no a la violencia

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Yes, there is solution for Domestic Violence.

Project Summary

Yes, there is solution BIBLESfor INSTEAD OF WEAPONS Domestic Violence. This project has impacted many lives in our country and we want to continue developing it in places where we have not been able to reach. Violence has spread worldwide, not excluding the Dominican Republic. Most of these acts of violence continue to occur without being part of official statistics; and has become customs or routine practices. Of concern is the number of children and women victims of violence, despite the criminalization of acts of violence described in Law No. 24-97 on intra family violence, also in the Law No. 136-03. We need to raise population awareness not to engage in violence. We need to alert children of this evil, and denounce it, we need to be help and support the women shattered by this sad reality. Our Bible Society feel compelled to meet this urgent need to provide children, woman and men during five years, the Bible, and portion of help to get out of this situation. With this project we will provide bibles and portions for 15,000 children, 3000 woman and men of Santo Domingo, in 5 years. We will make a training to church leaders on Violence focused on the professional and spiritual level.

Reaching 3,000 children each year, for 5 years, with a portion of the Word of God. Instruct, sensitize 3000 women and men (600 per year), with talks of violence prevention, and of help in case they are already victims or aggressors.


Running from Jan 2016 to Dec 2020

Beneficiary impact

Project goal Awareness, and / or to prevent 15,000 children from becoming victims of violence.


Training church leaders through Course on nonviolence, how to deal, how to treat it. Conduct a strong campaign on Nonviolence, at traffic lights, involving volunteers from the churches. Launch an advertising campaign to raise awareness to the entire population.

Total number of people this project aims to impact:


#1: Focus on audiences #2: Strengthen Church relations

#1 #2

This project is related to the Philadelphian Promise in two points #1 Focus on audience and #2 Strengthen Church relations. Because we want to include audiences to make them aware of moving away from violence, and to embrace the word of God. In addition to preventing children from sexual abuse. Another point is the relationship with the churches, because we will give training with this topic.

Beneficiary focus

project location


Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo, the capital of Dominican Republic

15,000 children and adolescents, students from 6 to 15 years old from public and private schools selected in Santo Domingo; and their parents, in five years (3000 students each year) church leaders, (Adults 600 each year) General public by advertising campaigns

In our country, violence is affecting all sectors. Christians were those who preached peace, they are now involved in violence statistics. Even some leaders who spoke of Christ have abused against their wives. Last year one person, he strangled his wife, and then took his own life. The truth is that violence has clothed us, and we as Bible Society need to operate for the beneďŹ t of peace. Each year the victims of physical, sexual and psychological violence increase. In Santo Domingo, A Father, after an argument with his wife locked his family and lit his house for all to die, he died, his wife and one child, two children survived. A girl was raped next to her friends from school by her father whom all life "seemed like a good person," even been part of an Adventist church, but came quietly abusing his daughter. As Dominican Bible Society, we develop different projects in schools and churches with children, and we have seen that there is a lot of violence in the environment, incredibly even in churches. When we visited one of the children of the church of God in Capotillo; a married couple in front of us fought with knives, and the child told us continue with the Bible class, do not worry that "it" is normal. Is it normal? No. We want to provide 15000 children and 3000 adults, specialized Bible portions to reduce the high rate of violence. We want these people to seek God and have the opportunity to study his Holy Word. In our strategic plan, we emphasize in promoting the reading and understanding of scriptures, and we work to expand the coverage of programs of free distribution, therefore we give the opportunity to people who present or have suffered cases of violence, to receive besides the orientations of the place, the Word of God, and with this project we want to accomplish part of our plan.

How this project will help the beneficiaries? - Prevent children from becoming victims of violence. - Instruct women with talks of violence prevention. - Sensitize men with talks on prevention of violence and behavioral changes in case they are aggressors or victims. - Training church leaders how to deal, how to treat it.



Depart from evil and do good; seek PEACE and pursue it. Psalms 34:14 KEY VERSE PROJECT PARTNERS APEN (Accion Pro Evangelizacion del NiĂąo) Evangelism Action for children. Christian churches Schools

Pray that God touch the students and parents and that his Holy Word reaches the deepest parts of their hearts. Also, pray for the volunteers to be willing to collaborate in this program. That each home represented where the bibles reach to distribute get to know Jesus. Pray that society be made aware and percentages of violence against women and abuse of children are reduced

PROJECT CONTACT Nurys Esther Noboa Project Coordinator



January 2020 We will choose 10 teaching institutions, we will call and visit the institutions. We will plan the dates on which we will visit each institution. Each of these should fill out form of solicitation with a student and teacher head count in the institution. We will contact volunteers. During the months of January and February, we will promote registration for a special course on No Violence, to the leadership of Churches. With a specialists in the field (Violence), will development the course.

March-may 2020

On March 8, International Women's Day, we will conduct a campaign at traffic lights on non-violence against women, where women will be painted with bumps and bruises to eyes and we will have downpipes and Banners that encourage peace, and non-Violence against Women. We will develop a special program to hand over the portions on non-violence in schools. This material will focus on sexual abuse against children, in order to warn of it, and if any are in an abusive situation, tell them what to do and guide them towards the institutions that are responsible for these cases. We will follow up in the use of it, when we develop the program Bible school Week, where we visit the schools during the week, and we will performed a meeting of parents with consent of the college or school to present the topic, and this way to give parents the portions, and bibles.

February 2020 The volunteers will be trained for visits to educational institutions. Become familiar with the material, so they could share with children and adolescents.

April, first report June to september,

second Report Launch and spread of the advertising campaign.


Third report Organize the logistics of the campaign in November. On the day of Non-Violence against Women Awareness on the streets one more time, at traffic lights, with groups of young people, Banners, and flyers.


Evaluation and final report.

This process is repeated for the year 2021.







PERIOD Staff Costs






Scripture costs






Other Direct Project costs






Indirect Costs Applied






Project Costs (Subtotal)


















Project income (Subtotal)






New ISP Grant requested




2017 2018






Bibles 3,000 6.00 $18,000.00 250 10.00 2500 $20,500.00 Portions 27,200 0.50 $13,600.00 NT 4000 1.00 $4000.00 NRP 15,000 0.50 $7500.00 Selections 250,000 0.01 $2500.00 Customs costs $ 900.00 Total scripture cost for five years: $49,000 ($9,800.00 each year) Direct personal costs $ 7,000.00 each year vehicles cost $ 2,000 each year Promotion $15,000.00 each year indirect costs: 2550.00 each year (Relationship churches 800.00, Finance 1,300.00, Facilities 450.00) Total costs writings, direct and indirect U.S. $ 181,750.00; $36,350.00 each year.

Outputs & Impacts


We hope to distribute 3,250 Bibles, 4000 NT , 27,200 portions, 15,000 NRP "You are special for God" and 250,000 selections, in 5 years.

IMPACT We hope that society be made aware of the damage produced by violence and hope the same is reduced. We hope that the children we treat can be prevented and never in their lives be part of statistics on violence. We hope to encourage Bible reading and approaching God in homes and in schools, to have peace of God. We hope to help women who are suffering violence get out of that routine of life. We hope that trained in the diploma courses can help other lives that are facing violence.

INDICATORS Statistics on violence in the country. Talks on violence prevention Distribution of guides Bible reading and Bible materials. Meetings with parents of children. Reports of help made by Diploma Course students.


Report statistics of violence in Dominican Republic, We hope a reduction of at least 10% Visiting places where violence preventive talks are held Reports of educational institutions Reports of participants in diploma course

Supporting information-RESEARCH According to the Attorney General's Office of the Dominican Republic, in its report on femicide in the country there were approximate 15 murders of women monthly. More clearly, 1 woman is killed every 2 days. Violence against children and women do not have any form of justification and must be eradicated from its roots, in order to guarantee the right of every person to be free from violence. An investigation conducted by Dr. Rene Acosta, Family Therapist Psychologist in the Sector of Los Alcarrizos showed that high percentages of households (44%) suffer violence, including christian homes; that women experience physical violence, sexual and moral violence. 82% of respondents claimed they were beaten, dragged, and were pushed. 27% of respondents claimen they were gunshot wounds. 18% were bound with electrical wire. Another research studies brought devastating results in terms of violence against children, child abuse, sexual abuse. According statistics, in Dominican Republic there are 2,672,089 students in schools. 1,936,161 basic level, of 5-13 years old and 735,928 in high schools, 14-17 years old. The publics schools have class three times in the day, with a registration approximately of 1500 students each time.

SUPPORTING MATERIALS Web Dominican Republic, (Procurator or Attorney Statistics) ONE National Bureau of Statistics. Strategic Plan Dominican Bible Society


Last year, We visited 3500 students of several schools, with a campaign to prevent sexual abuse. Children of different ages told us about what they understand by violence, and in every classroom, mention horrific cases they've seen in their neighborhoods, murder, rape etc.


proposed project.

Carmen Checo de Acosta DOM- General Secretary May 2019

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