mobility (cars and motorbikes) by some distance. It was mostly medium and long haul transport in the railway segment that continued to lag significantly behind pre-Covid figures, falling behind with regard to modal distribution as car travel increased its share. The offshoots of the pandemic, such as huge numbers working from home and reduced business travel and commuting, are some of the main drivers for change in the future demand for mobility, highlighting the frailty of the old transport systems which need to be completely overhauled, driving us to develop new models focused on building a more equitable and sustainable society. The strong impetus in fighting climate change, confirmed by the European Green Deal and the Fit for 55 package (the EU’s climate and energy plan), stepped up by the NRRP funds, give us the opportunity to reshape the mobility of the future, a sustainable, innovative, resilient, inclusive mobility, to create long-term value for all stakeholders.
The 2022-2031 strategic and business plan (102-14, 102-15) The pandemic has caused a dramatic operational and strategic disruption while also creating the opportunity to begin a resilience process from which we will emerge stronger than before, having overcome the uncertainty and harnessed the experience gained, outlining the role that the FS Italiane group can play within the country. With its 2022-2031 business plan, the Group aims to implement a system of resilient infrastructure, sustainable mobility and integrated logistics, leveraging various factors: •
making national rail and road infrastructural investments;
recovering and subsequently developing pre-Covid (passenger and freight) traffic volumes, also via suitable repositioning and stimulation actions;
placing renewed focus on the core business, meticulously overseeing service quality;
promoting increasingly more sustainable mobility and logistics services;
developing systems aimed at large-scale self-production of energy from renewable sources;
creating synergies between the various transport systems to foster intermodal transport.
Switching from the historical logic of cost cutting and operating efficiency to a logic of creating value for all stakeholders will need a shift in mindset, facilitated by a change management process which will guide the Group’s organisational transformation by defining the following business hubs: Page 32 of 221