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Lot #


1 2

Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda Val-Bisson Meridian Doriane


Jealu Stanleycup Alexis

5 6 9

Walkerbrae Doorman Locket Jacobs Jordan Carmel Blondin Avalanche Sparkles


Blondin Armani Salisbury


Blondin Goldwyn Sable


Pierstein Sid Sugarbaby


Blondin Braxton Sara

17 18

Ms Aderyn Colt 45 2512 Blondin Colt Ada


Calbrett Alexander Liza

24 26

Blondin Absolute Luanda Blondin Sid Brittany


Blondin Goldwyn Cassidy

28 29

Blondin Goldwyn Camaro Blondin Ladd P Celesta

30 31 43 44

Blondin McCutchen Jalapeno Blondin McCutchen Jewel Blondin Armani Bikini Blondin Prodigy Bamba

Updates Now EX-91 ! August 18th test 28days : 49,3kg 5.1%F 3.0%P SCS 71, on oxytocin August 18th test 16days : 51,5kg 3.9%F 3.1%P SCS 17 August 18th test 60days : 44,5kg 3.3%F 2.8%P SCS 23 Projection 3-00 10,876kg (249-238-233) Bred September 6th x Avalanche, +3.32 PTAT +3031 GLPI, August 18th test 67days : 43,7kg 3.7%F 3.2%P SCS 12, Projection 3-00 10,968kg (251-264-257) OUT #3 Red Conformation in the world at + 18 and + 19 VGD Now GP-83, August 18th test 36days : 41,3kg 3.5%F 3.2%P SCS 17 Bred August 30th x Devour, August 18th test 132days : 40,1kg 3.0%F 3.3%P SCS 30, Projection 3-02 10,561kg (233-192-248) Now EX-91, August 18th test 17days : 64,1kg 3.7%F 3.1%P SCS 34 Now VG-88 ! August 18th test 30days : 55,3kg 3.1%F 2.5%P SCS 36 Now VG-86 ! August 18th test 34days : 51,3kg 3.6%F 2.9%P SCS 16, on oxytocin OUT August 18th test 77days : 35,5kg 5.6%F 3.2%P SCS 31, Projection 3-05 9,853kg (217-304-235), on oxytocin Now VG 2Y Old ! August 18th test 16days : 32,9kg 3.6%F 3.5%P SCS 52 Bred August 26th x Expander Bred August 31st x Solomon, August 18th test 113days : 39,7kg 3.9%F 3.1%P SCS 16 Projection 3-03 11,532kg (252-241-250) Now GP-83, August 18th test 20days : 36,1kg 4.3%F 3.1%P SCS 32 OUT Now VG-86 2 Y Old, August 18th test 30days : 39,5kg 3.6%F 2.9%P SCS 16 August 18th test 12days : 30,1kg 5.3%F 3.3%P SCS 223 Now VG-86 1Y Old ! Fresh September 1st 2016 Bred September 6th x Avalanche


Blondin Goldwyn Joyful


Blondin High Octane Classy


Blondin High Octane Courtney

48 49

Blondin High Octane Charlene Bondin Doorman Clarity

50 52 53 57

Blondin Chocolate Avalanche Fortale Solomon Braa Fortale Solomon Babz Hazels Sid Harriet


Lexis VV Snowman Mirage

60 61

Mibelson Gold Minnie Blondin Sid Lambada

62 63

Blondin Balisto Gospel Blondin Missouri Gloria


Blondin Balisto Goyave


Blondin Supershot Shiny


Blondin Supershot Shiitake


Blondin Monterey Laumika

68 69 70

Blondin Accurate Laurella Clelor McCutchen Beauty Blondin Silver Bea


Blondin Silver Beatrix


Blondin TJR Rubicon Excel


Peak Louane Chev 803

74 75

Woodcrest Mogul Anna Vanhaven R Annejilla

Bred September 3rd x Solomon, August 25th test 125days : 35,9kg 3.6%F 2.9%P SCS 14 Projection 3-01 10,847kg (242-251226) + 3.64 PTAT +1.0 DPR + 3051 GPA LPI DGV + 3098 CONF +18 DGV +20 #1 PTAT heifer in the sale at + 3.71 + 1128 Milk + 3170 GPA LPI DGV +3284 CONF + 18 DGV + 20 + 3.47 PTAT + 914 Milk +0.2 DPR + 3058 GPA LPI + 3076 DGV +3.57 PTAT + 0.3 DPR + 3063 GPA LPI + 17 CONF # 2 Conformation heifer in the world at + 21 ! + 22 DGV +3.63 PTAT +15 CONF +101 DF +3L RA +15 CONF +101 DF +3L RA August 25th test 166days : 34,0kg 4.5%F 3.3%P SCS 39 Carries a female, August 1st test : 38kg 4.0%F 3.0%P SCS 114, on oxytocin Carries a female, August 1st test : 40,5kg 3.6%F 2.8%P SCS 38, on oxytocin OUT Now VG-86 2Y Old ! +2451 GTPI 5.8% SCE +3042 GPA LPI +3073 DGV August 18th test 39days : 31,7kg 4.6%F 3.4%P SCS 19 +158 RZG +140 RZE +2564 GTPI + 3235 GPA LPI +3289 DGV Now VG 2Y Old ! + 2325 GTPI + 1511 Milk + 58 Protein +5.6% SCE, August 18th test 39days : 35,7kg 4.0%F 3.0%P SCS 32 + 2576 GTPI + 1695 Milk + 59 Protein + 1.8 DPR +3205 GPA LPI + 3319 DGV + 2553 GTPI + 1933 Milk + 64 Protein + 1.0 DPR +3131 GPA LPI + 3202 DGV Carries a male, +2581 GTPI +2.75 PTAT +1778 Milk +74 Fat +50 Protein +6.2% SCE +3162 GPA LPI +3211 DGV # 1 in the sale for milk at + 1993 ! + 2492 GTPI + 57 Protein +1.1 DPR + 3109 GPA LPI OUT + 2486 GTPI + 1.1 DPR + 6.5% SCE + 3258 GPA LPI + 3338 DGV Bred August 20th x Altahotline, + 2556 GTPI + 2.6 PTAT +1422 Milk +54 Protein + 0.9 DPR + 6.7% SCE + 3266 GPA LPI + 3309 DGV + 2402 GTPI + 1293 Milk + 0.6 DPR + 6.9% SCE + 2935 GPA LPI Fresh September 2nd 2016 + 2326 GTPI + 1.9 DPR +2879 GPA LPI + 2935 DGV + 2446 GTPI + 1575 Milk + 81 Fat + 52 Protein + 3099 GLPI + 3134 DGV Fresh August 27th 2016

76 78

Des Pins Rubicon Axelle Blondin Satisfaction Athena

79 80

Blondin Balisto Anyways Blondin Balisto Aramis


Blondin Bookkeeper Carlyle

82 83

Blondin Bookkeeper Crystal Blondin Chevrolet Carmina


Blondin Uno Bubbles


Blondin McCutchen Barbie



Pregnant (due April 15th 2017 x Gatedancer), + 2518 GTPI +1482 Milk + 74 Fat + 53 Protein + 1.4 DPR + 3062 GPA LPI + 3072 DGV Fresh August 9th 2016 Now VG 2Y Old, August 18th test 38days : 36,1kg 3.9%F 3.2%P SCS 33 OUT Now GP-84 ! August 18th test 68days : 39,7kg 4.5%F 3.1%P SCS 9 Projection 2-01 10,522kg (274-342-282) Now GP-83, August 18th test 36days : 45,3kg 4.3%F 2.9%P SCS 189 Fresh September 2nd 2016 Pregnant (due May 2nd 2017 x Cinderdoor), August 25th test 119days : 42,7kg 4.1%F 3.0%P SCS 9 Projection 2-03 11,068kg (276-325-276) Now GP-83, August 18th test 20days : 31,3kg 5.0%F 3.2%P SCS 111

Bred August 13th x Avalanche, August 18th test 133days : 44,9kg Gouldhaven Sweenview 45 Lexi 3.1%F 3.1%P SCS 18 Projection 2-02 11,690kg (296-282-296) Now VG-87, Bred August 23rd x Cinderdoor, August 18th test 85days : 48,5kg 5.1%F 3.1%P SCS 23 Projection 2-11 11,786kg (271-354-271) Jeanlu WMC Goldwyn Albany

89 90

Blondin TJR Galaxy Amor Guayclair Goldwyn Tanante

91 92 93 94 95

Belle-Riviere Charlie Tebelle Blondin Goldwyn Rosemary Blondin Aaron Royal Crestomere Atwood Lillian Alphagen Supermiss


Starcrest Destinys Dazzle

97 98 100

Helmcrest Braxton Lucky Extondale Sid Jam Arnita Mascalese Majesty


Vriesdale Reginald Littleone

102 103

Phoenix Armani Saphire Straitside Liezel Windbrook

Bred August 23rd x Cinderdoor, August 25th test 71days : 37,0kg 4.1%F 3.1%P SCS 29 Projection 2-00 9,882kg (261-308-267) August 18th test 24days : 42,5kg 3.9%F 3.1%P SCS 11 Now EX-91, August 18th test 18days : 64,3kg 4.1%F 3.1%P SCS 58, on oxytocin OUT Fresh September 1st 2016 August 18th test 10days : 49,3kg 3.5%F 3.3%P SCS 127 Fresh September 1st 2016 Now VG-89 (max) ! August 18th test 28days : 52,5kg 3.4%F 2.8%P, on oxytocin Bred September 6th x Expander, August 18th test 69days : 48,9kg 3.9%F 3.0%P SCS 13 Projection 4-03 12,343kg (256284-254) Fresh September 1st 2016 Fresh August 20th 2016 Now EX-92, Pregnant (due May 2nd 2017 x Dempsey), August 18th test 107days : 45,5kg 2.3%F 2.9%P SCS 4 Projection 4-07 13,061kg (264-209-251) Now GP-81, August 18th test 66days : 32,9kg 4.1%F 3.1%P SCS 45 Projection 1-09 8,697kg (241-277-245) Pregnant (due April 20th 2017 x Fitz)

104 105

Chubanna Lavengaurd Hilda Grand Fox Windbrook Ivy


Blondin McCutchen Amazing

107 108

Blondin Aftershock Baileys Blondin Ladiesman Courage


111 112 113

Pregnant (due May 5th 2017 x Solomon), August 18th test 109days : 49,3kg 3.0%F 3.0%P SCS 192 Projection 3-05 13,318kg (290-267-282), on oxytocin Now VG-88, August 1st test : 42kg 3.2%F 2.7%P SCS 27 Now VG-87, August 18th test 30days : 46,5kg 3.0%F 2.8%P SCS 27 Now VG 2Y Old, Bred August 23rd x Devour, August 18th test 71days : 37,5kg 3.7%F 3.2%P SCS 12 OUT

Pregnant (due March 14th 2017 Blondin Destry Lagoon x Diamondback (female), July 15th test 288days : 40,6kg 4.5%F Sunnylodge Abeedale B G Linda 3.3%P SCS 74, 6-06 305 14,077kg 3.9%F 3.1%P (258-266-251) Pregnant (due May 1st 2017 x Cinderdoor), August 18th test 42,9kg 4.3%F 3.2%P SCS 17, Projection 4-02 10,858kg (224256-237) Blondin Shottle Gaza Replaced by her full sister : Blondin Archrival Goodbye #CANF109462370 born September 25th 2015 Blondin Archrival Gizmo Bred August 28th x Jacoby Quality Byway Fantastic


Outaouais Sid Hailey

115 118

Blondin Goldwyn Kally Blondin McCutchen Mona Lisa


Ms Abrianna Goldace 2351


KHW Shamrock Acelyn

124 125 126

Robrook Windbrook Beauty Gillette Reginald Beautista Jacobs Windbrook Mist

127 128

Garay Goldwyn Lexus Eastriver Friscallie


Helmcrest Braxton Leona

130 131 132

Arcroix Hampton Tiksya Martland Dante Danielle Don-Hope Lauthor April

Bred August 28th x Solomon, August 18th test 102days : 45,5kg 3.1%F 3.2%P SCS 11 Projection 4-02 11,323kg (234-234-243) August 18th test 105days : 56,9kg 4.2%F 3.3%P SCS 31 Projection 4-09 14,534kg (292-317-313) OUT Bred August 23rd x Solomon, August 18th test 140days : 30,9kg 4.4%F 3.6%P SCS 42 Projection 2-09 8,211kg (189-239-209) #USAF70639399 Fresh March 22nd 2016, August 18th test 149days : 39,3kg 4.3%F 3.4%P SCS 11 Projection 4-03 12,300kg (244-275-253) #CANF9886139 Now VG-89 (max)! Fresh July 7th 2016, July 29th test 22days : 46,7kg 4.3%F 3.2%P SCS 176, on oxytocin #CANF12269962 Born September 2nd 2015 #CANF108133883 Fresh July 11th 2016 #CANF107553427 Fresh April 22nd 2016, Due April 10th 2017 x sex Control, August 31st test : 35,2kg 4.2%F 3.2%P SCS 67, on oxytocin #CANF11489061 Fresh September 2nd 2016 #CANF11380258 Now VG-88, Fresh June 14th 2016, Bred August 7th x Callen, August 18th test 65days : 2.0%F 2.8%P SCS 21, Projection 4-06 13,862kg (284-173-282) #CANF109089799 Fresh August 7th 2016, August 18th test 11days : 34,1kg 5.0%F 3.2%P SCS 20 #CANF11915170 Fresh August 20th 2016 #CANF11730966 Fresh September 1st 2016

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