Lina Codina GILDARDO 8C
10 Technological inventions that you did't know The defender: Has a digital camera, pepper spray and flashing light. It serves so that they do not steal and / or violate you. Cicret bracelet: hologram screen through a handle, it's like a cell phone has wifi connection, battery and is water resistant.
Movpack: It's like a suitcase skate, has several pockets, 24 k per hour costs 2000 dollars.
Dashbon mask: hdmi cable, allows you to play a movie on the edge of the headphones, and also listen to music.
seatylock: saddle shaped chain protection for the bicycle, prevents theft of the bicycle chair.
Digitsole: is a shoe template that works with an application, can be loaded with USB input, template that weighs very little, has shock absorber. Bulb playbulb: smart bulbs, control multiple lamps, works with an app, has to be used with batteries, use, costs 50 dollars. robot keecker: it is a miniature projector, it incorporates an audio system, it moves around the place, it has a lot of storage, 5000 dollars.
gloves zackees: has directional, provides hot, perfect for running and cycling
Smart ring: you can see messages, $ 75, water resistant.
Article For me the best invention is to defend because this is very useful for emergencies and you can save your life, but others are like whims and having them is not going to save your life, so I think that the invention of the defender It is the best of all. For me the worst technology invention is the smart ring because the only thing it does is tell you who is calling you and it does not work like nothing, if you could answer the calls from the ring then if it were good. Glossary: Invention: it is something to improve the quality of life of the human. Technology: Is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and the extracting of materials