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CHIlDREN IN THE CITy CHIlDREN IN THE CITy theoretical background - conditions of play space theoretical background - conditions of play space


wildes (2013) believes that through designing environments that meet the needs of individual with neurological disorders, that spaces can be used by everyone at any age at any type of built environment.

children learn and interpret spaces with their senses through the act of play (o'Byrne and Norrie, 2013). children with autism enjoy playing, but they may not play in a way that is beneficial to their cognitive development due to their sensory issues and repetitive patterns of behaviours.

Play spaces requires extra features in order to facilitate play for children with autism. tara Vincenta (2011) has developed the following guidelines which emphasising comfort, safety and supportive outdoor environment for asd. these guidelines can be implemented into existing play spaces, retrofitting them to be more user-friendly for children with autism. these outdoor environment design should help children to apply the lessons they have learnt in the classrooms to a real-world environment, provide them with coping skills outside a controlled environment.

Fig.13 Visual cues, elements of consistency and orientation map can be included to facilitate transition between spaces/activities.

select a quiet and less stimulating location Noise from adjacent traffic, mall or restaurant, even people talking can be overwhelming. a play space can be provided nearby a mall, square or nearby a busy street to allow children with asd to withdraw when they feel overwhelmed.

smooth, wide and seamless pathway surfaces smooth, non-glare paving eliminates the feeling of crowding and confusion, many of them are sensitive to texture and bright colours.

a physical boundary is needed a controlled setting to ensure safety and security when any meltdown happen.

careful consideration for play material and plants children with hyposensitivities may explore play equipment with their taste or smell.

orientation map to be provided a map that illustrates the play space can assist children with asd (especially for non-verbal child) to navigate easily. it may also help them to understand the spaces between two play activities to orient themselves before experiencing the next play equipment.

Provide opportunities of exercise and develop their motor skills, interaction skills, and balancing skills a walk-challenge path or exercise loop to practice their balancing skill learnt in school. Gardening can be considered as part of activities. Children find connecting with the nature is calming and therapeutic. Provide shade (trees and shading features) many children with autism are often photosensitive.

to choose play elements that create the visual consistency use of hedge, stone wall, seating element that create a continuity and predictable pattern.

Play types that introduce sequence of activities slowly change from no-stimulus (quiet play) to highly stimulating of play (active play).

Provide fixed & non-fixed elements To create a sequence of play where fixed elements can be experienced first to build up their sense of security, and gradually continue with flexible play elements, to assist them overcome the transition of activities.

Visual cues and signage are required 50% of children with autism are non-verbal (Vincenta, 2011). Children learn to use picture exchange systems (Pict) in therapy centres to communicate with others. a play space should incorporate with simple and clear picture (signage) to communicate with peers and intention to use certain play equipment. Braille can be included for visually disabled children and sign language users to encourage communication between verbal and non-verbal children.

Provide opportunities to overcome sensory integration difficulties children with autism may have adverse or under-reaction to ordinary sound, texture and visual stimuli. a play space can be equiped with stimulating elements for sensory seeker, and calming elements for sensory avoiders. Gardening is one of the ways to help children familiar with different colour, smell, texture in a nature environment. Provide opportunities of socialization to encourage communication for children with autism. this can be started with quiet play, followed by one-on-one social play and gradually increase the number of peers to participate in play.

Provide hammock or hammock swing children with hyposensitivities may feel the sense of comfort by being held tightly by something or seek sensory stimuli by constantly swinging motion.

a soothing area to escape when overwhelmed a bamboo tunnel, a low growing shrub to hide beneath, or a see-through honeycomb fence panel for children with autism to escape and seek for calming environment. it is also a space to observe activities from a distance until they are ready to participate.

Fig. 14 Allow some level of transparency at soothing area for children with autism where they can occasionally hide away and observe their surrounding.

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