Here’s to ‘more of the same.’..
HAPPY NEW YEAR! From all the team at Feridax
All the team at Feridax would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your business and support throughout 2012. It hasn’t been the easiest of years, we’re sure you’ll agree and we thank you all for your continued business.
We look forward to continuing to work hard on your behalf, across all areas of our business and doing more business with you in the year ahead.
We will continue to support all of our dealers to sustain successful retail
and online businesses in a challenging environment. We will achieve this by managing and distributing world-leading brands that customers really want.
We will continue to develop our web presence and business technology to
improve our services to you. We will continue to improve our award winning brand marketing in order to improve consumer-facing brand awareness for all of our products.
We will continue to work with all of our dealers on an individual basis
to understand your business and best tailor our offer to suit your unique circumstances.
Most of all we’ll continue to do what we have been doing since 1957 - to
listen, to learn, to grow and to change, where necessary, so that we can continue to provide a valuable service to all of our dealers.
Here’s to a great 2013. Here’s to more of the same...