Prostate gland is an important part of male body because of its importance for many biological functions. It is primary responsible for secreting fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. Thus, for healthy sexual functions, it is necessary for the prostate gland to be healthy. As the ageing initiates, it targets many organs of male body and prostate gland is one of those organs. The prostate gland starts to enlarge after 40 years to age which is also known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). As the prostate gland enlarges, it starts affecting the neighboring organs. As the prostate gland surrounds the urethra (tube carrying urine out of body), thus, its enlargement causes urinating problems. These urinating problems are the primary diagnostic sign of prostate enlargement. HOW CAN IT (BPH) BE MANAGED?
All the treatment strategies for prostate enlargement firstly targets to improve the urinating symptoms. The treatment for urological problems starts by evaluating the severity of symptoms. This severity is evaluated by American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index.
The total score originated from the symptom index depicts the severity of BPH and the treatment starts accordingly.
Generally, medications are prescribed to treat enlarged prostate symptoms which have side effects too. Thus, it is better to go for natural supplements which are effective as well as devoid of side effects. The herbal supplements are one of the best examples of natural treatment. Some of those herbal remedies are mentioned below:
Saw palmetto
It is also known as Serenoa repens. It is a small palm plant grown in clumps with erect stems. Extract made from saw palmetto is mainly used in prostate cancer. It is used for the treatment of enlarged prostate also. Saw palmetto is known to decrease the size of prostate and reduces the urge to urinate at night, improves urinary flow and helps to get relief from the painful urination.
Nettle root
Stinging nettle or Urtica dioica is an herb found in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. All parts of the plant are used for medication purposes. The root of stinging nettle known as nettle root is specifically used in prostate enlargement. Nettle root helps to alleviate the urinating symptoms of enlarged prostate as it has antiinflammatory and diuretic activity. Some studies have also reported the role of nettle root in reducing the size of the prostate. It works very efficiently if combined with saw palmetto.
Pygeum is well known herbal plant component used for a variety of purposes. It is obtained from Prunus species such as Prunus domestica. Pygeum is obtained from P. domestica bark which contains beneficial bioactive components. These bioactive components are also present in pygeum and helps to provide relieve from prostate enlargement. Clinically-proved pygeum extracts (such as Prosman) have notable safety and efficacy in BPH. Pygeum has anti-inflammatory property and helps to maintain testosterone levels inside male body to reduce the size of the prostate.
Pumpkin seeds
Each person is well-known to pumpkin but nobody can think that it can have medicinal property in such big problem as enlarged prostate. The seeds from pumpkin are highly beneficial for male body. They help to maintain the size of the prostate. Pumpkin seeds are high in nutrients such as proteins, dietary fibres and numerous micronutrients. All these components combine to exert their medicinal effect inside body. Anti-inflammatory property of pumpkin seeds help to reduce urinary symptoms such as urinary frequency, urgency, etc.
Rye grass pollen extract
Rye is a grass gown for the purpose of grains. The pollens from rye grass are used for biological purposes to prevent or cure diseases. Rye grass pollen extract is suggested to manage the testosterone levels inside male body and helps relax the urethra. Due to this, it is used to manage prostate enlargement. Many studies have not done on rye grass pollen extract for BPH but the limited data reports the usage of rye grass pollen extract to reduce dribbling and urge to urinate at night due to prostate
enlargement. These herbs can provide great relief in prostate enlargement as suggested by the scientific studies. But to take the supplements based on these herbs, it is better to discuss it with doctor first. Doctor can advise if the herbal supplement can be taken alone or in combination with other supplement. References