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INTRODUCTION We have prepared a dicitonary of adjectives /idioms related to history of English and the vocabulary on emotions because it is a part of our English grades.Our dictionary is created to facilitate the learning phares and idioms based on emotions and history of English.

We add pronunciations of every word in our dictionary.cause we know that speking skills are so fundamental and they should improve.Also we gave example sentences for every word and idiom.In this way readers will have a good grip of situation and no problem with using new words in their daily conversations.

When you are reading you will see inspiring quotes from Roald Dahl,Eckhart Tolle,Mark Twain, Mahatma Gandhi and a whole lot more. We enclose them in order to create something amusing rather than boring.





A,a Ailing[ˈeɪlɪŋ]: In poor health:I went to see my ailing mother Alienated:[ ˈeɪlɪəneɪt]Make (someone) feel isolated: No matter how much you talk about global effects or global capitalism, some people are very alienated and isolated in this world.


affectıonate:ADJECTIVE:an affectionate hug. Thomas is such an affectionate child Abashed(əˈbæʃt )(adj): ill at ease, embarrassed, or confused: One of the soldiers, perhaps abashed by seeing that journalists were watching, said they would clear up.

B,b Blah:[ blɑː](also blah-blah) Used to refer to something which is boring or without meaningful content:talking all kinds of blah to him Blemish[ˈblɛmɪʃ ]: A small mark or flaw which spoils the appearance of something:the girl’s hands were without a blemish Bottomline: The fundamental and most important factor:the bottom line is I’m still married to Denny BARBECUE:meal or gathering at which meat, fish, or other food is cooked out of doors on a rack over anopen fire or on a special appliance:in the evening there was a barbecue.


BOOMERANG:NOUN:A curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so that it will return to the thrower, traditionallyused by Australian Aborigines as a hunting weapon.:Well, although we associate the boomerang with Australian Aborigines, many cultures used boomerang-like equipment in prehistoric times. buoyant:ADJECTIVE: able to float, light, floating: buoyant substance

Blue(blu)(adj): ‐of the flesh) having a purple tinge, as from cold or contusion:‐depressed, moody, or unhappy:It was a blue day.:Mehmed feels blue

Bashful(bæʃfəl)(adj): disposed to attempt to avoid notice through shyness or modesty I will always remember the look of bashful happiness on Arthur's face as


people in the audience constantly called out his name. Badmash(bʌðˈmɑːʃ )(adj):naughty or bad:A group of badmash youngs writes to everywhere by spray paint.

C,c Crippled[ˈkrɪpld]: (Of a person) unable to walk or move properly;disabled:a crippled old man Crestfallen[ˈkrɛstfɔːlən]sad and disappointed: He sighed and slowly stood from the couch, crestfallen eyes showing defeat. consıderate:Adjectıve: attentive, thoughtful, concerned, solicitous, mindful, heedful, obliging, accommodating, help ful, cooperative, patient;we were


encouraged to be polite, modest, and considerate towards others Chagrin(ʃæɡrɪn )(noun): ‐a feeling of annoyance (verb): to embarrass and annoy:My brother was chagrinned me by lots of bad jokes Chinglish(tʃɪŋɡlɪʃ)(noun): written or spoken English that is influenced by Chinese vocabulary and grammatical structure and used primarily by native speakers of Chinese:If you’re a Chinese person, you can learn and speak Chinglish easily.


D,d Despondent:melancholy: they were tired and despondent

Here's a joke there, but I won't demean your love for her.

doting:ADJECTIVE: adoring, loving, amorous, besotted, infatuated, lovesick, passionate; all her doting admirers

Degrade(dɪˈɡreɪd )(verb): ‐to reduce in worth, character, etc; ‐ to reduce in rank, status, or degree; remove from office My uncle has degraded in a company which he's been working in for 3 years

Demean(dɪˈmiːn )(verb): to lower in status or character .


E,e euphoric:ADJECTIVE: elated, happy, joyful,:the liberators received a euphoric welcome Exposed(ɪkˈspəʊzd)(adj): ‐not hidden; displayed for viewing ‐without shelter from the equipments ‐susceptible to attack or criticism The company exposed prototype of its new phone.


Exclude(ɪkˈskluːd )(verb): ‐to shoot ‐to keep out; prevent from entering Berkay excluded from school because he smoked in school. Estranged(ɪˈstreɪndʒd )(adj): ‐separated and living apart from one's spouse ‐no longer friendly; alienated An estranged wife does not travel thousands of miles with a small child, just hoping they will be welcome.


F,f Funk: [fʌŋk](also blue funk) A state of great fear or panic:are you in a blue funk about running out of things to say? Fully fledged(adj): ‐developed or matured to the fullest degree of full


rank or status:Computers are being fully fledged day by day. Flair: flɛː)she had a flair for languages


G,g gloomy:[ ˈɡluːmi ]Causing or feeling depression or despondency: The supernatural thriller takes place in the gloomy, dark dismal backwoods outside New Orleans


go walkabout:Wander around from place to place in a protracted or leisurely way. 2(Of an Australian Aboriginal) journey into the bush in order to live in the traditional manner.:I thought I’d just go walkabout and see what I can dig up,he’s gone walkabout for reasons of his own

H,h Humble {adj} ['hʌmbəl] : 1-conscious of one’s failing 2- modest , unpretentious :Humble and shy by nature, he always feels inferior to others


Hinglish(hɪŋɡlɪʃ)(noun): a type of English involving elements of Hindi:I think, learning a speaking Hinglish is very interesting.



I,i İmpotent[ˈɪmpət(ə)nt]: Unable to take effective action; helpless or powerl ess:he was seized with an impotent anger

worth consideration: Again she was frustrated as the money was insignificant compared to her so-called husband's supposed worth.

İmpaired[ɪmˈpɛːd]: Weakened or damaged: Organizations have difficulty in recovering past knowledge or skills, resulting in an impaired culture

ınfatuated:ADJECTIVE: esotted, in love, love-struck, head over heels in love, hopelessly in love, obsessed, taken; Sarah seemed to be infatuated with John

İnept[ɪˈnɛpt]: Having or showing no skill; clumsy: This is the second year we have been disenfranchised by this inept system and incompetence behind its planning.

İnsulate(ɪnsjʊˌleɪt)(verb): ‐to prevent or reduce the transmission of electricity, heat, or sound to or from by surrounding with a nonconducting material ‐to isolate or detach Homes better insulated from the development will likely see prices remain stable, he added.

İnsignificant[ɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪk(ə)nt]: Too small or unimportant to be



J,j jovial:ADJECTIVE: cheerful, jolly, happy, cheery: a stout, jovial man his jovial manner



L,l Lost [läst,lôst] : 1-{adj} unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts. 2-{adj} unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts. 3- {adj} surprised  I am surprised about lost Leftover(lɛftˌəʊvə):(adj): left as an unused portion or remnant


M,m Moody: [ˈmuːdi](Of a person) given to unpredictablechanges of mood, especially sudden boutsof gloominess or sullenne ss:his moody adolescent brother Morose[məˈrəʊs]Sullen and illtempered:she was morose and silent when she got home Moose [muːs]: A large deer with palmate antlers and .


a growth of skin hanging from the neck, nativeto northern Eurasia and northern North America. Also called elk in Britain Marooned(məˈruːnd)(adj): ‐left ashore and abandoned, esp on an island ‐isolated without resources Imagine what they could get up to, marooned in a holiday cottage

N,n nugget:NOUN: small lump of gold or other precious metal found ready-formed in the earth.:small chunk or lump of another substance:nuggets of meat:valuable idea or fact:nuggets of information


O,o Oppressed(əˈprɛst )(adj): subjugated by cruelty, force, etc:During nearly seven years of marriage, she had felt more and more oppressed by them.


Ostracise(ɒstrəˌsaɪz )(verb): ‐to shoot from a group, society, etc My aunt has ostracised from a society

P,p Pizza:[ ˈpɪtsə]: A dish of Italian origin, consisting of a flat round base of dough baked with a toppingof tomatoes and cheese, typically with added meat, fish, or vegetables: Parking lot: a car park Puny[ˈpjuːni]: Small and weak: Father never really liked me, because I was


weak and puny, the smallest amongst all my siblings partıal:ADJECTIVE:the partial recovery of the economy: Celeste was partial to bacon sandwiches Prepone(priːˈpəʊn)(verb): to bring forward to an earlier time:Prepone to your childhood and imagine that what was your favourite thing?

R,r Raccoon(rəˈkuːn): A greyishbrown American mammal which has a foxlike face with a black mask, a ringed tail, and the habit of washing its food in water.:America. The raccoon family also includes the coati, kinkajou, cacomistle, and olingo Repentant(rɪˈpentənt )(adj): ‐reproaching oneself for one's past actions or sins; contrite ‐characterized by or proceeding from a sense of contrition Emerald's feelings must have shown on her face, for all at once Jeremy was repentant.


Regretful(rɪˈɡrɛt’ful)(adj): anyhthing which feels sorry:I'm very regretful for this fight. Restaurant:( ˈrɛst(ə)rɒnt): A place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises.:On the camp site is a well stocked shop and a restaurant, that also serves takeaway dishes

S,s Substandard[sʌbˈstandəd ]: Below the usual or required standard:F amilies live in housing that is considered substandard by Western or Kenyan standards. Subdued:[səbˈdjuːd](Ofapersonortheir ma nner) quiet andrather reflective or depress ed:I felt strangely subdued as I drove home Squash:[ skwɒʃ ]: Crush or squeeze (something) with force so that it becomes flat, soft, or out ofshape:wash and squash the cans before depositing them(as adjective squashed) a squashed packet of cigarettes sparkling:ADJECTIVE:glittering, glinting, glis tening, scintillating, twinkling, coruscating, flickering, flashing,shimmering, shimmery,


bright, brilliant, iridescent, opalescent, lust rous, dancing, shining,gleaming, glowing:sparkling silver jewellery Sorrowful(sɒrəʊ’ʊul )(adj): anything which feels worried He's sorrowful because he's going to have a hard exam tomorrow.

Shamefaced(ʃeɪmˈfeɪst): (adj):‐ bashful or modest‐showing a sense of shame My sister is shamefaced because there’s very dirty.

Singlish(sɪŋɡlɪʃ)(noun): a variety of English spoken in Singapore, incorporating elements of Chinese and Malay

T,t Threatened {adj} : intimidated, endangered , threat , :Threatened with a suit for staggering damages, and having lost Jenny, Foggerty decides to marry Malvina. Timepass(taɪmˌpɑːs)(noun): a way of passing the time(verb): to pass the time:I want to timepass the exam week because it’s very tiring.





V,v vibrant:ADJECTIVE: resonant, sonorous, throbbing, pulsating, reverberating:they listened to vibrant tunes in the open air


W,w Whipped[wɪpt]: Having been flogged or beaten with a whip:a whipped dog Weepy:[ ˈwiːpi]Tearful; inclined to weep: seeing a bride always made her feel weepy walkabout:NOUN:chiefly British An info rmal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor:the prime minister went on


an impromptu walkabout:A journey (ori ginally on foot) undertaken by an Australian Aboriginal in order to live in the traditional manner. withdrawn(wɪðˈdrɔːn ): adjective:unusually reserved, introverted, or shy secluded or remote:At school I was very depressed and withdrawn , and I was called a creep for knowing the answers to questions.

Z,z zombie:NOUN: corpse said to be revived by witchcraft, especially in certain African and Caribbean religions.: (In popular fiction) a person or reanimated corpse that has been turned into a creaturecapable of movement but not of rational thought, which feeds on human flesh:a world overrun by zombiesa horde of mindless zombies craving brains zany(ˈzeÉŞni): Amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic:his zany humour


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