pur- ple Syllable stress Fernanda Montoya
doc - tor
What are syllables? They are the pieces of sound that a word can be breaked into. All words have at least one syllable.
Rab – bit
What is a stressed syllable? It is the one part of the word that receives more emphasis when spoken. The syllable that is greater stressed. There can only be one stressed syllable on any word. Pro – blem De – tec – tive
How is it useful? Stressing the right syllable can change the meaning of the word. For example:
a birthday
pres – ent AND
to pre – sent your work
Where to put the stress? The most natural way to decide where a word should be stressed is, by sounding out the word and making the decision. Say the following words at loud and try to decide which is the stressed syllable: Yel – low Black En – gine Hos – pit – al