Woodhead Street Journal

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Woodhead Street Journal

By: Philip Taffet

Fall 2008

Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008


Cool Light............................................................ 3 Slope of the Bank ................................................ 5 Гоод Бые Србији (Goodbye to Serbia).................. 6 The American Dream ........................................... 8

Acknowledgments Without many people’s help, I would not have been able to create a magazine of this quality. First off, I would like to thank my parents: my mom for encouraging me and giving good advice and my Dad for proofreading everything and helping me with the IPC article. I would also like to thank everyone who let me know that my website was cool. You guys let me know that I should use it for the final product. I would also like to thank the Cluster 8B teachers for answering all of my questions. I owe Ms. Millican from 7B thanks. She introduced me to the idea of the reader by putting it on her website last year. Thank you to Issuu for making the reader. One last thanks to Microsoft for letting me have some free web space to host my website on.

Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

reactions that produce the light that emits

Cool Light

from the glow stick:

During a power outage like during Hurricane Ike, a glow stick can become an

H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) + C14H10O4

important possession. Why? Because glow

(phenyl oxalate ester) → C2O6 (Peroxyacid)

sticks provide much needed light without the

+ C6H5OH (Phenol)

heat and danger of fire. They are also easy to

Then, the peroxyacid, which is

use, with no matches needed, and they are




How do these

into more

glow sticks

phenol and

make light

cyclic peroxy

without using


electricity or

This reaction

creating heat?


How can they wait for years in your closet without degrading? And how can they turn

C2O6 (Peroxyacid) → C6H5OH (Phenol) +

on with just a snap? The answers lie in the

C2O4 (Cyclic peroxy)

chemicals used to make glow sticks.

Then the cyclic peroxy decomposes into carbon dioxide. The reaction produces a

There are various types of glow sticks, which are how they come in different

lot of energy which is transferred to the dye.

colors, but the main concept of

The dye, which can be various chemicals

chemiluminescence is the same. Inside the

depending on the desired color of the glow

plastic tub of the glow stick is a solution of

stick, receives the energy and its electrons

phenol oxalate ester and a fluorescent dye.

jump to a higher level. When the electrons

Also inside the plastic tube is a small, fragile

go back down to their resting levels, they

glass vial that contains hydrogen peroxide.

release the energy as light. That is the light

When you bend the glow stick to activate it,

you see in a glow stick. That is

the vial breaks and the peroxide mixes with


the dye solution. This causes a series of Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

In my experiment, I did not use the

2 days of use instead a glow stick which

exact same chemicals

lasts only one day.

that are in

You can slow down

commercial glow

the reaction which

sticks because the

increases the length

fluorescent dyes that

of the life of the

are in commercial

glow stick by

glow sticks are very

cooling it down in

expensive. Instead, I

the freezer, but of

used a luminol

course if you had

mixture, perborate

electricity to run the

and copper sulfate. I mixed these three

refrigerator, you wouldn’t need the glow

chemicals in a container, and added water.

stick in the first place. While you do have to

The water dissolves the ingredients so they

throw the two glow sticks away, the two

can mix to begin the reaction. Because the

batteries have dangerous chemicals and are

mixture does not have the proprietary

even classified as hazardous waste in

chemicals that commercial glow sticks use,


it did not glow as brightly nor for as many

Glow sticks have various properties,

hours. As you can see in the picture at the

like not emitting heat and being water

left, the container glows with a bluish color

resistant that make them safer than an open

because of the luminol in the mixture. The

flame and more environmentally friendly

do-it-yourself glow stick’s light looks much

than flashlights. These useful properties are

brighter in person than in the picture

products of the method the glow sticks use

because it was difficult to photograph.

to create light, chemiluminescence, light by

Deciding to use glow sticks over

a chemical reaction. These properties are

flashlights is a good choice for the

what make glow sticks useful in power

environment. An average flashlight can last


approximately 10 hours on a set of 2 C-cell batteries. Although a glow stick also lasts about 10 hours, the ability to turn off a flash light makes the batteries last approximately Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

My proposed slope basically makes the slope from point 3 to point 4 much

Slope of the Bank

steeper. Because the slope is steeper, it

The bank at Buffalo Bayou is a

allows me to push points 1 to 2 and 2 to 3

choke point. When it receives a lot of rain, it

back 28 feet. Because there is a bank on

breaks the bank and starts to flood. This

either side, my plan makes the width of the

causes a lot of problems in the surrounding

bank nearly 60 feet wider. Even if the bank

area and ecosystem. In order to stop the

does overflow, my proposed bayou can hold

flooding, I have proposed a new slope for

635.6 cubic feet more water for every foot

the bank. In order to compare the current

of bank that is converted using my

slope with the proposed slope, we need to know about both. The current slope, which is depicted by the blue line on the coordinates. That means that if we convert

chart, has an average slope of 0.2644. This

100 ft. of bayou, it can hold 475,013 gallons

means that for every one unit run, the bank

of water. The 475,000 gallons that my

rises 0.2644 feet. The slope is actually not

proposed bank can would have eroded at the

that steep, but from some spots, it looks very

bank which would have caused

steep. This slope could be made a lot

environmental damages.


Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

By maintaining the general slope of

points two and three. The upper walkway is

the current bank, the environmental impact

nice, but there is a much better view on the

is reduced. Also, one unique quality of my

lower walkway. If we got rid of it, it would

plan for modifying the slope is that my plan

not be good for pedestrians who walk and

keeps the lower walkway, which is between

run along the bayou.

For more detailed results and important notes about the slope of the bank project, go to www.phil13phil26.web.officelive.com/Documents/Slope.xls

Maria’s house came into sight after the long

Гоод Бые Србији

walk, and she saw her sister. “The

Good Bye to Serbia

government sent us a letter. It might be our

“Get the mail!” Maria’s mom yelled from

passports!” she hollered. Maria’s sister came

upstairs. Maria groaned and ran upstairs to

running to see the letter. Her sister took it

get her jacket. She had come home from a

and ran to show it to their parents.

snowball fight with her friends and she was

Their father opened up the letter and read

very tired, too tired to walk to the post

silently. The girls watched, ready to burst

office. Her coat was wet and heavy because

with anticipation. Then, a single tear ran

it had snowed two feet the night before.

down his cheek and the girls were instantly

Thankfully, her dad had shoveled the walk

quiet. They knew that something was wrong.

in the morning before going to the power

These weren’t the passports. “Pack up girls.

plant where he worked. Maria walked out of

We’re going to Germany,” he said in a sad

the door, down the walk, and onto the road.

voice as he walked off to pack himself. After he left, their mother explained that

Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

their request for passports had been denied,

“Look, the Statue of Liberty,” Maria called

so they were going to have to go to

to her sister. She relaxed her grip on the

Germany as tourists and get to America

armrests and gazed out the airplane

from there.

window at the

“Why can’t we stay

Statue of Liberty,

here in Germany?”

the symbol that

Maria’s sister asked


her parents at the

deliverance for the

airport. Maria’s sister

thousands of

had never been on a

immigrants that had

plane flying over

come before their

water before and she

family, the symbol

was a little nervous.

of peace and

Her father was


freedom, and hope,

expecting this question sooner or later, and

the symbol of the American dream.

he answered her in a kind voice, “In

“Хи моје име је… Hi, my name is,” Maria

America, there is power all the time:

repeated. Her English instructor had made

everyday of every week, the hot water never

them repeat this until they had it

runs out and when you need oil, or toilet

permanently burned into their heads. “Како

paper, it is always in stock. I’ve heard that in

сте? – How are you?” She kept practicing

America, the supermarkets are twice as big

because she knew that in the United States,

as those in Serbia, and in the United States,

if she wanted to succeed, she needed to learn

all of the shelves are full with the finest of

English. That meant 7 more weeks of

things. The education is good in Serbia, but

intense English classes. To achieve the

will be even better in America. That is why

American dream, she would have to work

we are going to America.”

hard, but that wasn’t impossible. Yuuum! Don’t our raspberries look savory? These raspberries are naturally grown in the valleys of Serbia. Get them at your local supermarket.

SerBerries: All Natural Raspberries

Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

America, everyone has an opportunity to become wealthy no matter how rich or poor they were as a child. It may not be easy, or

The American Dream The American dream is what brings

common to go from lower class to higher

immigrants to the United States. It is the

class, but it is a lot easier in America than in

idea that everyone in the United States has

some countries. In America, we enjoy many civil

the chance to achieve success and prosperity. It is what makes America is a

freedoms that other countries do not have.

country of immigrants. It is why nearly a

For example, we have freedom of speech

million immigrants come to our country

which means that the government cannot

every year, risking everything just to get

throw you in jail because you criticized

here. The American dream consists of

them. In some countries, like Iraq before the

economic opportunity,

government changed, you

civil freedom, and

could be killed if you

education. That is the

insulted Saddam Hussein,

essence of the American

the dictator or his


government. Another right we enjoy in America is the

In America, there is no law telling you what

right to vote. This means

job you have to have or

that we pick who becomes

how much of money you

the next president, senator,

can make. In some

etc. We also enjoy a very

countries, like Eritrea,

stable government that was

where the average time

designed to prevent corrupt

spent in schools is only

politician from ruining the country.

five years, almost everyone has the same job

Our government leaders that we

as their parents, which means that they make about the same amount of money that they

elected have created have added to the

did. This effectively keeps the poor, poor

Dream. One such addition is the public

generation after generation. In fact, the

education system. Our education system is

average yearly income is only $800. In

very successful, boasting a ninety nine

Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

percent literacy and average of sixteen years

true to the dream, America will continue to

of education. In a lot of countries, like Mali,

grow and prosper.

where the female literacy rate is less than forty percent, a secondary education is very expensive or maybe there is no option for a secondary education. In America, there are almost 100,000 public schools that are all free. Every American citizen has a chance to graduate from high school without having to pay. This is something that not all countries can say. Also, most public schools offer free or reduced price lunch to students whose families that cannot afford to buy lunch. Because hungry children have a hard time learning, for families that cannot afford meals, the free lunch at schools can really help their kids get the most from school. In conclusion, the American dream, being composed of economic opportunity, civil freedom, and a free education, is what

A map of non nativeborn people in America and an inset of Texas.

makes America, America. America is a country of immigrants drawn here by the American dream. As long America stays

Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

Works Cited

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Comstock, Nate, Nihat Gurmen and H. Scott Fogler. Reactions. 6 November 2008 <http://www.engin.umich.edu/~CRE/web_mod/new/glowsticks/reactions.htm>.

Hardwick, Chris. Wired Science. Glow Stick. 24 October 2007. 6 November 2008 <http://www.pbs.org/kcet/wiredscience/story/55-glow_stick.html>.

Harris, Tom. How Light Sticks Work. 2 November 2001. 5 November 2008 <http://science.howstuffworks.com/light-stick1.htm>.

University of Science. Cool Blue Light Experiment Kit. Moravian Falls, NC: University of Science, 1996.

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Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

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Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

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Woodhead Street Journal


Fall 2008

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