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II. Context I Thematic Study in Environment
from Fengxue Xia I Application Portfolio 2022 I Admitted to Columbia GSAPP & UPENN Weitzman AAD
by Fengxue Xia
The Key Feature of Clive is the Cul-De-Sac neighborhood of suburb along its living condition, In addition to the most representative density of Cul-De-Sac exist in residential of Clive, other city such as waukee, Urbandale or west desmonies also frequently see Cul-DeSac.
Clive I Cul-De-Sac Neighborhood
The Wilds. This zone may afford the City of Clive its greatest opportunity to lead the region as pacesetters in storm-water management, habitat protection and recreation. While some development has started in this Northwest “corner” of Clive, the city has an opportunity to live its “Distinct by Nature” brand by putting stream, habitat and trail protections in place before new developments occur in the balance of The Wilds. Emphasis in this zone is on policies protecting Walnut Creek and habitat features along with stream bank restoration.
The Headwaters. This zone offers particular opportunities to enhance education at Shuffler Elementary with an outdoor lab envisioned, while also improving safety and recreation with a new trail to bypass the challenging 156th Street/Hickman Road intersection.
The Lakes. Water quality, habitat restoration and improved connections dominate here. The plan envisions wetland restoration near 128th Street while also consider City of Clive Greenbelt Master Plan Executive Summary 9 in stream stabilization, with utility and trail protection. Facility enhancements proposed include a Country Club Lake bridge for connectivity, a trail head at Casey’s General Store and natural/creek play at Wild wood.
The Falls. This segment emphasizes the Eastern gateway to the Greenbelt and the whole of Clive, while also stressing improved trail connections and access for existing neighborhoods and businesses. Key projects include the North Walkut Creek Trail extension,commercial redevelopment, improved trail connections to adjoining neighborhoods ,stream stabilization,storm water management at Indian Hills Woods and natural areas restoration.
The Headwaters. This zone offers particular opportunities to enhance education at Shuffler Elementary with an outdoor lab envisioned, while also improving safety and recreation with a new trail to bypass the challenging 156th Street/Hickman Road intersection.
West Clive
Being in the FLOODING ZONE, the unwelcoming nature of the cul-de-sac layout of the current Clive would be obsolete and dangerous for the population continuing living in Clive. Therefore, in the spirit of Clive, the concept proposes a hybrid grid where the ghost of the cul-de-sac still remains but is able to respond to the flooding problem.
STARTS by drawing the ward with cul-de-sac layout, we use strategies such as open up the dead ends, and increasing the size changing the cul-de-sac into nodes to get the final grid layout of the ward.