Up, Down and All Around is intended to motivate the young readers in always being observant to what is around them. Look up, look down, look all .around for safety and fun
Published by Monkey Pen Ltd

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I am Freddie and I just learned something. No matter where you are: Look up. Look down. Look all around.

You never know what you may see. And it helps us be safe, yep-you and me.

There I was, just walking down the street. Not paying attention and staring at my feet.
Step one, step two, step three, and four. I walked into an open door.

I did not look up, and now I am sad. Free Ice Cream - read the sign - For Any Lad.

Step five, step six, step seven, and eight.
am I at, I went through the wrong gate.

I did not look right. But if I had. I would have seen Sally flying a kite with her dad.

Who looks left? What is there to see? Only a Circus Parade and a monkey in a tree.
I turned around and took one step. Into a puddle, and now I am wet.

Look up. Look down. Look all around. You will not miss a thing and be safe and sound.