FENN SCHOOL COMMUNITY COMPACT Under COVID-19 Protocols As members of the Fenn School community, we all must do our part to understand and follow the health and safety protocols that the School is requiring as we open for the 2020-2021 school year. These protocols ask us to be equally mindful of the on-campus requirements and of the actions we take and decisions we make outside of school. Both can directly impact our ability to remain healthy and in-person at school. Circumstances may change during the school year that require adjustments to our protocols, and the community will be alerted immediately to such updates. Fenn asks that all students, parents, faculty, and staff remain nimble and responsive to the requests that are made of all of us as we work together to keep everyone in our community safe and the campus open for inperson teaching and learning. By signing this Compact, I commit to the following: • I will follow expert health and safety guidance and orders from government officials in Massachusetts leading up to the start of school and when I am off-campus during the school year. This includes being vigilant about mask wearing and physical distancing when outside my home or with non family members; maintaining a close social circle and refraining from attending events larger than approved by Massachusetts mandates; committing to frequent hand washing and proper hygiene; and consulting a physician immediately if I or anyone in my family or circle of contacts becomes ill. • I agree to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms each school day if I am a student or faculty or staff member or if I am a parent who must visit campus for an approved meeting. My health attestation will be submitted to Fenn using the MyMedBot app before I arrive at school or board a bus or van en route to school. • I will stay home if I am unwell and seek direction from my primary care physician regarding potential COVID-19 testing, etc. I will let the Fenn Health Office know immediately of any illness that I, my family members and/or other people with whom I have come into contact are experiencing. If I test positive for COVID-19 or learn that I have come into contact with someone with a positive test, I will abide by instructions from my primary care physician, Concord’s local Public Health Nurse, and Fenn Health Office personnel regarding quarantining, timing and requirements of my return to school, etc. • I will remain with my cohort and within approved cohort spaces indoors and outdoors on campus if I am a student. CONTINUED ON PAGE 48