logo and Tools for Nanotech are trademarks of the FEI Company. Print code 01OB-OT0111 7/2007

enhanced connectivity…

and better health.

FEI has more than sixty years of technology leadership

solutions for imaging,

As the recognized leader

and field expertise for a

characterization, analysis and

in innovative tools for

wide variety of applications

modification have allowed us

researchers and developers

including the advanced study

to become a trusted partner

working down to the atomic

and development of new

to world-class customers.

level, FEI is committed to

materials, nanoscale process

We have more than seven

helping our customers

control and the development

thousand systems installed at

succeed in solving some

of new nano-enabled

thirty-five hundred customer

of the greatest challenges

products. Our best-in-class

sites worldwide.

of our time.

FEI’s Core Technologies and Products

Accelerating Nanoscale Discovery and Product Commercialization

Nova™ NanoSEM

V600 FIB

Quanta™ SEM Series

Morgani™ TEM

Inspect™ SEM Series

Tecnai™ TEM Series


Titan™ S/TEM

Core Technologies Single column systems

- Focused Ion Columns & Sources - Electron Columns & Sources - Operating & Applications Software

DualBeams™ (FIB/SEM)

Quanta™ 3D Series

DA300 Nova™ NanoL ab

Expida™ Series Helios™ NanoL ab

Tecnai™ TEM Series

NanoResearch & Industry

FEI’s powerful technology and expertise allow researchers to accelerate discovery, development and manufacturing of nano-enabled products with groundbreaking results. Revolutionary capabilities enable our customers to lead their fields through unexplored territory while saving time and reducing costs. - Powerful, innovative technology - Industry-leading performance - Shared expertise and collaborative spirit - Scientific and technical leadership

3D nanofiber reconstruction (4 µm)

Wet plaster crystal growth (0.5 µm)

NanoElectronics NanoBiology

FEI tools allow life scientists to visualize structures from the cellular to the atomic scale—the critical range in which molecular machines of living systems operate. 3D imaging yields crucial insights into structure and function while automation supports the high throughput characterization. - Clearly resolve sub-cellular and macromolecular detail - Investigate function and interaction in three dimensions - Manage large sample sets quickly and easily - Preserve natural structure with cryo techniques

3D cowpea mosaic virus reconstruction (~5 nm)

Drug-laden liposomes (~100 nm each)

Electronics manufacturers ramp to volume faster and enhance yields with FEI™ solutions. They improve design validation with faster, more precise circuit editing, and they speed-up process development and control with high-throughput sample preparation, and imaging and analysis of nano- and atomic-scale images. - Faster data acquisition, lower cost - Precise and flexible circuit editing - Faster S/TEM sample prep - Superior imaging & analysis - Superb return on investment

Critical layer at transistor level (65 nm)

High aspect ratio via contact window (500 nm)

High Resolution 3D Characterization & Analysis – Metrology – Defect & Failure Analysis – NanoFabrication, Milling & Deposition


Expertise and Value Beyond Technical Specifications Today’s acceleration of scientific advances and funding is fueling the development and com­mer­

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cialization of nano-enabled products. For FEI and its

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cus­tom­ers a universe of

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possibilities has emerged. New applications reaching beyond the nanoscale are needed. EXefI\j\XiZ_ @e[ljkip +-

New markets – some of which have never worked at such scales – are opening in a wide

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Innovative solutions from FEI are enabling nanoscale advancements in diverse and growing markets around the world.

variety of industries including forensics, biosciences, energy, metals, and more. Every day FEI tools are enabling nano­scale

“ There are no compromises with FEI. What I want is what I get... I believe FEI will help us succeed in this nanotechnology world.”

advancements and products, and creating new markets.

3D titanium alloy precipitate widths (250-500 nm)1

Terry Moore Headway Technologies, USA

Advanced patterning, fresnel lens (smallest ring ~50 nm)

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase (50 nm) 2

TEM sample prep of DRAM contacts (90 nm)

From basic research to final

Combined with our technology

FEI’s focus on usage models,

production, FEI’s deep appli­

leadership, applications support

best practices, and customer

cations expertise lets us con­

and world-class service, we

value redefines the customer/

tinuously track evolving

provide uniquely competitive

supplier relationship and ensures

requirements. As a result,

value to those we serve in

that our market-leading solutions

FEI delivers complete user-

NanoResearch and Industry,

are continually on the forefront

focused solutions that set

NanoBiology and NanoElectronics.

of innovation.

new performance standards.



Hamish Fraser, Center for the Accelerated Maturation of Materials, Ohio State University. From the work of Jacqueline Milne and Sriram Subramaniam, National Cancer Institute, NIH.

Leading Solutions, Unparalleled Support Our customers are relentless in their pursuit of enabling solutions. FEI’s powerful suite of focused ion beam (FIB), scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEM/TEM) and proprietary software empowers their success.

Robust web resources and user workshops keep customers connected and support their success.

“ FEI has a good ear for what customers really want... I can clearly see that their customer focus is working to help us. It’s dynamic.” Peter Peters, PhD Netherlands Cancer Institute, NL

FEI’s European NanoPort

From Titan™ – the world’s most

lifecycle FEI’s sales, applications,

world. Our NanoPorts in Europe,

powerful commercially available

and service professionals in more

North America and Asia provide

scanning/transmission electron

than fifty countries on six con­

a unique environment for equip­

microscope (S/TEM) to the

tinents are ready to assist. They

ment evaluation, applications

versatile Phenom™ – a new

help customers select the right

development, and ongoing

class of microscope that bridges

tool for their needs and the right

training. What’s more, FEI’s new

the gap between light and

service programs to support their

RAPID remote diagnostics helps

electron microscopy – FEI tools

operations. And, they provide

keep systems operating with less

give users the ability to pursue

ongoing applications counsel.

interruption to user schedules.

FEI also makes the world smaller

Market-leading tools. Deep

for our users. An exclusive online

applications expertise. Dedicated

community – FEI Connect –

customer support. They add up

provides a forum for customers

to compelling value for FEI’s

to share their experiences, latest

growing family of customers.

the shrinking dimensions found in science and manufacturing. But the ultimate value of any solution lies in the collaboration and support that come with it. From initial meetings and

applications, and breakthroughs

throughout a system’s full

with their peers around the

A Spirit of Innovation That Doesn’t Rest Since our founding in 1971,

incorporating both a scanning

in transmission electron micro­

FEI has persistently advanced its

electron column and a focused

scopes (TEMs). Following the

core technologies. The result is a

ion beam. Introduced nearly ten

acquisition of Philips Electron

unique, unsurpassed technology

years before any competing

Optics, FEI pioneered the

base that provides users with

system, the DualBeam was a

Tecnai™ TEM. As the world’s

groundbreaking results.

develop­ment that changed

first fully integrated TEM,

forever how researchers would

it provided new levels of

work. We are still the only

productivity and ease-of-use.

company with both ion beam

Most recently, FEI’s Titan™

and electron beam solutions in-

has graphically demonstrated

house, allowing us to develop

how we continuously raise

more functionally-integrated

the performance bar. With its

solutions for our customers.

sub-Ångström resolution, the

Through a partnership with the former Philips Electron Optics division – a part of FEI since 1997 – we pioneered the world’s first DualBeam™ system,

Our heritage also includes industry-leading innovations

Helios™ NanoL ab

Titan™ is the most powerful system of its type on the commercial market.


Technology Milestones

1949 First production TEM system released 1966 Solid-State 5 Ångström TEM delivered 1977 High-Resolution SEM introduced

Array of gold atoms (0.28 nm each)

1986 Computerized CM TEM Series introduced 1989 World’s first Environmental SEM introduced 1993 World’s First DualBeam™ (FIB/SEM) by FEI 1998 All-in-One Integrated Tecnai™ TEM 2003 World’s first DualBeam dedicated to automated defect analysis and metrology 2004 FEI TEM breaks the 1 Ångström barrier 2005 FEI’s all-new Titan™ S/TEM introduced with sub-Ångström resolution 2006 First Department of Energy TEAM (Transmission Electron Aberration-Corrected Microscope) project instruments shipped for 0.5 Ångström resolution

Titan™ S/TEM

Customer Confidence – FEI’s Promise for the Long Term We are driven to help our cus­

the biggest ideas of the century

and development, talented

tomers solve some of the world’s

into reality.

professionals, and our customer

most challenging problems in the fields of energy, water, food, the environment, disease, elec­ tronics, crime, and more. Our continued leadership in exciting growth markets has the world’s most demanding organizations turning to FEI for the enabling tools they require.

FEI’s commitment to customers is reflected in our structure. Organ­iz­ed around key customer seg­ments – NanoBiology, Nano­Electronics, NanoIndustry, and NanoResearch – we are

relation­ships. Because we con­ tinually deliver the innovations customers need, we are privileged to part­ner with our customers for the long-term and support their success in nanoscale discovery, develop­

able to track and build an intimate un­der­standing of user

ment and manu­factur­ing.

require­ments. This gives us

With an unwavering commit­

From our product development

unsurpassed agility in bringing

ment to understanding

to our applications labs, and

focused solutions to their

customer challenges, a robust

throughout our service

applications challenges.

technology foundation, and

organization, our approach to serving customers is helping researchers and manufacturers around the world turn some of

In the past decade FEI has nearly tripled in size, enabling us to con­stantly invest in research

a spirit of in­no­vation that never stops, FEI delivers Tools for Nanotech that customers can own with confidence.


“ FEI has to be given a lot of credit for their recent developments. For quite some time we will be a prominent player, even on an international level, because of our new FEI instruments.”







Joachim Mayer, PhD Ernst Ruska Center, D



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FEI’s sales and service operations reach more than 50 countries worldwide.

FEI’s Core Technologies and Products

Accelerating Nanoscale Discovery and Product Commercialization

Nova™ NanoSEM

V600 FIB

Quanta™ SEM Series

Morgani™ TEM

Inspect™ SEM Series

Tecnai™ TEM Series


Titan™ S/TEM

Core Technologies Single column systems

- Focused Ion Columns & Sources - Electron Columns & Sources - Operating & Applications Software

DualBeams™ (FIB/SEM)

Quanta™ 3D Series

DA300 Nova™ NanoL ab

Expida™ Series Helios™ NanoL ab

Tecnai™ TEM Series

NanoResearch & Industry

FEI’s powerful technology and expertise allow researchers to accelerate discovery, development and manufacturing of nano-enabled products with groundbreaking results. Revolutionary capabilities enable our customers to lead their fields through unexplored territory while saving time and reducing costs. - Powerful, innovative technology - Industry-leading performance - Shared expertise and collaborative spirit - Scientific and technical leadership

3D nanofiber reconstruction (4 µm)

Wet plaster crystal growth (0.5 µm)

NanoElectronics NanoBiology

FEI tools allow life scientists to visualize structures from the cellular to the atomic scale—the critical range in which molecular machines of living systems operate. 3D imaging yields crucial insights into structure and function while automation supports the high throughput characterization. - Clearly resolve sub-cellular and macromolecular detail - Investigate function and interaction in three dimensions - Manage large sample sets quickly and easily - Preserve natural structure with cryo techniques

3D cowpea mosaic virus reconstruction (~5 nm)

Drug-laden liposomes (~100 nm each)

Electronics manufacturers ramp to volume faster and enhance yields with FEI™ solutions. They improve design validation with faster, more precise circuit editing, and they speed-up process development and control with high-throughput sample preparation, and imaging and analysis of nano- and atomic-scale images. - Faster data acquisition, lower cost - Precise and flexible circuit editing - Faster S/TEM sample prep - Superior imaging & analysis - Superb return on investment

Critical layer at transistor level (65 nm)

High aspect ratio via contact window (500 nm)

High Resolution 3D Characterization & Analysis – Metrology – Defect & Failure Analysis – NanoFabrication, Milling & Deposition


Abundant Possibilities in a Shrinking World

About the Cover Image The SEM image reveals heavily-charged tiny spheres of a polymer material. The globe superimposed on the polymer sample represents FEI’s global markets and the ability of its tools to open worlds within our world for nanoscale exploration, discovery and development. The sample image is supplied as courtesy of German glass manufacturer, Schott.

Discoveries and innovations are increasingly being made at smaller and smaller scales. Without the right tools and solutions, researchers, developers and manufacturers working at the nanoscale face daunting challenges. After all, how can the unseen be explored, harnessed and built?

The world discovers more, creates faster and lives better with FEI’s Tools for Nanotech.

Accelerated discovery…

World Headquarters 5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA Ph: +1.503.726.7500 FEI Europe Achtseweg Noord 5 5651 GG eindhoven The Netherlands Ph: + FEI Japan Nss-II Bldg 4F 13-34 Kohnan 2-chome minato-ku, tokyo 108-0075, Japan ph: +81.3.3740.0970

for pressing challenges…

FEI’s enabling Tools for

Opening Worlds Within Our World

Nanotech™ are helping to make once unimagined possibilities a reality by delivering break­through results to diverse users. better, safer products…

FEI Asia pacific Shanghai exhibition center 1/F ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1000 Yan an Road (Middle) shanghai 200040 People’s republic of china Ph: +86.21.6122.5988

© 2007. We are constantly improving the performance of our products, so all specifications are subject to change without notice. The FEI logo and Tools for Nanotech are trademarks of the FEI Company. Print code 01OB-OT0111 7/2007

enhanced connectivity…

and better health.

FEI has more than sixty years of technology leadership

solutions for imaging,

As the recognized leader

and field expertise for a

characterization, analysis and

in innovative tools for

wide variety of applications

modification have allowed us

researchers and developers

including the advanced study

to become a trusted partner

working down to the atomic

and development of new

to world-class customers.

level, FEI is committed to

materials, nanoscale process

We have more than seven

helping our customers

control and the development

thousand systems installed at

succeed in solving some

of new nano-enabled

thirty-five hundred customer

of the greatest challenges

products. Our best-in-class

sites worldwide.

of our time.

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