1 minute read


From 4Chan to the White House

by Mike Wendling

Wendling is perhaps the ideal journalist for the task of deconstructing the alt-right’s delusional, hate-driven politics and inscrutable codewords.

—winnipeg free press

An important guide to one of the most disturbing political developments of our time.

—new york times

Paperback • 9781773630649

$25.00 • April 2018

Digital Formats • $24.99

6 x 9"• 304 pp • Rights: Canada

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This book is a vital guide to understanding the racist, misogynist, far-right movement that rose to prominence during Donald Trump’s successful election campaign. To some, the movement appears to have burst out of nowhere, but journalist Mike Wendling has been tracking the Alt-Right for years. He reveals the role of technological utopians, reactionary philosophers, the notorious 4chan bulletin boards, and a range of bloggers, vloggers and tweeters, and the extreme ideas they attempt to popularize. Analyzing what the Alt-Right stands for, based upon interviews with movement leaders and foot soldiers, Wendling provides evidence linking extremists with terror attacks and hate crimes. Ultimately the book argues that, despite its high profile support, the movement’s contradictory tendencies will lead to its downfall.

Paperback • 9781552668863


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