How to simply track your car? Know where your car is at any time!
When one of your children or your spouse drives away.... Are you left not knowing if your vehicle will be abused?
Do they stay within the law and don't speed?
Do they really go where they say they are going?
GPS Car Tracking Chips
Find out exactly where they were, how fast they were on the road, when and where the vehicle was stopped and how long.
Other Benefits . . .
Protect your car from theft and at least give you a chance to recover it after it has been stolen.
Can optionally be plugged into a laptop in the car to become an on-board navigation device in real-time, displaying your current location and planned destination routes.
Fast and accurate travel directions for best travel route
View summary and detail reports for each trip, with time, date, speed, distance and more.
Visit our site for more info on GPS Tracking System‌