June/July 2005 fellowship!

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Russ Dilday photo


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WHEN MORE THAN 30 church members volunteered to take a missions trip, from a congregation that only averages about 80 each week for worship, it was a fulfillment of what Pastor Kerry Horn had been preaching, “Every church member is a minister.” But the real proof has been the church’s willingness to continue its missions min-


“We’ve always attended churches in the area, but we only were in and out, touch and go, nothing real permanent,” Joy said. “But we really felt the spirit move us on this trip. The ability to make a difference, and be a part of a bigger effort is important. I guess I just need to be needed.” Horn said church members have been collecting clothes and other supplies for a church they are partnering with in the area, as an ongoing missions program. “We want to continue our work because we’ve grown to love the people there,” Horn said. The trip was a catalyst for shifting the focus of the church. “We live in a rural area of Members of First Baptist Church of Covington, Texas, work on a home in a colonia in the Rio Grande Valley as a part of the KidsHeart week of work in July 2004. Hill County and we have a high incidence of poverty,” Horn said. “The istry both with Partners in Hope, the beauty of our trip last summer is it gave Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative, and in us eyes to see and ears to hear that the its hometown, Covington, Texas. Partners poverty is around us.” in Hope is the Cooperative Baptist FellowThe change in the church has been a ship’s 20-year commitment to join forces blessing to members. “It’s awesome that a with people in 20 of the poorest counties sleeping church woke up,” Joy said. in the nation, all located in rural areas. Bo Prosser, CBF coordinator for Last summer, Horn said he was Congregational Life, said the awakening surprised at the overwhelming response at Covington is a lesson for all churches. from members at First Baptist Church of “This congregation is modeling for all Covington who wanted to participate in a of us that you don’t have to be a megaKidsHeart event, which is a joint project church to make a difference for the in the Texas Rio Grande Valley between kingdom,” he said. f! the Fellowship and Buckner Baptist Benevolences. LEARN – For more about Partners in Judy Joy, who is a new member and Hope, visit www.thefellowship.info/Global is now chair of the church missions Missions/PIH/. committee, went on her first missions By contributing writer Bob Perkins Jr., trip last summer, accompanied by her Mechanicsburg, Pa. husband, James.

Partnership missions shifts focus of Texas church

Courtesy of BTSR



P.O. Box 450329 • Atlanta, Georgia 31145-0329

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship


Students explore Romanian culture

— Story on page 4


TML trip impacts N.C. students


CBF assists tsunami victims


Missions shifts Texas church’s focus

Serving Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission

Season of celebration for graduates of CBF’s partner schools

S.C. church offers missional emphasis

June/July 2005


12 |

f fellowship!





June/July 2005

2005 General Assembly heads to Texas


his year’s General Assembly in Grapevine, Texas, will feature the musical talents of vocal artist Scot Cameron and guest pianist Joseph Martin.

Raised in the mountains of North Carolina, Cameron enrolled at Appalachian State University in Boone where he received a bachelor of Scot Cameron arts degree in vocal performance and sacred music. He earned a master of arts degree in music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Cameron entered full-time music evangelism in 1995. Assembly highlights also include featured speaker CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal and guest speakers Carolyn Staley, recently called as min-

ister of music at Pulaski Heights Baptist Church in Little Rock, Ark., and Albert Reyes, Baptist General Convention of Texas president.

29, and Saturday, July 2. “All workshops are led by people who have a passion for their topic. They come from biblical depth, but they are practical in their application,” said Bo Prosser, the

Workshops Participants will be able to choose from among more than 80 workshops on topics ranging from spiritual formation to the missional church. The General Assembly is a two-day event beginning on Thursday morning, June 30, and concluding Friday evening, July 1 at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. Auxiliary events will be Wednesday, June

Fellowship’s Congregational Life coordinator. Four sessions of about 20 workshops each are scheduled. One workshop will be Jim Denison a Bible study series called “Dr. Phil, Oprah and Jesus: How the Sermon on the Mount Feeds My Soul.” Jim Denison, senior pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, will lead the study. He will use Jesus’ Sermon on the

Mount as the basis for discussing the current self-help revolution. The first session will focus on God as king, and the second session will talk about how to get true happiness. The third session teaches to concentrate on the needs of others, and the fourth session talks about bearing spiritual fruit instead of societal status. The Bible study leader changes every year, alternating between a seminary professor and a pastor. — Continued on page 10

ASSEMBLY ATTENDEES have a variety of recreation and leisure options, as well as the opportunity to visit numerous area attractions. The Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center features more than 1,500 guest rooms, several restaurants, atriums, a National Football League-themed golf course, a European spa, indoor and outdoor pools and a marina at Lake Grapevine, which has 60 miles of shoreline. Grapevine is located a few miles north of the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, nestled between the two cities on beautiful Lake Grapevine. Area attractions include: • Historical Downtown Grapevine features 78 local restaurants and stores for shoppers on the hunt for clothing, art, Texas souvenirs, collectables and more. • Grapevine’s Art Walk takes visitors through a series of sculptures that tell the history of the oldest settlement in Tarrant County. • The steam locomotives at Grapevine Vintage Railroad pull passenger coaches from the 1920s to the historic Fort Worth Stockyards and over the trestles of the Trinity River. A longer 42-mile excursion takes visitors further into the Old West. • Grapevine Mills Mall, the Southwest’s largest value shopping and entertainment complex, features nearly 200 stores and restaurants and 30-screen movie theater. Shuttles will be available from the Gaylord to Grapevine Mills every two hours. For outdoor sports enthusiasts, Grapevine also has a Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. • Grapevine Heritage Center showcases the city’s historical roots and features demonstrations by working artisans, including live glass blowing. • The Grapevine Opry offers a variety of country music performances, including special patriotic shows June 25 and July 2. LEARN – For driving directions or more information on the Convention Center, visit www.gaylordtexan.com. Further information about Grapevine is available at www.grapevinetexasusa.com.

Cover: Sonja Phillips, the 2004 graduation speaker for Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, receives a hug from a well-wisher. Phillips, a 2002 BTSR graduate, serves as co-pastor at Central Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, Fla., with her husband, David.

Stretch Ledford photo

What to do in Grapevine

A Sri Lankan resident walks between two boats tossed about during the devastating tsunami that struck the region. Contributions to CBF’s Asian Response fund have grown to more than $2.2 million.

CBF tsunami relief exceeds $2.2 million viduals and checks from CBF “LITTLE IS MUCH when God partner churches, the Fellowis in it,” wrote Brenda Watkins ship’s Asian Response fund in a recent note to national Cohas grown to operative Bap$2,278,870.05 tist Fellowship LEARN – For as of March 31. Coordinator more on how money “It has been Daniel Vestal. donated to CBF’s Asian humbling Enclosed was a Response fund is being to see the check for $11, used, see pages 8 and response of the amount 9. For more on CBF’s Baptists to the given to CBF Asian Response, visit tsunami disastsunami relief www.thefellowship.info/ ter. It has also by Watkins’ AsianResponse.icm. been heartenWednesday ing that such night children’s confidence has been put in class at Rogers Chapel Baptist CBF to channel their expresChurch in Commerce, Ga. sions of concern and compasWith children’s coins, sion,” Vestal said. online donations from indi-

Other children have also raised money. While David Harding, the Fellowship’s international coordinator for emergency response and transformational development, spent time in Southeast Asia doing relief work, his daughter Leah made an impact in another way. Leah, a seventh-grader from Orlando, Fla., helped raise $1,200 for the Asian Response fund through a student government project. For the two-week campaign, Leah produced a computer presentation shown daily, which prompted students to — Continued on page 8


THE COOPERATIVE Baptist Fellowship’s Faith Formation Initiative is partnering to sponsor and co-sponsor several events this year including: • Renovaré International Conference. June 19-22, Denver, Colo. A four-day international spiritual formation conference with the theme, “The With-God Life: The Dynamics of Scripture for Christian Spiritual Transformation.” Keynote speakers: Richard Foster and Dallas Willard. Through the partnership, Fellowship participants can register at a discount rate of $149. For more information, go to www.renovare. org/journey_events_2005ic.htm. • Companions in Christ training (English and Spanish). June 29, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., CBF General Assembly, Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center, Grapevine, Texas. English facilitators: Carolyn Shapard and Jorene Swift. Spanish facilitator: Carmen Gaud. Cost: $100, includes all sessions, meals and materials used. • Soulfeast. July 17-21, Lake Junaluska, N.C. Theme: “Weaving Our Story into God’s Story.” Featured preacher: Grace Imathiu, an ordained elder in the Methodist Church of Kenya. Featured teacher: Robert Corin Morris, founder of the Interweave Center in Summit, N.J. Workshops and special presentations will include Marjorie Thompson and Safiya Fosua. Soulfeast programs are also available for children and teens. For more information, go to www.upperroom.org/soulfeast. • Upper Room Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation. Oct. 16-21, Camp Sumatanga, Gallant, Ala. Academy leaders: Mary Jayne Allen, Loyd Allen and Hazelyn McComas. For more information, contact Mary Jayne Allen at (423) 265-2257 or Mary_Jayne@1stbaptistcha.org or Carolyn Dobson at (423) 332-0863 or daybryte@ixpres.com. LEARN – For more information, contact Rick Bennett, CBF associate coordinator for faith formation, at (770) 220-1605 or rbennett@thefellowship.info.

Vol. 15, No. 3 COORDINATOR • Daniel Vestal COORDINATOR, COMMUNICATIONS & RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT • Ben McDade EDITOR • Lance Wallace MANAGING EDITOR • Lisa M. Jones PHONE • (770) 220-1600 FAX • (770) 220-1685 E-MAIL • fellowship@thefellowship.info WEB SITE • www.thefellowship.info

fellowship! is published bi-monthly by The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Inc., 3001 Mercer University Dr., Atlanta, GA 30341-4115. Periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, GA, and additional mailing offices. USPS #015-625 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “fellowship!” Newsletter, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, P.O. Box 450329, Atlanta, GA 31145-0329


Buchanan Street Chapel opens doors to ministry opportunities


n Sundays, Buchanan Street in Amarillo, Texas, looks like a

arrangement which allows us to do more ministry together than we would be traditional Baptist church, complete with stained glass windows able to do apart.” The chapel is now enjoying new life, with and padded pews. But the other six days, the 76-year-old building almost 60 members and an average of 40 in hosts adults with mental illnesses, women in need of job skills, a food Sunday school and nearly 60 in worship. “God has honored what we’re doing and clothing ministry, drug addicts in recovery, adults learning to here,” Mills said. “That’s all I can say to read and write, and families with active child protective services cases explain it.” Attendance doesn’t tell the whole story. seeking to learn parenting skills and be reunited. “We probably touch at least 150 to 200 lives each week in this old build“It’s a fascinating place,” ing,” Mills said. “The way I look said Larry Mills, pastor at at it is we’re reaching unreached Buchanan since 1998. “Unpeople groups. til I came here, I pastored “When I first heard about the country churches. I never missional church, I said, ‘That’s us!’ saw a drunk show up at a We were doing that a long time country church. I never before they ever came up with the met a wife who had just term,” Mills said. been beat up by her husThe guiding philosophy beband. When I walked in hind Buchanan Street’s multifacethere, it was culture shock.” ed ministries came from a forming A mission of First Bapexperience Mills had in a church tist Church of Amarillo, evangelism class at Southwestern Buchanan Street Chapel Baptist Theological Seminary. functions as an autonoMills recalled, “Oscar Thompmous congregation. First Pastor Larry Mills, left, poses with participants in the Agape Center ministry before son gave us a two-word definition Baptist provides more than preparing for Wednesday night prayer meeting. for love — ‘meeting needs.’” f! half of Buchanan Street’s $110,000 annual budget, and Buchanan “We have partnered with Buchanan LEARN – For more on the Missional Street’s three staff members are considered Street Chapel to reach people in the name Church, contact Bo Prosser at (770) 220part of the First Baptist staff. All of the proof Christ,” said Howard Batson, pastor 1631 or bprosser@thefellowship.info or visit gramming decisions are made by Buchanan of First Baptist Amarillo. “Buchanan The CBF Store online at www.thefellowship.info. Street members and staff, with guidance Street Chapel’s relationship with First By Lance Wallace, CBF Communications from First Baptist. Baptist Church of Amarillo is a unique Lance Wallace photo

Spiritual Formation events calendar


Chaplain helps veterans mend spiritual wounds of war ED WALDROP, a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship-endorsed chaplain with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Denver, Colo., is providing a way for veterans to begin healing from the spiritual wounds Ed Waldrop of combat-related trauma. Through Wounded In Action (www. woundedinaction.org), Waldrop gives veterans an opportunity to tell their stories, which he plans to publish. In relating those sacred stories, Waldrop said, the teller finds deeper healing of combat-related spiritual wounds, and the listener better understands the complexities of war. “I don’t want to take away the necessary wrestling or any healthy regret. I want to help them put what they did, in service to their country and humankind, in a proper perspective,” said Waldrop, who has both a personal and a family history of military service. Waldrop initiated Wounded In Action because he recognized that war creates physical wounds that physicians can treat, and it also inflicts psychological and

w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o

physiological problems that mental health professionals must treat. “A spiritual wound also is inflicted upon the combatant who must kill,” Waldrop said. The experience of killing may bring intense reflection that the combatant and the enemy are human beings created by God, Waldrop added. Through his work in the VA nursing homes, Waldrop has seen many veterans who are haunted by those spiritual wounds

even as they approach death. “No one should have to die with unaddressed spiritual trauma still buried inside them,” Waldrop said. “The earlier we address the trauma — and not all veterans will have a problem – the better the chance of real quality of life for veterans and their families and friends.” f!


Cooperative Baptist Fellowship partner church in Beaufort, S.C., recently underwent a 40-day missional emphasis, which unified

church members through a devotional series, small group study, worship and missions events that highlighted God’s mission to the world. one-time deciThe Baptist Church of Beaufort began sion. It’s a prothe emphasis with the start of a 40-day cess of slowly devotional series called “Becoming a Misallowing the spirit of God to transform us.” sional Christian: A 40 Day Missional JourIntegrating the weekly devotional themes ney,” which is based on Acts 1:8. Develinto small group study, oped by the church the church also destaff, the experience veloped a six-week highlighted weekly missional curriculum, themes to focus on which all adult Sunday a different aspect of Bible study groups Acts 1:8. Each daily worked through. The devotional offered same themes also a practical missions guided worship services. opportunity, which During the first week’s members could refocus on “Our Mission,” spond to on Sundays church members shared at church. faith stories of their first “This whole promissions experience to cess is about helping Touching Miami With individual Christians Children from The Baptist Church of Beaufort deliver free cookies to the local hospital Love (TML). To focus begin that mental emergency room staff during the church’s on “Our Ends of the and spiritual process Mission Service Challenge. Earth,” the congregation of understanding experienced a live phone interview with a themselves not as church members but as Liberian pastor working with the Liberian Christian missionaries,” said Eric Spivey, Baptist Theological Seminary in West Africa. associate pastor and minister of Christian After returning from TML in January, formation and missions. “Making the decichurch member Kim Statler better unsion to be a missional Christian is not a

How to Respond LEARN – For more on the Missional

• “Missional Church: Bookmarks

Church, contact Bo Prosser at (770) 220-

and Links.” Annotated bibliography

1631 or bprosser@thefellowship.info.

for literature related to the missional

The Fellowship provides the following

movement. (free, plus shipping)

missional church resources:

• “Missional Journey Guide.” Expands

• Missional Church Web site,

on “The Missional Journey: Being the


Presence of Christ Journal.” ($29.95 for

• “The Missional Journey: Being the

workbook, CD and binder, plus shipping)

Presence of Christ Journal.” A 32-page

By contributing writer Sarah Satterwhite, Houston, Texas

information booklet, journal and CD. A VHS

Order from The CBF Store at (888) 8014223 or www.thefellowship.info.

following suggestions for helping veterans begin to heal: • provide unconditional love and a willingness to listen to difficult stories, • refrain from judgment, and • know the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. For more information, go to www.wound edinaction.org. For more information about CBF chaplaincy and pastoral counseling, contact George Pickle at (770) 220-1617

Buchanan Street Chapel


CBF launches online ‘Sermon of the Week’

derstood what a missional church is to be about. “Some of the same needs [at TML] are right here in the same block as where we are Sunday morning,” she said. “It’s so important that we reach out to the community and be there for them.” Several events have reinforced the principles learned in small group and devotional study, Statler said. At the “Get in the Game Ministry Fair,” members found potential service opportunities at booths of the church’s approximately 20 missions teams. The final event in the emphasis was the “Touching Our World Mission Celebration,” which included a mission banquet and fair. The church also mobilized 300 of its local missionaries in a one-day Mission Service Challenge to their community. “People forget that we have missions right here and being missional doesn’t mean you have to get on a plane,” Statler said. The emphasis culminated with missionaries speaking in Sunday Bible study groups and members committing to missions. Members were invited to be missional Christians, pray for missions, participate in a missions opportunity, and give to the church’s year-long Touching Our World Mission offering, Spivey said. As a way of follow-up to the emphasis, the church brought in Rick Bennett, CBF associate coordinator for faith formation, to speak about spiritual formation as the fuel of the missional church. “Living the missional lifestyle is being the presence of Christ,” Bennett said. “Spiritual formation is being present to Christ. The missional church and spiritual formation work in tandem.” The missional emphasis is another step in the visioning process the church began four years ago. In 2003, Spivey was added to the staff in order to better facilitate preparation for the future. Spivey envisions the 200-year-old church becoming a missions center in the community and the world. “In order for our church to have a place in the future, we have to accept what it means to be a missional church,” he said. f!

version is available. ($9.95, plus shipping)

By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications

How to Respond LEARN – Ed Waldrop offered the


South Carolina church offers integrated missional emphasis

Photos courtesy of The Baptist Church of Beaufort


THE COOPERATIVE Baptist Fellowship has added a new Web site feature highlighting a weekly sermon from a pastor at a CBF partner church. The “Sermon of the Week” started March 7 with a sermon titled “Lessons from the Spider” by Tony Hopkins, pastor of First Baptist Church of Greenwood, S.C. Many sermons delivered at partner churches deserve a larger audience, said the Fellowship’s moderator, Bob Setzer Jr. Highlighting pastors and biblicallybased sermons Bob Setzer Jr. will strengthen the Fellowship, according to Setzer, who also serves as pastor at First Baptist Church of Christ in Macon, Ga. “By focusing on ‘real’ sermons preached to regular congregations, our focus on the local church will be affirmed and strengthened,” he said. “I hope the sermon of the week will create an emerging sense of, ‘So that’s what CBF Baptists preach, teach and live!’” Many pastors already post their sermons online through a church Web site, but there is no forum that highlights CBF preaching. “I want to create a forum where our folks can see a CBF pastor’s sermon week in and week out. I hope to spark a conversation about what constitutes quality preaching among CBF Baptists,” Setzer said. Unlike other Web sites where sermons are listed in mass, the Fellowship will showcase one per week, Setzer said. “I want our emphasis to be on quality, not quantity,” he said. CBF of Georgia Coordinator Frank Broome will manage the project. Sermons must be submitted in electronic format for consideration. The complete manuscript must be positive, biblically-based and appropriate for the season. It must have been preached at a CBF partner church within the past year. A new sermon will be featured each Monday at www.thefellowship. info/News/sermon.icm. SERVE — To submit a sermon for consideration, e-mail a manuscript to the selection committee, care of Frank Broome at Frank Broome fbroome@cbfga.org.

or gpickle@thefellowship.info. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005 – A luncheon for chaplains and pastoral counselors will be held July 1 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Wade Rowatt will be the keynote speaker. Register for the luncheon by June 20 by contacting Erin Raffield at (770) 220-1645 or eraffield@thefellowship.info. Pickle and

By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications Children walk to Vacation Bible School on Daufuskie Island during the church’s annual “Judea” missions experience.

Troy Petty will also lead a workshop on endorsement during the Assembly.

C h a p l a i n H e l p s Ve t e r a n s


Spiritual Formation Events

South Carolina Church


S e r m o n o f t h e We e k

w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o

J U N E / J U LY 2 0 0 5


Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Thomas Graves, president Graduation: May 28 Speaker: Victoria Atkinson White, minister to alumni, BTSR, and Dave Odom, president, Center for Congregational Health Graduates: 38 Graduating class: 13th

Baptist Studies Program, Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University D. Newell Williams, president Graduation: May 14 Speaker: D. Newell Williams, president, Brite Divinity School Graduates: 3 Graduating class: 8th

Campbell University School of Divinity Michael Cogdill, dean Covenant/Hooding Service: May 9 Speaker: Mark Olson, pastor, Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, Fayetteville, N.C. Graduates: 32 Graduating class: 8th

Baptist Studies Program, Candler School of Theology, Emory University David Key, director Graduation: May 16 Speaker: Tom Brokaw, NBC News Graduates: 15 Graduating class: 15th

Central Baptist Theological Seminary Molly Marshall, president Graduation: May 14 Speaker: Denton Lotz, general secretary, Baptist World Alliance Graduates: 13 Graduating class: 104th

Baptist House of Studies, Duke University Divinity School Curtis Freeman, director Graduation: May 15 Graduates: 17 Graduating class: 17th

M. Christopher White School of Divinity, Gardner-Webb University Charles Bugg, dean Graduation: May 14 Graduates: 30 Graduating class: 11th

Logsdon School of Theology, Hardin-Simmons University Thomas V. Brisco, dean Graduation: May 10 Graduates: 25 Graduating class: 9th

McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University Alan Culpepper, dean Graduation: May 21 Speaker: John R. Claypool, visiting professor of preaching, McAfee School of Theology Graduates: 36 Graduating class: 7th

George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University Paul Powell, dean Graduation: May 14 Baccalaureate Speaker: Denny D. Davis, pastor, St. John Baptist Church, Grand Prairie and Southlake, Texas Graduates: 42 Graduating class: 9th Baccalaureate Service

The Divinity School, Wake Forest University Bill Leonard, dean Graduation: May 16 Baccalaureate Speaker: Arnold Palmer, professional golfer Graduates: 14 Graduating class: 4th Above figures are estimates and may not reflect actual totals at press time.


Wake Forest students experience cultural immersion in Romania


elores “Dee” McCullough recently took part in a once-in-a-lifetime

School, a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship partner school. “Our hope is to listen to Spring Break experience in Bucharest, Romania. those who are doing ministry in the culture, McCullough was one of 18 studialogue with clergy and laity, students dents from The Divinity School at and youth, and learn how they are doWake Forest University, Winstoning ministry in their particular situaSalem, N.C., who spent Spring tions.” Break in Bucharest in conjunction Both Leonard and Anderson led with the school’s required multithe students on their immersion. cultural immersion course. The students and their hosts took After CBF Global Missions Adpart in a panel in which they disvocate Pat Anderson led the class cussed the most pressing needs of through an on-campus study on their respective churches and counthe history, culture and religious tries. They were surprised to discover life of the country, the group emthe similarities among their concerns. barked on their immersion to BuDuring the latter part of the trip, charest to enhance their classroom they joined students from a variety of knowledge. denominations and faculty members “God spoke to me in Romafrom the University for a seminar on nia that we need to look around pluralism, freedom and Christian us and see those who need help identity. and to plant seeds that will make “Many of the participating stulife better for someone else,” Mcdents were African Americans, and Cullough said. their responses to questions raised by Project Ruth — a CBF partnerthe Roma pastors (regarding marginship missions project among Roalization, prejudice, economics and many (Gypsy) children developed race) created an immediate connecby the Providence Baptist Church tion and bonding between members of Bucharest — not only provided Wake Forest University Divinity School students Trey Davis, front, of both groups,” Leonard noted. living arrangements for the group, Wendi Richards, back left, and Ramelle McCall spend time with Ruth Leonard spoke for the group by School students. but it also provided the means for saying, “We were particularly grateful students to see God’s love in action, espeto our Romanian hosts for the time, energy Several group members preached in cially through interaction with the commuand insight they brought to our visit.” Baptist or Pentecostal services, and they nity children. The group members became one with were immersed in churches, schools, the “Many of us were blessed to participate the community and were welcomed with University of Bucharest, chapel services in in worship with open arms. the seminary and a Gypsy con“We were greeted with warm embraces the University. Not gregation,” said and words of ‘Pa-ce’ (which means peace),” only did they attend Alan Sherouse, a Sherouse said. “We were welcomed to sing, and participate in Wake Forest stuproclaim and share freely.” f! worship services, but dent and youth they also attended LEARN – For more about CBF partner minister of First a pastors’ school, schools, visit www.thefellowship.info/Church Baptist Church of which included Life/Leadership Development/Theological Lexington, N.C. Roma pastors Education/Theology schools.icm. For more “When my Gypsy and Romanian about “Trips that can make a difference,” go sisters and brothseminarians. to the Web page of CBF Global Missions Aders cried to God “The trip is less Adam Davis, right, captures the attention of Ruth School vocate Pat Anderson at www.thefellowship. …, it seemed they students assisted by a local dental hygienist. a service trip than a info/Global Missions/Goingtohardplaces/. were asking for listening trip,” said something beyond my own requests — even By contributing writer Ashley Grizzle, Bill Leonard, dean and professor of church as we spoke the same words.” Atlanta history at Wake Forest University Divinity Gretchen Sparts photos

Partner schools celebrate spring graduations


Class Notes: News from partner schools ■ Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond.

The seminary has 325 students enrolled for the second semester of the 2004-05 school year, a record number in the seminary’s 14-year operating history, according to Ellen Gwathmey, the school’s registrar. ■ Baptist University of the Americas. CBF

Coordinator Daniel Vestal spoke at the theological university’s annual Founders’ Day April 7 in San Antonio. Albert Reyes, BUA president, also spoke during the event. ■ Campbell University Divinity School. Campbell

associate professor Barry Jones was recently named associate dean for academic programs. He will begin those duties July 1.

w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o

Andrew Wakefield, who teaches New Testament and Greek, has been named an associate professor by the divinity school.

Theological School. Dean and Lisa had been serving as co-pastors of Weston Baptist Church in Massachusetts.

■ Central Baptist Theological Seminary. George

■ M. Christoper White School of Divinity,

Townsend is the seminary’s new vice president for finance and operations. Townsend previously served as vice president for business administration from 1995-1997. Dean Allen and Lisa Wimberly Allen began serving March 15 in the newly created position as dean and vice president for administration, a job-share configuration. Dean was formerly vice president for academic administration at Andover Newton

Garner-Webb University. Former Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond preaching professor Charles Bugg has been named dean of the divinity school. Bugg will also serve as professor of church ministry and leadership. The divinity school has been reaccredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada for a period of 10 years.

Wa k e F o r e s t S t u d e n t s


Class Notes


Spring Graduations


Churches reap benefits of CBF, Congregational Health partnership


n increased sense of trust and openness in the congregation has been one of several benefits First Baptist Church of Morrow, Ga.,

has seen as a result of a partnership between the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Center for Congregational Health. “The Center helped us design a process for conversation and feedback that is as congregational as any I have ever seen,” said Stephen Cook, the church’s pastor. “We saw the congregation as a whole generate its ideas, priorities and values through authentic conversation and open communication that has carried over into other areas of our church’s life.” The partnership is two-fold. One component is leadership development through Convergence, a year-long program designed to help young pastors succeed. The second component focuses on congregational life through consulting and interim ministry. “Our services are based on the conviction that congregations have the wisdom and courage to face their opportunities,” said Dave Odom, president of the Center in Winston-Salem, N.C. “Our resources are designed to help congregations tap this wisdom and courage.” Devita Parnell, CBF of Georgia’s associate coordinator for Congregational Life, got so excited about helping young pastors succeed that she has agreed to staff Convergence. “A lot of people are trying to ensure that ministers early on succeed,” she said. “Convergence will reinforce what CBF is already doing to nurture young ministers and thereby grow the future of CBF.” “We are trying to be intentional about supporting and encouraging ministers,” said Terry Hamrick, CBF coordinator for

leadership development. “Acknowledging the many pressures on congregational systems, Convergence is designed to address the high dropout rate among young ministers.” For congregations that may need help either in a crisis or to become healthier, the new relationship gives them access to some consultation at no cost, said Amy Jacks Dean, co-pastor of Park Road Baptist Church in Charlotte, N.C., that has used the Center for various reasons. “Churches may not know exactly what kind of help they need and this opens the door for them,” she said. “It gives them a chance to see what is available.” “The Center brings a wealth of expertise to the process for churches desiring a healthier spirit and a more

missional ministry,” said Bo Prosser, CBF Congregational Life coordinator. “The Center understands what positive leadership — either clergy or laity — means for a congregation.” “We needed the expertise and experience that the Center offers as we sought to understand and interpret our history and discover how that might impact our future,” Cook said. “The 18month process led us to a clarified sense of our identity, to commission our first mission coordinators, and to adopt a comprehensive eight-step roadmap for renovating our church facilities to better support our mission and ministry in this community.” “As a pastor, much of the value of the partnership with the Center for Congregational Health has been the access to creative, resourceful, seasoned leadership,” Cook said. “The onus for steering this process has not fallen on me, but the lay leadership team has been guiding our church in its work because of the rich relationship that has emerged with the Center.” f! By contributing writer Sue H. Poss, Greenville, S.C.

How to Respond LEARN – For more information, contact the Center at (336) 7169722 or congreg@wfubmc or visit www.healthychurch.org. Or contact Terry Hamrick at (770) 220-1600 or thamrick@thefellowship.info or Bo Prosser at (770) 220-1631 or

bprosser@thefellowship.info. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005 – A workshop on “Being a Healthy Church: Developing Your Congregation” led by Chris Gambill will be held during the 2005 General Assembly June 30-July 1.

Current to hold 11-on-11 mission service event EACH YEAR since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, Current has responded by sponsoring 11-on-11 — a day of missions projects on the Saturday closest to Sept. 11. This year’s 11-on-11 project will be on Sept. 10. “Our idea was to do something constructive on a day that is remembered as destructive,” said Carol McEntyre, 2004 mission project coordinator. Current is the Fellowship’s young leaders network made up of Baptists under 40. In 2004, participants in 11 states did projects ranging from Habitat for Humanity to fundraising for other ministries to cleaning the yards of people in need. There’s no limit to the creativity and diversity of the projects that involve a community of young people working together to do something constructive for someone else.

Churches Reap Benefits


Courtesy of Current


Students from Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond participate in one of 11 missions projects in 2004 in remembrance of victims of September 11.

Projects are coordinated in a variety of ways, including church-based, seminarybased, state-CBF based, or a combination of the above. Current needs one coordinator for

September 11 Event


Campus Ministry

each state participating. “Our hope is to have at least 11 states participating like we had last year,” said Anne Jernberg, a Current steering committee member and 2005 mission project coordinator. Each 11-on-11 participant receives a T-shirt sponsored by supporting individuals, organizations and/or institutions. f!

LEARN – For more information about

Local church partners with CBF of South Carolina to launch campus ministry CAMPUS MINISTRY is starting to get a new look in South Carolina, led by a ministry begun at First Baptist Church in Clemson and increased funding from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina. Tim Willis, a former Baptist state convention campus minister at Clemson University, was called by the church last fall as minister to students. Willis quickly organized and got approval for a new campus organization called Cooperative Student Fellowship. “I think a new day is emerging for students to have options concerning Baptist groups on campus,” Willis said. “Students have told me over and over they want to be educated not indoctrinated.” CBF of S.C. is not providing ongoing direct support to CSF at Clemson but is making funds available for special projects, such as a grant that allowed 12 students to attend the Antiphony collegiate conference at the end of 2004. A budget increase for campus ministry of 75 percent has been recommended for the 2005-06 CBF of S.C. budget to help fund not only the Clemson program but at least two other campus programs that are expected to get underway shortly. “Getting involved in student ministry is an indication of the broadness of our vision as a missional organization,” said Johnny McKinney, pastor of Boulevard Baptist Church in Anderson, S.C., and past moderator of CBF of S.C. “It will be difficult to cultivate progressive, missional Baptists if we do not provide that kind of encounter for our college students.” “The question a lot of people have been asking since day one is why are we not involved in campus ministry,” said CBF of S.C. Coordinator Marion Aldridge. “Until now, we have had a sense that the Baptist option on campus was viable, that students in an open place of learning could figure it out, that our college students were not in the dark. Now, the climate in Baptist life has changed so much that we could no longer sit by.” LEARN – For more about Cooperative Student Fellowship, contact Willis at (864) 654-2347 or curabbi@bellsouth.net. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005 – A workshop on “Church Based Ministry to College Students” will be led by Tim Willis, Ryan Clark, David McDuram and Colbey Sparkman during the Assembly.

leading a group or coordinating or sponsoring a mission project in your area, contact Anne Jernberg at ajernberg@hds.harvard.edu or (617) 493-4744.

By contributing writer Sue H. Poss, Greenville, S.C

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J U N E / J U LY 2 0 0 5


LEARN – For more information on Face2Face, contact the Fellowship at (770) 220-1630, face2face@thefellowship.info or use the link on the CBF Offering for Global Missions Speakers Bureau Web page at www.thefellowship.info. By contributing writer Traci Rylands, Nashville, Tenn.



outh Minister Alan Sherouse traveled 800 miles with 15 high school

society,” Sherouse said. “They [the youth] continually made connections between this community and our own small community with how systems of power favor some and forget others. This was the most profound and lasting realization of the trip,” Sherouse added. In addition to his ministerial duties at the church, Sherouse is also a third-year student at Wake Forest University Divinity School. “One of the things I’ve become increasingly aware of through divinity school is the suffering that surrounds me and how it impacts and shapes theology and ministry,” Sherouse said. “It’s not enough for us to leave a mission experience and only feel good about being there for a week. We need to leave asking ourselves what we can do to change things.” At the conclusion of their trip, Sherouse and his wife, Jenny, wanted to remind the group that the problems people in Overtown wrestle with were a part of their suburban North Carolina community as well. Upon returning to their own community, they stopped at the family shelter in their own town, stood in the rain and prayed together. It was a chance for Sherouse to remind his youth: “We can’t just go back to normal after we’ve seen what God has revealed to us here.” f!

youth and five adult chaperones from First Baptist Church of

Lexington, N.C., to spend a week last summer working with Touching Miami With Love (TML). TML is a collaborative ministry of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions and CBF of Florida, as well as local and regional church sponsors serving residents in downtown Miami and Overtown. community meal and leading a worship This once economically vibrant area is time at the Miami Rescue Mission. The now considered the poorest community youth also tended a community garden in Florida and is struggling with the in Overtown. Throughout all their realities of poverty, crime, drugs and poor experiences with the residents, the youth education. According to TML’s Web site, their vision hopes “that relationships and programs will become transformative to the participants who will in turn use experiences and skills learned to transform the community.” The youth group started every day working and playing alongside Overtown children participating in TML’s summer camp. The volunteers were responsible A student from First Baptist Church of Lexington, N.C., left, and a TML for teaching character camper get to know each other on the first day of camp. education, coordinating group’s main goal was to “listen to their recreation activities, and offering art [the residents’] stories, shake their hands, projects to children in kindergarten and look in their eyes,” Sherouse said. through third grade. “The experience awakened many of In the afternoon, volunteers participated us to the embedded prejudices in our in TML’s ministry efforts with Miami’s communities, our churches and our homeless community by serving a

SERVE – For more about TML and to discover volunteer opportunities, visit www.touchingmiamiwithlove.org.

IN THE NAIROBI STREETS, the faces of children tell the story of abandonment, fear and sometimes hope. These children living with the effects of poverty and disease experience the presence of Christ through the ministry of people such as Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions field personnel Melody and Sam Harrell and partners such as African Baptists and Buckner Baptist Benevolences. The photos to the right show the impact of Kids to Kids Ministry, a school built to provide an “entrance” option for children who live in the slums of Nairobi. In addition to their studies, students also receive breakfast and lunch. After a year, students transition into area public schools. f! $80. Shipping will be charged.) Order from

be held during the 2005 General Assembly

missions education curriculum tells the

The CBF Store at (888) 801-4223 or www.

June 30-July 1, focusing on a new strategic

story of Nairobi’s Kids. The July 2005


partnership ministry.

materials contain a Bible study on “Being


the Presence of Christ Among the Most

workshop on “Children in Africa” led by

Neglected.” (Annual subscriptions: adult

CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal and Buckner

Tamara Tillman and Leon Castle will also

and youth: $20; children and preschool:

Baptist Benevolences President Ken Hall will

be held during the General Assembly.

w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o


Resources available to promote Offering for Global Missions THE FOLLOWING free resources are available to promote MissionConnect: • MissionConnect bulletin insert and poster • Offering for Global Missions 2004-05 leader guide, speakers list and promotional video • Offering for Global Missions envelopes (free for quantities of 300 or less) The Focusing on Internationals DVD is also available for $7.50. Shipping is charged for all items. Order from The CBF Store at (888) 8014223 or www.thefellowship.info.

ittle things add up. A place to do laundry, a needle and thread, an encouraging e-mail, focused prayer — all these impact

the ministry of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions field personnel Butch and Nell Green in Brussels, Belgium. A stitch in time Ruth Campbell, a longtime friend of the Greens, has helped involve her church in Gorman, Texas, by providing quilts for some Muslim women with whom Nell has made friends. “I made one for a close Moroccan friend having a baby,” Nell recalled. “She loved it. When her sister-in-law became pregnant, she wanted one. Now when there is a wedding or a new baby everyone wants a quilt. I couldn’t keep up.” Nell asked the group of individuals that Ruth had brought on a prayer walk in 2002

for assistance. Group member Ellen Gressett is a quilter. She and Ruth formed a group at their church, First Fruits Christian Fellowship. As each quilt is sewn, the women pray for the individuals who will receive them. “When I give (a quilt), I explain it is not me who made it, but it was made with love and prayers,” Nell noted. “This is truly appreciated by Muslim women.” Other churches in Texas, Florida and South Carolina have also made and sent quilts.

How to Respond PRAY – Visit www.thefellowship.info/ GlobalMissions/PrayerCentral/Online to access prayer requests from field personnel. SERVE – For internationals ministry volunteer opportunities, visit www.thefellowship. info/Global Missions/Volunteer Missions/. Or contact Timothy Wood at (800) 782-2451 or twood@thefellowship.info. GIVE – Churches and individuals can partner with the Greens in their ministry by serving as prayer partners, volunteering to lead a children’s English as a Second Language camp, minister-

ing in Brussels from six months to two years as an ESL teacher, making baby and wedding quilts as gifts to the people whom the Greens minister among, and then committing to pray for the individual or family receiving the gift. Send items to Butch and Nell Green; 24 rue Ernest Salu; Brussels, 1020; Belgium or contact 74577.2016@compuserve.com. Use the contribution envelope in this issue to help meet this year’s Offering goal. Or go to www.thefellowship.info to make a contribution online.

An Iraqi mother cradles her newborn son on a quilt given to her by CBF Global Missions field personnel Nell Green in Brussels.

The Greens belong to CBF’s internationals cluster — a group of CBF field personnel who minister to people living far from their homelands. The internationals cluster is highlighted as part of MissionConnect, the spring emphasis of the 200405 Offering for Global Missions. MissionConnect invites churches and individuals to partner with the Greens by providing financial support, tangible goods for the ministry and personal involvement. Based on 1 Corinthians 3:9, this year’s Offering theme is “Together … Being the Presence of Christ.” The Offering goal is $6.1 million with a challenge goal of $6.3 million. Home away from home Helping the Greens on a practical level, churches in South Carolina assisted Sissi, the Greens’ daughter, as she settled into college. First Baptist Church, Greenwood,

LEARN – For more information about the Offering for Global Missions, go to www.thefellowship.info, call (770) 2201653 or e-mail ogm@thefellowship.info. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005 – A workshop on “Promoting the Offering for Global Missions Within Your Church” led by Terry Walton and a panel will be held during the 2005 General Assembly June 30-July 1.

provided vehicles, The Baptist Church of Beaufort helped Sissi get her driver’s license and Oakland Baptist Church in Rock Hill provides the Greens with housing and office space when they are in the United States, and helps Sissi with airport runs. South Carolina churches have helped in purchasing a baptistery, participated in prayer walks and provided choir chimes for a local congregation in Brussels. f! By contributing writer Alison Wingfield, Dallas, Texas

Missouri couple’s expertise influences focus of Partners in Hope

Photos by Steve Johnson

LEARN – The Fellowship’s June 2005

Helping hands impact ministry to Brussels international families

By contributing writer Amy Walker, Atlanta

Nairobi’s Kids


Courtesy of field personnel

WHEN NEW HOPE Baptist Church in Hickory, N.C., wanted to invite one of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Global Missions field personnel to speak, they knew covering flight expenses was not a viable option. They had no speakers’ budget and were in the midst of a major building program. “That’s when we got creative,” said New Hope Pastor Dale Walls. “We have a history of thinking outside the box.” Church members used their combined frequent flyer miles to cover the cost of an airline ticket. As a result, New Hope members heard vivid stories about the missions field straight from one of CBF’s field personnel. “It had a major impact,” Walls said. “The realization that New Hope was a part of this CBF missionary’s work gave us more enthusiasm for missions than we’ve had in the history of the church.” During the same week, the CBF worker was able to speak at a nearby CBF church, which would not have been possible without New Hope’s gift of miles. Using frequent flyer miles to cover a CBF speaker’s flight expenses is an alternative Terry Walton hopes more churches will consider. “It is a great way for a church to creatively give if those miles are just sitting around not being used,” said Walton, who facilitates CBF’s initiative Face2Face, formerly known as the CBF’s Speakers Bureau. Face2Face links the local church with CBF staff and field personnel through dialogue and storytelling. As they share their stories through on-site visits with the local church, opportunities for ministry and support are expanded. Mutual advocacy develops through the exchange of information, Walton said. Face2Face has an extensive list of available speakers ranging from national and international field personnel to chaplains to representatives from theological institutions and leadership experts. “We believe each puts a face to CBF – it’s a connection that we hope will be the beginnings of an extensive relationship,” Walton emphasized. “We’re not limited to missions staff and personnel,” she added. “And it can go beyond a Sunday morning service. We hope this service will be used for missions fairs, kids camps and state meetings. We want to focus on all the needs of the church.”

Touching Miami With Love trip changes outlook of N.C. students

Courtesy of FBC, Lexington, N.C.

N.C. church uses frequent flyer miles to enlist speaker


To u c h i n g M i a m i w i t h L o v e

A workshop on “Engaging in the Missions


Story through Missions Education” led by

N a i r o b i ’s K i d s


Frequent Flyer Miles

AS COMMUNITY developers committed to easing rural poverty’s toll, Don and Doris Littrell of Columbia, Mo., think partnering with impoverished people empowers them. As coordinator of Partners in Hope, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative, Tom Prevost thinks partnering with a retired couple who have a collective 45 years of community development expertise empowers the initiative. The Littrells have been community development training resource consultants for Partners in Hope since 2001. Both Don and Doris brought years of experience to PIH. Don, a former community development professor at University of Missouri for 35 years, was on the original community development wave that started in the 1960s. Doris said her involvement started about 10 years ago. At one point, she and Don ran a community development consulting business when Doris wasn’t working her day job as a continuing education administrator at the university. In 2001, the Littrells began praying

Helping Hands


empowering about what people to take retirement charge of their would bring, and lives. The Littrells then temporary “press us to get Partners in Hope to know the director Tom people and build Ogburn had relationships,” been praying which are essential for community to making a longdevelopers to get Don and Doris Littrell have served as community develterm impact, involved in the opment training resource consultants for Partners in Hope, CBF’s rural poverty initiative, since 2001. Prevost said. new initiative. Because the Two weeks later, poverty cycle stems from low self-worth, they read about the new ministry in CBF’s lack of confidence and an absence of newsletter. “We got goose bumps and control over life, “poverty is more than just thought ‘This is it,’” Doris said. having no money. People have a sense that As consultants, the Littrells have there’s no hope,” Doris said. provided training for Partners in Hope Not only have the Littrells been a perleadership in the Mississippi Delta, Perry sonal mentor in Prevost’s understanding County in Alabama, Arkansas and the Rio of community development, but their Grande Valley in Texas. The Littrells have wealth of experience has affirmed the also developed training opportunities and direction of Partners in Hope. “They a bibliography of resources. are unabashed in their expression of conThe Littrells work to educate people cern for those who live in poverty and on community development, which treating those persons with dignity and moves beyond charity and focuses on

C o u p l e’s E x p e r t i s e B r i n g s H o p e

Courtesy of Littrells



Offering Resources

respect,” Prevost said. The Littrells have found their involvement rewarding, although it required a shift in self-image. When Ogburn told them they were an answer to prayer, Don said they had never before considered themselves an answer to prayer. But what was even more surprising was a new title. “When somebody called us missionaries, it blew our minds. We never thought of ourselves that way,” Don said. In some ways, Don said it feels like he never retired. Being able to use a lifetime worth of expertise on a worthwhile cause has been a God-send for Don, who has inoperable cancer. “This work gives me something to live for,” he said. f! LEARN – For more information, visit www.ruralpoverty.net. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005 – A workshop titled “Presence Alongside in the Poorest Counties in America” led by Tom Prevost and a Partners in Hope panel will be held during the 2005 General Assembly.

By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications

w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o

J U N E / J U LY 2 0 0 5



By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications




ince the Dec. 26 tsunami swept through Southeast Asia, the

due to potential problems from low volume wells and high iron and salt content in Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has been working to ensure clean the water. The systems take water from streams, water reaches tsunami survivors in several affected countries. rivers, lakes, lagoons or wells, and purify Southeast Asia. One local government Ranging from water purification tablets it for drinking at a cost of less than $1 per asked the Fellowship to continue providing in India to larger purification systems ca1,000 gallons. water for the anticipated 3,000 people who pable of cleaning 600 gallons of water per Several partner churches and will become long-term camp residents. hour, the Fellowship has directed resources individuals contributed significantly to Shortly following the tsunami, the to provide victims with clean water. purchasing water purification units. The Because several Fellowship is continuing countries affected by to determine the most the tsunami provided effective way to utilize bottled water to the designated funds to victims during the address water shortages emergency phase, the in the tsunamiFellowship was able to affected areas. concentrate on areas Prior to the tsunami, less aided. Through clean water was stored the quick response in concrete-lined of governments and cisterns or open wells numerous relief averaging a 14-foot organizations, “major depth in one region, epidemics were averted said Darrell Smith, by providing clean one of CBF’s Global water, which lessened Missions field personnel the medical emergency,” who was temporarily said David Harding, deployed to Southeast the Fellowship’s Asia for relief efforts. international Filled with mud and With the help of volunteers and CBF Global Missions field personnel, more than 200 wells and cisterns filled with mud and salt water following the tsunami were made functional. coordinator for salt water following the emergency response tsunami, more than 200 Fellowship purchased systems from a U.S. and transformational development. wells and cisterns were made functional company and transported them on charter So far, the Fellowship has purchased with the help of volunteers and field planes to Southeast Asia, where they were six water purification systems that have personnel. After removing debris from assembled by two teams of trained volunprovided clean water to thousands of wells, salt water was pumped or scooped teers from North Carolina Baptist Men. homeless survivors living in internally out with buckets. Before clean water could Distribution sites were carefully selected displaced persons camps throughout be stored again, well walls were scrubbed repeatedly and chlorinated, Harding said. The Fellowship also provided 25 water storage tanks ranging from 30 to 250 gallon capacity. FELLOWSHIP CHURCHES and individuals are volunteers working with them. Prayer updates Because good sanitation is as essential invited to assist the efforts of CBF Global are available online at www.thefellowship.info/ as clean water, the Fellowship is working to Missions field personnel and their partners in AsianResponse.icm. build community toilets in coastal villages, Southeast Asia by taking the following actions: GIVE – Gifts should be earmarked #17016, LEARN – The CBF Web site contains Asian Response and can be mailed to: ASIAN according to Harding. “We want to provide resources compiled by CBF’s Initiative for RESPONSE, CBF, PO Box 101699, Atlanta, GA clean water in tandem with providing clean Congregational Life to assist congregations in 30392. Gifts can be made by credit card online sanitation facilities in order to control their response to the crisis in Asia. at www.thefellowship.info/Landing/Giving.icm. disease. Providing for the disposal of To access these resources, go to www. SERVE – For more information about human waste in an environmentally safe thefellowship.info/CL/FF/CMResources/ volunteer opportunities, contact Timothy Wood manner using toilets is just as important as Disaster.icm. at (800) 782-2451, twood@thefellowship.info providing clean water to drink,” he said. f! PRAY – Pray for the tsunami survivors or visit www.thefellowship.info/Global Missions/

ecause of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship tsunami relief efforts, many Sri Lankans were provided temporary shelter and more

than 3,000 survivors in India received medical treatment during the last two months. As of April 13, the Fellowship had distributed $163,839 to relief efforts in Sri Lanka and India. meter buffer zone between the ocean and new housing. “These people did not have legal standing to have destroyed housing replaced, so they may be left out of any existing government programs for rebuilding,” said Scott Hunter, one of CBF’s Global

Partnering with other Baptist organizations in Sri Lanka, the Fellowship provided funds to help build temporary housing for survivors and also advocated for squatters, who could lose the opportunity to rebuild their homes that were within the now 100-

and CBF Global Missions field personnel and

Volunteer Missions/asiarelief.icm.

By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications

CBF tsunami relief — Continued from page 1

contribute in buckets in the cafeteria. “We were proud of Leah for spearheading this project,” said her mother, Merrie. Contributions helped purchase six water purification systems that have provided clean water to thousands. Funds have also allowed for medical clinics for survivors, w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o

soil testing, replanting of crops, and distribution of shoes and school uniforms to children in two villages. As a way of stimulating local economy, CBF Global Missions field personnel paid villagers to clean their own villages and fishing ponds. As of April 13, $537,617 had been distributed in tsunami relief efforts. The Fellowship continues to evaluate and distribute funds in the most effective ways to

achieve long-term transformation in the affected areas. f! GIVE – Gifts should be earmarked #17016, Asian Response and can be mailed to: ASIAN RESPONSE, CBF, PO Box 101699, Atlanta, GA 30392. Gifts can be made by credit card online at www.thefellowship.info/ Landing/Giving.icm.

By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications C l e a n Wa t e r


Thailand Response

Scott Hunter, left, one of CBF’s Global Missions field personnel, surveys tsunami damage in Sri Lanka with Freddie De Alwis, a representative for the Sri Lanka Baptist Society.

Missions field personnel. Hunter said local Baptists are exploring opportunities to buy land as well as receive some land grants from the government, which will be used to develop a community for the squatters. Other relief efforts have included construction projects, medical services and sanitation improvements. As a result of the Fellowship’s volunteer medical teams in India, a local government has given relief workers a building to be used for medical treatment. The building had been vacant and in disrepair for four years. “The community is very thankful to see it open again. It has helped us to develop relationships, credibility and a better understanding of the needs in this community,” Hunter said. A nurse will be hired to treat minor medical needs, with the building available for use by other volunteer medical teams. The building will also serve as a community center and job training center for women needing family income. With some fishermen still afraid to return to work, the Fellowship will also try to prepare them for other job options. Once the Indian government decides the width of a buffer zone between the ocean and new houses, field personnel and volunteers will aid with rebuilding. As relief continues in Southeast Asia, the Fellowship is researching more ways to provide clean water and meet other needs. f! By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications

Fellowship partners with Piper Institute COOPERATIVE BAPTIST Fellowship Global Missions has signed a two-year partnership agreement with the Piper Foundation and United Baptists of Latin America (UBLA) to start new churches in Central and South America. For each of the next two years, the Fellowship will provide funding for conferences in Latin America that will focus on preaching, church planting and missions opportunities among the most neglected. The agreement calls for directing volunteers from CBF-affiliated churches in North America to work alongside UBLA church planters as they get new churches off the ground. The plan also includes inviting Central and South American churches to participate in service opportunities with CBF Global Missions around the world. A key component of the new relationship will be developing partnerships between Piper and the CBF state and regional organizations. Through partnerships between local CBF churches and the 21 UBLA national Baptist Sri Lanka Relief Efforts


of Church Planting is led by executive director Merlin Merritt and president Otto Arango and is headquartered in San Antonio. It is named for Katy Piper and her late husband, Paul, who founded the Christ is Our Salvation Foundation, which helped fund the institute. “The Piper Institute strategy focuses on one simple truth; laypeople sensing the call of Christ can be trained to start churches and become From left, Katy Piper, board member of the Piper Institute for Church effective lay ministers,” Planting; Dean Dickens, CBF Global Missions associate coordinator; and Otto Merritt said. f! Arango, Piper Institute president, sign a partnership agreement between conventions on church planting, Piper expects to reach its commitment of starting 50,000 new churches in the next 15 years.

Courtesy of Piper Institute

How to Respond


Relief efforts help to rebuild Sri Lanka, treat medical needs in India

Stretch Ledford photo

EDITOR’S NOTE: CBF Global Missions field personnel quoted in this story cannot be identified for security reasons. When a tsunami relief team in Thailand arrived in one village, they were met with tears from villagers. “One of the leaders in the village began to cry and told the team that he thought his village was forgotten,” said one of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Global Missions field personnel serving in Thailand. In immediate relief efforts, field personnel and ministry partners supplied more than 210 families with food and water. As of April 13, the Fellowship had distributed more than $40,000 to tsunami relief in Thailand. In fulfilling the Fellowship’s vision of being the presence of Christ, field personnel have focused on rebuilding lives in one village, which means restarting the fishing business on which the local economy depends. Nine fishing boats and seven boat motors have been repaired, with another two boats and one motor also purchased. The Fellowship also bought 53 fishing nets, nearly 1,000 crab nets and 557 squid nets. Work crews work to rebuild the devastated fishing industry of coastal Thailand, which will take years to restore. The Fellowship has so far funded the construction of nine fishing boats. The purchases made an impact on 125 local families, but economic recovery might be as long a process as the emotional recovery. “The fishermen soon found out that there was no market for their catch. Many Thais believed that the fish were eating the corpses of those who died in the ocean, so they did not want any of the fish,” one of the field personnel said. Networking with other ministries has been the hallmark of tsunami relief in Thailand. Partnering with Habitat for Humanity, the Fellowship provided $10,000 for new housing projects to help Habitat meet their goal of providing 1,000 new homes to tsunami victims. The Fellowship also donated $800 in equipment to another organization that provided 50 new homes in the area. Field personnel anticipate volunteers coming to help rebuild one area, where the tsunami killed more than 4,000 people, injured almost 6,000 people and destroyed all housing near the ocean. “We opened a volunteer center to house the volunteers. The need for housing of volunteers is great in this area,” one of the field personnel said.

Fellowship provides clean water to tsunami victims in Southeast Asia

Courtesy of field personnel

CBF Global Missions field personnel in Thailand focus on rebuilding lives


CBF Global Missions and the institute to start new churches in Central and South America.

“This type of church planting and training partnership plan is unprecedented,” said Bill Nichols, chairman of Piper’s board of directors. Founded in 2004, the Piper Institute

Piper Institute


El Paso Partnership

LEARN – For more information on Piper, visit

www.piperinstitute.com and for more on CBF Global Missions, visit www.thefellowship.info/

CBF partners with El Paso Baptist Association to start Hispanic churches CHURCH STARTING is a priority for El Paso Baptist Association. Last year it started 16 churches; this year it started 30 churches; and next year’s goal is to launch 50 church starts, according to director of missions Josue Valerio. Recently, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship announced a $100,000 commitment to helping the Texas association start 50 new Hispanic congregations. In El Paso, a city on the Mexican border where 85 percent of the population is Hispanic, more Spanish-speaking congregations are a necessity, Valerio said. Of the association’s current 42 church starts, 30 are Spanish-speaking. “I believe the El Paso Baptist Association is one of the first organizations in the United States to step to the front of this challenge in starting new Hispanic churches,” said Bernie Moraga, coordinator of the Fellowship’s Hispanic Network. “I want other associations around the country to do the same. El Paso Baptist Association is a role model for other associations to imitate.” The association has also signed a covenant agreement with the Fellowship and the Baptist General Convention of Texas to hire a church planter who will start 50 house churches each year for the next three years, said Bill Bruster, the Fellowship’s networking coordinator. Existing churches in El Paso present ideas for starting new churches, according to Valerio. The association assesses the potential church planter and facilitates the process of starting the church. Each church planter meets monthly with a coach provided by the association. Association-offered ministry training also prepares the church planter. “We use a lot of case studies, observation and interviews in our teaching and training,” Valerio said. Church starts are informed about the Fellowship’s funding offer and have the option to receive up to $2,000, Valerio said. As the association continues to start more and more congregations, the Fellowship’s funding fulfills a mounting need. “Our budget has been stretched to the limit locally,” he said. The first church start to receive funds will be Iglesia Bautista Familia Cristiana in Van Horn. LEARN – El Paso area churches interested in CBF funding for a church start should contact Valerio at (915) 544-8671 or by e-mail at epba@sbcglobal.net. Valerio said there are also opportunities for CBF partner churches to participate in missions projects and partner with specific churches in El Paso. Interested churches should contact him.

Global Missions/. By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications

By Lance Wallace, CBF Communications w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o

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Fellowship receives $5 million for Global Missions COOPERATIVE BAPTIST Fellowship Coordinator Daniel Vestal announced April 12 the Fellowship had received a $5 million anonymous contribution to be used for CBF Global Missions field personnel, HIV/AIDS initiatives and tsunami relief. “We are grateful for the trust this free and faithful Baptist places in the Fellowship’s ministries among the most neglected,” Vestal said. “All that we do to be the presence of Christ in the world is in partnership with Fellowship Baptists like this one, who responded to God’s call. Many needs will be met because of this gift and gifts like it from those who believe in the work of this Fellowship.” The majority of the $5 million gift will go to field personnel salaries, benefits, equipment and training, with additional designated funding for expanding HIV/AIDS initiatives and Partners in Hope, the Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative. The remaining $300,000 will go to the Asian response fund for tsunami relief. By Lance Wallace, CBF Communications

General Assembly ’05 — Continued from page 1

In addition to the Bible study, other spiritual formation activities will include worship samplers and a celebration of preaching. Other workshops will highlight the ministry of CBF Global Missions field personnel and the Fellowship’s other missions efforts. National CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal and Ken Hall, president of Buckner Baptist Benevolences, will lead a workshop on ministry partnership helping children in Africa. Diana Garland will talk about families on mission. Stephen Bryant, the world editor and publisher of Upper Room Ministries, will lead a session introducing “Exploring the Way” curriculum, which is next in the “Companions in Christ” series. In many ways, the workshops will function as free professional development for church staff and congregational leaders. “Pastors and lay leaders can go home with a head full of ideas to help their churches,” Prosser said. Thirty workshops will be taped and available for purchase following the Assembly. f! LEARN – To pre-register for the Assembly or see a complete listing of workshops, visit www.thefellowship. info/Church Life/GA2005/.

By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications


journey As We

By CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal

Free and faithful Baptists: a CBF update WHEN ASKED THE QUESTION, “How is CBF doing?” my response is, “I am grateful and I am hopeful.” Let me tell you why. We are gaining consensus and building momentum around our vision of being the presence of Christ in the world. We are engaged in global missions in significant ways and are valued as a partner for local churches in ministering to the most neglected. We are becoming a Baptist body that is respected within the world family of Baptists and a recognized participant in ecumenical and interfaith conversations. We are helping develop effective congregational leaders in partnership with 14 theological education institutions, and we are becoming an ever more effective resource for local churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission. Churches are being started and

strengthened. CBF Global Missions field personnel are being sent and supported. Chaplains and pastoral counselors are being endorsed and affirmed. Ministry partners are included and increasing. And we are growing — not only in numbers of partnering churches and contributions, but in a spirit of unity and love. The response to the tsunami disaster in Asia has demonstrated a groundswell of concern. The collegial cooperation between CBF and the state/regional CBF organizations is most encouraging. The partnership study report will emphasize again our commitment to partnering as a way of functioning to serve churches. And our very name and structure as a Fellowship emphasizes our interdependence on one another. I see less rivalry and focus on regionalism and more convergence and collaboration. Even the challenges we face give me hope. This is because I believe these challenges have to do with the essence of our faith as Christians. The individuals and churches that partner in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship have declared loudly


and clearly that we are and will be free Baptists. We have said that we will not be controlled by fundamentalism and we will not be subjected to creedalism, ecclesiastical dictates and forced conformity. But, as free Baptists, we desire to be faithful. And therein are the challenges. Will we really be faithful? Will we be faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ? Will we be faithful to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment? Will we be faithful to the Kingdom of God that calls for justice and reconciliation? I see hopeful signs. A number of churches are realizing that their identities and futures must be tied to the mission of God in the world and their participation in that mission. They understand that the whole concept of missional church is neither a fad nor a passing fancy, but is integral to the gospel itself. In everincreasing numbers, Baptists are realizing that God loves hurting, suffering people and that authentic Christian ministry embraces the world’s poor. An increasing number of churches are realizing that spiritual formation is not an option but is essential in following Christ. Grace is free, but it is not cheap; and we must engage in spiritual disciplines if we are to grow in grace. A growing number of Baptist Christians are realizing that the Body of Christ is much richer and far broader than we have ever imagined. Therefore, we are forging relationships and ministries beyond the Baptist denominational boundaries. I am grateful and I am hopeful. f!

Baldridge resigning as Global Missions Coordinator BARBARA BALDRIDGE, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Coordinator of Global Missions, announced her resignation effective May 31. Baldridge, who has served in the roles as co-coordinator and coordinator of the Fellowship’s Global Missions operations since 1999, cited personal reasons for her decision. “Barbara Baldridge is a person of impeccable Christian character and spiritual maturity,” said Daniel Vestal, national coordinator of the Fellowship. “She has been an effective leader for CBF Global Missions, and we will miss her. She is one of the finest missiologists I know as well as a consensus builder and team

builder. I am grieved at her leaving, but thankful to God for the time we had to serve together.” Baldridge and her husband, Gary, co-directed the work of Global Missions from 1999 until December 2004 when Gary Baldridge retired. Barbara Baldridge was acting coordinator for two months until the Coordinating Council elected her to the post at its February meeting in Atlanta. “While I am immensely grateful for the trust placed in me by our Council, I simply must devote my time to my family for the foreseeable future. My years with CBF have been among the most rewarding of my career. I leave

Editor’s Note: The following is a letter from CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal.

most neglected and will continue to serve Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission. Our team in Global Missions is one of the finest anywhere, and I have every confidence in their continued effectiveness. There is an integral health in this Fellowship as well as a deep passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Almost on a daily basis someone will communicate with me about how the Spirit is working in their lives through our ministries. Just last week, we had a candidate conference for new field personnel and it was one of the finest we’ve ever had. Support for tsunami relief continues. Karen Gilbert has joined our staff as associate coordinator for volunteers and partnership missions and Matt Norman as associate coordinator for career and affiliate personnel. I have asked Jack Snell to serve as acting coordinator

THE RESIGNATION of Barbara Baldridge as coordinator of Global Missions is a cause of personal grief. Her departure leaves a big hole in the leadership of CBF, and she will be missed. This was a difficult decision for her, and we will honor her discernment process. Please continue to pray for her and show her our love and support as well as our best wishes in her continued service to Christ. My respect for Barbara is immense. She is a person of impeccable integrity and deep Christian character. It has been a joy to work with her. Even as we give thanks for her leadership, we recommit ourselves to the call and task God has given us. We will continue to be the presence of Christ to the

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Global Missions on solid financial ground and with experienced personnel committed to fulfilling our vision and goals for ministry among the most neglected.” Vestal has appointed Jack Snell, CBF Global Missions associate coordinator for field ministries, as acting coordinator for Global Missions and he will recommend Snell as interim coordinator to the Coordinating Council in June. Vestal said the Coordinating Council will immediately appoint a committee to begin a search process for the next Global Missions coordinator. f! By Ben McDade, CBF Communications

for Global Missions and am recommending to the Coordinating Council in June that he be elected as interim coordinator. Jack brings a wealth of missions experience, maturity and a profound understanding of the local church. Our moderator, Bob Setzer, will appoint a search committee in June, and they will begin the process of finding the person to lead us in Global Missions. Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is of God and it is in God that we trust and it is from God that we receive our vision and strength. And we do so together. Grace and peace to each of you,

Fellowship Roundup: News from CBF’s states, regions and national offices ■ Alabama The Sowing Seeds of Hope Board recently voted to hire Frances Ford as executive director for SSH, a faith-based community development initiative in Perry County which AlabamaCBF helped create five years ago. Ford began serving with SSH as health care coordinator in 2001 and will continue to carry out those duties. Although 14 groups have planned to volunteer in Perry County this spring and summer, there are still a number of SSH opportunities available for missions teams. SSH’s Housing Task Force has identified 36 priority projects for this year. Opportunities are also available in the areas of day camping/ VBS and literacy. Churches interested in a missions opportunity with SSH can contact the SSH office at (334) 6834666 or John Mitchell at (205) 4783146 or john@alabamacbf.org. Present Hope for Unseen Hurt spring conference was held at Mountain Brook Baptist Church March 4-5. CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal, and Chuck Bugg, newly named dean of the M. Christopher White School of Divinity at Gardner-Webb University, spoke during the dinner session on Friday evening and the morning session on Saturday.

■ Georgia Chuck Poole was the guest speaker for the CBFGA General Assembly in March. The host church, First Baptist Church of Rome, assisted more than 600 registrants Chuck Poole throughout the two-day event. Approximately 575 youth and adults participated in March Mission Madness 2005 in Americus. The theme “Make a Prophet” was interpreted by Ryan Clark, associate director of admissions at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology. Music was provided by Jen Van Camp, a McAfee student. Fellowship Baptist Church, located in Americus and pastored by Wendy Joyner, helped prepare and serve lunch to the participants. Scott Ford, minister of education and youth at Haven Fellowship Church in Conyers, is the coordinator for March Mission Madness.

On March 31 at First Baptist Church of Morrow, Chris Gambill, senior consultant with the Center for Congregational Health, facilitated three ministerial Peer Learning Groups as part of CBF’s Initiative for Ministerial Excellence. Networks of ministers are gathering regularly across the state for fellowship, encouragement and resource sharing. Tommy Shapard, then associate minister of music at First Baptist of Gainesville, convened ministers of music in January; Brian McCartney, minister of education at First Baptist of Griffin, hosted ministers of education in May; and Denel James, minister to children at First Baptist of Griffin, will host children’s ministers in August. On April 16, Baptist Women in Ministry of Georgia gathered at Haven Fellowship Church in Conyers for their annual worship service, business session and awards presentation. The preacher for the service was Bonnie Oliver, a student at Candler School of Theology and the 2004 recipient of the Sara Owen Etheridge Scholarship. The business session was presided over by Rachel Gunter Shapard, BWIM of Georgia president and associate pastor of discipleship and outreach at First Baptist Church of Gainesville. BWIM of Georgia recognized laywoman Joan Godsey of First Baptist Church in Christ, Macon, as the Distinguished Church Woman of the Year. The Sara Owen Etheridge Scholarship was also awarded to Jan Thompson, a student at McAfee School of Theology and new pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in Cleveland.

■ Missouri The following Partners in Hope volunteer opportunities exist: • June 13-17, High Plains Pine Ridge Reservation at the Porcupine Clinic • July 18-22, High Plains Rosebud Reservation • July 25-29, High Plains Crow Creek Reservation. Needs are for dentists, dental assistants and dental hygienists to provide care. Others are needed to assist with registration. For more information or to learn more about Project Warm Embrace, contact Chris Thompson at (816) 792-3058 or cthompson@thomsponjames.com.

Coming Attractions JUNE 30 –JULY 1 CBF General Assembly The Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine, Texas Info: www.thefellowship.info/Church Life/GA2005 JULY 27-31 Centennial Congress of the Baptist World Alliance Birmingham, England Info: www.bwanet.org/Congress/congress2005.htm Registration: (703) 790-8980, congress@bwanet.org LEARN – For a complete schedule of events, go to www.thefellowship. info/Inside CBF/Calendar.

Daniel Vestal

‘A s W e J o u r n e y ’


Anonymous Donation


Fellowship Roundup

A Fellowship Gathering meal immediately following the state meeting in Grapevine, Texas, will be held June 30 for those with connections to Missouri or surrounding states. For more details, contact Harold Phillips at hap@cbfmo.org.

■ National CBF Global Missions has named Karen Grubb Gilbert of Dallas, Texas, as the associate coordinator for volunteers and partnerships, a Dallas-based position left vacant by Tom Ogburn since Dec. 31. Gilbert, who had been serving as minister of missions at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, began May 1. Matt Norman, former Global Service Corps field personnel, has been named associate coordinator for affiliate and career selection, effective April 1. Working from the Atlanta Resource Center, Norman is responsible for implementing the new category of mission service called “AsYouGo,” which replaces the CBF envoy program with a broader range of opportunities for concurrent mission service with CBF and local churches as well as tent-making positions. The CBF Foundation added Bill Johnson, of Gulf Shores, Ala., as fulltime stewardship associate on Jan. 3. Johnson will be responsible for raising funds for endowments for CBF ministry initiatives and partners. Tom Newsom, CBF coordinator of development, will retire effective July 31, concluding four years of service. Newsom, who lives in Waco, Texas, has previously worked for Baylor University, Phoenix Baptist Hospital, Grand Canyon University, Arizona Baptist Children’s Services and Texas Baptist Children’s Home. Linda Caveness marked her 10year employment anniversary with CBF in April.

■ North Central The North Central CBF Spring Gathering was April 22-23 in Chicago. Rick Bennett, CBF associate coordinator for faith formation, was the keynote speaker on the theme “God Gives the Increase: Church Planting in the 21st Century.” Pastors of CBF church plants in the North Central region, including host church pastor Jorge Zayasbazan of Grace Chapel and Carol Betts and April Thoms, co-pastors of the Catalyst Church in Columbus, Ohio, gave testimonies. Also featured were CBF Global Missions field personnel and staff. Music was provided by the music ministry of Grace Chapel.

■ Oklahoma Central Seminary will begin offering masters of divinity classes at First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City this fall. Mack Roark, associate pastor for Christian teaching at First Baptist Oklahoma City, will serve as the satellite campus program director and will teach one of the first classes.

Cooperating Baptist Fellowship of Oklahoma will be a funding and promotional partner in this effort. The Native American Church of Watonga is partnering with CBF and CBFO to begin a new church in Canton, Okla. A house has been purchased and David White Eagle

at Royal Lane Baptist Church in Dallas to participate in the True Survivor 5 conference sponsored by CBF’s Congregational Life initiative. Diana Garland of the Baylor University School of Social Work and Dave Odom

of the Center for Congregational Health in WinstonSalem, N.C., provided challenging presentations with will lead the responses by CBF ministry. The Congregational first services Life Coordinator were held on Bo Prosser. The Easter SunJack Naish Distinday. Canton guished Christian and this new Educator Award church will be was presented to the site of the Carolyn Shapard, CBFO summinister of adults mer missions at Wilshire Baptist project where Church in Dallas; churches from and Nancy Burke, From left, David Flick, David White Eagle across the minister of educaand Phil Hester in front of the New American state will send tion at Bayshore Church in Canton, Okla. youth and conBaptist Church in struction teams. Tampa, Fla. This award is dedicated to the memory of Naish, longtime ■ Tennessee Christian educator, and is presented The Tennessee CBF Coordinating to educators who have distinguished Council met in Crossville on March 11themselves in the model of excellence 12 and then spent Saturday afternoon and quality Christian education. at Neverfail Community Church to learn more about the church’s ministry in ■ Virginia one of the poorest areas in Tennessee. The CBF of Virginia 12th annual Co-pastors Emily and Eliot Roberts General Assembly was held at and the members of the church hosted Huguenot Road Baptist Church the council for a fellowship lunch and in Richmond March 18-19. CBF then introduced council members Coordinator Daniel Vestal preached in to the area and its needs. During the Saturday morning worship. its Friday night meeting, the council CBF of Virginia officers elected heard a report from Coordinator Ircel are James C. Heath, moderator; Harrison. On Saturday morning, Timothy Madison, moderator-elect; Jeff Brown, a partner of Dempsey Dennis Sacrey, treasurer; Bland Vantrese & Follis PLLC and president of Campbell III, secretary. Nominees to Financial Services and Solutions, Inc., CBF Coordinating Council are Sarah Murfreesboro, made a presentation on Fain and Brian Harfst. “A Gift of the Heart — Investing in the The General Assembly voted to Future of TCBF/Insuring YOUR Future.” enter into a year-long re-visioning In other business, the council approved process facilitated by Dave Odom a slate of officers and a proposed and Melissa Clodfelter with the budget to recommend to the General Center for Congregational Health. Assembly at First Baptist Church of Nancy Stanton McDaniel chairs Jefferson City on April 22-23. The the Re-Visioning Steering Committee. recommended 2005-06 budget of Task forces were formed to address $330,518 is an increase of 2 percent six issues: identity, relationships, over the 2004-05 budget. missions/ministries, stewardship, Plans are developing for the Olive communication and leadership. Branch Fellowship: A Baptist Faith A CBF of Virginia missions offering Community in Olive Branch, Miss. called Shared Visions was introduced Church planters Chuck and Martha at the meeting. It will be an annual Strong have held several meetings offering emphasized in April. It focuses with interested participants in the on two initiatives — Hispanic ministries area and plan to begin weekly Bible and church starts. studies. Olive Branch Fellowship is being developed in partnership with Trinity Baptist Church, Cordova; CBF; CBF of Mississippi and TCBF. For more information, contact the Strongs at strongs@telepak.net or call Mike Young at (931) 247-4851.

■ Texas Christian educators from churches across the nation gathered March 7-9

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