Ferik Tantomi Portfolio 2015

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Editorial Design


It is a brochure for “scala sans�. It consisted all of information about the typeface. From its history, family, and how properly to use the typeface on the media that you want.

FRONT SPREAD On the front spread, there will be history of the typeface, who create it, what is their family, and how the typeface is used. You can find out how the typeface work on exact point you use.

BACK SPREAD On the back spread, there will be any display text who use the typeface, and how useful the typeface works on the media that you want to use.

Editorial Design


Ligature newsletter talk about design issue and typography. How typography change the way people see. And how they approach it by using design. There are a lot theories on it and motivational quotes.

Web Design


FOOD FESTIVAL This is the redesign version of ASFF website. ASFF is a single page website that talk about food street festival. In the website you can see recent news and feeds. There are also gallery from the festival. You can sign up for newsletter and many more.

Web Design


It is my portofolio website design. It use clean approach and simple design. It use flat design-style as reference. Using big visual as main object. Also it represent cool idea and fresh.

READABLE I use single scroll style of website to give easy access to people who read the portfolio. I like to use bright contrast colour to make sure readibility is good.

STRAIGHT FORWARD Because i use single scroll, i want to make sure the reader can access the information that they want, also the reader will gain trust from what they see from a portfolio website.

Branding Identity


Dunsanak is a padang authentiic restaurant. It serve a lot of traditional menu. The concept of rebranding itself is a modern way of padang restaurant while it still preserve the traditionalism itself.

Bussiness card & Letterhead


Branding Identity

OLD & NEW Old & New is vintage shop on Bandung. It sells a lot of things. From music, goodies, t-shirt, old book and many more. The brief is to rebrand Old & New to the new concept. The exclusiveness and new image of the brand.

Graphic Standard Manual

ID card


Shopping Bag

Tote Bag


OLD AND NEW It is infographic for old & new vintage shop. The concept is that i want to tell what is old & new, what history is behind it, and the statistic about the shop. Also there is information for what item that being sold in there.

Branding Identity, Packaging

FAZT Fazt is brand who sells t-shirt and headset. The brief is to brand fazt to next level. Expression is as a foundation of fazt. So i use bright colours and element of music. The combinations make the brand pop up and fun.

Cover CD Artwork

T-shirt Packaging

Tote Bag


F A Z T HEADPHONE Fazt headphone is essential for the brand. The concept is to make the music sound fun and colourful. Anyone who use the headphone will enjoy the music also bring the joy to their life.

Branding Identity


Fazt is brand who sells t-shirt and headset. The brief is to brand fazt to next level. Expression is as a foundation of fazt. So i use bright colours and element of music. The combinations make the brand pop up and fun.


Desktop Wallpaper



It is infographic for “Dayak Bentian Campaign�. It is for celebrating Panen Raya Nusantara Festival in Jakarta. Inside the infographic, there is a lot of information regarding Campaign of Dayak Bentian, There is the problem, Resource data, and creative proccess of the campaign.




In this project, i rebrand the old packaging of Meguiars into new concept. The new concept is to bring the exclusiveness to the brand. Gold color is to represent the core of the brand, also to show the power of the brand.


REDESIGN ANTANGIN Antangin JRG is brand which sells product to cure “Masuk Angin”. But in this project, i want to bring the brand to new level. Introducing Antangin JRG vitamin drink.

BRAND NEW CONCEPT Antangin JRG vitamin drink is a new concept of drink. The drink will refrsesh your daily activity and also prevent you from fever. With vivid colour, it will bring the brand synchronize with the products. Using visual element of fruit and activity, it will embrace the brand.


PETMATCH Petmatch is a startup application for IOS. It is pet finder based on GPS. The concept is social media for pet. Using colourful color to embrace the user. Using yellow into the brand make the application stronger. The UI design is simple and easy to access, That’s my foundation as a designer to make the user easy to understand and experience.

Illustration, T-shirt

ROBO-TIC ROBO-TIC is illustration that i make for t-shirt design. It got mettalic look and cheeky face. The design of the character is simple. Using geometry and combination of element make the illustration feels robotic.


Illustration, T-shirt


This is fanart for Avengers 2 : Age of Ultron. This is also personal project for illustration and t-shirt design. The style is based on vector illustration, using line and bunch of colour.


RESTRAINT Collaboration with : Jesslyn Angela Natasha Marcelia Art1 Gallery Year : 2015 Size : 120 cm x 120 cm Restraint is collaboration with me and my friends. Restraint tell us that in our life, our life is controlled by anything. Especially time, you cant deny time, you will be controlled in positive/negative way, it is up to you how you want to be.


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