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I&F - The Great Outdoors Issue – August/September 2015

August/September 2015


The Great Outdoors Celebrating our world with short stories, poetry, history, and more!

Managing Editor Courtney Seybold

Assistant Editor Sarah Levesque

Submissions Editor Elizabeth Troup

Graphics Editor Courtney Seybold

Illustrators Mary MacArthur, Anna MacArthur, and Courtney Seybold

Proofreader Marie Jeannette

Authors Emerald, Marie Jeannette, Rosaria Marie, Courtney Seybold, Elizabeth Troup, and Bethany McGean Photographers Megan Dominick, Amira Fitzpatrick

Questions? Ask@iandfmag.com

Contents Editor’s Note by Courtney Seybold

Strong John of Waterloo by Rosaria Marie

Author Interview with Mavis Duke Hinton

The Sneak Thief of Meyer’s Greenhouse by Courtney Seybold 10-17

Ever Vigilant by Elizabeth Troup 18-20

Dreamer’s Field by Anna Rogers

Movie Review by Bethany McGean 22-23

Aug/Sept 2015 Catholic Perspective or Personal Preference? by Rosaria Marie 24-29

Photo Spread by Amira Fitzpatrick 30-31

Bart the Bard by Emerald 34-43

Outdoor Adventures Bucket List by Various Authors 44-45

Stabbed by Joy by Marie Jeannette

Coming in October . . .

Ink and Fairydust

August/september 2015

Ink and Fairydust is a free emagazine and blog created by teens and young adults. We seek to inspire with a mix of creativity and faith.


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3All articles and artwork belong to their respective creators and may not be copied without permission.

Dear Readers,

Editor’s Note Courtney Seybold

“Look deep into nature,” Albert Einstein (18791955) said, “and then you will understand everything better.” And St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090- 1153) wrote: “Believe me, you will find more lessons in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach you what you cannot learn from masters.”

These are only two examples plucked from a vast number of quotes by brilliant thinkers on the subject of nature and the outdoors. Some of the greatest thoughts ever discovered were opened up to a mind by the wonder of the outdoors, and some of the most genius work ever done, and the most beautiful words ever penned, were inspired by nature. While we make no claim of our work here at Ink and Fairydust being among their number, we did try to take some good advice and get inspiration from the great outdoors for this issue.

From poetry to reviews, short stories to photography, articles to interviews, we’ve put together this collection of our inspirations, and hope that they entertain you, and perhaps lead you to make some wonderful discoveries of your own.

Yours Ever, Courtney Seybold Managing Editor

Coming O tober 2015: All Things Ches er on!

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