Fenil Soni | Internship - Work Sample - jun 16' to oct 16'

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Internship Sample Works

B et we e n l i n e s , Ba n ga l ore

Design Competition Entry for War Museum New Delhi

For all its faults we love this city.’ Then, after a pause, she added: ‘After all, we built it.” ― William Dalrymple, City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi

War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

Residence at Hollywood hills, California by Aaron Neubert Architects. Image source - houzz.com Cover image of book “City of Dijnns”by William Dalyrmple. Image source -goodreads.com

Carve out spaces for the Tree canopies in the Museum facade and Floor layout

Hover the New structure above the Existing building and tree line to 1. Create a shaded roof lvl plaza 2. Allow the trees to breathe

Employ the Metaphor of the layered city (Delhi) in the museum design.

Retain the existing trees at site and extending the “clean air field” from the memorial to the museum

Sketch of Qutub Minar, Old Delhi Image source -incolors.club

Permanent International Fair, Tripoli Oscar Niemeyer. Image source - greekarchitects.gr

Recreate the monumental scale by not building more but preserving more

Retain much of the existing structures at site and look into adaptive reuse of the same

Use material that withstands time and ages gracefully. i.e Unprocessed raw material

To create a Pedestrian friendly, experience driven public building

Create a Green Roof that opens a mid level public plaza

Ithaca commons Design Process. Sasaki Associates Image Source - sasaki.com

Highline by Field Operations, Diller Scofidio + Renfro Image Source - nycparks.org

Air purifying trees Other trees

192 Shoreham Street by Project Orange Image source - Dezeen.com

The Ontario College of Art and Design. by ALSOP Architects Image Source - Dezeen.com Tree cover plotted as per the info provided in the survey map.

War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

Public Convenience Map The below map indicates the location of public facilities and help centers provided by the government around the site. The inference drawn from this study was to situate the necessary administrative programs accordingly on site and ensure that, majority of the ground level area of the museum was open to public access.

Transport / Access Map The below map indicates the various modes of transportation links via metro, buses and railway, that connect the site to the surrounding Lutyens Bungalow Zone. The inference drawn from this study was to load the Copernicus Marg with pedestrians and activities in the site to attract public engagement.

Legend Government Offices Police Assistance Legal Advisories Public Washroom Vehicular Roadway

Legend Metro Station Pedestrian Friendly Path Bus Stop Facility Vehicular Roadway Pedestrian Loaded Path

Tourist Attraction Map The below map indicates the location of various crowd drawing places in the surrounding Lutyens Bungalow Zone such as cultural centres, museums and iconic tourist attractions. The inference drawn from this study was to emphasise the prominence of the museum and involve it into the nearest trail observed.

Recreational Activity Map The below map indicates the various recreational places that are regularly visited in the surrounding region such as cafes, libraries and local markets. The inference drawn from this study was to create an ambience of relaxation or a pause point at site level, that could refresh people and bring back the importance of green spaces .

Legend Cafe / Quick Eatery Library Markets Vehicular Roadway

War Museum Princess Princess Park.Delhi. Park.Delhi.

Legend Museums Iconic Tourist Stops Cultural Centers Vehicular Roadway

Sheet 03- Master plan studies





4 7



1. Service dock 2.Park 3. Facade Niches to accommodate trees 4.Light wells 5.Existing trees 6. Service cores 7. Promenade to commercial zone 8. Drive ways 9.Exiting building blocks 10.Entry/Exist of underground Tunnel 11.OAT 12. Underground Tunnel 13.Promenade to temporary art galleries 14. Promenade to the art


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+25.5m 





Experience point 01 - View from the Memorial park A grand plaza and highly charged Ground level, With programs of art, commerce and entertainment activities, invites the user to take the connecting tunnel and cross over. Architecturally, stark and stoic mass hovers above the restored building giving room to the fully grown trees along its facade. The main galleries are housed in this elevated mass. At ground level, the existing buildings accommodates all ancillary programs and gives the additional available spaces to temporary art galleries, craft melas, permanent commerce activities and plenty of inclusive open green spaces.


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Experience point 02 - View from the connecting tunnel to the light of Museum plaza





Experience point 02 2

12 1

Experience point 01

War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

Respite the lively scene that beckons across the street, one does not transit the highly introspective experience of the War Memorial in a flippant way. The connecting tunnel is perceived as a dark underground corridor, lit up only by the luminaires illuminating the display objects. While the war memorial celebrates the spirit and courage of the martyrs, the tunnel, doubling as a gallery, starts to give a glimpse of the hard facts. Simultaneously the end of the tunnel shows up with a lot a light pouring from above, signifying the hope of future .

Sheet 04- Master plan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ground Level Legend Gallery Space Public Wash Room Market Place Audio Visual Arcade Cafetaria Restoration

Experience point 03 - View from between the existing hostel blocks at ground level While the existing hostel blocks are getting redesigned to accommodate temporary galleries, retail units and ancillary facilities of the museum; the open rows of land between them are seen as a places meant for art markets and temporary installations. The pedestrian promenade carved to the north of the museum block, opens into these “green voids”. These open spaces are seen as fluid and flexible lung spaces.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fourth floor Legend Kargil Conflict 1999 Indo-Pak War 1965&1971 Indo- China War 1962 Indo-Pak War 1962 Public Wash Room Spill out lobby Airforce Gallery Navy Gallery Army Gallery

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fifth floor Legend Future Exapntion Counter Insurgency & Counter Terrorist UN Mission & Out of Area Operation Low Intensity Conflict Public Wash Room Spill out Lobby Service Lobby Hall Of Honour Memorial Hall

Experience point 03


 



War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.



Sheet 05- Ground and parking level plans

Experience point 05

Experience point 04


War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

Experience point 04 - View from copernicus marg to the Museum lobby The museum site is originally bifurcated by Mahatma Jyothi rao phule Marg, with a clear vehicular flow in it. Along with the trees and the hostel blocks, We retained this road and the thoroughfare situation. That also guided the circulation at the lobby level and subsequently at the museum gallery level. The blocks banking the Jyothi rao Marg became the “Entry” and “Exit” blocks. The Museum block hovering above creates a massive canopy suggesting a “gateway” of sorts. This also helps in establishing the creation of monumental scale without loosing the human level scaled spaces in it.

Experience point 05 - View of the mid green roof level The vertical circulation to the musuem block lands, midpoint at the terrace of the existing hostel blocks. One gets an expansive view of the connected terraces from here, has an option to further wander into them for reprieve and return to climb to the built war museum. The connected terraces are considered green and a place to display the symbolism of the Indian armed forces through figurines and sculptures. The larger than life figures are enormous yet abstract. The place creates an experience of neither a garden nor of a gallery, but something between both.

Sheet 06- Intermediate Green roof level

Experience point 07

Museum Entry Level Legend

Experience point 06

1. Ancient Warfare 2. Warfare in Early Indian History 3. Decisive Battles & Wars 4. Medivial Period 5. Evolution of the Indian Army 6. Evolution of Armament & Equipment 7. World War 1 and World War 2 8. Interactive Display / Lobby 9. Library 10. Public Washroom 11. Audio - Visual Room 12. Auditorium Lobby

Experience point 06- View of the Museum Atrium The museum lobby is designed in a way that all vertical circulations are kept contained within the atrium with a few trees growing tall and magnificent within the volume of the built space. The lobby mimics a shopping mall atrium, where the public functions are clubbed and laid bare for everyone else’s purvey. This establishes a contrast against the closed and designated galleries.

Experience point 07- View of the galleries The main gallery floor again works with light wells cutting through the floor slabs sometimes getting a peak of the trees growing along. The indents and the punctures break the monotonous floor slab into interesting pockets which are marked out for the different sections of gallery.


War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

Sheet 07- Museum level experiences

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Ground Level Legend Gallery Space Public Wash Room Market Place Audio Visual Arcade Cafetaria Restoration

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fourth floor Legend Kargil Conflict 1999 Indo-Pak War 1965&1971 Indo- China War 1962 Indo-Pak War 1962 Public Wash Room Spill out lobby Airforce Gallery Navy Gallery Army Gallery

War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fifth floor Ground Level Legend Legend Future Exapntion 1. Gallery Space Counter Insurgency & Counter 2. Public Terrorist Wash Room UN Mission & Out of Area Operation 3. Market Place Low Intensity Conflict 4. Audio Visual Arcade Public Wash Room 5. Cafetaria Spill out Lobby 6. Restoration Service Lobby Hall Of Honour Memorial Hall

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fourth floor Legend Kargil Conflict 1999 Indo-Pak War 1965&1971 Indo- China War 1962 Indo-Pak War 1962 Public Wash Room Spill out lobby Airforce Gallery Navy Gallery Army Gallery

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fifth floor Legend Future Exapntion Counter Insurgency & Counter Terrorist UN Mission & Out of Area Operation Low Intensity Conflict Public Wash Room Spill out Lobby Service Lobby Hall Of Honour Memorial Hall


Sheet 08- Museum level experiences

War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

Sheet 09- Part Section

War Museum Princess Park.Delhi.

Sheet 10- Aerial Perspective

Internship Sample Works

B et w e e n l i n e s , Ba nga l ore

Design Competition Entry for War Memorial New Delhi

I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost, and life will take its leave in silence, drawing the last curtain over my eyes. -’Last Curtain’, Ranbindranath Tagore

The Walk Of Remembrance

Concept Note

Processing the Concept of Remembrance

Keeping the Amar Jawan Jyoti and the strength of its symbolism in mind, our entire effort has been to magnify its presence and pay homage to all the lives lost in the name of our country’s security. This highest level of sacrifice and the status thus attained can be related to a mother’s womb where the fetus has no influence of any kind and nestles the purest and unattained form of the human existence. We seek the mother nature to offer a similar unconditional protection, in it is purest form, to those who dedicate their lives to her, in duty through sacrifice of their lives. Thus the “protector” in the memorial happens to be nothing but nature, made of trees and plants and of land and water. The design process started by the mapping of all the event of wars, attacks, insurgencies that have impacted the country since the on-set of Independence till date. The exercise settled the enormity of the sacrifice provided by the Indian Military service , toward the nation and its civilians during these times of distress. This eventually lead to plotting the regiments, location of attack and identifying the extents of service with the protection sent from various parts of the country and the army. We started connecting the incidents as points to the insurgencies as lines and the regiments which came into action as planes. These abstract shapes , we felt captured the depths of the military’s unity and gusto to combat the specific situation and distress. Thus each of these are impact frames dedicated to each attack that occurred. Knowing the site context and the need of establishing a war memorial in the memory of these heroic Martyrs, our idea was to localize and involve each of these unique frames of unity into the Lutyen’s lawns in such a way, that it creates moments of pause, forming a path that takes a person through the timeline of sacrifice, one step at a time thus a journey of remembrance. Of time. Of grief. Of loss. Thus the “plazas” in the memorial are the impact frames placed along a path. When we questioned the larger problem of pollution of the city, we knew this memorial should have a larger purpose and impact, just like the soldiers do for their nation’s civilians. Resonating with the belief that the heroism of these martyrs live forever and continue to protect us from where ever they might be, we decided to collaborate our process with the next idea of making the memorial the lungs of the city. The landscaping of the masterplan has been sensitively developed using trees and plants that purify air to the maximum extent and help bring about a significant change in the micro climate. The second selection criteria of these air purifiers was made in such a way, that the memorial and its colors visually draw the attention towards the camouflaging colors of the military uniform during combat, to strengthen the higher purpose of the unconditional gift of offering made by these heroes, even in their physical absence.

Attack Points Army Regiments Paramilitary and Special Forces Naval Bases Air Force Bases

Military Base Connection Map

The above map represents the plotting of all connections established by various bases, during the attacks made, creating the frames for design implementation

The Walk Of Remembrance

In conclusion, We saw this memorial as a place where people remember the martyrs of our nation as the ones, who came of the land and went for the land, to the arms of ever caring mother nature. We have designed a park to that supports this vision. A ‘’Wall of remembrance” that depicts the life cycle of the martyr, and their countless names. A “Walk of remembrance” that sequences the different incidents as objects in land, surrounded by the air purifying trees and plants. Our, one leap of faith and homage to the unmeasurable courage and sacrifice.

Impact Timeine


War Attack Insurgency/TerrorAttack Injuries Caused Fatalities/Deaths

Timeline of Attacks

The above infographic represents the wars and insurgencies that have occured in India, after the on-set of Independence and its impact of the country’s sacrificed lives

The Walk Of Remembrance


Impact Frames

1961 Operation Vijay, Goa

1962 Sino-Indian War

1967 Naxalite - Maoist Insurgency

1947 Indo-Pak War



1980 Operation Pawan


1984 Siachen Conflict


1984 Chennai Bomb Blast


13. 1986 1984 Operation Black Thunder - 1 Operation Blue Star, Amritsar


1986 Operation Black Thunder - 2


1986 Terror Killings, Haryana


1987 Sri Lankan Civil War


1989 Operation AniBen, Baroda


1991 Terror Killings, Punjab


1993 Mumbai, Bombing Attacks


1999 Terrorist Hijack Flight IC 814


2000 Terrorist Attack, New Delhi



1963 Insurgency in N.E India

1965 Indo - Pak War





1988 Operation Leech, Andaman


1987 Operation Cactus


1988 Operation Black Hawk


1988 Operation Mouse Trap


1989 Insugency in J & K


1993 Rescue of Hostages IC 486


1993 Operation Ashwamedh


1995 Kashmir Hostage Taking


1996 Assam Bomb Blasts


1998 30. 1999 Coimbatore, Bombing Attack Kargil War

The Walk Of Remembrance


1967 Sino - Indian War


1971 Bangaladesh Liberation War

Impact Frames


2008 Bombing Attack, Assam


2010 Pune, Bombing Attack


2011 Bombing Attack, Varanasi



2013 Naxal Attack in Darbha Valley


2013 Terror Attacks, Srinagar



2014 Bomb Blast Attack, Bangalore


2014 Bomb Blast Attack, Bugdam



2008 Imphal Bombing Attack


2008 Terror Attacks, Mumbai

2011 Mumbai, Bombing Attack

2013 Jharkhand Maoist Attack

2015 Terror Attack, J & K

The Walk Of Remembrance


2009 Bombing Attack, Guwahati


2009 Assam, Bombing Attack


2009 Operation Rakshak J&K


2009 72. 2010 Special Operation in Jharkhand Bombing Attack, Varanasi


2012 Bombing Attack, Pune


2012 Attacks on Israeli Diplomats


2013 79. 2013 Bomb Blast Attack, Hyderabad Terror Attack, Srinagar


2013 Bomb Blast, Bangalore


2013 Bodh Gaya, Bombing Attack


2013 Bombing Attack, Patna


2014 Chennai, Train Bombing


2014 Jharkhand, Bomb Blast Attack


2015 Punjab, Gurdaspur Attack


2016 Pathankot, Terror Attack


2016 95. 2016 Pampore Terror Attack, J & K Terror Attacks, Assam


2016 Uri Attack, Jammu & Kashmir


2014 Maoist Bomb Blast, Gadchiroli

Master Plan

The Walk Of Remembrance

Camouflage Green

Azadirachta indica Neem Tree CXH: 16m X 15m

Sansevieria trifasciata Mother In-law’s Tongue/Snake Plant

Short Syzygium cumini Short Black Jamun Tree CXH: 18m X 22m

Spathiphyllum / Peace Lilies

Terminalia catappa Indian Almond Tree CXH : 14m X 16m

Caladium/ Elephant Ears

Tamarindus indica Tamarind Tree Crown Spread X Height : 7m X 15m

Red-edged Dracaena Song of India

Camouflage Black

War Frames Walk of Remembrance Chattri

Wall Of Remembrance Camouflage Brown

Camoflage Cream

Aglaonema Chinese Evergreens

The wall was designed by means of a graphical excercise taking the strong symbolism of the Amar Jawan Jyoti. Metaphorically it shows the cycle of life span lived by the martyrs, as they begin their journey in a womb and are nestled back by mother earth in similar way after their undying bravery and sacrifice. Amidst these figurines, stand the names of the martyrs listed sequentially in memory of their service.

The Wall Of Remembrance

Concept Diagram

The Commemorative Wall

The Walk Of Remembrance

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