11 minute read
Grouped Contacts
Digital amnesia grows daily in our lives. Once upon a time, I could remember every single person’s phone number that I knew. Now I can barely remember my phone number. Once I put a phone number into my phone, I promptly forget it.
This is a minor problem, but it highlights that there are some phone numbers that I do need at my fingertips that I use rarely and so am unlikely to remember. I’m speaking here of things like emergency numbers.
One challenge is, in an emergency or urgent situation, I find I can’t always remember what I put the number under. As an example, I can never remember if I stored the local number for the police under ‘Police’ or ‘RCMP.’ I’m not talking about 911. That one I remember.
I have come up with a solution that works for me and it may work for you, too if you have an iPhone. This may work similarly on Android but I don’t have one to test.
My solution takes advantage of the fact that you can change the label for a phone number entered for a contact.
I created a contact called ‘Emergency.’ When I edit that contact, I can add phone numbers. When I click on the green plus sign to add the cursor goes to the phone number. After entering the number, click on the Label on the left (usually defaults to ‘home’ or ‘work’) then you’ll get a list of phone number Labels. Way down at the bottom you’ll see a selection ‘Add Custom Label.’ This is the secret sauce.
I can enter any Label I want. In the example above I entered ‘RCMP.’ Now if I need to call the RCMP local number, I search for Help and see the list of emergency and urgent numbers and I tap RCMP to call them.
In my Emergency contact, I have RCMP, RAPP, Wildfire, Flood, etc. So, I don’t have to remember what everything is filed under. It’s all under Help. To dial I just find Emergency in my contacts then hit the correct label I need to dial.
By the way, this trick isn’t limited to emergency numbers. You can use it for anything where there is a group of numbers logically connected. Another example might be for a company that you call all the time, but there are several people that you deal with and they change regularly. Instead of creating a contact for each person, create the company as a contact and add the phone number for each person changing the label to the person’s name or perhaps their position.
Then, when the person changes, you can change the name, leave the number and leave it under the company. Now you don’t have to remember each person you deal with, just the company.
Happy Computing.
The purpose of the Communities of Interest Advisory Initiative is to foster dialogue and communication between the four coal operations and community representatives within their area of influence.
Happy Thanksgiving
Take time, not only on October 11 but rather every day, to give thanks to the many frontline and essential workers who are supporting our country through the COVID-19 pandemic. Show them your respect and gratitude by continuing to follow COVID safety protocols to lessen their burden.
October gives another month of s l o w energy on Earth as many planets continue to travel in retrograde motion. Mercury, the planet that rules communication is also retrograde for most of the month so be extra careful as miscommunication easily occurs during these times. The good news is Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter end their retrograde near the end of the month and November might feel less restrictive.
A new moon occurs October 6, where both the sun and moon sit at 13º Libra, and tightly conjunct retrograde Mercury and Mars. The theme of this month is PARTNERSHIP but be extraordinarily careful as mercury is playing tricks. One may say something and the other will take it exactly the opposite, and then act (Mars) accordingly.
The full moon comes just after noon on October 20 and sits at 27º Aries. Aries is equivalent to the big bang in its energy, and the moon rules emotions so a full moon heads up as partnerships may have some explosive energy! Mercury turns direct October 23 but remember, there is always a two-week period on each side of Mercury (actually being) retrograde where communication (and travel) typically remains wonky so Mercury retrograde energy is more like a seven week scenario (3-4 times each year). The Sun enters Scorpio in the early morning of October 23 this year, and Mars enters Scorpio October 30. Mars is coruler of Scorpio (along with Pluto) so this will be an extra SCORPIONIC Scorpio season, and especially Halloween. Happy Hallows!
Chiron, the “wound” has been travelling retrograde in Aries for several months now. There’s a wound, we all have one, and we’re all feeling it. Awareness of this is helpful. Astrological lore: the wound is where the light shines though. Spend time.
There will be a type of Taurean that loves this slow time on Earth, and there will be a type that gets stagnated because of it. Check in.
Venus, the planet ruling love, opposes your energy for most of the month. This is not necessarily a negative thing, it can make a certain tension in love relations though. Love is your major theme.
Pluto continues to oppose your energy. Pluto is the shamanic planet, which is all about the under currents. This intensity however it manifests for you will continue into 2022. Pluto does finally turn direct October 7.
Partnership is the major theme this month and humility allows for both compromise and integrity. This all leads to longevity of relation.
October 2021
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It’s truly an important month that you put yourself first and take good care. It’s been a time, it’s always a time, but these times have been extra… take care of your health.
The first three weeks of October are very Libra-esque, meaning everything is about partnership. Venus travels through Scorpio making love relations intense. Be careful to not miscommunicate.
Venus travels through Scorpio for most of the month, and as Venus enters Sagittarius, the Sun and then Mars enter Scorpio. October and November are supportive of your energy!
The people you love are the most important to you, especially at this time and you know that, and so do they. No worries.
Saturn, your ruling planet, goes direct October 10, after 4.5 months retrograde. Forward momentum begins, with a sigh of relief.
Uranus, your ruling planet remains retrograde until the middle of January 2022. This will most likely affect your energy and make it more inward. Aspects of the past come up to be revisited.
Neptune, your ruling planet remains retrograde until December 1. Aspects of your past are also up for revisit and review.
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The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is celebrating 20 years of providing free community-based programs! Help us support programs such as; Book Under Every Tree, Baby Goose, Draw Together, Come Read with Me, and Block Builders. These programs are designed to help parents, help their kids become life-long learners
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Fright, Through Your Lens
Photo by Vince Mo, @findingvmo
October 2017 - The undead spilled out of the Royal and roamed the streets and businesses of Fernie spooking locals and visitors before meandering back to the Royal dance floor for presumable beer, brains and rocking out to Rob Zombie’s ‘Dragula.’
The Royal Hotel was the go-to place in Fernie for late night partiers. Known for fantastic live music and DJ acts, as well as a host of themed events from German Sparkle Party to Mr Fernie. It was a sad day for many when the Royal Hotel & Bar closed its doors earlier this year.
Photo by Emily Park Photography @emilyparkphotographyfernie
Cameron the dragon slayer.
A fearless three year old in the face of a dragon! Dressing up for halloween and feeling invincible. We can’t wait for Halloween!
Composite image created using image purchased from Phil at HisandHerphotography.
Out in the Community:
Q. How have you faced your fears and what advice can you give to others trying to do the same?
Megan Kelly
I have faced my fears by not overthinking in the moment. Usually I ask myself if I think I can do something and if the answer is yes I just go for it. I try to imagine the situation working out well and the feelings of accomplishment I would have after doing something scary. This visualization is motivating for me and helps to erase the negative emotions around fear. Also I believe in trying to do something scary often because I feel just like anything the more you practice the better you get.
Emily Brydon
Fear is a choice - you can always look at it as an opportunity. I have had to face fear my whole life from standing in the start gate at a downhill ski race, to redefining my identity upon retirement at 30 to how do I balance everything I want in life against time. It always comes back to three key pillars: 1. Be prepared - put in the work. 2. Build and maintain your tribe of people who support you through anything. 3. Trust your gut and heart - when you peel away the layer of emotion surrounding the fear and get to the core it is often more manageable. To support Basin communities in preparing for, responding to and adapting to challenges associated with our changing environment, the Columbia Basin Trust has created a new Climate Resilience Program for collaborative projects in the region. This $1.5-million grant program supports largescale, multi-year initiatives led by local governments, First Nations or non-profits in the Basin. Visit ourtrust.org/climateresilience to learn more.
The City of Fernie and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 2093 reached a new collective agreement in September. The four-year contract offers wage increases between 2 and 2.5% each year to all members, improved benefits for employees, and flexibility to support providing services to the community including much improved weekend service. This agreement will be in effect until February 29, 2024. fernie.ca
Last month, the Fernie Chamber of Commerce launched a new campaign to support Fernie’s businesses and their frontline workers, encouraging residents and visitors to be, “respectful, patient and kind.” Staff at our local businesses are navigating unprecedented worker shortages and evolving health guidelines, including BC’s Vaccine Card. Posters for the campaign are available to be printed from the Fernie Chamber website (ferniechamber.com) or you can pick up a professionally-printed poster from 2nd Edition Coworking in the Free Press building between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
In September, the 118th Convention of the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) took place, providing a platform for local government leaders to establishment policy directions for UBMC’s engagement with the provincial and federal governments. At this convention, the membership selected its Table Officers for the 2021-2022 Executive Board which included Mayor Ange Qualizza of the City of Fernie elected second Vice President, after serving third Vice President the past year. ubmc.ca
The 2021 Wake Canada Wakesurf Nationals were held mid-September on the shores of Moyie Lake, attracting 58 competitors from across Canada.
“The East Kootenay is home to some of the most talented riders in the country and it was so great to be able to showcase our region and our local talent over the weekend,” says Wake Canada Wakesurf Director, Isaac Hockley.
Ryder Duczek of Cranbrook won his second consecutive Pro-Men’s Skim National Championship, with his younger brother Dagen finishing fourth. Gabrielle Hockley of Moyie impressed the hometown with a first-place finish and National title in Pro Women’s Surf. Fernie’s Caroline Villeneuve brought home a silver medal in the Pro Women’s Skim, and Cranbrook’s Montanna Rousselle took first place in the Open Women’s Skim. wakecanada.ca