Graduate architect extended

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2018 University of Melbourne.

Architectural Portfolio.

selective work samples for position of Graduate Architect.

Felix Yanjie Zhan

YAN JIE ZHAN (FELIX) b. email. mobile. web.

Education 2016-2017

Melbourne, VIC


Cartagena, Colombia

2012-2015. Perth, WA

1993 +61 406579597

The University of Melbourne. Master of Architecture

Universidad de Los Andes. Architecture Workshop Program

The University of Western Australia.

Bachelor of Design in Architecture & Integrated Design

Experience 2018.2 - present

Melbourne, VIC


Melbourne, VIC


Hangzhou, China

Sessional tutor at Melbourne School of Design studio leader for bachelor studio Beta/Earth.

Student architect at LLDS/Power to Make.

responsible for joinery package, 1:1 prototype and CNC digital fabrication.

Intern architect at LYCS architecture.

responsible for schematic design, interior design and construction documentation.

Software & Skills Rhinoceros 3D. (4 years)

Autodesk. Adobe Suite. Language.


with plug-ins such as Ladybug, Honeybee and Karamba etc. (1 year)


(2 years)

3ds Max.

Vray, Corona (2.5 years)

photoshop. (4 years)

illustrator. (4 years)

autoCAD. (3 years)

inDesign. (4 years)



References Paul Loh

lecturer in Digital Architecture Design at Unimelb Founder of LLDS/Power to Make

David Leggett

Founder of LLDS/Power to Make

“Find optimism in the inevitable� - Rem Koolhaas

1. T h e D a tu m. f u t u re o f working, fa b rica tion, da ta advice&crit: Paul Loh and David Leggett

software: rhino, adobe suit, grasshopper, auto CAD

2. XXL Te rmin a l. C r i tiq ue, H osp ita l De sign advice&crit: Rebecca Mclaugh

software: rhino, rhino v-ray, adobe suit.

3. T h e Ve in . U rb a n De sign, Ca r City advice&crit: Leire Asensio

software: rhino, adobe suit, Auto CAD

4. Tower at 292 E x h ib ition S tre e t. s k ys c ra p e r, a p p lie d construction, de ta ils advice&crit: Giorgio Marfella and Mark Lam software: Revit, autoCAD, adobe suit

5. Work E x pe rie n c e.



The Datum.

“Technology is the answer ... but what was the question?” -Cedric Price


Social Behaviour.

Social Media & Architectural Space Analogue.





future of making, working and living? This project focuses on the evolution of working environment in respond to physical and emerging virtual world and also the data storage space in the future. In this project, we explore the form and logic to generate our design proposal. The aesthetic form is the ‘Wire language’ where the system starts from one original points and form the aesthetics with its expansion. Also, the wire has its function as structural system and façade system. The logic is the abstract machine that is observed from network behavior. The logic forms the space volume and circulation for the office space, also the massing and ground strategies.

Abstract Machine.



Floor Composition. Wire Fragments.

Typical Floor.

Typical Floor.

Future Agenda.

In the large scale, with the emerging big data era, the virtual world is expanding dramatically influencing the way people work, play and live. Nowadays, social network is big part of virtual world where people shares their data and information for free. However, data privatization and data economy will emerge when people realize that their data and information is valuable. Thus, it will start to question: where can we store our data and information under security? Moreover, apart from personal information, when the company or research center needs to share and exchange their data with other companies, how can the data be transferred in a secure platform?


Ground Strategy.

The Datum, means the origin point or a piece of information, is the solution we are looking for to address the new big data urban system. Our scope of this project is that The Datum is the origin point of the information and also it is the central point of the data. With the digital infrastructure that The Datum provides, the virtual and physical world will transit seamlessly.

The building massing integrates the wire language and organization logic that were developed at early stages. The wire language has been utilized in the strucutural and facade systems while the organization logic determine the floor programme distributions patterns. The whole building aims to be a datum of information and electricity for urbadn context. Open for light and views

dense for shading

Tower Massing Proposal.

Wire Structural Proposal.

Transmitter Coil

Power Source

Facade System: Electric Wire Induction.

Typical Office Floor Section.

Typical Floor.

wire pattern aesthetics

Facade Wire

Supercharge Floor

Supercharge Floor.

Interior Wire System

The Supercharge floor is designed for group activities. The space encourages people to walk, move to create a dynamic office space. Also, it helps more on the generation of electricity. The Supercharge floor has its own structural layout underneath the finishing floor. As we explored as fragments, the wires expand from the core and penetrate the floor to form space system. Also, the stair fragment is integrated in the design.

Facade Details.

Sectional Axometric.



Massing study.



XXL Terminal. How possibly the technology will benefit only for the

hospital process but not bariatric patient’s experience?

Treatment Loop.

Patient Pathway Mapping

Although there are best practice strategies for transporting Space



Transfer Lounge


Transfer Lounge


Transfer Lounge

Medical Examination

Transfer Lounge



and caring for these patients during a hospital treatment, these strategies do not challenge traditional hospital practice - hoists are

created to take greater weights, bathrooms fixtures are supersized Transport Process

Process 1

Process 3

Process 2

Process 4

or wards are create larger space for patients. So, within a context

of “patient-centred care”, the experience of bariatric patients has RN


Surgical Team







not been seriously addressed.This project provides a critique of

this contemporary approach highlighting the issues of strategies


and speculating how possibly the technology will benefit only for the hospital process but not bariatric patient’s experience.

Proposed hospital procedure. Standard Transporting Time

Ward Transition.


Ground Intersection.


Ward Intersection.

Transfer Intersection.

The design is to integrate mechanical system into spatial

design to reduce the waste of transportation of the bariatric

patients in order to achieve most efficiency through the hospital process. Because by modelling the patient’s’

journey, the transportation of the patients between different

beds, department has costed significant energy and time of the staff and patients, which directly caused the treatment

delay and unpleasant experience. In detail, the design is

focusing on three key interfaces where it shows inefficiency today because most of the transferring happens in these interfaces. The key interface areas will be ground admission

area, the ward, how patients transfer inside the room and ward to surgical and procedure spaces.

Aquatic Therapy.

X-ray Tower

Surgical Tower

Melburb Life 60 INSTITUTION








Public Space as Transition Melburb Life













24:00 Too much time we have been spent on traffic from one destination to another. Driving in the car or staring

at phone screen on the train is common symptom to modern society. People need interaction. People FESTIVAL CORE SHARE STATIONexchange and bond with each other. In such need a space to communicate, busy life, transition time could CAFE be a pleasure rather than pain.






Public Space as Transition


Channel Urban Public Space Through Transport


transit method and transport typology will bring the urban programs together.


The Veins. THE VEINS is structured to showcase the issues and concerns that are existing now and foreseeing in the future scenarios. The main issues are densification on population and car, also public spaces are not designated to the users. This caused a breakage of connectivity between people, destination, transportation and urban public space. A range of hypothetical vision will be set to introduce THE VEINS to reconnect the fragments of the Melburbs through infrastructures. From a smaller scale of introducing a new type of architecture or landscape to a larger scale of designed block and fabric. This project focuses on creating a liveable compact suburbia, and introducing more hybrid urban blocks that contain a mix of programmes, habitants, and public events to achieve VEIN 2 the dynamic, exchangeable vibes. Moving towards efficiently integrated transport through reduction in car dependency.


Too much time we have TRAMbeen spent on traffic from one destination to another. Driving in the car or staring at phone screen on the train is common symptom to modern society. People need interaction. People need a space to communicate, exchangeSCHOOL and bond with each other. In such busy life, transition time could TRAIN be a pleasure rather than pain.

Vein 1 -ByTransport integrating the car intoIntegration. existing transport system, the network become versatile for the users. Different












Vein 2 - Program Integration. Channel Urban Public Program Through Linkage CINEMA


PUBLIC CONCERT The second Vein strategy here is to create the second linkage inbetween the urban programs for the inner OFFICE suburb residents. the others. What if the CAFE Walking is most flexible and accessible transport method amongPARK infrastructure could provide such environment to encourage people walking to the destination because CAFE FESTIVAL the infrastructure is the destination?

Public Space as Infrastructure


In Car Dominant City, Carpark is a mean to store car, control traffic congestion and pollutions. However,

there are other potential carpark to make it active urban form such as multiple and alternating uses, or Public Space asto Transition. revising capark architectural design standard. Carpark could be a place of FUN.

Public Space as Infrastructure In Car Dominant City, Carpark is a mean to store car, control traffic congestion and pollutions. However, there are other potential to carpark to make it active urban form such as multiple and alternating uses, or revising capark architectural design standard. Carpark could be a place of FUN.

Public Space as Infrastructure.

Pocket Pocket Park Park Large Large urban urban park park isolate isolate people people with with distance, distance, people people tend tend to to interact interact lesser. lesser. Meanwhile, Meanwhile, a a small small green green park park gathers gathers people people more more efficiently, efficiently, it it is is intended intended to to bring bring the the community community closer. closer. These These pocket pocket park park should should mix mix into into the the residential residential building building cluster, cluster, encouraging encouraging more more interaction interaction between between neighbourhoods. neighbourhoods.

Pocket Park.


Suburban Suburban Life Life Housing Housing Typology Typology

The The term term “Australia “Australia Dream” Dream” has has often often been been used used in in real real estate. estate. It It refers refers to to big big area area of of housing housing with with big big area area of of the the backyard backyard or or garden. garden. However, However, with with the the growing growing density. density. The The private private garden garden has has been been taken taken away. away. How How can can we we recall recall this this suburban suburban life life and and integrate integrate into into high high density density housing? housing?


Main Street

Potential Train Stations

Share Street Pedestrain/Bike Path

Suburban Life Housing Typology.

Urban Fabric.

Potential Tram Stops

Clustering for potential district programmes Carpark Buiilding Elevated Bridge

























SCALE 1:200 0


Carpark + Commercial

Melburb’s Housing.

Housing Typical Floor.

Carpark + Institution.

Carpark Hybrid Typology. The demand of carpark space and urban context has pushed the hybrid typology of the carpark and urban programmes. Here is the three experimentations of the carpark integrating with commercial, institution and housing programs. The new typology opens the new possibilities to urban public space and repsonds to the urban issues. In commercial building, the carpark injects into the inner space and is flexible to switch programmes during the off-peak hours. The housing locates the carpark above the street level and creates a large landscape to the public. The institution building staggers the programmes with carpark where the interaction and public engages.

Car Ramp

Interior Ramp



Car Ramp

Interior Ramp



Core Lift

Carpark + Public Program


Core Lift

Carpark + Public Program




Public Institution



Public Institution

Public space

Juxtaposition Program

Towe r at 292 E x h ib ition S tre e t . Located at intersection of La Trobe and Exhibition Streets in Melbourne, surrounded by medium skycrapers, the brief seeks for practical solution to accommodate the requirements from the client. The tower must provide a total office space of rent-able area between 65,000 and 80,000 square meters.The efficiency of each floor plate must be a minimum of 75%, mostly 80%-85%. The leasing depth must be typically between 10 and 12 meters. The tower is surrounded by an undercover plaza of 20 meters height with a large skylight. The design is divided into feasibility, structure, envelope, design development and details stages.

Typical Low Rise Plan.

Skyscraper Structure.


Mechanical Level.

Crown Steel Frame Plan.

Environmental Control.

Double Skin Facade + Mechanical Louvres.

Double Skin Facade.

Details locates in the double skin facade system where the spandral and curtain wall connects and the two facade units connects. Also drawings focuses on the mechanical floor details where the louvre situates as the ventilation screen for the heat.

Zinc House

student architect with LLDS architects, powered by Power To Make

The design evolves from our obsession with axonometric projection; a way of understanding space that is metrically

measurable (a perceived economy) and yet reveals volumetric

construction through planes, edges and corners which for the design aspect is the real assets; joinery that separated rooms

and articulate flows through the space. The edges and corners become a critical moment of investigation and articulation from

the cladding through to the crafting of the interior joinery and handrail.

My role in this project is to develop joinery and interior design

for the house and prepare file for the CNC fabrication process. The development involves certain degree of complex geometry

and material such as bamboo, corian etc. The detail of joinery is articulated around the edges and corners.

Dave&Bella Headquarters internship project with LYCS architecture

This project makes a good case in the context of contemporary

Chinese urbanization in which the adaptive reuse of outdated warehouses is widely practiced as an urban renewal method. To

address the issue of lacking natural lighting, the atriums are fit into

long-span structural bays, making them column-free light courts. LYCS also used full-height glass curtains around the atriums in

order to bring more light to the desks, which is instrumental in bringing the lux level to a comfortable standard.

My role in this project is to develop the schematic design in

the atrium and office area, following up the stages such as

documentation, working really closely with the directors involving every aspects of the design.

This project is featured on Archdaily:

h t t p s : / / w w w . a r c h d a i l y. c o m / 8 7 9 4 1 4 / d a v e - a n d - b e l l a headquarters-lycs-architecture

Performative Canopy. set up.

min. area.




The main task is to design a medium scale structure that serves as sun-shade for north-west facing backyard of a 2 storey familyunit with the facade of the first floor set back by 2.5 meters in order to accommodate a terrace. The first criterion is the generation of its structural support system developed out of feedback you get from structural optimization using tools such as Karamba/Kangaroo/Miliped or others.

Sun Vectors

Finding Norm Surface

Orientating towards Sun 4


2 3

Orientated Panels

Base Panel

The second criterion is the design of the canopy roof (or membrane) to achieve maximum level of sun shading with minimum material usage while maintaining views out of the windows of both floors of the wall. You will find physical models and software such as Diva or Ladybug/Honeybee useful allies in testing various options of your design for their shading-performance efficiency. Also ensure that the structure obstructs movement of people under the canopy as little as possible. The shade canopy should function in a way that it provides 100% shading to the building faรงade, the terrace, and the ground up to 3m in front of the facade between 2pm-5pm during summer solstice.

Panel Integration

Visibility Rate

Environmental Analysis.

Sunshade Render

Visibility Rose

Shading Effeciency: 86%


Plywood 7mm Panels


Diagrid Plywood 50x50xH300mm



Model Making.

Realistic Render


CHS 200mm Diameter

Structural Analysis.

Structural Composition.

Pneu-Fold. The Pneu-Fold is an experimental piece that combines the

origami mechanism and inflating materials. The starting point

was to test how two dimensional objects could transform into interesting three dimensional forms by inflation. The sealed

pattern works as a hinge in order to transform the 2D object. The idea/concept was formed through a series of material experiments, sealing techniques and seal patterns. The final

inflation material is 0.5mm PVC sheet. In order to get precise

seal, the pattern where it needs to be seal was fabricated on 18mm plywood using CNC machine. The sealing technique

was using heat gun melting the PVC and push with pressure so

that it could have strong bond. The form is simply four different size airbags that provide different function to the piece. The

main celebration is the hinge/folding moment between the airbags. So it could be transformed in different ways, having

different purposes. This inflation furniture is trying to challenge the traditional design process of inflation piece, thinking about folding, patterns as design aspects.

The process involved intense prototyping, testing from material, structure, form, patterns, manufacture method and details. The prototyping starts from small scale working from fundamental

techniques to achieve sealed inflation. Then the process starts to scale up to furniture scale to test strcuture and material

strength , which direct to the changes to manufacture method, forms and even the details.

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