4 minute read
By Krista Turcasso, Editor
When presented with the theme of Comfort many of our columnists chose to discuss the importance of leaning into discomfort. And as was likely their aim, it made me pause and reflect. It may seem as though I am a leaner, spending so much time on my bike, pushing myself into challenging physical states and exposing myself to fear and risk. But the reality is, biking has actually become comforting. I know that minutes into a ride, even one that is undoubtedly testing my fitness or contains sections that terrify me, I will feel like I’m exactly where I am supposed to be. How does this happen? I think it’s the challenge and reward that hook us, the euphoric feeling we don’t want to live without. The real question is, how can this be applied to other areas of our lives?
The next time an opportunity arises that produces a wee bit of anxiety in the pit of my stomach, I am going to question that feeling, spend a bit of time with it. Is there value here? What am I actually afraid of? Does the potential outcome outweigh the discomfort? It’s all too easy to continue to do the same thing, day after day. Stepping out of our comfort zones could lead to more robust experiences, distinct memories. It might also leave us with that euphoria, the feeling of ‘this is exactly where we’re supposed to be.’
So, this month I challenge us all to get a little uncomfortable… take cold dips in the Elk River, sign up for that pottery class you always wanted to try, plan an overnight hike with a friend, be more open and vulnerable with your parents, whatever it is for you! I think we’ll be happily surprised with how comfortable we can feel with a bit of discomfort.
ANDREW VALLANCE is a cinephile nerd who currently lives on the west coast. Girlfriendless, he spends his time going to movies, buying DVDs and flirting. ASHLEY KRISTINA has studied astrology for over twenty years and has been reading/teaching for five. For an in depth natal chart reading, email mountainashastrology@gmail.com. CLAIRE SMALLWOOD is an avid skier, mediocre snowboarder, former personal chef, and newly-minted hockey fan. When Claire’s not on the slopes or whipping up red chile sauce, you can find her at the helm of SheJumps, the non-profit she co-founded in 2007 with a mission to transform the lives of women and girls through outdoor experiences. KEVIN MCISAAC haunts the coffee shops and streets of Fernie to find his column source material. MARIANNE AGNEW is the Elk Valley Facilitator for the East Kootenay Caregivers Network and is an active Hospice volunteer. She brings her own brand of positive enthusiasm to the valley. MICHAEL HEPHER is a painter, printmaker, sculptor and musician living and working in Fernie. His work is collected internationally and can be seen at Clawhammer Press and a variety of galleries in Western Canada. PATRICK ROBERTSON is a travel writer and long-time resident of Fernie. He is an expert in planning independent travel and finding budget travel deals. Visit his website at budgetslowtravel.com and on Facebook at facebook.com/budgetslowtravel. Every month SADIE ROSGEN teams up with some of Fernie’s brightest young writers collaborating on a given theme. If you are reading this and think that you are that person, drop her a line at sadiepumps@gmail.com. SARAH PULLEN, a first year University student, has a passion for all things creative. She looks forward to pursuing a Fine Arts degree and discovering a world of diversity and culture beyond our mountain town. SYLVIA AYERS is a tenacious naturalist and believes each one of us can have a big impact on making things better if we just know how. TYLA CHARBONNEAU is a Registered Psychologist (CPBC2385), dog momma, and nature lover. She loves talking with others about mindfulness, self-compassion, and human nature. VALERIE BARRY is the longtime owner and head trainer of Dog Partners (dogpartners.ca). She is a multi-credentialed and highly educated professional dog trainer who specializes in behaviour modification and helping families raise friendly puppies.
Published monthly by Claris Media. To advertise and for general inquiries: info@clarismedia.com Box 1124, 361A 1st Ave. Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 p: 250-423-4062 | clarismedia.com
Editor | Krista Turcasso Creative Director | Vanessa Croome
All content copyright Claris Media. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the publisher.
Claris Media acknowledges that the land on which we work, gather and recreate is the traditional and unceded territory of the Ktunaxa people. We are very grateful for this place and the abundance it provides.
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Date: Friday October 21, 2022 TIME: Begins at 5:30pm Location: Rusty Edge
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