11 minute read
MONTHLY EVENTS Make sure to stay up to date by visiting FernieFix.com/events. Send your events to krista@clarismedia.com for inclusion!
Tuesday 1.3.2022 HR Webinar Series: What’s in a Policy and Procedures
Manual @ ferniechamber.com/events
Thursday 3.3.2022
Succession Planning: How to Sell Your Business @ ferniechamber.com/events
Friday 4.3.2022
45th Annual Griz Days: Goes Wild @ ferniegrizdays.com Griz Days Storywalk @ Fernie Heritage Library Garden with Free Hot Chocolate, 11am-2pm Live Music @ Loaf Tyler Ray Borsboom Live @ Kodiak Lounge
Saturday 5.3.2022
AST 1 @ Mountain Addicts 45th Annual Griz Days: Goes Wild @ ferniegrizdays.com Griz Days Handmade Craft Fair @ Fernie Community Centre Griz Days Storywalk @ Fernie Heritage Library Garden with Free Hot Chocolate, 11am-2pm Griz Days Parade @ Downtown Fernie, 6:30pm
Sunday 6.3.2022
Last Day: Raging Elk Silk and Trail Slide @ Fernie Alpine Resort AST 1 @ Mountain Addicts Raging Elk Dummy Downhill @ Fernie Alpine Resort, 1pm
Monday 7.3.2022 Special Meeting of Council: 3rd Reading of Financial
Plan Bylaw @ City Hall Fernie Dragathon: Art Cleansing Session @ The Arts Station
Tuesday 8.3.2022 International Women’s Day International Women’s Day: Fat Bike with the Ladies
The New Art of Selling: Rethinking Your Approach to
Sales @ ferniechamber.com/events Fernie Dragathon: Bingo with the Rainbow Club @ Fernie Secondary School
Wednesday 9.3.2022
Fernie Dragathon: Mental Health Themed Trivia @ Fernie Hotel
Thursday 10.3.2022
Elk Valley Suicide Task Force Drag Storytime @ Fernie Heritage Library, 10am Fernie Dragathon: Drag Walk Through @ Downtown Fernie Fernie Dragathon: Cocktails and Pussy Willows @ Fernie Distillery
Friday 11.3.2022 March Break Take and Make Kits: Craft, STEM Project
and Activity Sheets @ Fernie Heritage Library, 3pm Build Your Online Marketing Strategy @ ferniechamber. com/events Mighty Moose Dragathon and After Party @ Fernie Alpine Resort
Saturday 12.3.2022
Exhibit Opening: Angela Morgan 20 Year Anniversary Show and Fundraiser @ The Arts Station, 7pm
Sunday 13.3.2022
Upcycled China Workshop @ H Squared Gallery
Monday 14.3.2022
Club Cr8 @ The Arts Station Regular Council Meeting @ City Hall Intensive Pottery Workshop @ The Arts Station
Tuesday 15.3.2022
HR Webinar: How to Manage and Lead for Success @ ferniechamber.com/events Shine Theatre Camp @ The Arts Station
Wednesday 16.3.2022
Shine Theatre Camp @ The Arts Station Basics of Starting a Business @ ferniechamber.com/ events How to Attract, Support and Keep Great Workers @ ferniechamber.com/events
Thursday 17.3.2022
Animation for Youth Workshop @ The Arts Station Full Moon Ski @ Nordic Trails
Friday 18.3.2022
Full Moon Ski @ Nordic Trails Live Music @ Loaf
Saturday 19.3.2022
Kinky Rail Jam Series Final @ Fernie Alpine Resort Full Moon Ski @ Nordic Trails
Monday 21.3.2022
Club Cr8 @ The Arts Station Committee of the Whole Meeting @ City Hall Slocan Ramblers @ The Arts Station
Tuesday 22.3.2022 Advanced Websites: How to Turn Your Web Traffic into
Sales @ ferniechamber.com/events
Thursday 24.3.2022
AST 2 @ Mountain Addicts This or That Group Show Opening Soiree @ H Squared Gallery
Read Local Book Club: What Narcissus Saw by Gordon
Sombrowski @ Fernie Heritage Library zoom, 7:30pm
Friday 25.3.2022
Tea and Talk Book Club @ Fernie Heritage Library, 1:30pm Live Music @ Loaf
Saturday 26.3.2022
Dirty Dancer Banked Slalom @ Fernie Alpine Resort
Monday 28.3.2022
Regular Council Meeting @ City Hall
Tuesday 29.3.2022
Teen Book Club: Barren Ground by David Robertson @ Fernie Heritage Library zoom, 6:30pm
Wednesday 30.3.2022
Fernie Trails Alliance AGM @ Zoom, 7pm
Parent-tot Funtimes @ Facebook Page
Les Tiguidous French activities for toddlers (0-5yo)
10:30am @ the Cokato Park playground Club All Play – Fernie Pickeleball @ Max Turyk Courts, 8:30-10:30am Le Club Baguette Junior @ Rotary Park, outdoor activities and games in French ages 7-12, 3:30pm After School Adventures @ Branch Out Learning Jam Night @ Kodiak Lounge, 9pm Poutine, PBR & Pool Tournament @ The Pub
Storytime (ages 3-5) @ Fernie Heritage Library Live Instagram and Facebook Seniors Walking Program @ Fernie Community Centre, 11:15am After School Adventures @ Branch Out Learning, 3-6pm Open League @ Fernie Curling Club, 6:30pm Seniors Only League @ Fernie Curling Club, afternoons Fernie Options for Sexual Health Clinic Open @ Elk Valley Hospital, 6:30-8:30pm by appointment Parent-tot Funtimes @ Facebook Page Burger and Beer Night @ The Northern Wing Night @ The Pub Fernie Options Clinic @ Elk Valley Hospital, 6:30-8:30pm
Club All Play – Fernie Pickeleball @ Max Turyk Courts, 8:30-10:30am Seniors Walking Program @ Fernie Community Centre, 11:15am Curbside Craft @ Fernie Heritage Library, Pickup is from 10am each Wednesday (ages 5-7) Toddlertime (Ages 0-2 years) @ Fernie Heritage Library Live Instagram and Facebook After School Adventures @ Branch Out Learning, 3-6pm Fernie Youth Art Collective @ The Arts Station Open League @ Fernie Curling Club, 6:30pm
Inclusive Kids and Teen Mindfulness Yoga Classes
@ Branch Out Learning Trivia @ Fernie Hotel Pub
Seniors Walking Program @ Fernie Community Centre, 11:15am Bellies to Babies @ Zoom, 2pm
Club Baguette Junior French tutoring and activities
3pm @ Isabella Dickens library
Club Baguette Adults learn and converse in French
for adults 7pm @ Zoom Pub Team Trivia @ The Pub After School Adventures @ Branch Out Learning, 3-6pm Open Mic Night @ Fernie Distillers, 7pm Drop in Curling @ Fernie Curling Club, 7pm
Club All Play – Fernie Pickeleball @ Max Turyk Courts, 8:30-10:30am Storytime (ages 0-5) @ Fernie Heritage Library Live Instagram and Facebook Fish and Chips @ The Pub Fish and Chips Take Away @ Fernie Hotel, 4pm Meat Draw @ The Fernie Club Cre8 @ The Arts Station After School Adventures @ Branch Out Learning, 3-6pm Open Mic Night @ Fernie Distillers, 7pm Equine Assisted Learning Life @ Fernie Therapeutic Horse and Pony Club through Branch Out Learning
Meat Draw @ The Legion Pint and Ghostrider Hockey Game Deal @ Kodiak Lounge and Parkplace Pub Ski Under the Lights @ Elk Valley Nordic Centre, 6-8pm
Roast Dinner Special (includes Beer Pint or Glass of
Wine) for $20 @ The Pub

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Strength in Bee-o Diversity
A third of the world’s food production depends on pollinators lik e us, every third spoonful of food depends on our hard work.
Most of us are solitary. We don’t build hives or mak e honey.
Did you k now that BC is home to the highest diversity of bees in all of Canada?
Most of us live in the ground, but some of us live in tunnels in wood or inside stems.

We love plants! We love trees for forage and nesting materials lik e resin. If you see chew mark s in leaves, don’t fret, you are feeding our babies! Only females collect pollen!
what can humans do to help us?
Leave leaves on the ground in the fall so we can find cover and leave the stems on your plants (lik e raspberries) so we can hibernate .

Plant native plants in large clumps and leave some open ground for us to nest.
Don’t spray your lawn with pesticides. Learn to love your dandelions and clover as they can be the only opportunity for pollen.
1. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
1. be or show evidence of.
So, you’re taking advantage of one of your favourite trails in the Elk Valley (be it hiking, biking or heading to your secret fishing hole) and you stumble upon a rather large pile of animal scat (a more polite word for animal poop). “Ah ha,” you say to yourself, “this is evidence!” Yes, but evidence of what, exactly?
Technically, evidence is defined as something that gives proof or leads to a conclusion.The suspect’s blood at the scene of a crime is an example of evidence. The footprints in the house are an example of evidence that someone came inside. The definition of evidence is to show proof and scientific evidence relies on data and is crucial for researchers to ensure that the data they collect is representative of the actual situation. This means using proved or appropriate ways of collecting and analyzing the data and ensuring the research is conducted in an unbiased, ethical and safe manner. Putting it in a simpler way, good evidence will help determine the answer to a problem.
So, let’s get back to that pile of, ahem, poop. What is the problem you’re trying to answer? Some may just be annoyed that some animal dared defecate on their trail and blame dog owners, others may just be interested in what animal is in the area, and some with a healthy respect for bears are very concerned about who is sharing the trail with them. Right away we can see that the way you interpret the evidence will ultimately reflect what your personal bias may be. Every day we receive high amounts of information; from friends, family, social media, the news and we form biases based on the things we hear or see. We tend to prefer information that supports or agrees with information that we already believe. This is called confirmation bias and it can often lead to very misleading or false information about issues that may be important to us and our community. Confirmation bias can be all the more difficult when small but vocal groups form around a shared bias.
It should become obvious that in order to properly analyze evidence one needs an appropriate skill set. In the above example, are you able to determine if the scat is from an herbivore or a carnivore? Is it fresh? Are there animal tracks close by? Are they fresh and how can you tell? If your skill

Submitted Photo
set is somewhat lacking, are you prepared to do a bit of research or ask someone with experience or good credentials and accept their word? Sometimes we just have to trust the pros (after asking what their experience and credentials are, of course).
Do you think that analyzing evidence is easy? OK, let’s try a little experiment. Gather your family or a couple of friends and study the picture above. This is certainly evidence of something… but of what? Make a list of all the possibilities (yes, you could include space aliens as a possibility). You might be surprised how long your list is so now it’s time to use some critical thinking skills and determine what might be the most plausible explanation (hmm… the space alien hypothesis might be a problem unless you belong to a group that wears tinfoil hats)?

One last word on that pile of animal scat; if you were able to determine that it’s rather fresh and you identify some ‘bear bells’ in there - you might want to consider leaving the area.
If becoming a foster caregiver has been on your mind, please reach out to Halina Wloka at 250-423-9718.
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