Imágenes y texto de Peter Shütt. Comisario de la muestra.
Nature │ Culture Pashmin Art Gallery Group Exhibition An Extract from the speech by Dr. Peter Schütt about the artist
Fernando Palacios Now we come to one of the highlights of this exhibition. We have a guest from Spain, Fernando Palacios. He works mainly with the “Modus Operandi” art gallery in the center of Madrid, which has already started a regular cultural exchange with Pashmin Art Gallery. Fernando Palacios was born in Valladolid in 1976 and lives and works mainly in his Castilian homeland, the landscape inside Spain; Castile takes its name from the many castles and forts and thanks to Don Quixote has become the epitome of Spanish spirit. The colors in his paintings remind us of the Castilian warm and suntanned Northerners. His works are full of music, flamenco music, and full of poetry, full of metaphors and symbols, full of flights, yet also full of abysses. Landscape, nature and the environment seem to us like a thin, roughened and vulnerable Earth skin. Under his simmering volcanoes lurks the disaster. The earth is thirsty for water. It is dried up and lets us feel the effects of global warming. Fernando Palacios shows the vulnerability of the landscape particularly in that he opens his images into the third dimension and by relief structures with fracture lines makes the battered earth recognizable. His paintings are not realistic, but surrealistic; they are symbolic, mystical and spiritual readings and refer to the internal relationships that you might appreciate more if you close your eyes to the image and open an inward meditating. July 2016
Dr. Peter Shütt. Inauguración
Paisaje Blanco. 100x100 Mixta-lienzo
Espacios Ocultos nยบ 15. 100x100 Mixta-lienzo
Comisario Sr. Peter Shütt junto al director de la galería Sr. Nour Nouri
Obras de 50x50. Mixta-lienzo
Espacios. Pashmin Art Gallery