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Promoting culture and other social initiatives

® Trenitalia archive


The FS Italiane Group fosters and supports the cultural development of the country. It is a natural vocation for a group that has been rooted for over a century in the civil, economic and social fabric of Italy and is a leading player in its infrastructural development. Indeed, FS Italiane plays a key role in relaunching Italy, in modernising and enhancing local areas and the beauty of Italy by developing the main rail and road corridors, speeding up and upgrading the high speed network and regional transport, fundamental to regenerate tourism and to create a digitalised, sustainable transport system. This is why FS chose to emerge from the pandemic demonstrating its support for the country’s revival by agreeing key collaborations with Italy’s main foundations and museums. The goal is to create new and better travel opportunities, promoting trains as a sustainable means to travel to cities of art, discover Italy’s cultural excellence, explore the country and visit top exhibitions. FS confirmed its connection with Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, of which it is a founding partner, taking part in the inaugural concert of the season dedicated to the revival with Gustav Mahler’s Symphony no. 2 “Resurrection” as the sole partner.

The main internationally-renowned major events, institutions and museums in which the Group participated include: * the Rome Film Festival; * exhibitions in Palazzo Strozzi in

Florence and Scuderie del Quirinale, the exhibition on the future of mobility at the Trento Science

Museum; * cultural events in small and large cities such as “Dante Assoluto” at the Colosseum Archaeological

Park in Rome, the Assisi Christmas concert and the Communication Festival in Camogli.

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane also assisted Fondo Edifici di Culto of the Ministry of the Interior with the “Travelling with art” project to promote Italy’s historical, artistic, religious and cultural heritage in a journey to discover the country’s greatest treasures. As part of this unique exhibition route, the pictures from the Fund’s calendar were exhibited in the high speed waiting rooms of the main national stations and on-board Trenitalia trains.


In 2021, the Group was a partner in key events dedicated to social sustainability, such as the Sustainable Development Festival promoted by ASVIS and the CSR and Social Innovation Salon. In collaboration with leading charitable institutions and associations, the Group also promoted initiatives to protect health and diversity & inclusion. The main projects included: * Frecciarosa: prevention travels by train. This initiative is dedicated to the treatment and prevention of breast cancer and education on correct lifestyles, sponsored by the Ministry of

Health and promoted by the IncontraDonna non-profit organisation. After the 2020 edition was held fully online, health and

® FS Italiane archive

prevention returned to trains in 2021 with on-board specialists on high speed and regional trains and in the Freccialounges in stations who offered free cancer prevention consultations. In addition, online teleconsultations continued for the whole month of

October on frecciarosa.it. * Race for the Cure: the largest event in the fight against breast cancer. The 2021 edition returned to an in-person event and the

Group was one of its top supporters once again, even receiving a celebratory plaque for the precious contribution of everyone who made a donation. FS employees took part in a campaign on the company intranet which collected approximately €18,000 to support Associazi-

one Susan G. Komen Italia.

* The Women’s Football Super

Cup: FS made a tangible contribution to the development of an inclusive sport whose athletes are a symbol of female empowerment and leadership. Professionalism and talent have no gender, this is the motto of the initiative embodying FS Italiane’s commitment to win the game of inclu-

sion via projects, initiatives and rallies that mobilise the network of connections, relationships and resources surrounding female leadership. * Save the Trucker: initiative in partnership with the Italian Red

Cross aimed at protecting and promoting the health of the truckers transporting goods all over the country, providing the necessary support via activities to inform and raise awareness about how to act in order to fight and prevent the spread of Covid-19.


Among the numerous actions rolled out by the Group in 2021 to tackle the public health emergency, the first

national vaccination cen-

tre was inaugurated at Roma Termini in March. Covering an area of 750 m2 along with an emergency tent, the centre has 17 medical history posts and 21 vaccination posts. There are also two posts for the exclusive use of people with reduced mobility. Another initiative to help restart the country was the medical train made available by the national civil protection department and the Italian Red Cross to transport patients with Covid or serious illnesses. Equipped with 21 intensive care units, biocontainment stretchers, oxygen tanks and resuscitation equipment to be used at stations and during the journey, the train was designed to transport the sick or injured, offering them first aid and diagnosis.

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