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WiFi 6



It’s November and after a long warm fall a cold winter will soon be upon us. With winter, there is invariably more time spent indoors. And these days indoors means using the internet. Whether you’re on NetFlix, MasterClass, Tik Tok, or the like, a fast internet makes your online experience better.

WiFi 6 has been a standard (802.11ax for those that care about that sort of thing) since 2019, but it hasn’t made it into too many homes yet. Unless you’ve purchased a router recently there’s a good chance it supports up to WiFi 5. If you have an iPhone 11 or newer, or an iPad of similar vintage, you’ve been carrying around a device that can do WiFi 6 and didn’t know it.

What is WiFi 6? Very simply, it’s a way for your router to communicate simultaneously on both the old 2.4GHz and newer 5GHz frequencies. This effectively makes the bandwidth wider. One way to think about this is imagine you’re moving but now you can carry furniture in a trailer you’re pulling and in the back of your truck. That’s more stuff with each trip.

WiFi 6 has a few more tricks up its sleeves. It has some fancy frequency usages that let it divide up the channels to carry more information to different devices at the same time. And by using different “flavours” of frequencies it allows devices to ignore transmissions destined for another device and start talking before the reception finishes. In gamer-speak this means less latency. Latency is the time between a request for data and the transmission of that data. Lower latency means means the whole online experience feels much more responsive, especially in offices and household with many devices.

WiFi 6 also has the ability to do what’s called beamforming. This lets the router direct transmissions towards your device instead of broadcasting omnidirectionally. It’s much more efficient from an energy perspective.

WiFi 6 also comes with WPA3. This is a newer better security protocol than your old router. You won’t notice any change, but your network communication will be safer.

WiFi 6 comes with something called Target Wake Time. This is basically “only talk to me if you need to” mode. Right now your phone spends quite a bit of time chatting with your router even if you’re not doing anything. Less communication means longer battery life and a less busy network which again means less latency.

One thing I want to note is with regards to radio broadcast. Occasionally people have concerns about radio broadcasts especially with newer equipment. As long as you purchase CSA approved routers, the power level is restricted and not a concern. All the new whizbang features of WiFi 6 come with changes in how the signal is used, not by increasing the power of the signal.

Finally, because many router manufacturers are keen to get you to buy a new router by adding features, most of WiFi 6 has been in most new routers since 2019. So, if your router is newer than that there’s a good chance it’s already doing WiFi 6. Otherwise, you can get yourself into WiFi 6 for about $100. You can spend up to $500 if you just won the LottoMax, but you don’t have to.

Stock Photo

“What is WiFi 6? Very simply, it’s a way for your router to communicate simultaneously on both the old 2.4GHz and newer 5GHz frequencies. This effectively makes the bandwidth wider. ”

November 2022


November begins with the Sun, Mercury and Venus moving in tight conjunction through Scorpio opposite the north node conjunct retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Surprises may occur this month. Trust the process as there are forces beyond us that align with our paths. Mars entered its retrograde October 30 and is travelling through Gemini until January 12, 2023. This time can feel frustrating as our actions may not necessarily reap rewards, but this energy can be used to finish old projects and create order for when momentum occurs again. Recall: Mars rules our sexual energy and our yang energy - our energy to get things done in this world. Mars is the ruler of Aries and known as the “planet of war,” we can see it in the night sky with a red hue.

Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Mercury have finally gone direct after a long retrograde so although Mars is retrograde, energy may be lifting and shifting. We are also just past the eclipse portal, this year it’s the TaurusScorpio polarity so expect change over the next six months and in particularly dealing with Scorpio and Taurus factors of life: sexuality, the occult, finances, everything about the self including self-esteem, safety including the home, bank account and our health. To see how this affects you personally, you will need to look at your individual chart.


A month of a range of emotions as the sun moves through the deepest emotional sign, Scorpio. Shifting into Sagittarius, the energy will begin to get lighter and an understanding of these emotions will come through.


A time when karmic energies are coming up to be shifted and released. It’s a time to embody your hidden gifts and move into your highest self - this may require strong boundaries and some goodbyes. Practice mindfulness and gratitude this month.


A month of insights and revelations which may be shocking and lead to huge shifts. We outgrow ourselves many times throughout life. It’s ok if you have outgrown a part of you and have a new truth. Move with your inner compass.


A grand trine of water energy occurs this November so it’s a favourable time for Cancers who see the opportunity to take advantage of. Find your inner willpower to make positive change in your life.


The first half of the month feels very different for you than the last. The first two weeks are intense and a good time to invest in deep inner work while the last two are jovial and great for adventure and exploration.


Action this month is best taken in business, financial planning and making sure any legal settlements are organized. It’s a time when everything to do with your money is best attended to.


Relationships and sense of self, physical body and identity are your ruling themes this month. It’s a great time to practice mindfulness and self-supportive techniques. It’s also a great time to invest in your health.


A powerful month as the eclipse, planets and the grand water trine support your energy. The shifts that can happen at this time will last for years to come. It’s a date with destiny and a time of spiritual revival.


Eclipses clear out karma and bring in our dharma. Since Jupiter, your ruling planet, is also finally direct, you will notice momentum in your life this month despite a retrograde Mars.


It’s a good month to devote your energy to aspects of your life that slowed down due to the retrograde activity of the planets over the summer. Know that Mars is retrograde so there may still be some frustration.


It’s a busy month of communication, social engagements and expansion in social arenas. There may be frustrations with Mars retrograde. Travel the path of least resistance over the next three months.


Financial luck enters your life as Jupiter expands your finances. Lots of months of building foundation and clarity has led to this fruitful time. It’s all about aligning the inner energy first.

Anticipation, Through Your Lens

Photo by Auzzie @siriuslywildstudios

Enjoy the bee-utiful weather while it lasts, winter is just around the corner!

Taylor’d Images Photography @taylord_images_photography

A crisp hint of what’s to come as the last of the autumn leaves hang and a golden hue covers the valley giving us a sense of warmth, reminiscent of the seasons past

Snapshots: A glimpse into the remarkable stories of people and places in the Columbia Basin.

Student Intern Position Opens Pottery Studio Doors

In 2021, The Arts Station in Fernie was facing a flattering problem: everyone wanted to use their basement pottery studio. From expert artists who sell their products, to beginners who are just looking to have fun and make something beautiful, The Arts Station was limited in what they could offer. Louise Ferguson is the Executive Director of the Fernie and District Arts Council, which operates The Arts Station. Louise wanted to hire an intern to maintain the studio equipment, teach and support beginners, and provide administrative and technical support for the pottery studio.

She hired intern Caroline Payne, a graduate of Selkirk College’s Ceramic Studio Certificate program. Thanks to the Trust’s program that supports businesses hiring emerging professionals through an internship, The Arts Station pottery studio opened its doors to beginners, increasing the participant traffic significantly.

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Out in the Community:

What is your current level of winter stoke, and how are you preparing yourself?

Emily Park

Current level of stoke is equal to riding away from an overrated front 3 without catching an edge! Can’t wait to ride the new park features off Deer Chair with Fernie Freestyle Snowboard rippers. I have been prepping by doing three sessions a week at Fernie Mountain Fitness.

Tara Higgins

Current level of winter stoke…. medium to high. Looking forward to the lung burn of skate skiing and big snowflake days. Bracing myself for the minus 30 days when you try to do everything at warp speed outside but can’t move any faster than a snail because you just froze to the spot.

Dawn Deydey

My winter stoke starts growing when the snow starts falling. I’ve been prepping for winter by harvesting and preserving locally grown fruit and veggies. I still have lots of wood to chop to ensure our house stays warm this winter.

Jana Wenzlawe

To be honest my stoke level is pretty low at the moment. The fall weather has been just perfect and I wish it would stay all year. That being said, as soon as winter actually hits, it’ll be amazing too. That’s the beautiful thing about living here and experiencing ALL of the seasons. As you say goodbye to one, the next beautiful one slides in.

Emily Brydon

I am finally ready to get excited about winter. Just a couple weeks ago I was chatting about what am I going to do to push myself outside my comfort and into my butterfly zone. I love thinking about this stuff, it makes me feel alive and eager anticipating a season of thrills and spills! As for prepping, I am unfortunately in the fake it to make it camp this year!

Jimmy Vallance

Am still in shorts, shades and tee, hoping thereby to extend the summer. Stoke and tolerance level for winter nonexistent. November begins with the

Inaugural Council Meeting

on November 1, 7pm where the elected mayor and councillors will be officially sworn in to serve a four-year term from November 2022 to November 2026. Their first regular council meeting is November 14 and first Committee of the Whole Meeting, November 21 at 4pm. Did you know, ever since COVID, meetings are live on Facebook and also available via zoom? The link and agendas are posted on fernie.ca.

Are you planning a staff Christmas party this year? Make sure to book early as it will quickly fill up – Fernie has a lot of small businesses, doing the same thing! Fun options to explore include Fernie Distillers, Bramasole, Loaf, Kodiak Lounge… and don’t forget the Small Business Christmas Party at the Cast Iron Grill at the Fernie Golf Club. You can also chat with your favourite restaurant and see what options they can offer you this season!

The Fernie Ghostriders, Fernie’s Junior ‘B’ Hockey Team and part of the Eddie Mountain Division of the Kootenay Conference of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League, is in full swing. This month alone, there are games on November 1, 10, 12, 13, 19, and 26 at the Fernie Memorial Arena. Stay up to date at fernieghostriders.com and follow along throughout the season by attending games – it’s an exciting Canadian pastime!

The Holiday Kick Off is taking place Holiday Kickoff November 25 this year! Join the community by beginning the holiday season supporting our local businesses. Businesses are open late, many with specials or festivities to celebrate the season, and the #spenditinfernie campaign once again offering incentives for finding your gifts in Fernie this year. Make sure to stop by the Arts Station for the Light Up Arts installations created by various local artists, as well as the Twilight Craft Fair at the Fernie Community Centre.

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