Portfolio of Shuo Feng

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Feng Shuo

PORTFOLIO SHUO FENG B.arch Yangzhou University China applicant for M Arch program of Georgia Tech 2014-2018 +86 156-51786-6669 fengshuo2019@hotmail.com

CRITICAL REGIONALISM In my junior year, I read about frampton's critical regionalism and studied it deeply.During the period of my undergraduate study, I have done a lot of regional architecture attempt, and have gradual understanding of regional architecture.From the perspective of regionalism in the initial form to the study of the place spirit of regionalism, the integration of regionalism and modernity, namely the backwardness mentioned by frampton, has been gradually transferred to the application of regionalism in architectural design. Through the step by step advances, I went from 05, 06visible regionalism to 03, 02 invisible and sensible regionalism, and finally to 01, 04 invisible and senseless but rising into the hearts of people regionalism.Such a process, along with every corner of my undergraduate study, enabled me to have a preliminary critical view of architecture and a superficial understanding. I hope to consolidate and deepen it through my postgraduate study.


Scholastic Background 09.2014-07.2019

Bachelors of Architecture

Yangzhou University

Rhino + Grasshopper SketchUp Lumion InDesign

Internship Experience

Illustrator Photoshop



Architect Assistant


Constructed models with Rhino + Grasshopper, SketchUp Rendered models into beautiful images with Lumion, & KeyShot



Designed with Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign Worked on a team to finish 6 projects


Drawn with the Cad Nanjing Changan Architecture & Design


Temporary and Movable Building Columns Silver Award

Architect Assistant


Second place out of 10,000 entries

Designed urban buildings in the Yangzhou thin west lake area Yangzhou University

09.2014-09.2015 & 09.2015- 09.2016


16th Asian Design Academic Year Award


President & Vice President, Respectively

The Ninth Challenge Cup of Yangzhou University


Academic Science & Technology Award

Organized 3 calligraphy exhibitions Led our members to win 21 gold medals and 34 silver medals in various competitions Mohuaxuan Calligraphy Club


Digital Media Works Competition Graphic Design Award Second place out of 245351 entries


01 Military Museum

Re-creation based on historical renewal

02 Hand In Hand

Historical cultural space's with Undefined Boundary

03 Mountain Fortification Urban Design of HOPSCA

04 Godzilla-High-Rise Development of a top-bottom way

05 Yangzhou Grand Theatre The first attempt to criticize regionalism

06 Converting Of Castle Efficient transformation strategy

[Military Museum] Re-creation based on historical renewal YAC Young Architects Competitions Location : SARDINIA . PALAU . ITALY Year : 2018 Individual Work The military fortress of Capo d’Orso in Palau is one of theseplaces. It is sculpted in the granite of a monumental coast. From its bastions, the luxurious yachts sailing in the Me-diterranean Sea evoke the English galleons, which chased the Napoleonic fleet in the same sea stretch centuries ago. Here wars have ended, soldiers are gone.Because of its specific historical and cultural value, it is crucial to pass this history on to the new generations.

Background and concept The museum is mainly divided into two parts, one is the military museum and the other is the military memorial hall. Although the original architectural space is not easy to be use due to its original building function——military castal, but it still can perfectly reflect the intuitive feeling of people at ancient time. As a result, the original structure was renovated without major changes, making it an exhibit of the military memorial itself. And the new part ——military museum, due to this area suffer from serious wind erose throughout the year. A lot of stones represent to some strange form. To simulate this possess, I researched the wind trends of this area, and used it to form the architect. I used two form of lines—— straight and curve, respetively symbolize the power and tenacity.

Design strategy Power




Military History






Geomorphic Analysis

Contour Line

Figure-ground relation 1

Figure-ground relation 2


Original Building


New museum


Oppsite Mountain Entrance Line

Wind Analysis

Valley Wind (DAY)

Land And Sea Breeze (DAY)

Land And Sea Breeze(NIGHT)





Valley Wind (NIJHT)

Wind trends

With the resarch going on, I found that the main kinds of wind in local area are valley wind , land and sea breeze, foehn, gustiness, monsoon and cyclone. And I concluded a wind trends map to represent it. Then, I imitates the wind in form and extend it with structures in architect.

Form Experimental

Axonometric Drawing

Light Air


Fresh Breeze

Fresh Gale

Moderate Gale

Wild Wind





The First Floor


The Second Floor

3 Original Building




Explode view 1 Studdle



2 Structure 3 Hanging Panel 4 Floor Support Structure 5 Interior Architect Surface 6 Exterior Architect Surface

2 8

7 Floor 8 Exterior Surface Support Structure





Split show

Joint Details

Butterfly Section


[Hand In Hand] Historical cultural space's with Undefined Boundary Won : 16th Asia Design Award Prize, Temporary and movable buildings, Silver Award Location : Casamance Region Of Southern Senegal In Western Africa Year : 2018 Individual Work The site is located in the casamance region of southern Senegal in western Africa.The isolation, the history, the chronic inequality that has led to years of war in the region has left the local people living in very miserable conditions for a long time.The war, which lasted 25 years, caused serious damage to military, civilian, industrial facilities and residential areas in most areas of the south.The air strikes have also killed more than 100,000 innocent civilians in the south and left hundreds of thousands of people as refugees.The lack of infrastructure has led to the lack of medical care, and many, many people have lost their lives simply because of minor illnesses.

Geomorphic Analysis

Problems Drought: due to the harsh local natural conditions, the recycling and utilization of water resources has become an indispensable measure. Infrastructure missing: the building has a variable system to meet needs such as healthcare. Economic shortage: the construction process is full participation of local residents. Meeting place: the building itself meet the local cultural needs, which provides possibilities for the form of local oral history. Education: the building itself can meet the needs of education space, so that local residents can get education.

Space Research

Round Plan

Traditional Form

This area's unique and traditional living habit,inhabitant usually split space in a unique way . In my design I follow this system and use a succession line to connect. Final

In west africa, inhabit usually uses more than three houses to surround a yard. By this way they can get a social activity space . This space always has only one entrance.

Site Traditional Form


Concept Development dy y StuStud

Exhibition Exhibition



r or nacn ece PePerf


ib Exh itio

Three Functions We propose a simple building with three functions: Exhibition ,Study and Performance. The properties of these functions are different. Performance is more active ,study is middle and exhibition part is silent.

mnanroo itrio enrsfo ce m rforman TrPa ce Pe n



tro um dy om tro ReRsesStrtoo Stu Res om ro o sition n m ransition room dy ran nsitio room StuExhibitioT Tra T nsition room xhibitio Tra Exhibitio Restroom forEma m n


dy Stu

ibitiib Exh Exh oitio


Performance Performance Performance Performance Study Study Performance

n n


Study Study Exhibition Exhibition

rformanc e Pe

tro Res om

nsition room Tra rformanc e Pe

Functions Arrangement This is a big tree in the east of the site. Out of the respect for nature,we built around it. And this circle is the basis of these design.

Connecting And Stretching


By looking for the tangent between different circles, we can find a inner link between different functions. Then exchange this connection to a elegant form.

This form is the symbolize of peace between different minorities and a cultural bond between seniors and junior.

tro Res om

How to connect ?? How HowHow toHow connect to connect ? ?to to connect How to connect ?

Due to this building's unique functions, it's important to coordinate these functions.

Final I designed a transition room between these several functions to cooperate these three main functions space. It also reflects the beauty of architectural modeling.

5 4 A


B 1


3 6 2


1E The west part of the building include several different functions. such as exhibition, management and classroom, which are comparatively silent space. And the east part are comparatively active space, due to this part is close to the noise street. The middle part link those two part and relief the conflict between two differet space.







Exploded View

Thatch Roof Locally thatch is layered on top of the bamboo substructure, providing a low cost and sustainable building solution.

Bamboo Roof Structure

Baobab Wood This kind of wood have a great wood density, which allow a good application in construction.

Bamboo Roof Structure The roof substructure is composed of three layers of bamboo sourced locally.

Exbition Room

Class Room

Management Offical

Teacher Class Room

Rest Room

Show Room

Master Plan

Clay Brick Facade Clay bricks will be formed on-site by local villagers.

Flexibility System

Study Exhibition System

Medical System

Due to the insufficient medical system and a limited amount of operating rooms and employees in the hospital, there is a medical system designed to meet people’s demands.

With the population growing, the government building cannot provide enough jobs, and that is why they will need the cultural center, because it can provide more job opportunities.

Work System

Religion System

This area have a lot of religious. Due to wars and other factors , this area need a ways to make their people deeping the sense of identity acceptance. I think religious is a great way to make people had this sense of identity acceptance.

Literacy reachs weakly 50% being affected by the lack of transports and accessibility to school structures in general. So I designed a study and exhibition system to spread the traditional culture.

Section B-B


Exhibition Room

Show Room




Section A-A

[Mountain Fortification] Urban Design of HOPSCA Location : Yangzhou, China Year : 2018 Team Work team member: Yuxing Ling

This design is based on a real public space in Yangzhou Park. In this design, I adopted the circle as its motif because it has no angle and the park is shady. This creates a certain aesthetic appeal.


City Iteration In the beginning, the city was low houses and alleys, arranging randomly


After the development, the embryonic form of the city began to appear

At a certain stage of urban development, the emergence of highdensity skyscrapers is very common in China

? Old Town

Central Area

New Town

Site Overview The site is located near in the East Qujiang Area, the new CBD in Yangzhou. However,old community in Qujiang area is inhibited from development. On the other site, this enables it to hold some memory of old Yangzhou, such as the ancient canal.

Rural Area

What is the direction of future urban development and whether the existing urban environment is worth criticizing.

Skyline Analysis





Field Research

Diversity Of Urban Function

We took photos of surrounding buildings and sites

We need a complex to integrate all buildings and infrastructure

Residence Community Private house Apartment

Medical Care Hospital Clinic Massage



Hotel Inn Resort

Office building Factory Workshop



Hospital Clinic Massage

As is known to all, Yangzhou is famous for its classical gardens. Also, Yangzhou is a famous city full of monuments and civilization.

Community Private house Massage



University Middle School Training course

Private car Bus Bicycle

Base Analysis Landscape View

Building Setback


Providing eyesight to the old grand canal

Buildings descend floor by floor to echo the landscape

Forming a circulation line around the site

Gathering Point


External Traffic

Using circles in order to alleviate interface and gather crowds

Setting different lines to guide the stream of people

Different levels of roads surrounding the site

Model Display

Architectural Form

The foot of the "mountain" is cut to increase overall connectivity between public s

Step One

Step Two

Step Four

Step Five

Step Seven

Step Eight

Step Ten

Step Eleven


space and buildings

Step Three

The mountain peaks scattered in the Chinese landscape painting serve as the basis of the architectural design and revolves around the Chinese idea of “mountain fortifications�. The traditional ink painting of the mountain silhouettes serves as the primary inspiration of the building form: tall, straight, soaring mountain peaks. This underlying concept encapsulates the spirit of culture and traditional that can be conveyed to modern users.

Design Concept of Functional Layout Step Six

The vertical distribution of the four levels maximizes the utilization of the land










Step Nine

Step Twelve

General Plan

Different Activities Greeny


Sunken Plaza




Roof Garden




30F Office






27F Hotel

27F Residence

24F Residence

21F Residence


18F Apartment

The site maximizes the use of verticality, providing an array of spaces set up at various level; the Hub Center located underground, the Central Park located on ground level, the Corridor System elevated above ground and multi complex high rise towers soaring into the sky. The vertical distribution of the four levels maximizes the utilization of the land and also sets a requirement for the vertical link between each layer.

A variety of activities can be impleme exhibition spaces, restaurants and o usage of the corridor, developing vibra

Different Activities

Open Space And Public Activities





Swimming Pool



The spaces between the podium buildings serve as functional passageways – a source of connectivity to the Central Park, forming smaller scaled outdoor areas pocketed underneath the buildings, capturing a mix of activity, outdoor and city space. The atmosphere of the Central park flows through the pocket parks and into the surrounding buildings, blurring the boundaries of indoor and outdoor space. The connection spaces between the corridor and the buildings can be utilized as active public spaces. Endless streams of people and the spatial characteristics of these points bring infinite possibilities to this transitional area.

View From The Road Casual Dining

ented to these spaces such as creative business, cafes, other leisure activities to further liven and promote the ant and interesting public spaces around the areas

View From The Atrium

[Godzilla-High-rise] Development of a top-bottom way Evolo competition Year : 2018 Individual Work

Traditional high-rise buildings are built from bottom to top. Inspired by raindrops, we use a disorderly top-bottom approach and sample and analyze the trajectories of raindrops, Then stacking countless trajectories and finding available space. Considering the spontaneity of the Kowloon Walled City, it is a bottom-top building that forms a lot of efficient and interesting spaces. In the process of design, it is the process of pursuing the unity of space and form of architecture.

Site Contexts Analysis

The Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong was built gradually—building on top of building—over time. Without a single architect, the ungoverned and most densely populated district became a haven for drugs, crime and prostitution until it was demolished in 1993.

Space Evolution







"Kowloon Walled City"——Hiroaki Kani, Japan

Raindrop Increase


Filamentous division

Strip division

Block division

A i a o t T s s d

R d t

After investigation and research, it is learned that the raindrops are affected by gravity during the process division ofBlock falling, and will gradually gather together to become large raindrops. These large raindrops then divide, some of which filamentous division, some strip division,the others block division.

Raindrops are affected by gravity, dust and wind, forming different trajectories during the fall.

Rain Line

Concept Diagram

Raindrops fall from the sky

Raindrops form different trajectories

Fusion of different trajectories

Find faces from the fused line


Living Department

Public Space

Park Space


Research Space


Natural Space

Living Space

Natural Space

Research Space

Cultural Center

[Yangzhou Grand Theatre]

A grand theater which employs the traditional ice crack element to building elevation. It is also an exploration of the regionality of form.

The first attempt to criticize regionalism

The development of yangzhou city is a process of continuous westward movement. Walking from east to west in yangzhou city, one can feel the evolution of history as well as the constant changes of architectural forms.

Location : Yangzhou China Year : 2017 Individual Work


1985 1950

Yangzhou Old Neighborhood


WenChang Tower



Entrance of Normal University


The Main Building of Yangzhou University


Yangzhou TV tower

Yangzhou Shuangbo Museum

2018 1900


Site Analysis



Local Streets 32%

The area's existing motorway carry 32 percent of the traffic.

Population Distribution

Pedestrian Route 26%

The area's existing local streets carry 67 percent of the traffic.


The area's existing sidewalks carry 67 percent of the traffic.

Existing Public Building

Student Theater Worker Viewer

YZ Industry Polytecgnic


Living Part

House Wife Else

Shuang Bo Guan Guozhan Center YZ Art museum Jinghua Entertainment Hotel Jinghua Center

underground parking

Second Floor

Ground Floor

Third Floor

[Converting Of Castle]

This castle bears the vicissitudes of history. Due to the rich tourism resources, this area is gradually being developed into a tourist attraction.

Efficient transformation strategy

Due to the transformation of multiple buildings, each building receives different degrees of external damage.Therefore, several transformation strategies have been formulated.

Location : ARDINIA . PALAU . ITALY Year : 2018

Finally, this historic building will regain its due luster in the new era.

Individual Work


The building which have complete structure , divided according to the function

Part of the house has a rooftop infinity pool

Some buildings add higher roofs to solve the problem of storey height

Rearrange internal space and set some relex object


Reception center

This design follow its regionalistic form, running counter to locally accepted design practices. By Efficient transformation strategy

Rearrange internal traffic


Flow conversion point

Some part retain the original texture, other partrenovate


Standard room of hotel

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