Fem Things - What is Feminism and Why is It Important

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What is Feminism and why is it important

Introduction ď‚Ą

Feminism simply means believing that men and women are equal, neither is better than the other and neither should be treated with more respect than the other – everyone should be equal on all levels, simple as that.

Why is Feminism Called “Feminism” and Not “Humanism” 

While feminism is about achieving equal rights for both men and women, we still need to remember that women face more inequalities than men. For many years women have been seen as being less than or weaker than men. You may have even seen for yourself situations where men or boys are chosen as leaders and are given better treatment at school, work and even at home.

Why is Feminism Important?  It helps eradicate unrealistic body expectations  It allows you to feel however you want to damn

well feel  It raises awareness for male victims of sexual assault and violence

It Allows You to Feel However You Want to Damn Well Feel ď‚Ą

The thing is, suicide is undeniably an issue of gender, as social constraints prevent men from seeking help when they need it most because asking for help is a stereotypically feminine trait.

It Raises Awareness for Male Victims of Sexual Assault and Violence ď‚Ą

Feminism fights the myth that domestic violence and sexual abuse is something that only happens to women, and makes the plight of men who go through traumatic events more visible.

Rape Culture 

Women and girls are the most vulnerable when it comes to rape. It’s gotten to a point where it’s even expected that a woman walking alone at night might get raped and in many parts of the world rape is not even seen as a serious crime. When a woman has been raped.

It Helps Eradicate Unrealistic Body Expectations ď‚Ą

A good friend of mine once put himself through a punishing diet and exercise regime to completely change his body, and he achieved this. However he developed crippling self-doubt, and was constantly berating himself for giving in to a doughnut, or would get genuinely angry when he couldn't work out due to injuries.

It Opens up a Whole World of Job Opportunities ď‚Ą

Feminism makes it OK for everyone to do what they want to do. Whether it be a woman who wants to be a mechanical engineer, or for a man who just wants to design shoes. You do you.

Femininity and Feminism ď‚Ą

Being a feminist doesn’t mean you have to change who you are. You can still enjoy your femininity while being a feminist. Feminism has nothing to do with how you dress or how much make-up you wear. It has everything to do with striving for the same rights men have. Feminism also has nothing to do with your gender/sex. You can be a man and be a feminist too.

Who I Am‌ 

Fem Things offers the trendy, creative, and high quality fashion for women who love to express themselves in style.

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