Product Design Comp 1 Ferdos Ali

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Component 1 Ferdos Ali

• I have chosen to create efficient lighting for the public spaces as in big parks to lighten them up at night to become safer. Boring lights can be made into so much more than pole and light. Both aspects can be developed and re-designed into something greater and aesthetically pleasing. furthermore, I will be designing lighting for an area in east London, Tower Hamlets where there is Victoria Park also known as the People's Park or the Olympic park which is in Stratford. I will explore the differences in these two parks and decide which one I will be designing for. Lighting should emit in a large distance and should emit light usefully. The light must be unique from other light and must be seen as more than a light when it's not on.



• The street lighting should elevate from an everyday product, functioning as a work of art or an efficient and resourceful lighting. The light should be able to use a different source of power; solar panel. It must provide more than just a light like seating around it. • The lighting could have a large budget considering the type of soler panel that is going to be used for the light. The features of the light will depend on the result of the product. The materials must be sustainable yet durable. Additionally, the light could be shrunken down to a desk lamp or a floor lamp for multi-purpose design that can be used In different areas. A desk lamp would be more affordable and will find more use than a public light.

Victoria park I will be designing lighting for a public space as in big parks which is sometimes dark and scary for some people which I will be creating a solution for it as the lights will lighten up the area. I am aiming for a contemporary and futuristic design as the world is evolving. Victoria Park is a park in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in East London, England. It is the largest park in Tower Hamlets and one of London's most visited green spaces with approximately 9 million visitors every year. The park spans 86.18 hectares of open space and opened to the public. Victoria Park, also known as the People's Park, is a 218-acre public park in Bow, East London. The park is the largest and most popular green space in East London, attracting around 9 million visitors a year.

This is the area that I will be designing for. It’s a public green area which needs lighting. As it is shown in the image there are no lighting in that area which is a problem as it will get dark during night-time which is scary and unsafe for people to walk around. I will be resolving this problem by designing a light which is helpful to the area.

Olympic park

I have decided to research two locations where I think is suitable for my design and theme. I have realised that Victoria park is more suitable for designs that are more traditional whereas Olympic park suits my theme more as it is more of a modern and futuristic park.

Research on solar panels

Pros & Cons of Solar Energy Solar Energy Advantages

Solar panels last for about 25 to 30 years, But the solar panels generating that power don't last forever. The industry standard life span is about 25 to 30 years, and that means that some panels installed at the early end of the current boom aren't long from being retired Not only is its energy virtually inexhaustible, but it's also the most abundant source of energy on Earth. Fossil fuels just can't compare. They don't last as long, it takes eons to replenish, and they have a negative effect on the environment. Solar energy produces no pollution when generating electricity. Solar power is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available

Solar Energy Disadvantages

Creates renewable energy

Takes up a lot of roof space/shape not aesthetic

Lowers your household carbon emissions

Less production on overcast or short days

Excess power can be sold back into the grid

Become less efficient with time

Solar panels I have researched the functions and uses of a solar panel. Solar power is harnessed using Solar Photovoltaic (PV) technology that converts sunlight (Solar radiation) into electricity by using semiconductors. When the sun hits the semiconductor within the PV cell, electrons are freed and bus bars collect the running electrons which results in electric current. When photons hit a solar cell, they knock electrons loose from their atoms. When electrons flow through such a circuit, they generate electricity. Multiple cells make up a solar panel, and multiple panels (modules) can be wired together to form a solar array. When the sun shines onto a solar panel, energy from the sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the panel. This energy creates electrical charges that move in response to an internal electrical field in the cell, causing electricity to flow. I have researched and sketched a variety of solar panels that come in different shapes and sizes. I have learnt that I can design solar panels in any shape and design I require but the solar cells will still come in rectangle/square shapes as it is easier and more suitable for the wires and function to work so that it can produce electricity from the sun.

Themes : contemporary , futuristic

Futurism movement

Research – development



I have sketched this objects to give me inspiration in designing a light that includes solar panels. I have drawn a variety of angles from this image to give me an understanding and usability of the product which then helped me develop the sketch into a design which could be used as a shelter with lights which also has solar panels on the top to give a source of power to the light underneath. The shape of the elevation drawing could easily be manipulated into different shapes and designs. I changed the sharp lines into a curved entrance which is more beneficial for people to walk through as I have developed this design into something that people could use for relaxing when having a long day or when it's raining which could be used as a shelter

I have taken advantage of the top face and have developed it into an area of solar panels as it is an efficient way to give electricity to a light.

By sketching different angles of the same design idea gives me a better understanding of how I should create it. I have developed the entrance from the inspiration object and have changed it to a more curved shape. I have included solar panels on top of the structure to use the sun during the day and give electricity to the light during the evening and night. I have sectioned out the top into triangles and on each triangle, there will be cells of solar panels that will fit into the triangle shape.




This light has a simple and modern structure. It is suitable for modern areas such as cities and public spaces. This light can be developed to have the circle light at the top to have useful functions such as changing the directions to light up other areas.

This design is inspired by a wind turbine as it spins around to get electricity to produce light. This is an efficient way to produce light

I have sketched the individual parts to understand how the light works

Design development I have repeated the shape many times for the seating part so that it links to the shape of the light at the top. I have drawn other designs that could be used for the seating, but I believe the first one looks more modern and suitable with the design.

Design development

Development from the shape of the solar panels

Shape of the seating

I developed this design from the shape and structure from my solar panels research which are the triangular solar panels which will be the source of the light. The swirl/curve shape will be where the light will come from as it will be directing downwards where the people will be at and to lighten up the area.

As this is a simple yet complex design, it has led me to easily manipulate the directions the design could go which has then led me to add seating under the light which could be used for public use.

I have researched intersecting lines and the direction they go in which can be easily developed into a light design.


I have researched a variety of thickness to these lines to give me inspirations for the design

Sustainable city light

Inspired by how flowers open up to the sun to collect the sun's energy, the Sustainable City Lights feature photovoltaic petals that open during the day to collect the sun's rays and transform them into energy. Then at night, the light closes and LED lights turn on to brighten city streets

This light opens during the day as it needs the solar panels which are on the top to absorb energy from the sun.

The little circular lights on the side of this city light is a useful feature that the designer has added as it can be seen as a decoration to the light which make its surrounding light up and when the public looks at the light it makes the area look nice and modern as this type of design is seen as a modern light considering the structure and colour.

I found this lamppost interesting as I am researching lights that have solar panels on but in a modern way. This design could easily be manipulated as it has a simple structure to it which can be developed into a much more interesting design.

Research on garden lights

Circular Solar panel

There are many ways to make a design for lights interesting. Specifically speaking, these garden lights that I have researched are unique as each plate has patterns and different design on them which therefore makes the light shine through them onto the floor in the shape of the way the plate has been designed.

Design 1 This image of the simple designed light has inspired me to produce this design which I developed it two times to get to the final model. I have applied solar panels to the top of the leaf shaped shelter above the light as it will help with the electricity for the light to turn on.

I have developed the first design into something more complex but still simple, I changed the way the light will stand as it is more efficient for the users. I have added a bench under the light which fits in well with the space of the poles at the bottom.

Design 2


I developed this design from the pumpkin shape and have developed the top part and created a leaf/petal structure so that the solar panels can fit.

Designs 3 I have created various of ideas developed from this type of light.

Development from design 3 I have refined this model into a more functional design so that its more beneficial to the people and the place. I have designed so that it has seating in the shape of a leaf as inspired by other images of lights. I have created joints for the seats to join the pole and be able to move around.

Design 4 I have also added solar panels on the top of the shelter to produce energy for the light so that it can light up during the evening and night-time. The shape of the seat and the top part which is also the light has the same shape to that it looks like one whole design and the seat and design links together so that it looks more interesting. The curved shapes and structure was inspired by the image on the left as it has a curved structure. I decided to produce a design idea out of it that also has seating and not only a light as it is more beneficial to the people and the surroundings. The light will be at the bottom and the solar panels will be on top so that it can face the sun for energy to produce electricity.

Designs 5


I created a design from the modern and futuristic images. I produced a design which is not just a light but also has seating for the people who walks past and needs a break

Paper model

Lighting Model 1 • I have designed a light that comes with settings which the public could use. I have used white card for the main structure as it looks more aesthetically appealing, I have used grey card to represent the solar panels as it will be needed to power the light and is a part of the design. From the original design I developed the seating area to a diamond shaped bench as the rectangle shape wasn’t suitable for the overall design.

Lighting Model 2 I have used this design to make my model which I have used various materials to represent on certain elements. To create this model, I have used brown card, white card and grey card. Using brown card for a first model is beneficial as it is easy to cut, score and bend into the shape you want which I have used as the main structure of the design. I have used grey card to represent the solar panels on the top of the structure. Adding seating to the light is beneficial to the public as anyone that is passing by weather it’s the elderly or young people, they can take a rest under a well-lit area.


2D Design I have designed one piece of the model on CAD as it is easier and more accurate for the laser cutter to cut.

25mm Solar panels are added here at the top



25mm 40mm

The light will be put in this hollow space to lighten up the area

25mm This is the seating at the bottom of the design.


Laser cut models Solar panels

I decided to experiment with polypropylene to make this model on the laser cutter as it is a much cleaner and precise way of creating a model. I have scored the curved part of the model so it can bend and have a curved structure. The square shape at the top is where the solar panels will be placed to help with electricity and light up. I have drawn a visual representation of how people will be using this design and to show an understanding of scale.

I have taken a photograph from the top angle view on two joined models

Model – acrylic

Top view of the model

Side view of the model

Experimenting with different materials is helpful as it gives me a sense of which materials work together. After experimenting with acrylic and polypropylene I think that they don’t work together as it is not aesthetically pleasing and does not work together.

Back of the design model

Deconstruct & reconstruct

Collages of inspirations from my chosen theme

Producing collages from futuristic inspirations is a good technique as it gives me ideas and inspirations to develop new designs which we need in the society. I have cut out pieces that I found valuable and interesting and stuck them on to the other components of the cut outs to create a new design which could be beneficial for my location. I have drawn sketches of these collages that I have produced to have an understandings of the different angles and how they could be useful in functions.

Design development

Design development

I have created the seating to be a sphere inspired by the collages I created. Then I realised that it will be uncomfortable for people to sit on, so I developed it to have a flat surface on the top to be easier for the public to sit on. The curved part at the top comes over the seat like a shelter as it has light under it and solar panels of the top of it.

Models from collage inspirations I have produced a model from the collage inspirations by using white card for the body of the model and black foamboard for the seating at the bottom and the light at the top. The technique I used to create the cube seat was a cube net as it is a more efficient and a clean way to create a cube with a stiff material.

Design development

I have experimented and created this design idea using brown card. I used brown card as its characteristics are that it can bend, score and cut easily which I need for my design as it has a curved shape throughout the whole design: the top part where the light will be has a curved structure and I have bended and crossed over two strips of card to create that shape with the light in the middle of where the shapes have overlapped.

Development from collages


To provide a solution for my design, I collaged this artwork from modern lights, futuristic structures, and paintings. I simplified the collage's basic structure so that I could better comprehend the design, which lead me to define the design as I completed each set of sketches, which prompted me to keep sketching until I found the correct design and angle. Because of the curves and loops, and the length of the structure, it reminds me of a DNA structure.

Final Model 1

I refined this model by creating it out of clear acrylic to have a modern and clean look. I have photographed them in different angles to see and understand different views of the model. I used the laser cutter to create the square shapes in different sizes and acrylic rods to put between each acrylic sqaure to space them out and for them to be levelled for the light to fit under the edge of each square that will shine downwards towards the floor or towards the people to lighten up the area.

Different angled images of the model

Final Model 2 I have used the same consistency in making all the curves in the seating and sticking them together. I have tried very hard to keep the consistency of the shape for each one of them. As seating is important in my design and the purpose of it is for the public to take a seat and relax after having a long day or when they're tired.

I have refined my final model and made a clean and neater model using clear acrylic for the main body and structure, black and white card for the solar panels. To produce the curves of the model I used a hot air gun to soften the hard acrylic as plastic melts with heat, so I used that method. I used that method to heat up the acrylic and curve it while its soft and mould it over a curved piece of wood until the acrylic moulds into the shape that was designed for. I used acrylic glue to stick two pieces of acrylic together; the seat and the main body of the light.

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