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ILLUSTRABRAZIL IN CHINA Organized by the Society of Illustrators of Brazil - SIB with support from the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil and the Consulate General of Brazil in Shanghai, the IllustraBrazil festival was held in Shanghai from August 20th - September 24th 2011. In its first foray abroad, SIB prepared an international version of its annual event, IlustraBrasil! – presented in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro since 2004 – including a show with the best work of its members and a rich program of lectures, workshops and debates regarding illustration issues. This insightful art exhibition features distinct aspects of Brazilian culture, nature, sports, arts, cities, people etc through a variety of editorial & advertising illustration, comics and animation projects by over 100 of the finest contemporary Brazilian graphic artists.

_The Foundry Gallery 729 Shaanxi Bei Lu Jing’an District Shanghai China

Production notes SIB Council is composed of Bruno Porto, Cecilia Esteves, Chicão Monteiro, Daniel Bueno, Fábio Sgroi, Jinnie Anne Pak, Marcelo Martinez, Mauricio Negro, Orlando Pedroso, Rodrigo Rosa and Rogerio Soud. The exhibition was curated by Bruno Porto, Cecilia Esteves, Marcelo Martinez, Orlando Pedroso and Rogerio Soud. All graphic design of IllustraBrazil was developed by Laboratório Secreto. The event website was designed by Céllus under the supervision of Fábio Sgroi. Media and public relations in Brazil was done by Canal Aberto Assessoria de Imprensa. SIB hired local producer Braulio Flores | Creative Connect to manage the exhibition production. This included coordinating its media P.R. in China, travel and transportations, printed materials and opening event, and both scheduling and provide translation in lectures and meetings. Qatar Airways was The Official Airline of IllustraBrazil, and Alaflow provided the official IllustraBrazil silkscreened t-shirts.

Vernissage The opening reception at The Foundry Gallery on 20.08.2011 was attended by the Consul General of Brazil in Shanghai, Marcos Caramuru de Paiva, and SIB Councilors Bruno Porto, Marcelo Martinez and Orlando Pedroso, who welcomed some 300 guests. In addition to the illustrations on 40 x 60 cm boards, there was a continuous exhibition of animation works produced in Brazil, from short films and children’s TV series to commercials and music videos. About 1,000 people from more than 40 nationalities visited the free exhibition.

_diplomat Octavio Lopes, producer BrĂĄulio Flores, Orlando Pedroso, Marcelo Martinez, Marcos Caramuru de Paiva and Bruno Porto

Catalogs 850 catalogs (120 pages, 15x15 cm, in Chinese, Portuguese, English and Spanish) were given away to visitors of the gallery and participants of the Seminar that took place at the RockBund Art Museum, as well as in visits to educational institutions, advertising and design agencies, and the local press. About 100 units were referred to the External Relationship posts abroad.

_IllustraBrazil catalogs with blue and yellow vellum paper jackets

Seminar On 26.08.2011, SIB presented the Brazilian Illustration in China / Around the World Business Seminar at the RockBund Museum of Art to an audience of journalists, editors, art buyers, designers, members of the local arts community, and people interested in Brazilian culture and the Portuguese language. In English with Mandarin translation, the seminar featured a presentation of SIB, the IlustraBrasil! event and about 50 case studies. Case studies included illustration, comics, games, toys and animation made in Brazil for foreign clients. The event was concluded with a career retrospective of cartoonist Orlando Pedroso, followed by a Q&A session.

Children’s activity In 26.08.2011 IllustraBrazil also held a drawing workshop for 20 Chinese children from 9 to 13 years old at The Foundry Gallery. The students received a guided tour of the exhibition, where they learned about the various aspects of Brazilian culture presented in the show.

Lectures The lecture containing projects of illustration, comics and animation Made in Brazil was also held on 17.08.2011 at the Donghua University for Asian students of design, advertising, illustration and animation at the Raffles Design Institute, followed by a brief debate with students regardings aspects of their future careers. With more of a business emphasis, the same talk was presented in a few multinational advertising and design agencies with the intention of raising awareness about the high quality and international experience of Brazilian professionals.

_introduced by Sara Corvino, Program Director of the Visual Communication school of Raffles Design Institute

_lunch and chat at innovation and design agency Ideo

_presentations to the creative staff of advertising agencies Wieden+Kennedy and Draftfcb

Networking and press In addition to the above mentioned lectures, face to face meetings were held to establish contacts for cultural and commercial collaborations with representatives from the Embassy of Brazil in China (in Beijing), ZN Animation company (in Hangzhou), Brazil Film Fest cinema festival (held in Beijing and Shanghai), design magazine IdN (in Hong Kong) and Shanghai’s People Publishing House, who are currently considering the publication of books on Brazilian design and illustration. Five guided tours for members of the press were conducted before and during the exhibition period. Interviews were also granted by email and Skype for online and print publications from Brazil, China and the United States. During its run, IllustraBrazil was featured in over 20 newspapers and magazines and over 100 sites.

_in Beijing, with diplomat Elisa Breternitz and Elsa Pastro from the Cultural Department of Brazilian Embassy

_in Hangzhou, with ZN Animation Co. department director and members of the Chamber of Commerce of Zhejiang Province

_guided tours and interviews for The Global Times, O2 magazine and Shanghai Weekly

Clipping Among the highlights in Brazilian media: - Two minutes story in GloboNews TV channel on 15.08.2011 emphasizing the business aspect of IllustraBrazil. Available (in Portuguese) at

- Folha de S.Paulo newspaper (14.07.2011)_ 1/2 page in Ilustrada section

_e-invitations for the exhibition opening and business seminar

- 2 pages in Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil newspaper (September 2011)

- IllustraBrazil was also mentioned in columns and articles on major newspapers O Estado de S達o Paulo (19.06.2011) and O Globo (21.08.2011).

Among the highlights in Chinese media / English language - #1 in the Top Ten Art Exhibitions of That’s Shanghai magazine (September 2011)

- Featured in the 5 Best Shows list by City Weekend magazine (22.09-12.10.2011)

- Reviewed in the Art section of City Weekend magazine (8-21.09.2011)

- Highlighted in the entertainment section of Shanghai Daily newspaper (19.08.2011)

- Page 3 of the Global Times newspaper (24.08.2011)

Among the highlights in Chinese media / Chinese language - 4 page article in lifestyle magazine Milk (16.08.2011)

- 2 pages in the literature section of Shanghai Weekly newspaper (29.08-04.10.2011)

- 6 page article in eco-oriented magazine O2 (September 2011)

Among the online media highlights: - Featured in Scene Asia section of The Wall Street Journal (07.09.2011). Available in

- RockBund Art Museum’s Night@RAM lectures series program for August 2011

_ RockBund Art Museum’ August lecture series program booklet

-Released by Xinhua News Agency and published in over 50 chinese sites

_weekend sign with the Night@RAM program at the RockBund Art Museum

- Highlighted in Time Out Shanghai magazine

- Featured in SH magazine

- IllustraBrazil e-invitations were sent to the Brazilian community in Asia by the Consulate General of Brazil in Shanghai and the Profissionais Brasileiros na China network; it was also announced to creative professionals all over Brazil through the e-newsletters SIBnews, from the Society of Illustrators of Brazil, and SINAL, from ESDI - Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (the first design university in Latin America); and through the social networks Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (the latter mainly through the group Shanghai Creatives Directory).

- During the event, SIB updated IllustraBrazil’s various activities on its own blog (which got over 2,500 visitors during the exhibition period) and on Facebook page IllustraBrazil/214620985257072 (which recorded 45,654 hits during the period of exhibition).

IlustraBrasil!8 - ILLUSTRABRAZIL IN CHINA was the theme of the opening lecture of IlustraBrasil!8, held on 26.10.2011 at Senai Maracan達, Rio de Janeiro.

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