The Global Health Education Resource Pack Websites WHO A collection of global health databases, journals, e-books and websites. The Global Health Council The world's largest membership alliance dedicated to saving lives by improving health throughout the world. It publishes a series of reports including a global health magazine, and has a collection of videos and other resources. The Disease Control Priorities Project (DCPP) An organisation researching global health priorities in an evidence-based manner. They offer fact sheets, in-depth reports and an extensive list of health interventions. DFID The Department for International Development is the UK Government Department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty. Their website has a Global Issues section with resources and centres focusing on different topics. Oxfam A website focusing on Oxfam’s work, which contains news articles, a series of publications and a list of ways in which one can get involved including suggestions for fundraising, campaigning, and volunteering, along with education and activist resources. The Stanford Global Health Portal A collection of global health databases, journals, e-books and websites. The Millennium Project A practical plan to achieve the Millennium Development Goals/UN Millennium Project.
Articles and News IRIN News An award-winning website dedicated to humanitarian news and analysis from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. News can be searched by theme or country, and is produced as films, photos and radio. The Lancet A world–class medical journal with focus on global health and a set of research and reviews on health in low and middle-income countries in the global health collection. The Guardian Has a global development section funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which contains news stories on global development as well as links and blogs. PBS's Global Health News The Public Broadcasting Service (a not-for-profit, American organisation).
Reports The World Health Report An annual themed report published by the World Health Organization (WHO). It discusses major global health issues and contains up-to-date Statistics from the Global Health Observatory. Global Health Watch A platform providing an alternative World Health Report, produced by civil society. The site contains a number of case studies, videos and audio, as well as occasional full reports and newsletters and a series of articles and blogs. The World Development Report An annual report published by the World Bank, alongside a variety of other reports and statistics. These focus on the economic development rather than on health per say. The Human Development Reports Annual reports calling attention to issues and policy options that put people at the centre of strategies to meet the challenges of development. The Copenhagen Consensus Reports Reports prepared every two years by experts in fields such as global health, education, and conflict focusing on how problems can be most efficiently addressed. Programmes are assessed and ranked by economists to help assess a set of global priorities. The State of the World's Children Reports An annual report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) which focuses on the global issues facing children in the developing world. Perspectives on Development Reports. A report produced by OECD, an international organisation designed to help governments tackle the economic, social and governance challenges of a globalised economy.
Videos, Documentaries and Podcasts Rockhopper Over 250 development, health and environment documentaries of varying lengths which you can watch and show for free; often a useful stimulus for discussion groups. Unreported World Documentaries on controversial world issues, focusing on the lived experiences of individuals. Podcasts are also available. Stanford Videos A series of links to videos provided by the International Health Interest Group, designed to be used alongside the book the Essentials in Global Health, by Richard Skolnik. The Best You Tube Videos A collection of the best 52 You Tube videos collected by health sherpa.
Royal Society of Medicine Videos In their new Global Health website are a series of videos (and podcasts) from past events which can be viewed for free. The Global Poverty Project's You Tube Channel A series of short, accessible videos intended for the general public.
Free Online Courses and Lectures Supercourse A library of 4770 lectures on diverse aspects of Global Health, particularly focusing on epidemiology and prevention. Johns Hopkins Online Modules Hundreds of free modules in specific topics of global and public health including lectures, reading lists and practise exams. Foundations in Public Health Provided by the University of California, which also provides other useful courses. MIT Online Modules Course materials for several courses which are relevant to global health, although spread through departments and focused to some extent around technology. These include “Environment and Society”, “Introduction to Global Medicine: Bioscience, Technologies, Disparities and Strategies”, “Water Resource Policy” and “Medical Technologies for the Developing World”. Alison Free online training courses, with several on global health. An account is required. These include “Human Health - Global Health Issues”, “Human Health - Health and Human Development”, “HIV/AIDS - Awareness & Prevention”, and a free online Diploma in Health Studies.
Statistics and Maps Gapminder A website which uses a piece of software called Trendalyzer to present development statistics in a fun and accessible manner. An excellent way to examine the state of the world and its historical trends and also has a series of presentations which are essentially ready-written global health and development talks. World Mapper A collection of world maps, where territory size shows the global proportion of a subject of interest, e.g. maternal mortality, number of healthcare professionals, literacy rates etc. WHO Atlas A site which allows data queries, interactive mapping and access to maps and resources. The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab An NGO which performs experiments on aid effectiveness in the developing world. Nationmaster
A site which provides health statistics and maps. Allows comparisons of different countries according other areas too, such as economics, government, politics etc. The CIA World Factbook Although not focused on poverty, this site contains a wealth of statistics, both aggregated, and divided by country. The UN Millennium Goals Campaign The United Nations Development Programme tracks countries’ progress to the MDGs.
General Books about Poverty and Development Challenging Global Inequality by Alastair Greig, David Hulme, and Mark Turner A great introduction to inequality, poverty and development in the twentieth century and the future. It discusses the UN's Millennium Development Goals and their radical critics. Turning the World Upside Down: The Search for Global Health in the 21st Century by Lord Nigel Crisp This book explores what richer countries can learn from poorer ones and suggests that, instead of talking of international development – where the richer help the poorer – we should think in terms of co-development, each learning from the other. Race Against Time by Stephen Lewis "I have spent the last four years watching people die." Diplomat and humanitarian Stephen Lewis shows why and how the international community is falling desperately short of the Millennium Development Goals. The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It by Paul Collier The book argues that the focus for today’s development effort is those countries whose residents have experienced little, if any, income growth and argues the plight of the ‘bottom billion’ is due to economic traps, to which he proposes a series of solutions. The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs Jeffrey Sachs offers an inspiring view of how solvable the world’s problems are, and explains why making the effort is both our moral duty and in our own interests. The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty by Peter Singer In The Life You Can Save, philosopher Peter Singer, named one of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World” by Time magazine, uses ethical arguments, provocative thought experiments, illuminating examples, and case studies to show that our current response to world poverty is not only insufficient but ethically indefensible. Health and Social Justice by Jennifer Prah Ruger (Foreword by Amartya Sen) Discusses the processes by which collective choices can be made, and policies implemented, to address the social complex problem of health inequalities. Millions Saved: Proven Success in Global Health by Ruth Levine and collaborators
The book sets out 17 cases in which large-scale efforts to improve health in developing countries have succeeded - saving millions of lives and preserving the livelihoods and social fabric of entire communities, and asks what we can learn from these examples. Reinventing Foreign Aid Development expert William Easterly has gathered top scholars in the field to discuss how to improve foreign aid, proposing solutions to specific problems. Ending Global Poverty: A Guide to What Works by Stephen C. Smith This book gives readers the tools they need to help people overcome poverty and to determine what organizations are most effective in fighting it. Making Globalization Work by Joseph E. Stiglitz This Nobel Prize-winning economist suggests solutions by which globalization can be "saved from its advocates" and made safe and worthwhile for the poor and rich alike.
Books about Specific Topics Public-Private Partnerships for Public Health by Michael R. Reich and contributors This book focuses on public-private partnerships that seek to expand the use of specific products to improve health conditions in poor countries and focuses on case studies of partnerships involving specific products to improve health conditions in poor countries. Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn Taking its name from a proverb – “Women hold up half the sky,” this book is a series of stories about women in some of the world’s poorest countries. It focuses on empowering women to transform their lives, and the lives of their families and communities. Access: How Do Good Health Technologies Get to Poor People in Poor Countries? by Laura Frost, Michael R. Reich, Tadataka Yamada, and Beth Anne Pratt This book develops an analytical framework based on four A’s: Architecture, Availability, Affordability, and Adoption. It uses 6 case studies to show how access to health technologies is shaped by social, economic, political, and cultural processes. Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen Amartya Sen explains how in a world of unprecedented increase in overall opulence millions of people living in the developing world are still unfree; denied elementary freedoms and remain imprisoned in one way or another by economic poverty, social deprivation, political tyranny or cultural authoritarianism. Love and Globalization edited by Mark B. Padilla, Jennifer S. Hirsch, Miguel MunozLaboy, Robert Sember, Richard G. Parker Anthropologists and sociologists draw on long-term ethnographic research on love, gender, and sexuality in a broad range of regions to discuss how global forces shape marriage, commercial sex, the political economy of intimacy, and lesbian and gay expressions of companionship.
The Plundered Planet by Paul Collier In The Plundered Planet, Collier looks the necessity of nurturing the natural resources which have the potential either to transform the poorest countries or to tear them apart, He offers realistic and sustainable solutions to the dauntingly complex issues of carbon emissions and climate change.
Books about Global Health Practice and Practitioners Caring for the World: A Guidebook to Global Health Opportunities by Paul Drain, Stephen A. Huffman, Sara Pirtle MBA, Kevin Chan MD A book which assembles the stories, experience, and advice of prominent global health practitioners in this inspired guidebook for healthcare workers and professionals. Real Collaboration: What It Takes for Global Health to Succeed by Mark L. Rosenberg (Author), Elisabeth S. Hayes (Author), Margaret H. McIntyre (Author), Nancy Neill (Author), William H. Foege (Preface) A practical handbook designed as a learning resource to catalyse fresh thinking, which uses case studies to distil the critical factors that can increase the likelihood of success for those who are launching or managing a new partnership. Finding Work in Global Health by Garth Osborn and Patricia Ohmans A practical guide for idealists — a book for those who want to help people in need which is filled with useful information, checklists and resources.