1 minute read

Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin

An Aboriginal Approach to Helping

by Michael Hart

Historically, social work and psychology professions have pressured and coerced Aboriginal peoples to follow the euro-centric ways of society. The needs of Aboriginal peoples have not been successfully addressed by helping professions due to a limited attempt to incorporate Aboriginal perspectives and practices of helping. Michael Hart briefly discusses colonization from an Aboriginal perspective, ontological imperialism, social work’s role in colonial oppression and the dynamic of resistance. Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin encourages Aboriginal concepts, values and perspectives to be effectively incorporated by helpers trained in counselling, supporting and teaching disciplines.

Micheal Hart uses his own personal and professional experiences and those of other Aboriginal helpers. Throughout the book he outlines ways of adopting an Aboriginal Approach to helping. The closing chapter examines one such approach, the sharing circle, and how it can be used to guide practice with individuals, families and groups in several contexts.

Paperback • 9781773631141

$25.00 • January 2002

Digital Formats • $24.99

6 x 9" • 128 pp • Rights:  World

Request Exam Copy social work; education; counselling; Indigenous knowledge

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