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March Recap

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RunVan Marathon

RunVan Marathon

MarchMarch recaprecap

Monthly Recap: marchmarch dcmdcm


This month, Key Clubbers from Division 13/15/17 attended the March Awards Banquet at Vancouver Public Library! Everyone had a great time, there were speeches and awards as well! Huge congratulations to Tasha Lee, Stephanie Huang, Chloe Duong, and Carrie Ding on being awarded distinguished president, secretary, editor and webmaster! Very well deserved!

Monthly Recap: marchmarch meetingmeeting

We had our first Key Club meeting on March 30th with the new executive team! In the meeting, the new executive team had the chance to introduce themselves to the Key Clubbers and they went over the RunVan Marathon volunteer opportunity as well as upcoming committee head applications, which are now open for Key Clubbers to apply!

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