Vladimir Nabokov hated (micro-news)
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Motto : "You got a girlfriend?" 'She may be a girl, but she's not a friend of mine. " - The Apartment , 1960.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
It's something that someone should have told you a long time ago and nobody told you. Live ţ i like ants or - if you ant flattering - like termites. Fruit ţ i et i destroy ţ and all without even it AND you ţ and why. Collect ţ and wealth or et know what I eat ţ and small sausages ţ and barbecue grills as you can ţ and much et and all steaks call, atrophy tert his brain with beer, et and you feel tert and tert and Eve eti. No one is like you anymore. S and not et you tert him I'm ţ i s et up worms, s et up turkeys least S and Ingram et at, you are tert too Falo et and her again AND you tert . The S and I've ţ and die soon et and children vo et three. S and nothing will remain of all your glory with all the stupidity that will ţ and filled living tert ile destruction. Any ţ and living to tell tert authorities? One way to tert and live the same, but it's sad that after you there will be nothing left. Nothing. I believe ţ and the et of cool that makes ţ and money, I tell you, if I die _azi_, will live longer than any of you. No tert in necessarily to BE et telesc, but I do because I am a teacher demanding et and I would like to see you stop ţ and S and that of you ţ â et us et 're a bit of beauty tert e because only beauty ţ it is eternal.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
A spider et dreams. Not in tert understand how I stood outside in sunlight isolated in my inner VITRAIL. Usually dreams are spectator of drama which feel then that should be written on paper or live my life ţ the poor events. If you ask me Death Finally et ITUL living ţ them what I did and I will answer off I dreamed et i think it will be enough. In the dream I lived all living tert authorities that he AND have lived et i dream generated S and the S ir letters. Dream proves AND you have the soul of glass that pierced by colored light after successful et e et you to make peace between your waking fantasies et hold up. I think art was born from dreams et and people always looking to appoint dreams criteria via tert complicated.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
If S have done me the world will et drowned on to tert them as we et 're kitten AND I AND be created tert Aran all beautiful characters encountered in the arts. Amen.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
The archetype of man is not St. Francis but the composer Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is the only great man after Jesus, the man after Man, as I said, the only one. However the S and lived among us full of grace et and beauty ţ is, we can not in tert understand and destiny show snout beast that we carry each without difference tert complicated beast that kills et i he treads on his feet, burying what is left in the common pit. If Mozart had not been sent to Earth, we would be much closer to apes ţ 's just angels. Most of AND and people are those who love the music of Gottlieb. Francis is senior tert single worldwide prayers on Wolferl not declared any aura not follow any comet tail, only indifference tert complicated et and death.
E Sabbath to put ashes et to the head
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Gray heard, it became sabbath et of that food leaves S and candles et and summer- tert her hair in road dust. Let et know that if S you jidancă not made you God above all mo tert , trying to May et love them AND you all woman that name AND your filthy that no I will not have peace et and _tu_ et know who i
am. Leaves beauty tert she et and toarnă- ţ and gray et EP body, stop crying et and you, FA, et i see that you made a fuck et and God to be rich AND the bad as a that ţ it. The cat has nine living ţ and, yes SFE et Nicul the fuck is only S seven lights. Let ţ and tell you deslu et it? Search worst rags that you have around the house et and put it on your body boyfriend Catch tert his knees with arms ţ them over ţ â tert e et and go slowly as King Ahab that destruction can not come over meat your. Listen Suro, what tert say, it's not et Aga 't tert longer leave sisters die in rain that comes Death et and by. Do not be a one-buried S and get laughter cemetery, you wanna tert ask him mockingly stone slings as tert to? Here et ade Sura seen bad that no more than sideburns lu 'ta-su? E Sabbath smiled, let out ash et the oven S and to ask ourselves in the head, will you? Be the tert eleaptă et and you once via tert single S and shut et and you a sabbath ended Hodina AND you're caprolactam not make you God pastrami et and me with you, that you e et you about cow and I are kind of ox. Let ISPA et im S and not the world hate us, you and by us or hate afterwards, il et hate tears. Lie down now S and the S expects it to Eliahu, have-to. Rejoice, Surah!
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
The Tartar is weak. One was hungry than where he came et and not flown. You kind of guy you give to wretched et your S and afterwards its tert take his neck et and Look. Tătăroaicele not cry, their eyes are too sharp S i for that. Tatar children shall afflict ţ the most, that's the least ţ initially, but get stronger as the blue sky. Or Tatars suffered much in this world but the world is full of Tatar et and to ţ and we come from Genghis Khan. We've tamed et and us, the good war, or tired to rob et and kill only pro et keep whites are drunk et is struggling et is killing, Tătaru 's poor et and deep, his regards et 're on to tert and pity et and contempt tert . May 1 saw several Tartar in the world, but no longer et tie, only the soul et and remind them AND you. I filled Romania Tatar et and et nobody except Queen Mary not tried to soften towards ţ a, s or May tame them, et of Obidos ţ and as they left, that one is God, not ?
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
I lost Miss tert Section to be. I find no pleasure in doing anything I like, I lost sense living ţ ii. Every day I think about suicide, but S and that S and has lost its meaning for me. If I ever will, I will from inertia tert ie because I have nothing to put in place. Every day I seem to come subjects of books ţ and empty big
guy but my mind could not find AND get the idea for these books ţ and there. I need something, but not et know why, because I got everything spiritual. I will write books tert him. But how? And why?
The noble soul of Salvatore Quasimodo
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Being disappointed in love, Quasimodo was on the many ţ and people pro et your lot. A loved a crowded Esmeralda and parents ţ ii they could not hear it because it was pauper. She tried several times to renounce tert e et i like it renounces ţ at the soul, but if it was too much. A et to that denied his soul mate. Observe all contracts, business et and fairs that are in the world AND is thought that rather die. To ţ and Vlad were we to Opinca et 're boulders brains lead. He wanted to live like Nicholas Tesla S and give him hell on to tert . The plan but will not cry today. Why should a person cry that the world is stupid? There was nothing to say, he lives and chestnut tree giving the dry ends of humanity tert OF THE. Grand et snake freeze ţ at the universal et tia future AND the past et and eternity. S and was et i just twenty et and August 3, the day Romanian malpractice still flooded the small S and beer festivals disguised. May thought his poor life ţ has but to draw ark et them go once! -To death!
Rian-Constantinescu beam
Proletarians died the following ţ and lumpen, thought Max, a motherless for years with an old father who wrote a book of poems after another.
He was depressed and often wanted to die. He lived in inertia tert ie without et you if day or night in space, if loves AND you or if forgotten.
Since his mother died, he began to have thoughts tert wise:
-To ţ and people are us AND you destroy tert him. When you die et and God leaves you alone. People are too stupid . What good his bail ţ the people, if et know that they care about you? Death does not exist and that makes it awful. Seasons' t et i will never reverse.
He seemed to be the brother of his grandmother from Coastal Livadia, drunk.
There was absolutely nothing than to take us AND you vitamins huge et e et i clod that had given the family doctor, a lady too intelligent for her job. Days passed like moments, and he felt tert she old as Eminescu's lime. He was tired of seeing every year leaves dying et and flowers killed by pro et you.
His father continued to write books ţ and, while he did not even read. The trouble had been that his mother had died. He had to step S and never come back, so et tia. The true God of the Earth, sun, green, watching you play with dandelions as a waving et et and making you think ţ i'm a Friend et and then născându- ţ and dandelions on the grave.
People never liked him. He would have filled this damn land with giraffes if he had. For him people were us et 're social animals such as gorillas, baboons et and chimpanzees.
Q AND I realized that life tert moving and her mind Toce et you.
Thus he began to write a thick book which he called _Mama_, signed by Max Gorky.
Then whenever he missed someone, he wrote.
What saints tert nationality, Thaïs?
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Saints tert citizenship means worthiness et and you multiply every two taken four? Deprive et you at forty et -five degrees - in spirit only - every man he meets AND you? To give people in the head with verses of the holy water tert ITA bone stupid music? What saints tert nationality, Thaïs? Can saints tert nationality have your face, perhaps more than any other? I don't love Paul, but I do love you, the saint of the stage and the brothel. I do not want to climb up to the third heaven, I will have the courage to die for what life is tert has no death?
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
I am a sadistic doctor, the S to I genetically pigmented skin of a citizens tert citizen that I chose it without et tie for an experiment. Probably not ethical I did, of S and this thing from my point of view should not affect anyone but society but S and - as AND and individual - is empty labels, the S of that I had too many digestive disorders due to this. On the contrary I think we had a superior work, we showed a pig albino what being the oldest, noblest man in Ca ţ and there. I was like God for him, but I brought a lot of suffering ţ is at the end which was left alone because the others ţ and pigs have not agreed to and save.
A tert and gave Santino
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
But blood I wrote with blood you sign tert . The spell will tert and tert useless spells you tert take, magicians, listen ţ and bullshit prophet. On tert Gypsies take ţ and loved in tert Gypsies to enter ţ and
only Ionu tert escape et and if you come ţ and me to leave tert and one by one every two only Ionu tert escape, hatchets et ti hearts of pigs, fleas, et BEREC, et rat, leave far-money, pig, little lamb, priculiciu you eat all cariciu, to ţ i as tert and a tert and be to reach ţ and nimi. Only Ionu tert escape et and I to be your angel lines AND you tert sure that you et erased nation on earth neicusorilor, hear it or met pigs prophet, the people of geese et by hahams, cuckold tert building, a tert and gave Santino.
See the Madrigal and die
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
As the old saying that to be honest I can not remember what exactly called merit so saw a Madrigal Athenaeum or S and the TV mother, perhaps even more so, is something unprecedented, a vibration of purity deck To the Titanic of the world, a sign that we exist and that we cannot help God help Luther. We, the people who have succeeded et it to educate needles AND you will not be giving musicians ţ and never out of history or S and even for this. Note piety music et sensitivities brought beautiful conductor Ana Ungureanu chorus of voices, souls et and people. Crying to be born sometime in music et and the people of Moldova, Moldova is our entire novel, you say fra ţ and et and sisters as Magdalene that were born. Choir is not depicted ţ and et its in this penultimate evening of summer as a simple musical ensemble, but as a jewel as a Koh-I-Noor Romanian for whose discovery et and polishing had to go generate ţ ii jewelers et and to look for gems in the rock to be brought together in the crown of Romania tonight Sunday at the Athenaeum, with music given gift chietudinii in nice et and alleviating our own living ţ i. We Romanians do not practice meditation tert takes Tibetan , but we have the Athenaeum. Remarkable is the work of the entire collective of fashion designers rebuilding stunning period costumes, a suit like had the wedding my grandmother in CERN tert July of the past, the coaches that have trained artists et keep big-time, those who have combed as beautiful as the girl in Evtushenko's novel. Also S and youth, the S and sensitive musicians of great art. Tonight saw the concert I saw S and I that should grace to po ţ and sing the Romanian choir Madrigal et and - beyond - to have the grace to po ţ and sing. Only Mozart've heard so sweet et and now ţ understand that Wolferl far from being a man of ideas, have a simplicity of genius, the highest form of art, what made that S and patron saint of the Festival to music inspired by simplicity ţ ii s i cure tert take either of his day as aND and of ages past. Remarkable was the Codex instrumental ensemble, taking me into the world of childhood, in a _Romania_ before Romania, contemporary and predecessor of Stevenson's enchanted Island. The Athenaeum shone tonight. But how to po ţ and sing, S and not to do rockstar. Tonight Madrigal has a unique place in my eyes, et i like my illustrious compatriot Mr. Joseph Sava, peace upon him, urge you love ţ i love ţ and Madrigal.
Vampire's love letter to Esmeralda
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Okay, the S expectations, but et know that before S and if mad, I'll come to impurity et i 'm ţ I command you to love me AND you.
Russian literature
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Uria et complicated, Russian literature can get you depressed. You get to its tert you propose to cite AND you one after another or simultaneously ciclopicele her works, sensing within you that ame ţ it reverie Finally you will not et and ever. All evil is S and a good S and the Romanians have a large white ball through the communist era. In those years they have translated entire libraries of Paper Russian S and it's not just Dostoevsky as et know some Russian literature, or Dostoevsky et and Tolstoy, or Tolstoi et and Dostoevsky or Tolstoy, Dostoevsky et and Chekhov or to also add s and Gogol, or Pu et chin, Lermontov, Yesenin times Maiakosvki, Pasternak, Bielinski, CERN et evski or s cedrin, though he wrote _Oblomov_ (not Goncharov), Fedin, aND olohov , Cinchiz Aitmatov, Kuprin, EVTU et ENKO et and authors after the great Homeland Defense War, even et and brothers ţ ii Struga tert ki, Gaidar, Valentin Kataev. Nabokov, Valentin Rasputin, Leonid Leonov, Alexei Tolstoy Makine, Soljeni tert year, Vladimir Bukovsky, Daniil Harms, Leonid Andreev, Blok, Berdiaev Solovyov, AND estov, Bulgakov, _Rudin_, Turgenev, Radi et CEV Gorky Book pilgrim Russian , who can read so much? I read the tenth grade S and can et them on to an S pea _Crimă et and pedeapsă_, _Demonii_, _Fra ţ ii Karamazov_, _Idiotul_, _Adolescentul_, S and I feel ţ it rise like weightlifting. Even S and educate Romanians ţ and the S school became Russian great writers. I have a sentence, who cite et you to ţ and authors include tert and me, which I just read a shard et Tirb archaeological chiup oil S and cereals, et longer cite AND you AND the rest of Russian literature, or their et loses min ţ them on the road or become one of the richest souls of his day. Provided tert he not only read Russian literature, to read everything, don 't et i put the blinders of pedantry et and specialization. As live et you? A girl asked me what I was doing and I told her I was tired, I read too much and laughing she told me that if I got tired of reading why not go out and walk around enjoying Sunday. I said that I do not live to et a. Literature Russian is my obsession, as Dr. Jekyll wonder fearfully man does not begin to become one idea et and if so who is? Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's tuberculosis?
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Kings tert of heaven is power but that is not the case now. Love is a higher power by tying up the charm via tert A man without being able to tert understand how any man. Something occult, hidden, deep as a mandrel mountain, deeper than death because to ţ and people love et and when they die. When Gase AND you do not lose because you can search and crying all via ţ of Felix, ocultule.
King of the Stars
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Sits in his palace carved into the rock et deprive et 're sky. He is the King of the Stars, with a crown of light on his head and a beard of flames. His heart is ice tert of life and blind eyes like stars. Is the people of the stars in all the heavens et them et tie all by name. Since the beginning of time standing et the mountain on the edge, his eyes reflecting blind Taurus Black their paths. When he dies, the stars will all descend on the mountain cut into three edges and kiss his forehead.
Icons are not made for money
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Mrs. Doris Lessing has an African story called "Spells Are Not for Sale." AND I I I started and painted glass thinking that can sell anything but praying while paint - it AND to make icons - I lit up - I even, if S and bicisnicul my drawing - and I realized better. If po ţ and to see God as to sell it later as poor Yehuda
banker? No no. If you must po icons ţ I do, to have glass, frame, colors et and fingers S and if you're separated ţ and they give them as flowers, my boy. What to do with the money, alms for what you sold?
The lonely sea
Felx Rian-Constantinescu
Russia is a beautiful and forsaken woman . Once released - really by Gorbachev - Eastern Europe, now that it wants to get into her right to the Dnieper as old time Kievan Rus, is regarded as the great beard tert acres tert complicated world. Note that since 1980, from Afghanistan, Russia has not held any war AND the one worn by the USSR, AND I wore it every US S and the allies with it, even et and us? Oa? Something's not right, it's about as tert output Banu ' S and thick cheek. West NATO, Europe et and with all ţ and, except us, Poland, Finland et and Japan act as imperial et keep India before Gandhi and Mr Putin's policy is justified if it is not logical. Nobody S and mocked Russia ever in history than anything the people et to what happens et and today. Ru et Inici be your cheek unionisteuropean et and statunitamerican. Any ţ and you to summer ţ and military S and businessmen, as Michidu tert complicated, et to Russia as tert and made worldwide. _Nu waive tert of ţ and anything, any ţ 's all illegal nonstop_ to be a big family united exploited et and happy. Good thing the Americans et i'm crosses et ătoarele everywhere and ru et them have no place in Odessa. With all the problems in Russia there learning tert education - perhaps the most elevated in the world - culture - perhaps the greatest, but et know what there is in Europe outside clubs dimensions of time S is complete with the S ti sidewalks aND the drug in the veins, et 's all i spit them ţ and head to eastern europe since we. Yes ţ and proof that you have ţ and culture, you are ţ the people et i love you ţ and neighbor you let ţ and political gargle et and search tert and your ideals abandoned. And Romanians et knows that if we return to the old borders tert A Dniester with tert Aries et know will be much better. What's right is right et and what is false is false, it is pointless to mix and Ukrainians should et known to speak Russian et 're et and Ukraine was born the fifty- et the second US state S i will not never be. It's tough, but it's hard to shot up AND you Bologa et i mean it AND you with freedoms, egalitaua et and fraternitaua, et and your brother is a terrorist barbaric Bologa. Ukraine lived et back in time, but if hypothetically Europe will escape ru et i - say gazându them then they will spit on the head ru et ii Ukrainians as spit S and the new spunânu Us the s and Coco et ILA keep quiet because we are pro et you that we have three thousand euro per month salary. Maybe we have, but when I was a child almost everything we ate - unlike today - was from tert our country et and not exploit anyone.
Long ago, when I was a young man, I talked online with a beautiful Coptic Egyptian girl. But I was racist and welching and she went away. Then I looked after her, but couldn't find her anymore. Do not do what I did, in Shakespeare's name. :(
First of September, two thousand and fifteen
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
I remembered the film eighties director of _Gandhi_, _Cry Freedom_ (1987), a film about apartheid in the days of apartheid South African et i wonder ago, in the days of apartheid Zionist, do not start it et and unionisteuropenii develop a mentality apartheid, damaging the good idea of integration? However grated et keep Europeans have no et loop a- et i see it fulfilled the new Lublin, always several ţ and were teased ţ ii. Fall empire, et and to hear singing alternated the servants redeem ţ and worldwide, Tibet, America, CSI, Amazonia, Mexico, Argentina, China, Russia, VenezuelaEcuadorPeruBoliviaChile Korea bloody, Australia et -Oceania, India, Africa , Brazil, the Middle East and the infamous white Europe.
Autumn has begun (composition)
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Autumn has begun. Count ţ and buds. But do not beat tert too much in your head that S and I've ţ and be buds and because S e wheel world. Collect tert and your good karma for eternity bad et smiled ţ and Kitai leaf in the botanical gardens, forests et and parks. Breathe ţ and their S and not try ţ and to all photo ţ and has no sense, paint ţ and them. Now the mild ţ it before his death, the most beautiful time of the year. When it rains you walk ţ and S and disturbed by the rain without an umbrella with a Sony Walkman. Enjoy ţ and you fall because you will not ţ i have many, unfortunately. Live tert him to die ţ i et i've ţ and feel tert nice tert she die ţ ii they feel tert im via tert single S and breathe ţ and deeply corrosive oxygen et the universe. Pick ţ and beautiful foliage et and put ţ and them books ţ i et i print ţ and them drawing paper, or newspaper if he ave tert him. He looked ţ and ants listening to crickets kissing your field times mentioned tert ionatele botanical gardens. The fee is small et i po tert him to
enter AND and clandestine if et your student. Autumn will prepare et order ve et nor tert Epen days to come to Baba as autumnal soul is prepared slowly to earth. We fruits plucked et snake eventually falling to earth ground becoming et Slowly other fruits. Do not cry tert And because you have not ţ and why or complain tert And because you have not ţ and why. Walk tert and your time alone, if ţ and young, read ţ and more alone if ţ and old, for that all have Finally et it et and fall is also Words, germinând Finally et Ituri are new beginnings. S and as you can ţ and makes ţ and children et I enjoy tert him spring from them.
Circumvolu tert shares
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Comes morning tert of when their ţ and feel ţ and soul first wrinkles in the brain, your face becomes suddenly serious like the old days, et and you transmu tert him in something et know what not et you know how. Not by thoughts that thinks et you nothing but the struggle ethics. Shriveling this is not an effort abstract, wrinkled walnut in the mornings tert authorities frosty et i et know that your mind will twist it but S and reflected from your face will look like his shoes van Gogh et and moreover only god can in tert understand, not you, but empty eyes tert and tert fill with thanksgiving endorphins et keep ţ them.
The nice blouse via tert mine
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
When I got home on the bus, I wrote down my words in the morning .
_Cause I'm never gonna dance again._
I think I had no et seventeen years S and danced with the most beautiful girl I had seen many a classmate who obsess me, it fascinated with drama ibseniană name. Reading the piece I started reading theater et and eventually I went to the Department, my real education, unfinished, because who can get learning tert of writing theater for why you were created? Even Nata and Rostova never danced like I danced that one blouse.
George Michael
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Tormented soul, George Michael, this Hamlet gay of equipoise centuries ours, it may look more îngăduin tert A God than watching me AND you for example me, believer pa et intake fanatic prophetically pure necru tert -financiers inquisitor.
My father Merlin
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
I think from twenty years before I was born, my father began to collect folklore et and continued when I et know all via ţ the clutching it mysterious crates cardboard et suitcase S and educated us on to tert and headed by my mother when we clean not to take folklore, customs house must verify that s II or detectives each piece of paper. Only now when after a written Megalithic that lasted an entire winter writing uninterrupted or more when the book is ready, et and should appear replete just create ţ ii anonymous Þ country Ha tert he rules, under the babe , housewives, students, children, tert peasants, shepherds, since medieval times s and rising to the Roman period, the traditional tert iilror Dacian et and to primitivism European-African Bane et Vinci Turda et , notes with amazement that my father and Merlin.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
When regards AND you around S and see only saints ţ i start, fascinated, to see God. Eyes within tert Epen sinking into honeycombs, S and only one dying insect tert It is also struggling deaf al tert the tears of the eye scratching. For a dog the frumose S i are the dogs for a spider the frumose et and as spiders, for a man most frumose S i are people, but there must be a S a, S and may all the land is a stone full of spiders chase ţ and times Burto et i. one can not ţ and to find any answer, just their ţ and the tert Epen eyes et and your soul sees something, nedeslu et it.
Question with a Warning
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
I want to ask Anybody able to figure out something about some synthetic material suitable to replace wood and canvas for paintings, because as in Easter Island we will have the Polynesians' fate of cannibalism after the last tree is cut down of earth.
Artist nenorocit de destin II
Felix Rian-Contantinescu
I thought I was writing better than Chekhov just because I read only the first volume of complete works. Now when I open the second volume Chekhov I found that I et knew, high concept of Russian literature. Yes Yes Yes yes Yes.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
I'm the Mad Hatter. I'm taking lead drugs. A galaxy of books ţ and revolve around my bed and toxicity me into artificial worlds, parallel, literature, art, music, philosophy et and religion. I'm a lunatic, ME et Uga et and not only read books that Bursucel tert authorities but they breathe, and as a kid it et and eat, whether they were from the library or not. No et know what good all this, not for nothing that tells me mad village. I'm crazy, crazy, in a lead temple. Staying knelt House Calvary church, synagogue, mosque strămo AND OF THE my S and embraced ţ i et ez dead mother's feet turned into lead.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
How many living tert destroys. How many ingenuous smiles et delete. How many sensitive souls are crushed in her spirit. Here is the wickedness, the bestiality of man, of that homo homini lupus, whom I have known so well. Naturally, we tend tert to go in the world et and to make friends, et and when we do, we find that we had who. S and our anguish from that of the single ţ them how it can turn into anything just people living on earth. To be among people nothing worse than being alone, evidence is Via ţ the S and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
Platonic love
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Mary Love et 're John but flees embraced ţ i et countries and Jonah is shy. Stand S and speak several books ţ and we had read the young tert theirs et i love et and walks. The other ţ and sitting at a mint in the park I see et tell ridicule. But they walk tert taking into Hand et and kissing awkwardly S and romantic.
Parlastina you go there to live et you!
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
My father was in the ninth grade S and had moved from Canton irrigation tert ie the Cri et the White fully one of the nearby villages to go father in high school host et and one day a saw Ion lu Ab tert iguitu with your Ab-so tert iguitu the person taking wrought iron fences around several graves in the cemetery Hebrew et them-or go home 't et i do fencing Hungarians et you. Childhood lo put people to say, Ab tert igui tert they robbed or Hebrew cemetery. And one day he came Ab tert iguitu Ignat elders et and there or got to speak as for large bottles of tert Uica. Dad and one would have said something, and Ab old man tert iguitu him said: Parlastina yourself go in there to live et you! After two months Ion lu Ab tert iguitu a Parlastina he came to put his father to meditate bad. Great joy was a house Ab tert iguitului decided that her father before he left, that such Cilibi said Moses, when its tert gives money livant tell it smells like when you say you can come after loan garlic.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Humor is what helps you not to give you trample human head and S i and the weft when ie et and weft. That makes me wonder if Israel tert him after so many wars S and fired least S as randomly morning ţ has not somehow tragically, et i have lost. Maybe that's Netanyahu's problem, he's a bit of a jerk with no sense of humor. But S and Jerry, to ţ i have no Newmanii et tri, that after all this hatred come to love, et and the only way is via ţ the wonderful Bella.
If you take in account all hoaxurile Antichrist successful that occur each year not po ţ and not notice for a tert whose behind their S and it produces a dark interest.
I want to write drama, but I can't because I don't live. I'm not any time or in eternity, either via tert A or death. Graun are tert buried in the ground-hearted. And there are no conclusions. Just wondering, how could Camil Petrescu to write et and philosophy?
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
To ţ and people are priests tert him. But even moments of despair we need to remember all the good words spoken by servants our despair. Believers et them are faith ţ a, priests ţ them are hope tert of Jesus is love. We speak the Earth et up with her when she wants clarification sky et and dawn. As for forgiveness, we want to be forgiven ţ and when we forgive, as in childhood.
-I have hell.
He was acting a beautiful girl, about boys tert she said kiss before repeating tert him with the one I have chosen for my exam unsuccessful et it dramatization of the Tea Party. Once down, sitting on the corridor faculty ţ ii just me and her, et teptând et and told me laconically: -I have hell. I thought, not et you know what I do. But I kept silent et i am wrong et it.
Þ adik
People were afraid of the Rhine. S and Rin dreaded it itself et i. To be Israelite or S and outcast as he was surreal too often uncontrolled radioactive material. Often feel ţ it as Boogie Man. Rin Boogie Manu. Able to bind to unveil to heal S and crush to read et and to cipher, to et to such increases AND your tree or female sheep, naturally, that's why its S and tert INEA always eye covered et and to he doesn't see. Because he had the blood of Christ, the Grail, in him, that made him so dangerous. He was a prophet like
Abraham, his father, and that filled his soul with carved stones. He wondered sometimes it et and the beautiful Lorelei dreaded him sometimes?
Păcăto AND II
Genuine prayers are prayers păcăto et parties, saints tert she really ţ and are păcăto et ii truth only saves păcăto et II world păcăto et i et actors.
When tert peasants t et i will finish sold the land will begin bondage. A S has been in the Middle Ages. Then they sell them in S and S and following slavery. A S has been in antiquity. They will work on anything from people of S and S and at the ţ the church until they die they et and their children, to be so bad that the seams will come and solemnly et and to reap the Revolution ţ take French. The earth is round.
Tora Vasilescu, actress ţ the object - Mariana Mihu tert actress ţ the topic
Question existence tert -prudential career Vasilescu Torah as can the Rachel Corrie: not why I came to the theater. May to ţ and directors - film, at least ţ in from Lucian Pintilie at S Serban Marinescu competed to strip the beds props studio film, the film, as if it were an aesthetic object, a Papua et swell without feeling. This is one of the tragedies of the great theatrical art. Is S and Tora Vasilescu a martyr of Independence ţ ii, mute testimony to the vulgar ţ ii "Great Directors" Romanian who instead sacrifice museums, its AND and sacrifice actress tert other actors S and the public. This is the first time you see more humanity actor than director, I secured actor, et i think if theater can do without a director, will never be missing actor, so must the actress tert s et and actors to be given the right to dignity. There should be a union of actors to protect them from directors and producers, there should be a veto to allow them to say, I'm not playing this scene, and stay in the movie, as is the case here, or in show. Mariana MIHU tert actress tert A a huge et personnel, this system is not subject to directing kinky. A successful et it largely overcome corruption souls metastasis et ti Romanian art generally S and the the theater. If she had lived in Russia, she could have created a cult like Natalia Bodnarciuk. Not po ţ i il look with tert tell with that devo tert section wordsworthiană regards et 're beyond death: -Mariana Mihu ț ... What do you want, she's Moldovan. As a sacred monster beyond et e et 're Tamara Buciuceanu-Botez et is nearing Gina Patrichi et and even Leopoldina Balanu tert complicated, which says everything about her soul choice.
The writer
Na et promise a great writer is the way their nation et affirms the existence ţ a. The writer must not leave his people never broth. The writer is the captain of the ship, better to die standing of S seated on the ground near the crater Hiro et Imai than its et slip via ţ to, because you succeeded et i, but pre tert your parents culture tert OF THE them. The writer's mother tells him not to leave where he was born.
Crazy world
When I was a student Obi et nuiam to go to the job cathedral Matthew S and nagging with Hungarian women middle-aged. He remained a kind of drag, et i always went to Catholic churches SECU et you. I went et i Ha tert eg often a blessed place. Obi et nuiam go et and Hunedoara time AND the great John Hunyadi, the Franciscan church, since S and I are having the opportunity many happy moments in solitude. Until this year about the time Pa et fish when I was again, et i just shattered fair, et and a man next to u et complicated fired u et to large castle draculian et and struck me with her to the heart . As hairy as a get was appropriate to recognize me as du et man.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
My mother is the archetype who has not grown old. To be retired. Died lăsându- et and children behind. And I look at today's children with regret. I see them as et expected to grow et the womb, et and I think ţ and of them will get to grow old? As a mother.
Writers, artists et you, patriots ţ and
Successful people are among the most superficial. Have brains as a jar of cucumbers ţ and Walls tert . The only think about încondeierile their S and the three books ţ and that they have read by the skin of one's teeth, or to their voice echoing throughout the world with strength et eggs raw, or speeches practiced orgasm times BE tert ie. But unfortunately sometimes comes u et Or and căcatu a beautiful illusion S and new common people believe. We think Miorita tert of the Moldavian shepherd.
The future will watch our videos as we look inscriptions tert laid Ancient S and medieval manuscripts, taking pains us to understand how little tert in.
No country ţ 's good when you masturbate
Despite the fantasy that may seem rich country not ţ 's good when you masturbate. Not et your far as its tert i think. Not waking et you feeling tert its proposed anyone, even you. Get down to a lone zoo chimpanzee. E S you never et pa, earth. Now that I feel that regards et hold a Personal Jesus, your Savior, bless you, zâmbindu- ţ and as Salieri.
Transcendence tert complicated
If there was one fascinating man in the last hundred years, it was the writer Franz Kafka. But S and he was a prisoner of their own culture, was not free in Judaism, he spoke with passion freedom believer but apologetic. As if for him there was nothing but Judaism. Nicolae Steinhardt did the same with Orthodoxy. I think we need to look et your world through the eyes of Franz Marc, to po tert tell once alive tert A: -Cai White et three. Every man gotta et and find their own imperatives. But po ţ and be Franz Kafka et and to be a good Jew, what should be is a Jew et and so, because you're animating transcends differences tert other religious AND cultural as love transcends differences ţ them of race or sexuality. However et and this is the paradox, Kafka sometimes spoke like a king. Do not ask anyone to speak like a Marxist, but I think that we should have to et expected from him to metamorphose Judaism. Because the shelves writers go the other reasons than go to priests ţ and, rabbis or ideologues. Any judgment is superfluous, after all there are only books tert authorities.
The tert site
My mother told me that when I was a baby nurses from Christian et me called The ţ the lu Constantinescu. S i is enough to look fine image of Ana to S know that it's true. AND true ţ ii by ţ and never leave their mother land. And the earth worshiped them. It would be nice to New York, but I think it will be nicer District Ha tert he rules. I am the angel of the tert held. My mother advised me never to leave here, even if Stalin returned. Where to go? Wandering without a soul, without graves in the world? Don't get me wrong. :)
Go after a night when you do not succeed et it to sleep at all, after being advised by a priest to go - or not - et and at first you think it's like an ordinary visit et Nuit doctor. As a cold treatment, or as a treatment for several months. Then months are years, then decades et and you ZBA ţ and thinking that life tert yours will last always so broken. You think living et you in an absurd universe where people are Papua et and mechanical meant to torture you've et nic. Psychiatrist struggling with all of you as Captain Ahab storms, and sometimes better, sometimes worse, I wolf ţ and thoughts Crusaders struggled desperately as tert ii Saracens, or as monks go unseen warfare. All the cabinet is designed to help you integrate but should put a cube in a sphere, it takes ingenuity et and also for you not me et Or. In fact the problem is one, feel ţ and that people do not accept you as a person. Even et and after ACCEP ţ and all S and it's a shame that in this world no longer mentally ill of ţ and friends outside of psychiatrists. Yes, as the ship sinks, you become Robinson Crusoe. Everyone its S and mock you as the Bible. E et your low et and good, and for that your friends - no difference tert complicated - I scoff. Only someone who is in your state - or at least can change in your soul - can love you. S and when you feel ţ and loved Finally AND IT Finally et it po tert him to sleep.
I'm disappointed. It should be a little more romantic. Like a kiss. As a first kiss ve et nic. Instead all she AND the vulgar. Why not be embraced as a tert and S has a kiss like what ţ take a night? Why girls love them boys ţ and the more pro et you? Why she et of fucked? I do not like. And the effort is as dug et year tert sites. Most girls are s et up geese et 're et and most boys tert OF THE are we et 're pro et you. It's frustrating. It means this is not the best of all possible worlds. It follows that sex can be perfected. It follows that man can evolve.
I grew up in the AIDS explosion. Mercury died, Magic, I saw sick people on TV, it was awful. And now it is. How easy it is to sleep with someone. S and if S you a Luzar like me, give us AND your money, et ready. But I can't have an orgasm without feeling the vampire haunt in the bloodthirsty darkness.
The Bear & The Old Man and the Sea
The two stories shared et beyond that S and theme. One dated 1942, the other 1951. Both, Nobel. Both American and independent in value, such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. What lacks et 're one has other, the et of the best is to mix. Faulkner's best text, the only one readable to me, and Hemingway's best. A first shelf writer et and a fascinating soul. Like Mo et Ben S and Santiago, not only the writer but man I gotta et follow imperatives. And don't do it for the public.
The crimes of capitalism
We tore down the statues of Lenin, now it's time to put Marx on fire, like in the 1930's, and then we'll see what time comes next. I think we determine ţ and, Finally et it to send ideal et keep the Bulau. S and we prepare tert and then S and so that after the crimes of communism to capitalism murders begin. Like I said, the hell with Lenin, Marx, Jesus et and the tert communicate et you. Romania will be Idealrein.
The debtor
Type writer, to which I S and I Parties which S and has poor short via tert complicated it et ira all to no S tie or what he's with her et a story et 're the third person giving a as a burden to another tormented name. It's exciting, there are vendettas, throbbing ţ ii et and even salvation impossible. Be tert iv or effeminate, or gay, or political, or philosophical, or stupid t et i do Hundred Years of Solitude by cafes et and bars profile performing activities ţ and gender known, though it took the Stalker as: Nelu Scriitorul, or George Eseistul, or Mihai Poetul, or Simone Filozoafa. S i to S of Q S and leads via tert of a writer. Has several books ţ and published only in manuscript S and several books ţ and speak only published S and around a S sheet type Islamic cafeteria, literature et and art. He is very respected and gets coffee in the morning and mocha in the evening. Debiting always blows the answers in culture; the S tie.
Hit the Road Jack
Riddle that will be presented here was formulated years ago a citizens tert citizen European, whose name I can not say here, because, literally, is the only one who wears today. With S seven years older than me, philologist whole student, he discovered the eighth et the years as engineer about the genre as discover ţ the Dalai Lama. Then he told me about Capote's Other Voices, Other Rooms. Then the Portrait of Dorian Gray. I used to sit on the bench at night by the lake and look at the river statues. After a year I met him and it is useless to talk about our friendship. Once I played on the street, it was S and musician, piece by Ray Charles Hit the Road Jack, released the album Genius Hits the Road in a very original way. Neither day today not tert understand any of this. A fool may be placed diagonally so white as S and the black one as S and the white one again. Only Lt. Frank Columbo can solve this guard.
It's a video of George Michael Freedom parable full of singing and music models and George went after records in public toilets for men ţ and for less tert take fast love. Without being sexist, or homophobic as po ţ and tell such a man, than that is wrong, they say usually? Orpheus talented, beautiful as Apollo, good Jesus et and you forget that it po ţ and education. This is not the wrong et eli, but a determination worthy of the Nile. There's a gay parents tert him cry, girls sighed et and that's the whole story. When po tert kissed Naomi Campbell, you go to the toilets. Perhaps prisons should be reformed, not to get out of tert prisoners ţ ii ready corruption ţ and S and to attract young people unloved ţ and parents ţ and inland wrong et knives, but that's just a theory. Drama is that because of boys ţ and George Michael girls Naomi Campbell sleep alone or wrong et it.
Ora et site was freezing ţ at a Teutonic castle in the snow and on the streets Tramp sleeping dreaming the home of S deserts in arm ţ they Layla. He had forgotten his face, but he felt tert she breathes tert takes cool to the heart, et his hands Eminescu temples. It could not believe that he had left behind, but via ţ not do all of you. The sand was hot burning lips and eyes as Layla while Luna lowered huge et telling stories et your Arabic. Every night a dream Layla and Layla for him was even et Desert and prayers S and remembered. People passing et and threw them one on S and a coin ice tert single S and moved on, we et knowing that he was sunburnt Caliph of Arabia, whom he loved et 're Layla, the S Desert. Above it is separated ornamental olive tert eau by passing wind, and blood and turns liked ice tert complicated. He loved Layla and was now on a pilgrimage home. When you get to enter the Kaaba stone et i will stay glued to his forehead Layla another thousand years, playing huge feathers et 's wings Phoenix et and calling for storms with a look. But he must die now time AND the ice tert complicated. But what is death, isn't Laila's love more beautiful than anything? Laila image is the image of S the desert, beautiful et and blackened sand S and Yemeni spices. He had to leave Thule to get to Mecca, and there he would meet Layla again and never forget her face. I just go, just die, et i will see and in the S Desert incandescent and afterlife. There was morning tert single AND the sun begins to eat with the tert and a vampire, but he
was not there, he was in arms ţ they Layla Luna hair, listening to stories et tile with S seven stars in SFE et nic s and sad Tacande et and happy as a man who returned home. Layla would face as a half moon, dressed in Egyptian veils and ankle have a fiber mat tert country of electrum, a sign of slavery you wear him covered with inscriptions ţ ii old. Now et knew where he was or how he got there, maybe the carpet AND the prayer, but it was the knees lips round of Layla, that could be illusion. To meet with tert there, some rich ţ and, of tert ii poor, S and each have one Layla who loved him or not.
I have the gift of the tert understand dialects plants. I have the gift of reading people's souls. There are an AND Aman are a prophet. Do not try to do what I do or S and if you find a secret, because secrets are several et i'll get burned. Buy from me my autumn medicine, the medicine for the body, for many things, for 80 Lei. No ţ and it'll sell in a box, but its ţ i'll tell you where to get S and how it uses AND you. As the wind told me. Q ţ and use. That its tert tell et postponed. Heal yourself. S and if you do charity 70 Lei who will want et its ţ I will say, without money, cures Autumn soul. That's what ţ and Prophet. No sense il tert tell who they are because going to the tert you understand never. I have the gift of reading people's souls. I have the gift of the tert understand dialects plants. There are a prophet, are a S Aman.
Civilization tert take
If Jesus had been locked up in any Western prison today, he would have been raped, and this deed is recorded in the Gospel, along with the others. S and you pretending ţ and civilization of tert take the right descent tert oppress other cultures, gods to tell people ţ and how to live et and how to die et and sees tert him he ţ and made the world a prison are tert crazy, poor, blind et and naked.
Paper ţ and
With an iron you kill the heart of a man, with a book you kill the heart of an Earth, Genghis.
Note to Reina
When you’ll win your awards, give me a call, and we’ll make them into gold Dollars and sell them on the black market. But it's fifty-fifty, because I have the Dollar. And if you work hard and win a Diamond whachumacallit we can sell it to the Queen, to break it and put it in her braids. I know that you’ll spend your half on charity and then come back to me, but it’s okay, You weren’t made to be rich, but to make riches. So come on and get back to work. Your Boss. emoticon smile.
Social et tii made learning tert education free up to PhD et and after, leave free et and paid workday of eight hours, the rights of women, children et and elderly, right to work, translated the whole cultures, brought tert peasants s and workers to high art, are literate grammar s and cultural masses who cultivated sense tert your reading, paid work those not previously pay ţ and died against Nazism legionnairism et and fascism gave an ideal to who had no one canceled differences ţ of between rich ţ and et and poor, have clean ţ at min tert ile people, reminded the world that equality is one of the calls Revolution tert of the French, and those - or s and Mihai Eminescu - that denies equal deny with her aND her freedom s and fraternity. All this made social et know that Dej, Patrice et Canu et and Maurer and if e et failed was all thanks min tert OF THE unclean tert -financed by the capitalism of Kings tert OF THE en et ii. Now please tell me what the achievements of capitalism are.
In capitalism, you buy a bottle of water and it is more expensive than bread. The peasants have nothing to eat, and the workers no longer work, but to read or listen to Mozart. When I think back to fifth grade, I used to play Mozart on the mandolin with the girls. S and students tert obey, manele. From Preda not have any really great writer except tert take undersigned. grin emoticon To ţ and rubbing mint terraces et and life ţ them consists in grasping - the epitome of the word - some on the ţ ii S i a- et and mock neighbor. S merchants are S I S snakes fatty S and the eye of juveniles et you bloodsucking en S u S and green gathering it up to the vaults bur delirium tremens tert OF THE. Drug trafficking crime is honorable for mafioata ţ and in front tert judges. We filled the disease, but howl, I am happy tert him. See how you friends intelligence ţ and that its S and wasting brains saying that only money matters. Rich bass merchant's merchant's poor plevu S that are cervical guard tert ii. Journalists et know are on the payroll of Satan. The good living as S and is called blessings we want to kill the poor like us. Our laughter is vulgar as AND and heart. No et know nothing, worthless for us AND I love is a condom. We recognize et you when God never left us.
Am miraculo et and potatoes iron tert him. I cleaned tert et i have a plate of nugge ţ and round, yellow white gold, steaming. Leavened gold in the ground fragrant that po ţ and eat it AND I 'm ţ scorched lips in pre-Columbian America. If to ţ and we many tert UMI with a bowl of potatoes would be heaven on earth do you endure it longer die. In concluding, I can not think of differences ţ the ethics of a potato eater et and an eater of money.
I used to be a neighbor of Madonna. He wanted to go with the S school, but I was embarrassed me et holds et and do what I could to stay behind. Then he left and grew up. Came the death of her grandmother, who et knows where, et and wept. I bought him flowers. He later came to me and gave me a bill. The S and I am poor, I said I do not need money. She told me to take them and buy me a book. I bought my parts from AP Chekhov. He told me that I must be happy that beautiful sun S and I took her soft cheeks palms et and warm. I do not think I've ever been to et to beat.
Think of eight avatars
I'm a tree. My eyes are full of leaves. The leaves are bitten by water. The water is as bitter as chocolate. I used to be as black as a dead acacia. S and I die. Then a white acacia will sprout from my mind. The flock of flowers will fly in the sky.
Vladimir Nabokov hated
No, Nabokov, you hate me, I'm taking you by the throat. Q ţ and read books tert authorities cursed et and then go to your grave in November et its tert bring him a light faded crimson velvet. AND I know you would have preferred a white rose, but my heart is en et ie, holy prince. Glory, light, books ţ and Russian et you, love? What is this, Nabokov?
Sparta, Athens or Corinth? Sparta or Athens? Sparta? But it is S and fight a pleasure debilitating? Athens, he always is searching tert wisdom? Or the filthy Corinthians to whom letters from God arrive one after another?
the Wizard
Most of the time I feel sorry for people and I don't think I will ever be able to help anyone. I look at them, from the poorest to the oldest, as my cats look at me. I admire intelligence tert to if they have. Dorin ţ the S and vanity make them vulnerable. On earth I feel like I S is a mu et Urol huge et ants. I'm among ants, but maybe I'm an alien, and all the traits that seem natural to me seem foreign to my soul. Always hormone and demonization. Devouring, anything, a piece of bread as AND and devouring a man. Because, like ants, not con et tien ţ and they will die. I think it will always be honey et and wheat et and sky orange et the spring S and not et know that time is often a troubled child who struck et by pickaxe in mu et uroaiele stars et and the living tert OF THE. S and to ţ and are in this condition, even psihanali et know not think about death. I paralyzed my soul death, obsesses me, not po ţ and die et and to enjoy even a sandwich et . Cau tert something more S and that makes you a wizard as tert telling him when you were a kid, that turn people against tert single S and reverse, et and if in moments best et know that people do not deserve your thoughts, then what, then what? But I'm not a superman, just a supermind.
Via tert OP ţ i il tert sell the house et and you in it as il ţ and take drugs et i 'm ţ and brain atrophy to get as a nut drought. Or po ţ i 'm ţ and buy books ţ and since Epic of Ghilgame et et and primitive literature, et i' m ţ and make the mind more than the universe. Po ţ i get high with Bible using it against nature, et and reject anything, anything clever words of Holden Caulfield or anything else that contradicts the law of priests tert OF THE Pharaoh po ţ i 'm ţ and Druga mind doing nightly or po ţ and stay awake hunter in the forest or orchard PRASLEA et and catch giant bird any Măiastra means to you.
The great Lenin, immortalized by the great Mayakovsky in his poem, once loved by billions of people now appreciates Facebook et six - et six! emoticon smile - in and , the last of which is the undersigned. O, sic transit gloria mundi. I wonder how much he appreciates a man like Mr. Obama, or Mr. Ponta, and I drown in my own quarrels. This is the man, always loving what struck et 're eyes always who has a bat in his hand or in his hand the bone filled with marrow good to give dogs believers et and, no matter the bone that is the father or your brother, et i never someone who has ever lived. Zombies love zombies, as the great Tom Sawyer used to say. You wonder it is humanity, a bunch of chickens et and coco et and a Poiata you wake up every morning tert complicated aducându- tert remembers you betrayed a god, yet close? Show me the man descended from the gods and I'll take him back to the gods. But to this day I have not seen him, the Greeks have lied . Lenin was probably one of them, but now has S six laicuri the objective of net pages. There's something wrong with this hour ruined that name AND your human mind? The great Bill Gates has "15,556,310" lay people. And human has many zeros. Via ţ the following'll check again in a hundred years, will remain in the collective mentality poem Maiacovski or billions Gates?
Acres of Þ country Stag
and The Land of the Deer
If you take to get to Retezat Þ country deer. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. In time et lived Antim Mr. Manu, the ancient noblemen lost family in the war, retired Captain S and Greek epigram type. Ca moves tert few years waxed village to while away the defrosted, which had just left acres land on lease. Stony ground as AND and people, bringing corn only three quarters state summer et i et Tirb your et sites every autumn plowing et and spring until they were no longer good for anything. They called Þ country deer that was found in Barrow gote many ancient tombs that were less S and die with tert and S and deer kneel tert him.
yl Martyr
Antim Manu was sitting in bed, tired. Crushed process barely begun Finally et it, against Dodu Belea a neighbor BE tert iv, which et and built part of the house on their land, no longer leave the Rhine not to speak anything in the house. His nerves were a harp with strings broken, only succeeded et ind behave Omen et 're strangers, which no longer ie et it with his son, who develop a face tert everything darker, no longer et knowing neither he what he was thinking. Mr. Antim he kept threatening tert of that going on AND I will not et knows where it is, just because was trying to et and finish any sentence tert ie some times he was telling a joke, and its Rhine et and slowly lost any pulse of the living tert ii. A Kafkaesque character, he was a martyr to the process of destroying his father.
III Chi ț a
Chi tert of it was tert taken BE tert ivului Dodu, BE also tert few far into the bowels. A replica anthology of them was the question he told a neighbor below - about during the period of transition tert ie had started - a lady students who due to problems some moves in one hour AND they Maramure et ene, cry tert ie that a camera captures a Japanese. Why go tert him? Now when I entered et the new mafia?
When you cite AND you need to see or hear, to touch, to Gu et your S and smelling AND and text. One can not ţ and to go through such books book ţ them through the ground. And a book that not ţ and offers a et of something not worth reading. You have to eat bacon just removed from the fire Huck Finn, to kissing ţ and cracked lips from the sun S and the ground S and prohibited the Geamiliei to s your favorite ţ and silent madness of Hamlet et and sad to see ţ her Juliet. When you write S and you a book in which someone can dream of.
Stretch always ducked in front ţ the gloves et ii leaded living ţ them not to avoid suffering tert to, but maybe your fist thirsty kills, et and then what do you do if it is not via tert EP world? Treat via ţ to as a cobra, has no brain, but how beautiful it. Eat nuts early fall et I thought et 're sure to be something more than the roar of the world. Remember et 'd ţ and Mozart, in whose head the angels sang, to death, to the common grave. Remember et 'd ţ and tombs, as they are beautiful, et deprive et 're beauty ţ it full of crickets, et and wildflowers, et and visitors despair ţ and the living tert him after death. S and S keep only the dead will see everything as God in eternity you can do several things at once sitting on stone burial et and on via ţ the hopeless.
Miha had practically educate tert ie music, but classical music composing. He still works for a quartet. At some point you to seek the advice of a man, repented, I respected greatly et and he handed us AND you tips to et the best et is treated her so beautiful Miha waive tert single, gave the quartet hell, leaving unfinished book on measurable tert of coffee mother's death aND i began to do needlepoint, which not asked anyone's advice. Occasionally, when listening to music, endlessly pondered her quartet et it et and brother S and wrote in her diary, but not too much, not worth it.
About the impossibility of being happy
Almost two hundred years child ten years Charles Dickens worked Morning ţ has, at S six, I think, the factory anything. Zola later wrote Germinal. Kafka had premoni tert takes Burning. Ana committed suicide Ion S and sold to earth spirit. Dej was in the dungeon tert single S and Maniu died in prison tert complicated. After '47, the boyars became lumpenproletari et illiterate tert she became gods. Safety Before ţ the following security. Do ţ the ambiguous today. People who sell anything. How old said, just be happy nărozii ţ and the fair. It has never been good, it will never be good, nor is it good now. Common et know were we et 're criminals and capitalist et tii were S and are we et 're bampiri. One can not ţ and be happy in this world, but if you caress with something, that means that there must be another, because it AND you often happy. How can ţ i get there?
*** Unlike art, via tert not exist secondary characters, et here can be seen noble tert she realities tert she do tert single aesthetic.
Everybody Hates Felix
Everybody Hates Felix. That's the dogma. What can you do? Maybe think of dying, but I believe that even Death hates me. People hate out of too much love. Could they love out of too much hate? Who knows? Maybe people who love and hate, hate and love. Not me.
Mo Come S E, come Eliyahu
Well, I see flames asked n et and tears et the earth passed through the screen S and oven full of Graun ţ is ripe for giant bird eating the stars while listening to tales of the moon. I want to see people crushed et and weeping, et and eagles above the clouds of yellow leaves of cherry et . I want to see death, et i want to see Via tert of reconciling. I listen to silence pm et s et and et oaptele crossroads, to call spirits et and give them rest. Talking to Elyahu et and kiss the feet of Mo et E, S and die S and I, that the poet much I lived like any Jew tert guessed. S erased blood from the eye, S and begin to cry. I want to die, in short, so I can remember what I went through. S and when I go, I sheep lead to people dying tert OF THE S i can me be better, et of that come Mo S is on page scripture come Eliahu, et and take my wineglass out of hand. S i want to live as to ţ and Jew that ever lived on earth.
Maybe it et of such a utopia absolute happiness, any happiness, however small, is also utopian, to et to why cry, because we are trying to be happy tert him or that fails et im?
Everybdy Hates Felix II
Everybody hates Felix. Why is that, Kramer? Am I so beautiful, because only beauty can be hated at the superlative? Or because I'm stupid, Elaine, George, Jerry? I have to think, but for me thinking is like a huge bird, it takes me to places. But I kind of don't like myself neither, that's the proof, Columbo.
On Purity
A grain of salt is pure, also impenetrable, and edgy, and but it melts into tears.
I can't write plays. But I can write stories. I'm going to New York with the stories.
The writer
The writer is the tear of the world. He cries not so much because he has a reason, but because he has all the unclean tears of the people to mourn.
The most beautiful things happen in solitude; or close.
Mental illness
What haunted ţ and mental illness are people. Not to be found out. Don't make the neighbors laugh. What would colleagues at work, et head, especially subordinates. How to be sick? No, never. Healed by the will tert complicated. Or may God heal you somehow. Or the problem is that you're running out of vices. If not et you sick often scoot ţ and as compensation tert ie, it really is pretty bad et I hated et i imagine without tert IE, but are not even mad genius Felix. You better never go to the doctor. There will et you to death anyone, even you. S and especially is disreputable to take medicine et i do not drink coffee or tert Uica or not po ţ and take S and you drugs like every man. The world's et you as a strange thing unacceptable, as a Muslim, as AND and he must excuse yourself all the time. -It really AND know the Koran by heart, but walk with dynamite.
What uses et 're being romantic? Always unhappy since childhood ţ and exploded in adolescents tert complicated, always et teptând, always loving the sad tert e. Do not live et hold S and others ţ and who tert say that not even et know what life ţ a. to et the saints tert she laugh at you, and you will often get girls or ridicule. What good is it? He lives AND your world of Walter Scott et and you would love to et and George Michael et i et know that someday their ţ i love you meet?
The existence tert ialismul in Seinfeld
S and Seinfeld et and George et and Elaine S and Kramer live with a keen sense of suffering tert its living ţ ii tempered by finding humor in existence tert complicated. I am looking ob tert maintenance of appearance tert e - even if George et and Karamer - the improvement tert options for us AND your purposes you will see two weeks, nerămânând than looking for something that can not be found. Suffering ţ they are not suffering their ţ them mine but may suffer as much as me. S and it ironic that the same et time, are the funny, tert and people on the planet. Earth's tragedy. This will not extratere et Ministers to discover humanity, because they will discover suffering ţ a. As I am convinced that the four heroes are an alien, something Nein tert understood. How S and they are me funny, tert not just in spirit but S and all the things I take seriously. If et speak four characters when he reaches one hundred years, takes et wonder seriously what they plan to do next thirty, but S and that would be a joke not a sermon, because we did not cover in sermons . S and fits them AND you for that joke to live.
Is British Poetry Dying?
Reading the cold-war productions one could not but ask this question. What about British poetry? There are, nevertheless, poets and poetesses, but also there is an atmoesphere of unwantness, like in love. Margaret Taylor's prophecy could prove true. My biggest fear is that I could get to New York - or, let's say, London - to work with a theater or opera, and find out there that the people there are just as mean and petty as the people I know back home, or as the people I knew at the Drama class in Cluj. It would be a tragedy. And Nevertheless I am curious to read from the new anthologies. There are poets, but the whole leaves a feeling of poetic unfulfilness. We need something more than academic, agnostic, religious, gay, or absurdist poets. We need, as Franny Glass said, beauty. But could we get it? Because we read. This is our love. I expect an answer.
Great poet, great writer, great actress tert single, great director, great king, great queen, great politician, great dictator, great ideologist, great thinker, great man, great pianist, musician, composer, great director, great owner , great artist, great businessman, great doctor, great pusnic, great condition tert , sea monk, great bishop, high pontiff great philanthropist, big star, big banker, great sport, great player, great F1 driver, sea writer, great engineers, great storytelling, great me et ter, great master, painter, great weigh tert , great ... great, sir sea. It does humanity need all this great tert ie? Or human needs tert are much simpler et the most humble, so simple that we can not distinguish? Is S and artists et tii era branch of gold were to et to the delight ţ and her S i S i S i put copyrights as modern s et up stories borrowed more or less ţ in con et tient in five books ţ and, it et and her t et i gave awards aND and tert ineau speeches about man serious? To tert we want them to be great. Nobody wants to be what they are. How many cultures of personality tert she can meet on earth, may each is a Brad Pitt, a Napoleon or a van Gogh. What can the earth do with so many values?
I feel ţ and if you counted all the big drops grain. You've read all the books tert authorities. Or close. You've seen all the paintings. Listened to ţ and composers plus pop music. E et you exhausted, no longer have the energy to do anything, but I COUNTRY AND you before however S and blind hero of Love via tert complicated. Natural written tert she who writes on walls in childhood remain for eternity. But if it's a dream, something is real, not et you know but you can yourself. There's nothing you do on earth et i have only thirty et and three years old Jesus et and of Julio. Write. Most of all, do not want to see anyone, do not want to talk AND you with anyone, just write silent sound speakers. Time stopped et and not et keep doing it and go S and anyway, et know if you want to do and go. In your loneliness, shaggy et and bearded like a spirit of the forest, the S tep ţ and star in the dark as to come up to you, the cosmic love.
About love
If tert wisdom can not buy love in return, yes. But what to do with it, upstairs, where you are, where you don't need anything? And love weighed AND you so you give her. I et know where they get to ţ and needles AND your people, not et know where I get myself but et know where to get them, see those before them elderly themselves AND the bad streets. In moments of reflection tert ie see the hand of God caressing our min tert Ile et wake us looks circuituri electrical short. How nice it would be if you could just tert buy her love of chocolate as a supermarket. But you can not, et and then must loves et you, even if love is not love, Hamlet.
A Nobel for my horse
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
"At Pelagonos' pit, the fisherman, Father Meniskos He puts place S and the paddle signs of poor's living- tert i. " Sappho, 505, VII.
Our value not tert law, Mircea Cărtărescu, winning some honors, et and standing in line for the Nobel Prize, made Facebook an epitaph dead. An epitaph in which, in two words, one can read all the pettiness of the morbid epigrammer: "stinking stink". To name AND you as a diabetic, et dead et and buried over e - culture - a gesture worthy of four hospital room. Bravos did tert section! Ie S and tert and vote Nobel Nobel et them not to write tert nothing, writes Mircea Cărtărescu for you.
Kafka's stories
I can't find Kafka's stories. Not in the library, not in the universe. Houston, tonight is lost. Should I try Urmuz? Not quite Nein tert understood. Harms? I haven't read it yet and I don't feel like doing it now. Will I take her again with Jules Verne? You must read stories et i have hid et oarecii. No et know what to feel et their needs, they et know by heart. So, Urmuz? Harms? Jules Verne? Plutarch? Tacitus? Which? Morning are tert A april? April shattered? And Bacovia? AND know! Sappho. At least a poem. One more word.
Pocket story
He holds this paper in the palm of his hand and walks backwards. Shut ţ and Pío et ienie mobile. Find your Marun ţ and et et and rejoice that you have nothing in your pockets. Give tert ahead of the plane S and look behind. You will see me praying for you. Don't forget the paper. In the pocket of the S seven toy
guns. You'll find a secret from the crash that will follow in the haystack. There will be the newspaper from which the paper is torn. You will et wipe him off the face tert complicated. You will turn on the phone and the manele will be played on the radio. They will surround lad et tina et ii Spring et Arrow tert . It's not forget that of armor. Give them the guns. He holds this paper in the palm of his hand and walks backwards. With his hands up. Don't look ahead. Strive AND you're il tert and tert him to remember the name ţ and it reminds et you when you will forget. Remember et 'd ţ and that not everything comes out torture.
A long time ago a girl told me, I taste marijuana, I taste you, and I'm scared. I began to inhale et and I incense et and scald my head myrrh. Students ţ II et tia, stand by paburi et and love each of tert him, instead of going to et sheet. However, I do not like neither marijuana nor her, et of them when it AND your boy footed antelope, but between you and me too I hunted gay issue alive tert she my have been courted even et and of Hungarian gays. Beauty tert this is tragic.
Al Pacino
When I think about how much I deified him. S and good, is perhaps the best actor from New York generate tert he's here. But otherwise he obsessively repeats a few curses throughout the film and presents a monomaniacal behavior with a soul solo. And almost always in movies about the mafia or something about the law, all good movies. Maybe he couldn't have done more? How much distance tert A is between him AND the mon et tri luminaries like Richard Burton. Perhaps to ţ and Sicilians except tert takes nobles die ţ and that Lampedusa suffering from a complex. Ontologically would be people with living ţ and mankind et Ti Obi et Nuit or less tert initial obi et Nuit, but can only be Sicilian. Maybe S and Pacino go here. Had they done et screws would have us et 're masterpieces would have done et screws obi et Nuit, roles, et screws, whatever he does is great, but if you look et Ti carefully tert ie not so a
different et screw made et screwing. I believe, however et and that Lampedusa lived et 're et and Pacino once died.
The art
To ţ i want to sing. And we sing in secret, studying our voice. Some do we justify tert complicated new S and the tert ii, fair amount, not sing right? I almost hit the mark. And some follow a chimera of Paciurea for a century. If you feel ţ and it AND your artist, you do not work you do right, but beautiful, even if you're unsatisfied tert ume et up, tert finds it unworthy of you, only then will you be an artist.
Sensitive woman
You love you AND you, but it AND the simple. You want to feel ţ and soft bra ţ them your kiss like a deer pierced by the arm ţ they leopard, but often think et you think it's too beautiful, too good, or too smart for you. And time passes in tears. She's too beautiful and you're too lonely. S your favorite ţ and romantic songs for years AND I AND toe tert him to come to the meeting. Is she. No one is like her.
The Nobel Dream
When I was a child I read that Alfred Nobel wanted his Prize to be given to young artists, not when they are old, and rich, and famous and for them it becomes just a "Prize". This is The Nobel Dream.
It is infinitely easier et gonna go through us AND your images than the S iruire signs. That way we don't read like before. Not even the newspapers. Even S and Bible reading on mobile. What do all day at the computer, watching all these photos, comments et i filmu ţ is stupid? We are primitivizing. The day will come that among primitives of time et e et and primitive jungle there will be no difference tert complicated, to tert and will have the same S and mentality et and will serve the same S and tools, a box frame sometimes made of kaolin, as a plate, a phone that po ţ and send et and electro et shocks et and an s ort plant fiber Adidas. Paper tert authorities will remain behind in fear et i Nein tert understanding that we et 're moai. Bineîn tert understood et and I'm Nabi but I can not help but wonder primitivizării next stage will be animalizarea? We get Iara S and S rats?
Open, tomb. I miss the smell of the whore street. Where was it, Baranquilla, Cartagena?
A velvet socialism
Noncoercive Marxism. But if you want to be shark Brechtian, having to live AND your line beyond. You could be a billionaire in Antarctica, across a social pyramid of penguins. Dorin ţ the following equality is innate to et to that if we will not convert you, its ţ and we will convert after S II. Without guillotine without zarca without gregarism only by developments tert ie. Blue velvet.
Painful memories
That's life ţ a. A et to tell people, but words are not reconciled. Open wounds in you every day as Solyaris, though it AND you an irresistible disaster. You will never heal. An AND hold. Just pour the wine AND the bread over wounds hoping to close even less ţ in to po ţ and sleep when I et CANDU you sleep you open them again. E et yourself a destroyed. Not informed AND you only one road, the road that lies et the church, et and then crumble. E et yourself a Griot of despair, a zombie memory, a priest of misery and memories are ritual that you're bringing itself ţ and sacrifice in front tert pain every day.
Do not stress
Q tert tell someone something or hear pure et and simple et i ţ and climbed blood-n-seal cheeks et supports. What do you want to do? What can ţ i do? To be like a brute in a cave? Better not. Whatever it is, that's it. Try to move forward through the hail. Better to go through life tert single-faced en S u et nice seal S holds, than white S and Spain anger. It's more than just being calm, you're brainless, like a brain hormone. I want et and God.
Bourgeois spirit
Even S and new professional ţ II are compromising et i. We need people marble people diorite. When decadence tert of of us will Finally et and will live the tert and people on Earth. We have money, health, me et initiated Diesel habits manic et and souls touched by dozens of people. Wanted days a prophetic song on YouTube et and when we find doubt. We pray for health.
The feeling of friendship with the stars
Holden Caulfield's feeling has bineîn tert understood pathological side, which can be seen everywhere. Appears one in a movie, a book that et TIGA a match or a platinum or et seventy million dollars inventing a new kind of eclair et and then start running comments on the net, I love Alicia E et your my idol, Bill, Dog to death, I saw Bra et ov in 1969, Julio, Via tert mine would still be destroyed without you, Kazuo. S i can to et a. Why this feeling natural friendships with stars ?? Because we want to be S and new for them. Why this? Because we want to live tert authorities have our means tert ie.
About writing and thoughts
Let sit to think et you what you write et and how you write is like removing the potatoes in mind. One can not tert and write if you do not write, do not po tert and write when not writing, the writer is not a writer at all times, even poet, but he writes, it's not like if you were platypus. That's why books tert authorities thought years et and written by a well-designed, as figures are also agriculture collective
farms where cows had not enough food, not enough herdsmen tert Uica. You must write, if you please, let ' tert liking, et and writing. What ie et and will see the ţ them, not you.
I have fun all day, but I feel like Monica Vitti. Now we are no longer consumers of junk food, but of junk art. I remember in my childhood tert INEA mother a whole afternoon to write a comment S and barely et expected finish to read Cuore Heart baby. Now we are e-consumers, time et is huge, we felt tert im well as monkey ţ them in The Jungle Book. What's the point of leaving ourselves?
Take books ţ and of great writers begin reading et and involuntarily I treat pear of S as a lecturer at a prestigious publishing house old one hundred and fifty years or United Artists. At first all seems well, reveal tert take the year of the decade, then the S oarecele beyond skim give tert complicated, et and then the whole edifice down in the sand. I don't just read the book, I read their minds , and as in the case of Scorpio, a keen sense of dissatisfaction burns in me most of the time. Read with three eyes AND your up close new book disappointed as a new relationship tert ie. And it's a paradox, because I'm nobody.
An older boy than the Beatles
Look, this is, write et sixty pages per month the head objective spit the whole earth. Like Liz Taylor, I'm older than the Beatles. Bineîn tert understood they et and mon et tri bigger than me as King, Jr. or Mandela, but sacred. If I live, I will reform literature for the next five hundred years. Amen.
Baniciu's world
"Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey."
Comment to Jerry Seinfeld
If I read Shakespeare as much as I watch Seinfeld, I would be a genius. Get it?
Hari on Hunters in the Snow
A Nein tert understood Natalia Bodnarchuk younger before Bruegel the Elder's painting. Go see ecstatic decades of film and S i and S i not ţ you understand nothing. And one who does not in tert understand nothing, nothing is told, even by angels. A et of the concerns et 're a not only the superb Hari, but regards et 're frozen world tert forced Hunters in the snow.
The ontological singularity of woman
God is spirit. Man. Breathe tert ie. Man. But never a woman. That explains why the state of insecurity ţ the permanence of women, not because it is physically weaker, but because it is weaker symbolic.
Child et parties, complain tert him. But first I want to ask you what et you ţ and we who die ţ s, parents ţ ii vo et tri? I think of you because you are ţ and the five hundred years since I was born my mother on March 29. I had a rich world, and even this way of addressing a certain year was before, in George Orwell's book. But that's not it, I ask of you because I want to transcend time et and centuries, I PA et esc eternal Mercury through the cosmos. What I want to say is I'm tert and a thousand years from Quasimodo's love for tert gypsy woman Esmeralda what really happened, to et to the girls' m et and put flowers en et ii hair et them to let it be kissed before it is too late because neither in Heaven nor in Hell is anyone kissed. I was born in a decade that was not food AND the world as I feared et ina time et and Meghila. We had a king dressed in purple that was just what he wanted S and s et up shadows have shot up S as live Christmas Day when I was S seven and a half years.
Words written on paper
Click the big button, rounded like a dung beetle womb S and the S ase yourself. Starts et up screen S and let him connect to your eyes. As regards S ti, type S and laugh in your frontal lobes is triggered AND its high state. You self-hypnotize. Words et your own. Remember et 'd ţ and what life was profound ţ has before. These words were written on paper.
Father Figure
Coleridge child to MMCDLXXXII AD et parties, complain tert him. But first I want to ask you what et you ţ and we who die ţ s, parents ţ ii vo et tri? I think of you because you are ţ and the five hundred years since I was born my mother on March 29. I had a rich world, and even this way of addressing a certain year was before, in George Orwell's book. But that's not it, I ask of you because I want to transcend time et and centuries, I PA et esc eternal Mercury through the cosmos. What I want to say is I'm tert and a thousand years from Quasimodo's love for tert gypsy woman Esmeralda what really happened, to et to the girls' m et and put flowers en et ii hair et them to let it be kissed before it is too late because neither in Heaven nor in Hell is anyone kissed. I was born in a decade that was not food AND the world as I feared et ina time et and Meghila. We had a king dressed in purple that was just what he wanted S and s et up shadows have shot up S as live Christmas Day when I was S seven and a half years. Live in concentric circles isolation S and try to see beyond the complex. I want to reach the non-cosmos, the void or the tropical aquariums of the stars and there open my eyes in the sacred uterus of the deer. I am trying to find love, but love is too tert âfnoasă me. They are loved in silence remote tert A as a god AND I die of envy scufundânu me every night and neîmbră tert s et at in the dark. Via tert to not be deciphered by anyone, whether Voltaire or Jesus, we can not write with lead eyes in violet landscapes of dreams. When there are three AND you are more frumose et i et i this save us or lose us a kiss given time. There are moments of torrid loneliness in which neither light nor darkness can reach us, we would need the fire of a love. In November fighting angels with swords straight or sharp tert ite et and we conquer ţ i et i lost tert him. We go over nine major S and new tert countries, nine mun ţ and S and new nun ţ and as Charlot in lights pm and . But life ţ not have never il S i apologize. Q ţ and bail tert name but et know that you'll find only in her mouth orgasm. Cau ţ and noble ţ it, but after he found AND you AND you know that no po ţ and keep without sacrifice, as in the days of Sumer. Artemis necru not love a tert ătoare not a silver Galatea? A et of why cry baby romantic? If you could, you'd put his picture in the medallion of the moon. I seen Scarface, but my father's young just like Al Pacino in Scarface, even et and costumes et
and watches. I think one day I'll watch the movie without watching the subject and cry. Michelle Pfeiffer, on the other hand, looks like my daughter, Lolita. What can you say, cinema can follow you like a thousand-year-old enchantment, or an epic in enchanted runes. Who do I look like? Mother of Jesus of books or tert authorities for kids as someone told me? I think with my mother. I dreamed I had a pocket full of money S and I was in a time et big S and looking for someone et i could not find. Then I give up ţ at S and I took the nests of wasps chocolate, poppy et and nuts on the ledge of a kiosk et c. Sleeping was torture. The whole dream was like this, full of unfulfilled longings. Col dream ţ 's devil ocean, Australian rock pyramid. But perhaps it is not possible that you will not be possible, stay year after year to cover AND the hot. Miss May year on year to co-per-tri et the iron-bin yourself. But that is not the case now, but about Evanescence tert single S and preparation for death. Death reconciles us to tert him. I think, in psychology, there are only two main themes that they contain tert in all others. Men ţ and is reconciliation with the father (God), and for women is reconciliation with man (God), et and one S and another shall accept all the abuses of living tert ile them. In it is contained all psychology, and these two problems must cope tert complicated in any way any man, no matter how healthy they are. And these two reconciliations are not the same. The first is the reconciliation of stone with stone, the second is the reconciliation of water with stone. Also the man is such a major range of music, having always seemed trend tert of being 'patronizing', and she is like a minor range of music, having always seemed trend ţ has to be delicate. What I wrote, I wrote. And death is S and stones to cry, reconciling us forever or S and separated tert and tert and forever. Almost a teenager, naked, young body et and white sitting huddled, talking at the foot et ahului covered in amber et and smal tert sites pearls ground. Who would think that it's a love without stopping into et EALA wrong. He's just trying earth il et defend madness soul spirit. Day and night are like a book that opens and closes. Enter it and S eherazada up to S expects empty story, as Kay Nielsen's drawing. Q tert tell my king while in arm down the stairs dream ţ them they smell of olive leaf S and the wine. For this God is called et 're ceramist, carving androids whose eyes secrete endorphins, leaves Amazon alkaloids ame tert companion. AND eherazada Your empire is boundless of spices et and lingerie et i wonder how hopeless every night is another story. In fact the day S and night are the pages of books ţ and, on the left, at night, the other, your hands side by side, they are written in cuneiform et and mysterious Hebrew letters. But S and is your slave, not et you happy because you were made for happiness. E et you master anything, but I himself ţ and as Farao. Blue in her hair was standing all the frankincense Yemen, India silence all eyes Gothic et truth Arabia, Africa burn in her eyes and her breasts are snow Siberian et his voice sad Benjamite. No love, just earth trying il et defend madness soul spirit. And ahriar.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu, March 29, 1982 - September 24, 2015
I died. No et know if tonight or earlier, but I found that not going to ever write a novel that I can put next to a mother LIGHT. I can write micro-stories and poems I think are very good sometimes and a story, if I limit myself to spheres, cylinders and cubes, but I'm dead. Fool is a daring novel tert , might be a good self-portrait, really interesting, but as I pronounced tert must see it printed. My great works are A MOTHER OF LIGHT, Possible Immersion, Canon Story in D and White, Nobodiness Menhir, Possible Madman, Loving Solomon and some poems from the second book of verses, The Moment When God Exist, which I don't think is to be thrown to the wall. (In the Moment when God exists, I tried in part a
pre-romantic approach to the people, something that made the book meet with rejection before it existed, then mockery, then superficial criticism. Otherwise it will be a big secret, but it certainly can't be what it used to be.
Radio Bucharest et your Cultural
S and I am originally from farmers, number 86 - not break ţ and windows, left in 1944 et and anyway were already broken - but I wonder is most important street in Bucharest any S you than the rest tert country? Doesn't the other Romania have sensitivity? I need to know everything about Bucharest et your S and to ignore my other half of the cosmos? Maybe we should think here in Romania about alternative cultural radio.
Is Romanian culture is reduced at et the Bucharest et you?
Poor Buddha
The Buddha was very happy, loved and rich. It had a palace of ivory and so on . Dwell with demons, who said they were subjected S II's et and they and they did. The Buddha woke up. He commanded the devils to rob him and leave. The devils beat him and threw him on a mountain of garbage. Buddha woke et i et i said that now can be saved. Then the demons came back to him making her servants, bringing wealth ţ ii. Buddha reached Iara et and rich, loved et and happy. Then he died and became impoverished. He
came from those who do not po tert him to Shadow. He drove out his servants and began to wander about. After a while demons returned et and I have made disciples and Buddha came Iara et and rich.
I'm a psychopath. They are all that people disdain tert uiesc et and unconscious et tient are. But my problem is that they are now not disdain tert forget, but just the dark side of my soul. Indeed, Yoda's words are prophetic: -Beware of the darkside. What does "beware" mean?
Tea not wine
There is one consequence of doing a great thing. Christopher Columbus, after arriving in America, found out that for him there is not another America somewhere to be discovered. Songs of innocence are truer than ones of experience. Where is the snow of yesteryear, Jerry? Or are the snows of yesteryear. And even Woody Allen gets old as Gide, in time, not young as Japanese novels. And old people drink tea, not wine.
A novel
I have to write a novel about autodepă et ire et and must be better than a mother LIGHT to remain living philosophy. When I stop writing novels, one hemisphere of my soul will die. And autodepă et output is man should be me. Writing a novel as a soteriological act. After that I can die. If I don't die, I have to write another one, like Bator.
Pedophilia and stained glass
Motto: "Be nice to strangers, cause sometimes you're a stranger too." We're No Angels, 1989
and Giton
Giton, how did you live when you grew up? How did you succeed et it? You grow to block the edge of the ghetto, a beautiful childhood, but regards AND you the truth in front tert complicated, mentally you were a Huck Finn. How was that day? You were with your friend on the cube alley behind the block, and she, Mrs. Freud, passed by. She was dressed in black and old. We were sitting on the cobbled alley and watching her. Søren me et whispered she was crazy. Mrs. Freud smiled and stopped. Looking at us, he told us something, et know why. Søren said softly: -Let's run. I didn't run. My friend stopped later. The old woman told me with a gentle ţ is strange et and hardness, severity, apropiindu- et her mouth to mine, do tert mine:
-Give me a kiss. Odor tert amaze, the rum I learned later. I stood idle, disturbed, with a strange fear. After a while, the poor woman look ahead et i i S i go walking as Terminator latter one. He converted another psyche. Tomorrow, compulsory reading the story A wonderful day for the S keep banana, JD Salinger, the impression of reading the journal noted. Caution tert ie not to lose ţ i min tert authorities! Success. Comment. I wanted to go see the world, but I did not see what happened here because everything here is vivid scene tert ii mine. But what happened? What happened, Giton? I ask you to et to as Frank Costanza Kramer asked about Korea. I was abused. The brain is my moldy, inert, half rotten, that a cavity fetid or a clam dead, and he got a bead huge et complicated, Grun tert uroasă, heavy, tormenting me as eye owl tert A of a Erinyes. Once corrupted, I tried with all my heart to corrupt even at that age as a child, and I corrupted them. Even S and a child can be a monster. My brain, Lotte. The brain. My brain t et remembers AND you forgot something. I received in childhood education program a tert him that my mother did not want it for me. I'm a monster. A psychopath. I have terrible uncontrollable thoughts. That S and not et failure in love is the reason for my suicide. It's terrible when you kill S and die even less ţ in every time, as in sex. Do you have a sense of regret, Finally et it, whether it AND you a believer or not et your faith tortured tert complicated, et i do not see only black. This is my story, I'm not a god who dreams of people. That we mentioned tert mentioned Korea, means you are a victim, one killed. Tell me, Lotte, loves me et your S and the S of Faust? Cursed? As Oedipus feel tert eam impulse to me in ţ EPA needle eyes, proof that the psychologist Freud et knew he says. Now sleep et and I feel leavened brain, spinal cord thickening I et A as a viper fat, pot-bellied. I feel the past with me like a stump around my neck like a Cervantine collar. Now I'm not obsessed with suicide. But et know what me instead. The risk? Mrs. Freud, a beast with thousands of names and heads with snouts smelling of rum, killed me like a snail. I write, in my mother's bed, things that I can't read aloud in the place where I wrote them.
People Altria et you, my psychiatrist was this summer in the Balearic Islands, where or be upset and the doctor who had two vacations. Really. When monitoring dragged them mentally et say both they et ade very nice to go to islands et and on me to tert take camp five - cite et 're five - villages. Even that his shame, shame, shame on you, what to do, not po ţ them to you AND the mind AND the soul, right?
Saltimbanci closed and on the radio - Political cabaret at Radio Romania Cultural
Wishlist talent of actress tert s our S and actors from cabaret. Now, listening, I realize I've been to the cabaret. At the church. And there you can meet great talents. Political cabaret is where citizens tert eanul whoever laughing discover society. Remarkable work of the entire staff dedicated observed in practice cultivates a spa tert year sound mixes Beastie Boys became as enchanted carpet. They are educational, the equivalent for adults of cartoons. Applause, applause, please, as Cuore, for tumblers with faculty always happy ţ i et i always hungry. S and where it can donate tert ii tax for theaters.
Reconciliation with the village
The village is frustrating at first. As the village do not have friends in tert you understand friendship, there's nowhere to go, idem, there's nothing to do, ibid. As a rule austere among boys ţ and eat good but not Shakespeare. A via tert single authentic but they gotta ţ and found et your own inner resources. Where, as in the nineteenth century, books tert authorities replaced the world. Here you have no destination tert ie, without it AND know, it AND you in the center of the composition tert level Zone. One morning tert complicated once you are awake et you that must go along with the village. S and, as Nikita writing, let ' ţ and apologize village. And to your house from which you have not, like a stone in the temple, where to go. Van Gogh Arles as Martinique Gauguin Tahiti or see and it AND your existence tert ialist.
Huckleberry Finn at the crossroads
Boys tert she read Huckleberry Finn and girls Wuthering Heights. Boys ţ them, they grow up, if I read Wuthering Heights are informed et keep tert single girls and girls, they grow up reading Huckleberry Finn, are informed et keep tert A with boys ţ ii. S and who et knows, maybe Catherine et and Huckleberry met, I think met or S and even the world of Ideas.
Mark Twain
As far et know Pynchon S and Sabato published three novels apiece et and that, and Mark Twain wrote S seven years to Huckleberry Finn. That I et i mean the name Mark Twain. Writing books tert about the mother I rushed because I thought that die et and remains unwritten, et and the moment in which God exists I rushed out of stupidity writer. Better less tert in. After reading AND you a thousand books ţ and writes one.
Marin Preda
Marin Preda is a major writer of literature, his sin is that it is Romanian, so even et and we who we can still choose to read anything but the largest Romanian postwar writer, together with N. Stanescu. Quoting we Preda new in S holds an S loop, because, as he said Nila, who has has.
The new classics
Knowledge et afraid that Romanian literature classics. But we can call in the twentieth century, the tert and four classes more beyond a century. Emil Cioran, Nichita Stănescu, Marin Preda and Urmuz. From my point of view pins et TIA are the most important ţ and Romanian authors of all spa tert laid in S and outside the borders tert its S and the entire twentieth century. To learning ţ I count on your fingers, we Creanga Eminescu ILCaragiale Slavici et and Cioran, Nikita, Preda, Umuz and can see that ru et them not only make the bad times Jews only theft laws, as ceased tert ENIT the opinion among ordinary Romanians. Ace et beat all eight authors in Romanian literature floor, each category.
Mircea Cărtărescu and the Romanian Nobel laureate
Ma et happy to take MC Nobel this year or any year, for that is a writer worthy, but my joy would be more than one football fan, gave find that moral Lord Cărtărescu disappointed me et piss metaphor of unspeakable do ţ a Vadim, et i do ţ â everyone eventually. I think after injustice tert and tert and Lucian Blaga, Nichita Stanescu, Marin Preda, Latinism Levantine and might bring by Mircea Cărtărescu recognizes et growth merits so ignored. Come on Nobel, come on Romania! S and that is hope ţ a holiday, not to mention as well that the earth Antigone bodies have no guilt.
RIP Romania
All people enjoy as it has done God only Romanian's OCO et . Besides, I'm curious to see what's left of your literary garbage in fifty years, who's going to read it to you. You now have ţ and power, literally, tyrants, but power as AND and die ţ them all pass quickly pass into other hands then they other and people like Patapievici will bury ţ and the shit and Maniu in tears. That is the fate of the soul.
What's wrong with sex?
Not tert understand people's obsession for relations tert laid intercourse. Personally, I catalyze my sexuality in the theater I write, so that Shirley Maclaine in Terms of Endearment no longer have biological needs. Also reading theater brings me before heroes of ţ and people than sex maniacs on the streets. As S and Marcel Iure et best Romanian actor alive tert signed by all criteria, the theater becomes prayer and prayer can saves. Bineîn tert understood that I want to have children, but it will not get dirty every day.
My Aunt IDF Woman
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
„..And I still have very few words to describe what I see. ” Rachel Corrie
"I believe that South Africa is a country in which Blacks and Whites should live together. ” Bantu Stephen Biko
One thing, it is true that apartheid is the disease of the white star world, just as totalitarianism is the disease of the red star world. Even the Nazis were half socialist. Every capitalist country except France has experienced one or another stronger or milder form of ethnic and social separation which could be categorized as belonging to the apartheid family. It's the year 2012 already and in respects concerning the nation of Israel, the newly emerged Israel who for a good dream done many bad acts, we can discern that Judaism is apparently changing and has changed and it is no longer how we used to perceive it in the history and culture of the world. Although that this is only to our distant untrained eyes, because the philosophy of Judaism has not changed but it was replaced in the Jewish state policy by the political ideology of Zionism. In Israel theology was replaced by ideology. Judaism used to be a lighthouse built by giants and a statue of Liberty in itself, but what once was mainly a community of extremely civilized civilians is now reduced to a drifting state whose government leads a dubious policy, seeming to be open to anything no matter how wrong, all in the name of an abstract notion of Zionism. And to be more clearer all the world is astonished by the few mediatic swallows who manage to electronically get to us. This is a page which indicates the contemporary government of Israel with the crime of apartheid, and the conviction will or will not be given by our posterity, the judge of our age appointed by God. To say this is not Anti-Semitism. I, as all the true people of the world want all the best not only for the Jewish community but also for the bloodied state of Israel and I respect their searching for what that best seems for them, BUT that doesn't imply that we want that at the expense of the Palestinians. I thought about this Israeli-Palestinian issue, I thought and thought, long and hard, and it hit me. The State of Israel should be a federal state. The entire Palestine is claimed by both the communities that inhabit it, both Israeli and Palestinians. As we can see for more than sixty years, Israel and the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are lived by two main population, but the whole territory is taken by the power of only one of them. Just as the Jewish, the Palestinians lived there for millennia, but now the Zionist Pilgrims want to take everything for themselves and put the natives in refugee camps with a policy of community destruction just as the American Pilgrims did centuries before, and now the Israeli government sends its soldiers to fight against villages, children and civilians. The Israeli war in the West Bank and Gaza is wrong and it could be that Palestinian uprising reaction against the State of Israel could be a Pavlovian reflex, because all that they know of Israel are the male and female soldiers who come to demolish their homes, take their culture land and to arrest, beat and shoot them and make fun-photos with tortured blindfolded Palestinians. Logically if on this lands, State of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank live two nations then the entire land should be federal. Israel and the Palestinian land should unite, letting the Palestinian return to their lands inglobated now in Israel, and the result should be a federal State of Palestinisrael. The current politics of the State of Israel, is ideatic oldfashioned, out of date. Israel is the last nationalist state in the civilized world and it should cease to be so if it wants to remain in the civilized world, and as we can remember nationalisms were one of the darkest episodes in Modern History. The Israeli government should leave behind this fascist form of contemporary Zionism and return to the ideals and archetype of Anne Frank, because sadly today’s average women of Israel are educated now so they resemble more the horrible Ana Pauker than the angelic genius of Anne Frank. And they should send the female soldiers home and let them be women and mothers, not onthologyless hybrids. Israel should return to a policy of Judaism instead of Zionism and as they too lived as alogenous in other states
in the centuries before us, they too should give rights of civic determination and liberty [and livity] to their natives, the Palestinians, in all the regions mentioned including the Golan heights, for a civilized, true, plural Israeli-Palestinian democracy in a Federal State of Israel. And the most serious concept in all this is that until the law for a federal Israel is passed the Israeli government is going to have Palestinian blood on its hands because the Israeli Occupation kills. The Palestinian has asked for international arbitration, outcry silenced by the Israeli government. The entire land should be pacified with UN and [democratic (if there are still any left)] troops, which should take the military power from the unobjective IDF. And I say for the last time that the UN should create a Federal Israel, from the current state of Israel land, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and the West Bank, whose peace, liberty and democracy's security should be guaranteed for the needed number of year until community balance by UN and [democratic (if there are still any left)] troops. Palestinians need a country too, and both the Palestinians and Israel need peace.
"We're not gonna be tossed in jail, we're not gonna be tortured, you know, we're not facing what people in the occupied lands are facing. If we decide we don't want to do it, fine. But then try to look yourself in the mirror and say: I'm a murderer. " NOAM CHOMSKY
It’s not true that Rachel Corrie, that twenty-three year old long-haired girl was murdered by an IDF army bulldozer; she was murdered by an IDF army tank. In Israel, but mostly in the West Bank and Gaza tanks and army bulldozers are the same thing with minor differences, and a caterpillar bulldozer is even more horrible than a tank, is like an execution machine engineered by Franz Kafka in a Metropolis Fritz Lang world . IDF meaning Israeli Defense Forces, the Israelis defend with soldiers with guns and trucks against children who are afraid even to go to their schools. She was there at that demolishing spot and she thought she was on the Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989, she must have seen that tape on TV or somewhere with the Chinese protester standing alone in front of the invincible stupid tank and the invincible tank lost the battle, but Miss Corrie was in Gaza, Israel - a place which proved to be much more savage. The dust in the holy Land cries after the times of Suleyman, Isa and all the prophets and Abraham the Muslim. Today there are no more prophets, only crazy people, but who knows? As for what happened here, well, you know everything about it, and if you don't you can very well find out if you really want to, but I think that one of the most important things is that this girl cared about the people , not just about her people, or the people of the world in general, but for the people living in Gaza, and for this she was murdered. I heard her say two days before, she said about a massive military machine clutching us from all sides like a giant insect, trying to kill all of us here. She annoyed the Zionist war machine so the war machine ate her as the Red Beak Bird - the Romanian Communist Party - squashed Labiş, the unconscious Romanian idealist drunkard. She was dangerous, like Michael Jackson. She stood before the tank as a 21st Century man, and the tank chewed her with its blade as a prehistoric cannibal and did not stop. It caught her under and grind her like grains of wheat and bread. Rachel was there, and the IDF were there and death was there too. We all die, they say; but there are some who take great pride into killing others as Israel the government murdered Corrie the activist. She was for me, and they killed her. She was executed. They say that we are bad and they are good because we are bad and we are bad because they are good mainly, so they beat my mother and father, they shot me in the leg, shoot over me and beat me in the face till blood was dripping, they demolished with military bulldozers and soldiers us every time they wanted and keep us locked as animals here and shoot missiles in our apartments, they broke my toys, the whole Gaza is debris and we are going mad and you see that tank is still over Rachel Corrie buried in the broken bricks, I can read the badge on the tank - IDF -, so I take a rock like my father Daud and throw it at the stupid tank, and I throw more rocks just to go away and speak the useless words of my anger. And as I was running over to the tank it hit me that Rachel Corrie is
Our Dead Statue of Liberty, an executed one and how could you murder the Statue of Liberty but with a bulldozer?
"It simply came to our notice then he took our pains upon her. " Isaiah
and My Name Is Tamara
'My name is Tamara', she said then to Felix Herz long ago when none of this not only it didn't exist but more than just that, it wasn't true. Herz wasn't the cutest boy around her but was the only one she loved, then, in an era when she never dreamed to be ever dressed all in green with a rifle in her hands and to shoot, just shoot, always at the orders of a psychopath officer. Now she was old and alone and now she knows that life is now way a fun war of paintball and that the red stains on her shotgun
were stains of blood and humans like pieces of red glass and light in huge medieval windows. Nobody, not even her friends knew why, after she returned from the army decades ago she never married or looked up to this day just like Saint Anthony or Mother Therese, living a classy, educated, tragic life. It is not what she would have wanted, but anyway for two score years now she was a spinster. It's not what she would have wanted, her goal always was a house full of children calling it home but all of this was long ago when she still listened big black discs with Sylvie Vartan and old old songs at the noisy radio speaker. Yes, she was a woman but she was no pussy. After arriving in Israel and living in a kibbutz for a short while with her sister she was sent to the east desert and there she served. She was no clerk either. She did everything until it became sour. This is what it was like, but only after a while, when the activists go and you have to stay behind and bury the dead. So she never married; because girl like her do not marry, because for girls there's nothing else left, safe only maybe shooting yourself with the same trigger you had in all those glorious years when among other things you've shot at people as a psycho. She shot a little girl in a firestarter village, the girl you've always wanted to give birth to. And after you left the village on the green truck, you knew that there's nothing more left, that you could never be the only thing you ever wanted to be, no matter how much you wished for it to become true, no much how much you 've dreamed to be one day because no true Mom in the world had ever been a baby killer, like those Vietnam kids. In the moment she says that dying child is still smiling though as not knowing what happens to her, in the arms of her already crazy mother, she saw her life transforming like Nosferatu in a horror movie and nothing she could ever do that wash. blood, couldn't wash her hands. She was a hero and not a mother.
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Synopsis: A village of prehistoric people discovered fire occurring unprecedented Holocaust, then survived tert uitorii, due to the need, use on this phenomenon so destructive.
CAESAR: Not ţ it seems, Master Tolstoy, that we're better when we left the S teri? TOLSTOY: Yes, sir. I feel human here in the village. God's quiet et tea AND the song village. CAESAR: Yes, my father Romulus was a genius. Tolstoy: Geniuses are forever on earth, your ţ the only one. CAESAR: All right, all right, brother. Do you want to walk through the forum?
MIRACLES: Cow's cheese is as good as sheep's cheese! Cow's cheese as good as sheep's cheese! Cow's cheese as good as sheep's cheese! Cow's cheese as good as sheep's cheese! PLATO: What is this? ARISTOTLE: News et 're ni et 're gods. OTHELLO: Oh, dear Desdemona. I bow my knees in battle before you, and I pray, Muse, that you will believe that I love you. Do you think I love you? DESDEMONA: I believe you. OTHELLO: Who wrote about in ţ wisdom living ţ ii conjugal? Kierkegaard? Swedenborg? Elena: A et place the tert and you to your seats. A et place the tert and you to your seats. Achaeans: Yes ţ and strongly to ram the gate Palace! We bruise et and walls, to go with our flag Minotaur in the city. ELENA: Hello! Hello! (Hang up) Cenacle: See, ie S i S i a spell It begins with him et is Finally et e et by itself Unearned suffering is redemptive Get up, Gheorghe, get up, Ioane, Horses are overdrive ţ and power. MATHEMATICS TEACHER: Weak, weak, very weak! Humanities: Well it AND you you fat. Alexandru Andrei S : But to ţ and go to factories et and wet-and us. HAMLET: Do you see all this madness, Horatio? HORATIO: Ode and Satire, friend Hamlet, the soul is a book of Ode and Satire. RINGO STARR: (Battering insane) CAESAR: It's an emergency tert complicated. Let's see what happened. EINSTEIN: I bring to the attention AND hold tert village a great discovery that I scratched her walnut leaves.
THE MOCKER: The, walnut. Walnut's et you fuck with you. Farfuridi: Please, do not interrupt ţ i ... EINSTEIN: Strămo et ii no et tri noticed since I stood to ţ and in the S tera Cioclovina et i went to hunt bison empty, the ask how it was possible ... THE PEOPLE: Not without victims, gentlemen! Trahanache: Ave ţ and little tert intică patience. EINSTEIN: ... how it was possible. Kepler, Paracelsus, Galileo, Newton, even et and Columbus et and Gagarin observed as summer too warmly taiga in cervical ţ ii iron divine sun's reach 451 degrees Fahrenheit, light, can study through the telescope this strange phenomenon, fire. PARTY: Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! GORKI: Tovar et 's Joseph Vissarionovici, you et know what tert country we live? CAESAR: The world is going crazy. JUNG: psychiatric disorders is a process of apparently ţ s, beloved dictator. VINCENT: Today I painted a broken Bible. Gauguin: I any S seventy tahitene naked. LATIN: Let's drink! A Þ OAPĂ: For God's sake, silent ţ the hell up! I want to see Suliman! PRMUL MINISTER: Just et a. My motto has always been Iliescu Iliescu for us was two, the S has not submitted my candidacy. I'm not applying! TOLSTOY: The people have gone mad. CAESAR: The music is too stupid. I'll have it burned. PRISTANDA: Music! The music! CAESAR: The words are silver, but the silence is gold. THE PEOPLE: Voda! Voda! Voda! Voda! Voda! Voda! Voda! Voda!
CAESAR: Go et and tell him where he slapped lord kissed Prince et and that Moldova is not ours, but after AND OF THE no et tri et and follow AND OF THE ago AND OF THE no et three. RABBIT: Alas, how late I am! DINAMO: On them, on them, on them, on their mother! THE PEOPLE: Oh! EINSTEIN: I have succeeded et it to isolate the fire et and to build a fireplace. TIME AND and newspaper SELLER: End et ITUL Time, End et ITUL Time, End et ITUL Time, let the Revelation, Revelation, A-PO-like lip rollers! Physics professor Albert Einstein made a hearth. We burn with all ţ ii! We burn with all ţ ii! End et ITUL Time, End et ITUL Time, End et ITUL Time, let the Revelation, Revelation, A-PO-like lip rollers! Physics professor Albert Einstein made a hearth. Man: I'm terrified. Oama: I'm scared. CASE ISHIGURO: Never let me go. STUDENT: I want to see the fire, Professor. EINSTEIN: Look, she's way too young. ELEVA: Aha. It's like a spring. Or like a star in the dark. Engineer: What's that a tert cigarette? Smoke tert him? STUDENTS: No, teacher, mh, mh, it's just a physical experiment. ROBO Þ II: End et ITUL Time! End et ITUL Time, yelling circuits village caught fire from a tobacco star of boys ţ and BE tert . The Inventions tert take Professor Einstein. Psychopathic physics. Click on the image. Sir Peter Ustinov: You gods tert complicated madness, gentle Ahenobarbus, Fire boil et 're sky The flames rising up to the clouds ur et II Fighting under the walls of heaven Oh, gods of mountains ţ i et big, you Iovis from heaven Bring ţ and clean one of the highest sacrifice for you
Gorgeous as Orpheus the lyre Oh, I see how from the eyes of the flames Clouds fiery swords senior tert single piercing them And the first rain falls in Pompeii, right Extinguishing the world like a flood of tears. HECUBA: Alas, my mother's Troy! Oh my! CASSANDRA: Einstein will die. POPESCU-DUMNEZEU: Get a fist out of here, crazy. SID VICIOUS: Born to lose, born to lose, baby, I'm born to lose. CAESAR: Everything burned down, dear Tolstoy. TOLSTOY: My beautiful village is now a ruin. CAESAR: The theater remained only burnt mason composition tert ie crazy gloomy tones. TOLSTOY: The rock is the only thing left. CAESAR: People are dying ţ and disfigure or tert and forever. Will there still be people on earth? PROPHET SF: There will come a day when people will be healed ţ i et i wake ţ and after they died. FELIX: Kiss. MOTHER: The power went out. Light the lamp AND the curtain to never et pins.
The Saturday I died
Felix Rian-Constantinescu
Dramatis Personae Dwarf father Uria et 's Uria et the son Dwarf angel The stars, beautiful trapeze artists trees stones
Dwarf: Stop crying. Dwarf: Stop crying. Do you think you're going back? When the man fell to the ground, including whistleblowers tert e et and sapphires, is there no longer po ţ and call. Only crazy et ti et worse, kid. Dwarf: Come on, me. Come on fire at a balmo and . The forest is also soaked hair by tert ESA, clear sky like in Gârleanu et i can read constellation tert laid. Rejoice not ţ i've lost childhood. Rejoice! Dwarf: Let et know that if you do not come, you knock.
Uria et site: After being so sick, you should go S and tears all the burden of the world. Stars: (dancing in the sky) Dwarf: Q ţ like? Dwarf: What are you waiting for? Talk to you soon and keep up the good content. Uria et site: May I get? Dwarf: you do not see how it AND you? How much do you want to make? Dwarf: S know what I did? Uria et site: No Dwarf: I made a dewdrop sword. I ţ and give it tomorrow. Now, let's go to the cemetery gate, let's sleep. Uria et site: This is terrible at the cemetery gate. Dwarf: If ţ and afraid roam the woods et i see you morning tert complicated. Trees: (i S i changes in forest areas) Uria et site: But many stones are on the hill. Dwarf: What would you like to be, pumpkins? Uria et site: shorty? What do you think my mother is doing now? Dwarf: Putra et you. Uria et site: Why? Dwarf: Because people need roses en et ii. Uria et site: There has emerged a star. Big white on- tert complicated, beautiful, smiled AND you looked at me AND you, take my hand ... Dwarf: Shut up! That's why I killed Uria et a. Lie, Uria et ule. Stones: (i et reorder the hill) Angel: (comes to the Dwarf) Dwarf: Uria et ule. Huge et ule. Give me your hand. Give me your hand, baby. Uria et site: What, little man?
Dwarf: I'm dying. Mor, giants et ule. S and it's true, we killed Uria et a. To us it has been given a second life tert single S and I made it a forever to die ţ ii, as in '43. Uria et site: Words et your nonsense. Love suffers evil. Someone else was, someone else. Dwarf: Who Uria et ule? Huge et site: A huge et . Dwarf: A Uria et like you AND i like her? Uria et site: Bigger than me, bigger et and more beautiful than me. The devil. Dwarf: Mor, giants et ule. Uria et site: That S e, shorty. Dwarf: What are you gonna ţ i do? Uria et site: Give me learning tert teachings, Dad. Dwarf: Þ I gave education tert teachings. After I die take a letter from my mouth. Done and Saturday Saturday the rest comes as an angel ve et nic. Angel: (takes a book from the dwarf's hands) Uria et site: You died, shorty. Dwarf: I'm dead. Uria et site: What are you doing? Dwarf: They rot. Uria et site: Where's et you? Dwarf: In the ground. Dwarf: Cite et 're paper nătântolule. Uria et site: (Read et te) "I loved suckers ” (SE et ase earth. The stars, trees, stones are all behind him)
Dwarf: Your mother died today. Uria et site: Dwarves as AND and huge et ii die. I, the murderer, live as long as I can tonight, and then I will descend to the ground to reach those I have lost again. I'll take the sword Dew et the world will worship at the feet of dead parents tert OF THE my Uria S to S and dwarf. The dwarf: dwarf, dwarf yes et keep the big cock has mon S er? The emperor is empty. Don't laugh, Cassandra. Uria et site: It's Saturday. Death MPAC us on to tert him. Dwarf Death reconciles us to tert him. Stars, Trees, Stones: Amen. Curtain
Shit! (Tragedy in one act)
Iure et : A drunken et know I love you. Beate: Yes, Iure et , et know he loved me AND you. Piersic, Jr .: Gentlemen are S and I in here! Ibsen: What's that, old Me et ter? Vlad Mugur: Mr. Ibsen, this is the first scene. The first scene, Mr. Ibsen. Ibsen: Okay, let's see. Beate: O Iure et , et know I love you. Iure et : Yes, Beate, et know he loved me AND you. Piersic, Jr .: Gentlemen, are S and I in here!
Ibsen: Shit. Shit. Vlad Mugur: Mr. Ibsen! Ibsen: Shit! Go to the last scene. Vlad Mugur: The last scene! Last scene everyone. Five minutes. Piersic, Jr .: Oh, Iure et , et know I love you. Iure et : Yes, Florin et know he loved me AND you. Beate: Gentlemen, are S and I around here. Ibsen: Shit. Shit. Shit! Shit! Vlad Mugur: From the first scene, comrade and . Applause everyone, applause!