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The President’s Report

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Shane on the Wire

Shane on the Wire

President's Report


Welcome to the latest edition of WIRED magazine.

Another Christmas and New Year rolls on by. In the December report I mentioned having some fun with family and friends in the festive season. Hopefully most of you did just that. The weather definitely turned it on for the summer break.

Overridingly though, we are all caught like mice on wheels treading the COVID-19 merry go round. I, like everyone keep wondering when this will end, maybe it never will, maybe it will be a moment in time, maybe this is the new normal, feels like something has to majorly give soon. Who actually knows? What I do know is, it is bloody hard to plan or organise anything that’s basically not work related and everything work related is becoming a minefield as well. Staff shortages, people are screaming for staff around the country to no avail. Materials and fuel increases, if it’s not one thing it’s another, well so it seems.

Autumn has snuck up quickly, the leaves are turning and everyone will be trying to get as much done as possible before the onset of winter. Our thoughts have been with the West Coast and Taranaki region members with their terrible weather events end of January beginning of February.

The flow on effect from COVID with not only lockdowns, but the Tertiary education system having mandated the CVC passes, has meant the NorthTec fencing courses have been further postponed due to unavailability of tutors and insufficient student numbers in some regions. I know the team behind the scenes have been trying their best to get these off the ground and are looking at other ways they can implement portions of the course to get the ball rolling in some form. These courses are available on a ‘fees free’ basis until the end of 2022. If you are interested in becoming a Tutor for the Level 3 Certificate in Fencing, please get in touch.

All that said, the beginning of the roar is just around the corner, so although in the background we are all dealing with a lot of uncertainty, we always have things to look forward to. Let’s see what the next few months bring.

As always, if you want to have a yarn, don’t hesitate to give me or any of the board a call.


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