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Politics Rules
9781773630922 • Spring 2019 Paperback • 6 x 9" • 132 pages Rights Sold: Canada & US
Power, Globalization and Development
by Adam Sneyd
Politics rules. Whether we like it or not, we are subject to politics wherever we go and whatever we are doing. Development is always and everywhere political, and frequently occurs with the interests of the powerful at the forefront. Can we hope to better understand the politics that shapes and controls our lives and dominates the lives of others across the globe?
In this concise volume, Adam Sneyd argues that it is imperative to understand the sub-field of development politics. He shows how the hard skill of careful political analysis can shed new light on some of today’s most intractable development challenges. In the end, Sneyd shows how conflicts over ideas can entrench underdevelopment and why we need better analyses of development politics in order to fight the status quo and expedite inclusive change.

9781773630502 • Fall 2018 Paperback • 6 x 9" • 178 pages Rights Sold: Canada & US international development; civil society; corruption; human rights; Indigenous Peoples; IMF; ocean plastic; United Nations; commodities; transnational corporation; stakeholders
Critical Development Studies
An Introduction
by Henry Veltmeyer and Raúl Delgado Wise
Development studies is typically used by agencies concerned on improving the living conditions of people across the world by advancing capitalism as the institutional and policy framework of the global development process. Veltmeyer and Delgado Wise, on the contrary, view capitalism as the problem rather than the solution, and provide a critical development perspective on some of the major issues that afflict people and countries across the world.
This introductory volume provides readers with an overview of the key issues of development studies from a critical perspective: the nature of the global capitalist system and an analysis of the dynamics associated with the development process, the agrarian question, the outmigration and urbanization of rural areas, the formation of a global working class and the emergence of powerful resistance movements such as the Zapatistas.
agribusiness; biofuel; working class; extractivism; imperialism; free market; neoliberalism; IMF; structural adjustment programs; SAPs; Zapatista Army of National Liberation; EZLN; privatization; resistance