Iron Blade: October 2018, Issue 2

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October 19, 2018 Vol. 63, Issue 2

Ferrum College

215 Ferrum Mountain Rd., Ferrum, VA 24088

Opioid Crisis Symposium Draws Hundreds


By Mary Stoudt

In a room full of several hundred people, President David Johns mad a declaration: “I don’t think there’s any more important topic than the one we're going to be discussing this evening.” The event was Saving Ourselves: A Symposium on the Opioid Crisis. New York Times bestselling author and Roanoke local Beth Macy was the main guest speaker of the evening. Macy’s newest book Dopesick was a key feature of the symposium on Oct. 1. Dopesick took Macy over two decades to write and focuses in on three Virginia communi-

ties (Roanoke County, Central Appalachia, and Woodstock) and the opioid epidemic within them. Throughout the evening, Macy touched on her own personal struggles she had while writing Dopesick. One of Macy’s biggest struggles was when Tess Henry, a young mother passed away. Macy went on to explain that Henry was a young woman followed in her book and that Macy grew very close to Henry and her family. “We just got to do better in this country,” Macy said when talking about the help and support offered to drug addicts. Macy also mentioned the idea of introducing medicated assisted treatment

(MAT) to Virginia. MAT typically uses the drugs Methadone or buprenorphine to help opioid users get over their addiction. While using MAT drugs, addicts also typically attend counseling sessions or participate in other forms of therapy. Senior Jade Jones shared how the opioid epidemic personally affected her and was curious to know how addiction treatment drugs work. “Medicated assisted treatment works primarily with two main drugs… they’re weak opioids themselves, and they’re also blockers (meaning they) block other medications,” Macy said. Following Macy, a panel

of speakers was introduced to answer additional questions. Pam Rickard of the Herren Project, Bill Overton the Franklin County Sheriff, Martha Haley-Bowling a Ferrum College professor and outpatient clinician at Radford Counseling Group, Debbie Powell the Director of Franklin County Social Services, Sharon Buckman the Clinical Services Director at Piedmont Community Services, Stacy Gill the Assistant Commissioner for Behavioral Health Community Services with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, and Carolyn See OPIOD Page 8

At top left, Lana Whited addresses the crowd at the opioid crisis symposium held on campus. Above, Beth Macy fields questions during the Q&A portion of the evening.

Johns Outlines Vision and Expectations for Ferrum

Statue of Limitations?

First-Gen Students

Not Horsing Around

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who can make work for him/ herself, create opportunity for others, and help strengthen the health and economy of their region,” Johns said. “In ten years, Ferrum will be offering a wide range of graduate programs, reaching adult markets through online professional programs, and will have robust programs in the health sciences (including nursing), counseling, non-profit management, and environmental engineering. The college will have partnerships with a vibrant health center, a community retirement community, and many area agencies and industries,” Johns concluded.





themselves, but to others,” Johns said. On top of Johns’ four primary goals for this academic year, his visions expand beyond the 2018-19 calendar. He has the highest hopes and goals for the school as it continues to grow and strengthen. “In 10 years, Ferrum will be known as a premier, destination university where learning is impacted by the natural world, and that excels in the areas of recreation leadership, agriculture, and ecotourism.” He continued: “In 10 years, every Ferrum graduate will be an entrepreneur

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2 ge Pa Mid-Terms and Voting



In the previous issue, we caught up with Ferrum College President Dr. David Johns, who is serving his first, full year. The conversation involved Johns’ vision for Ferrum’s future. One topic covered was the advent of graduate programs and Master’s Degrees. “Whether I speak to current students, alumni, or community members, everyone is excited about this development for the College,” Johns said. “(Second, we want to) focus our academic programs on areas

we have, and adjust our budget to reflect the college we are, not the college we were,” Johns said. While Johns has some big plans for improving the state of the college, he recognizes that the school offers a sense of community, and that service to others is at the core of the school’s identity and values. He said he hopes that never changes. “The college’s motto has inspired thousands of students to give their lives to causes bigger than themselves, and this is something of which we should be proud. No matter how we change and grow, a Ferrum graduate will always give thought not only to

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of market growth and student demand,” he said. “We are planning to add new programs in a few areas over the next couple years, and this is crucial for us to be competitive and to provide students with pathways to lives of meaningful work.” “(Third), redesign our fundraising efforts to strengthen annual giving, and expand our donor base to include foundations and individuals who have not yet given to the college,” Johns said. “(Last), work with our operations to make them more cost and time efficient so that we are good stewards of the resources


By AnnGardner Eubank Part II of a two-part series

Soccer/Hockey Scores

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The Iron Blade


October 19, 2018

EDITORIAL: EDITORIAL Do You Plan to Vote in the Mid-Term Elections? Freedom Also Means


Compiled by Staff

Voting isn’t just a right, it’s a civic duty


“No, because I honestly don't know what the hell is going on. Not really in the loop of politics, too busy with school.” --Lawrence Baranski, III, senior

“We need more young people to vote. My first time voting was in 2016. Hopefully we can make a difference.” --Blake Anderson, senior

“More people need to stay informed of political matters no matter which side you support. More people need to get involved and knowledgeable instead of hiding behind a computer screen.” --Jade Jones, senior

“I haven’t been paying attention at all, and I’m not voting. I can understand the importance of voter turn out, but I just don’t vote.” --Todd Paris, senior

October 19, 2018 Vol. 63, Issue 2

“No I don't think so, because I feel my vote will not have a real effect on what happens.” --Billy Higgins, junior

“I am voting because my mom told me to. I also think it’s import to exercise your right to vote.” --Emma Grammar, senior

Ferrum College

Ferrum College 215Mountain FerrumRd.Mountain 215 Ferrum Ferrum, VA 24088 VA 24088 Ferrum,

Co-Editors: AnnGardner Eubank Mary Stoudt Sports Editor: Qazir Harnett

Staff: Ametria Booker Charlotte Hazard Diamond Hudson Marie Mance


Destinee Nelson Caleb Repass Advisor: David B. Campbell

The Ferrum College Iron Blade Newspaper is a student-written, student-managed, and studentproduced newspaper. Opinions do not necessarily express the views of all students or the staff. Letters may be emailed to Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

In the land of opportunity, prosperity, and freedom, Americans do not wholly take advantage of what makes this nation all that it is-our right to vote. In the United States, we have the ability to elect officials and representatives to work, institute guidelines, laws, standards, reforms, and construct policies for the betterment of our nation on our behalf. Living in a democracy means that we are able to have our opinions heard and taken into account on major issues, from healthcare, tax reforms, immigration policies, and so much more. However, among all democratic countries in the world, the United States has one of the lowest voter turnout rates year after year, according to Pew Research. In the same study, the United States only had 59.3% of eligible voters cast their votes in the 2016 presidential election. This number is rather low in comparison to other countries such as Australia, who had a 91% voter turnout in their own 2016 election, according to US News. Voting is not only a right for the citizens of the United States, but also a civic duty. As Americans, we often take our right to vote for granted. While presidential election voter turnout rate is relatively low, turnout for smaller and local elections is far lower. This is the root of the problem. What many of us seem to forget is how much local elections actually matter and count in the grand scheme of things. At the lower level of politics, including school board, mayoral, and commonwealth attorney elections, individual issues facing each city and town are addressed and faced differently. Just as in upper-level politics, corruption and manipulation exist. Whoever is in office at the local level has a direct impact on the town and people. Even local candidates offer a wide variety of policies and agendas. All elected officials are representatives of their populace. In order for an individual’s voice and opinion to actually be heard, it’s imperative that they are active in their local politics, which all starts with voting. In order for our society to function and best serve the masses, it is our duty to not only vote, but to be educated voters. To be an educated voter is to understand the issues and problems within society. Understanding how the government is able to exploit the uninformed by capitalizing campaigns and voting drives in high privileged areas, which often benefit the incumbent and those already in power, should be enough of a driving force for educators to teach and harp on the importance of voting. We must learn to seek out truth and honesty from potential leaders during campaign season. Voter turnout in the United States is low for several reasons. Between having to hold two forms of identity depending on your state in order to vote, elections being held at either inconvenient times or locations, and also the amount of time needed to be registered before election day, the United States can easily be considered a difficult country in which to vote. Countries such as Germany and New Zealand, according to Slate, have their election days as national holidays, allowing for more people to be able to vote as a result of not being held up at work. Australia, a country with an incredible voting rate, has their compulsory policy to thank for their high levels of participation. Aussies are penalized a fine about equivalent to a parking ticket if they fail to vote without a good excuse, such as medical emergencies, according to BBC. Compulsory voting certainly increases turnout, however, not necessarily knowledgeable voters. When voters are practically forced to vote, it’s often solely based on name recognition and not necessarily concern, interest, or responsibility of the voter. In order for our country to become more politically aware and voting conscious, we must educate the public more effectively. Between higher quality advertisements and forums, to actually infiltrating the public school systems with stronger knowledge of policy and current events, the rising generations will need to figure a means of raising awareness and intuitiveness when it comes to elections and government involvement if they wish to see any type of accurate representation.

October 19, 2018

The Iron Blade

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America’s Dad Becomes America’s Disgraced Dad Some say the women waited too long before going public. Did they?


Pro Commentary by Mary Stoudt

dence, the case was He Said, She Said. The lack of physical evidence in The original sexual this case was enough to assault claims made say Cosby was not guilty against Bill Cosby rocked and that Constand just America. How could a wanted money and fame. beloved family television Many of the women personality commit a sex who are waiting years to crime? However, after come forward just want investigation Cosby was to make a name for themsentenced to prison for selves or some financial 3-10 years. reward. Especially with Cosby is 81, and the the start of the #MeToo debate of females waiting (spread awareness of sextoo long to report sexual ual assault, specifically in Above left, comedian Bill Cosby during the 1980s when he was considered “America’s Dad” and his show was assault has come to light. an American pass time. Above right is a more recent Cosby as he arrived at court to face sexual assault allega- the workplace) movement In America, it is becom- tions. (These images used under the Fair Use provision of the U.S. Copyright Code. in America. ing common for women to As time goes on, more the crime. claim carried criminal charges. report that they have been and more women will Cosby’s verdict was years in the makConstand and Cosby settled on a $3.38 victims of sexual assault. come forward with allegations of sexual ing, 14 years to be exact. Andrea Conmillion-dollar civil lawsuit in 2006 Even though more women are stepassault against well-known people. stand, who is a former employee of the (CNN). All was well until 2015 when ping forward, many of the women doing Over time, though, the numbers of Temple University Women’s Basketball other women came forward about being so have waited too long. Women waitreported assault will go down and the assaulted by Cosby. From 2015 until team came forward in 2005 about the ing extended periods of time to report a #MeToo movement will fade. present day, Cosby has been in and out of assault, one year after Cosby committed sexual assault is wrong. Women deserve Females deserve to be heard, but after court rooms. the crime. Other women stepped forward to be listened to, but if a female is waitan extended period of time, sexual assaying Cosby had also drugged and sexuSince the crime happened so many ing years to report a sex crime, that sault accusations do not hold any weight ally assaulted them. Only Constand’s years ago and there is no physical eviwould have allowed her time to process because too much time has passed.

Con Commentary by AnnGardner Eubank


Bill Cosby, 81, a beloved sit-com dad who radiated family values, laughter, and love, was sentenced to 3-10 years in prison. The court found Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted Andrea Constand in 2004. Cosby has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct by more than 60 women, many of whom were in vulnerable and desperate trying to get their breaks in entertainment. Cosby used his powerful position as a successful man in Hollywood to abuse and violate young women. Dozens of women came forward to share accounts of being drugged, groped, forced to perform sexual acts, and being raped by Cosby over a 40-year period. While it is widely accepted that what Cosby committed was cruel and abusive, many believe Cosby should not face his sentence. They cite statute of limitations

and his age. Many of Cosby’s victims could not either testify or file further charges against him because of statute of limitations. However, in Constand’s case, which took place in Pennsylvania where the statute of limitations for sexual assault is 12 years, a case was able to be built. Between appeals, technicalities, and multiple trials, the two-year court case resulted in a guilty verdict against Cosby, who may live out his last years in prison. While multiple women have come forward to share their haunting experiences of Cosby’s abuse, some people argue that taking years to come forward, toward an elderly man, is wrong. The truth is, rape and sexual assault are prominent issues our country is facing. According to The National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one in five women will be raped at some point in their life. Yet, it is also the most unreported crime with 63% of sexual assault cases going unreported to the police. According to The Rape, Abuse, and

Incest National Network (RAINN), only six out of every 1,000 perpetrators of rape will be incarcerated. Victim blaming is a major factor as to why so many rapists walk free, without facing a trial or simply just going unreported. Of sexual violence that has gone unreported, according to RAINN, 20% of victims fear retaliation, 13% believe the police will not be able to do anything to help, and another 13% believe that it is a personal matter. We need to look no further than Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process to see rape culture in our society is normalized and accepted. The women who came forward to share their chilling encounters were put on trial and demoralized, while the men with the incumbent and undeniable power sat amongst with contempt. It is not unreasonable to think, especially in the greedy, manipulative realm of politics, that people could falsely accuse others of committing such horrendous acts. However, with multiple women, whose

stories may have the potential to be true, it is crucial their accusations and encounters be taken seriously until dis-proven. According to NSVRC, in a study conducted among more than 800 sexual assault cases, 2.1% of those cases were false accusations/allegations, meaning that 97.9 of those cases were victims of sexual abuse. Old age should not be a factor in weather a rapist spends time in prison. The fact that a rapist raped someone, let alone dozens of women, should be enough reason to incarcerate. One out of every five women will be raped in their lifetime. Every two minutes in the United States, a woman is raped. Sexual assault and abuse can happen to anyone, at anytime, anywhere, and the more we incarcerate perpetrators and stop dehumanizing and blaming the victims, then maybe over time these atrocious statistics won’t be as frightening for our future daughters, students, and friends.

The Media Industry is not Dying, Just Changing Commentary by Mary Stoudt

The year is 2018, and technology is everywhere. Imagine having to wait every morning for the daily newspaper instead of simply opening up a news app or scrolling through Facebook or Twitter on a mobile device. In today’s society, news is still being shared everyday just on a different platform than it was in the early 2000’s. Today, most Millennials simply check

their phone for news alerts rather than subscribing to a local newspaper. In fact, according to the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 64% of Millennials report getting their news online. In the 1990s, the Internet began to take America by storm. From that point on, the idea of print media began to crumble. By 2000 the number of daily newspaper readers was at 55,773,000 compared to 62,328,000 in 1990 (journalism.

org). Even with a decline in print media, the amount of news being shared has not decreased. With the Internet, cell phones, and tablets, news has now become more mobile. People now have access to news whenever they want it. There are local newspapers that now have Facebook pages and websites. There are national news outlets like FOX News and CNN that offer apps, along with strictly online news outlets

like Buzzfeed. News is everywhere all the time. There has also been much skepticism about the industry, due to the invention of fake news. Fake news appears to be news, usually spread on the Internet or other media to influence political views or as a joke. Fake news has been a subject of hot debate. One example is the thousand of Twitter accounts that spread false information during the

2016 election. It has recently been found that many of those accounts are still active and are responsible for more than 6.6 million tweets that spread false information (Fortune). As new technology like fact checkers have emerged, fake news has been easier to identify than it was previously. Technology will continue to develop and improve overtime, so there is no knowing of how the media industry will continue to evolve.

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The Iron Blade


Destinee Nelson photo

Makaylia Montgomery is in First-Gen Program at the college.


By Destinee Nelson

Going away to college for the first time is always a big deal, however it’s even more of a bigger deal when you’re the first one out of your family to experience this way of life. Nowadays, the term “First Gen College Student” is com-

monly used to define a student who is the first in the immediate family to attend college. Here at Ferrum College, there are a few students who are actively a part of the First Gen Program. The First Gen Program on campus was originally created by Emily Savoie. Savoie is no longer at Ferrum, but her program still

remains widely active, with more students joining each year. Sophomore, Makaylia Montgomery, came all the way to Ferrum from Ohio to pursue her education as a first-generation college student. Montgomery admits that her parents had little involvement when it came time for her to decide whether she wanted to pursue a college degree. “My mom wasn’t really involved in it, she said that I didn’t really need to go to school,” Montgomery said. Montgomery recalled her other family members as being the ones who influenced her to take the next step and go to college. “It was mostly like just my aunts and uncles that told me I needed to go and my grandma,” Montgomery said. Montgomery explained how it’s not always easy being a firstgen student, especially being so far away from home. “It’s rough,” she said. “I mean, it’s not really that rough, but I mean you can’t really call your parents or anything and be like ‘Oh so what do I do here?’

Because they’re like walking on your territory already so like they don’t know what to do or not, so it’s kind of like a learning experience for all of us,” Montgomery said. While Montgomery learned how to cope with being a first generation college student on her own, senior Jasmine Williams has had the support of her mom throughout her college journey. “Yeah, I had my mom (that’s it), but past that, I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into,” Williams said. This is Williams’ first year being a part of the First Gen Program at Ferrum. She is one of the mentors for the program and admits that being involved as well as experiencing life as a senior is emotional. “I’m definitely going to cry (on graduation day) because I just keep reminding myself that it’s something that I can be proud of myself for doing,” Williams said. Although Williams is graduating soon, she offered some advice for future first gens. “It takes two things,” she said.

October 19, 2018

“One. Don’t be so proud and determined to do everything by yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for help or anything. And the second thing would be celebrate the small victories. For example if you didn’t get an A on a test, but if you worked really hard, and if a C for right now is my best then that’s fine, and I’m proud that I passed. Next time though, I’m going to get that A.” Sophomore De’Asia Darrington joined the First Gen Program last year through her friends who became her mentors. “I love the feeling of just having someone there for you when you need help or in crisis, and I just want to give back to all the kids on the first generation hallway,” Darrington said. Darrington expressed that the First Gen is more than just a program, advising students to join. “We’re like a family. We’re always together in the hallway, we have our doors open, and everyone knows each other, so I feel that we became a whole, and it just worked for each other,” Darrington said.

Dance Team Holds Auditions By Heather Ellis Diamond Hudson and Destinee Nelson


The Ferrum College Dance Team hosted its first set of auditions Sept. 19. There was a diverse group of ladies that participated in the first round. Everyone in attendance overall did a great job according to the team captain, Chenell Rogers. “I felt it! I felt it! Good job,” said Rogers. The dance studio was filled with an energy of mixed emotions. The ladies appeared to be conflicted with excitement, nerves, and anxiousness. There were even friends of some serious participants who auditioned for moral support. “Don’t worry about what’s on the paper just do it,” Rogers said. The performers went through three phases during the auditions. The first phase was group practice of the demonstrated dance that physically described the “Finesse,” by Bruno Mars. Second, they were separated into two groups, along with working in pairs, to reciprocate the dance.

In the third stage, they were given the option to demonstrate “Finesse,” again either together or alone after the first audition attempt in pairs only. The auditions lasted two hours, starting at 8:30 p.m. that night. A final decision about who made the cut was announced. The decision was made Fri., Sept. 21. “About 12 people are on the team,” said Rogers. The dance team has performed at many campus events and will continue to do so. They can be seen at half-time at the basketball games, the homecoming parade and half-time performance, and the Black Masks Improv shows. “This year, we’re actually going to be doing homecoming, more improv, and basically, we’ll be doing dance recitals to get more publicity and also performing at basketball games,” said Rogers. Rogers is the new team captain for this year's team. Being captain will surely aid in her plans for post-college life. “I’m going to start a dance studio/recreation center in poverty areas to reach out to kids and communities, bring them in and let them express how they

Destinee Nelson photo

Above, Jade Cornish, left, and Shania Todd, right, work on dance moves during auditions for the Ferrum Dance Team on Sept. 19. The team will be featured at various campus events this year. feel through dance and also put them on the right path in life,” she said. She did not go to much into detail about her upbringing. But it is important for her to give her community a dance outlet. “It’s the same situation I came from. It’s giving back to the community,” Rogers added. The Ferrum Dance Team has been around since 2006. Rogers

has a lot of years behind her and is hoping to have a strong turnout under her leadership. With the permission from Chenell Rogers, the ladies who will be joining the Ferrum College Dance Team will be: Mattea Anderson Taylor Brown Fedecia Bryant Chante Elam

Colleen Fynn Morgan Haas Jocelyn Jackson Tamiah Palmer Asya Waston “We will expect more people who are interested in joining the dance team. If there are people who are inexperienced dancers they should come out and learn,” Rogers adds.

October 19, 2018

The Iron Blade

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Director has high hopes and big dreams

Above from clockwise left, The Ferrum Marching Band cuts through the fall air and performs a free show to the campus. Color Guard member Kristen Morris whips the college colors in the afternoon sun. Drummers Jetta Huffman and Jason Elliott throw down the cadence for the march. At center, Band Director Sixto Montensinos marks the time for the band.


By Ametria Booker

Marching Band Director Sixto Montensinos has many goals for the marching band this year, but the main one is to focus on the band as a whole. “This is a building year,” he said. “Our goal is to focus on the band and color guard that we have at the moment and make it shine so it becomes an attractive program for students to want to join when we are out recruiting.” He sees the band as a positive aspect in Ferrum’s community., and he wants to bring a lot of school spirit and excitement to football games. “We are an organization that supports Ferrum College with the utmost pride,” he said. There is no doubt as to what he believes the band can bring to the college:

“Music. Music. School spirit. Music. And more Music,” he exclaimed.. The program does have to overcome obstacles. “I think it takes time to build trust with the students and community, but I find that if you are honest and dedicated it doesn’t take long,” Montensinos said. He also said everyone at Ferrum has gone above and beyond supporting the band. “I am so grateful they trust me to lead it,” he said with obvious pride. Kristen Morris, a freshman, is a member of the band and is part of the color guard. She has enjoyed her experience in the band. “The best part about being in the band is the ability to make friends and lead an amazing group of girls as part of the color guard,” she exclaimed.

Staff Photos

Courtesy photos

No Alert During Off-campus Violence


Department says incident at Ferrum Minute Market posed no threat to campus Around midnight on Sept. 19, Bobby Cleveland Haulsey, Jr., 47, was charged with attempted murder and malicious wounding in a domestic dispute with his brother, Gerald Lee Young, 32, at the Ferrum Minute Market, just a mile away from Ferrum College Campus, according to The Franklin News Post. Haulsey is now currently being held at The Western Virginia Regional Jail without bail. Young had been stabbed several miles away at a home prior to the scuffle at the market, where Haulsey allegedly verbally attacked and fought with Young, and proceeded to fire off a rifle during the altercation, police said. It is not clear what the motive and disruption was about, but there was alcohol involved, according to Ferrum Police. In a town as small as Ferrum, with the majority of the town being consumed by college students, not a lot goes unseen or unheard of. This is true in terms of major events like gunshots and stabbings, especially at a place that’s frequented often by Ferrum College students on the weekends. However, for this event, there were no

alerts or notifications sent to students. Many students finding out about the incident from a Roanoke Times article that was shared on Facebook. Many students were confused and even angered that they did not receive any type of alert, warning, or report about the incident from campus police. However, while this was an incident that occurred close to campus, it was a case that was handled by Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, instead of Ferrum Campus Police. It was out of the campus police jurisdiction, as it did not occur physically on campus. “I hadn’t heard about the shooting until days after it happened. No one on campus really knew about it until a Facebook post started going around about it,” said McKenna Dowd, a junior. Ferrum College’s Chief of Police, Jim Owens, said that this was a case handled swiftly and quickly by the Sheriff’s Department, and it was already handled by the time the college police were aware of the events. “To me and many others, it wasn’t a direct threat to campus,” said Owens.

Owens said the protocol for handling and warning students about off-campus dangers is taken on a case-by-case basis. Last April, when the school was put on lock down due to an emailed bomb threat, and when two juveniles filed what turned out to be a false report off of Prillaman Switch Road in January, the campus police department decided that the threats were much more unknown and potentially more dangerous. “(Regarding the gun threat last January,) it was occurring right away in that moment with a 911 call claiming about multiple gun shots. It was an unknown suspect who had been on foot, and we didn’t know the full circumstances. This (the Minute Market shooting) happened at midnight between two brothers, and it was a more domestic-type situation,” said Owens. Owens said that because they didn’t hear about the situation until after it had been handled by the Sheriff’s Department, they had to decide whether or not sending an alert that didn’t pose any danger to campus hours after the fact was a good idea or not. Owens said that the campus police

department want all of their alerts to be taken seriously like timely warnings and crime alerts often are and not just shoved away, as they often can be in a Campus Mail,. They use the RAVE security system when there are high risks to campus, including both criminal and natural disaster dangers. Campus police send crime alerts for on-campus crimes, along with potential and immediate threats that may be off campus. Owens said that because the events that took place at the Minute Market were not random, it was not a likely danger for Ferrum students. Owens also said he wants to keep the campus and students safe. He is interested in setting up a forum in the near future where students can ask questions and voice concerns with the police. Owens has previously been involved with “One Love” which is a discussion that opens up a dialogue about healthy and abusive relationships. He said he is open to communication with students and wants to make the campus a safe place.

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The Iron Blade


Above left, Lauren Weaver places in the Beginning Walk Trot Canter. At right, Coach Margaret Cromwell; Emma Williams, sophomore; Lindsay Koogler, sopho-

October 19, 2018

Photos by Charlotte Hazard

more; Samantha Combs, senior; Gloria Wood, junior; and Lauren Weaver, junior display their ribbons after competing at the Averett Equestrian Center.

Not Just Horsing Around

Panther Equestrian team places in first equine show of the year at Averett


By Charlotte Hazard

Early on Sept. 29, the Ferrum College Equestrian Team made the drive to North Carolina to compete in the first horse show of the year. The show took place at the Averett Equestrian Center at Averett College in Providence, NC, and was hosted by the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association. Other colleges that were competing included Virginia Tech, Radford University, Wake Forest University, High Point University, and more. The Ferrum College Equestrian Team competes almost every weekend on both

Saturday and Sunday. When the riders arrive and their division is up, they do a drawing of what horse they are going to ride. The horses are well trained for each of the events and competitors get to ride different horses. “I like riding a lot. It’s my second year, and I love competing. I used to play soccer so it’s a new game for me. I love different rides that come with different horses,” sophomore and team member Emma Williams said. The divisions that the Ferrum College team competed in were Walk Trot Canter, Novice Hunter Seat Equestrian Over

Fences, and Beginning Walk Trot Canter. Ferrum College competitor Gloria Wood placed 5th place in Novice Hunter Seat Equestrian Over Fences and 4th place in Novice Hunter Seat Equestrian on flat. Lindsay Koogler placed 5th in Walk Trot Canter, and Emma Williams also placed 5th. Lauren Weaver placed 6th in Beginning Walk Trot Canter. The team is coached by Margaret Cromwell. “I enjoy coaching the team very much. Today was good. I am proud of how everyone rode. We had a little bit of horse jitteries, but we can’t wait to get back into the swing of things,” said Cromwell.

Aside from showing almost every weekend, the team practices twice a week at Healing Strides. Healing Strides is a horse riding school in Boones Mill. The team not only rides there, but also volunteers as well. “I’ve been riding my whole life. It’s a fun experience to get together with my team and share the same interest in horses,” said Wood. The Ferrum College Equestrian Team’s season is only just beginning. It will continue to compete at other venues around the state of Virginia as well as North Carolina. This was just the first show and there will be many more to come.

With New Coach, Golf Teams Complete

Erick Cox is coaching the women’s and men’s teams Compiled by Qazir Harnett


The pieces are in place. The final hole has been filled. Director of Athletics Abe Naff has announced the hiring of Erick Cox as Head Golf Coach. Cox replaced Adam Crawford, who resigned in August to accept the Head Men's Golf position at

Courtesy photo

Head Golf Coach Erick Cox

fellow Old Dominion Athletic Conference member Guilford College. “I was a student here, I thought about coaching after graduation,” Cox said. Besides being a new coach, he is also a new coach to a new program. For the first time, Ferrum has a Women’s Golf Team, also. Cox plans to bring his philosophy to the program that creates high expectations for the men’s and women’s teams. “I love teaching the game,” he said. “I teach things like honesty and integrity with the game.” He said he is encouraged by the program already. “Two girls finished top 25 out of 50 (in a recent match). I plan to keep bringing positive attention to Ferrum Golf, for those that want to play or support,” he said. A former four-year golfer for

the Panthers from 2010-13, Cox earned Academic AllConference honors in the USA South Photo courtesy Ferrum Athletic Department four times and From left, Jetta Huffman, Jordan Thompson, and Hunter Tharpe comprise the was named to Women’s Golf Team under the direction of new Head Coach Erick Cox. the USA South Men's Golf AllGreen Turtle Invitational in Winhim in the coming years.” Sportsmanship Team in 2013. chester and at the Tom Kinder After leaving Ferrum, Cox Cox earned his Bachelor of Memorial in Harrisonburg. The worked two years as Shop AtScience from Ferrum in 2013, Panther women have also played tendant at Primland Golf Resort majoring in Criminal Justice with in Meadows of Dan, Virginia. this fall at the Bridgewater a minor in Sociology. He and his Invitational and Green Turtle He was a police officer in wife Nicole, also a Ferrum grad, Invitational.. Mount Airy, North Carolina, for live in Fancy Gap, Virginia. Cox said that beyond this sea18 months before spending the “We're pleased to have Erick join past two years as Assistant Golf son, he is looking forward to the our staff, and we know he'll do a recruiting process and building Pro at Olde Mill Golf Resort great job for our men's and wom- in Laurel Fork, Virginia. While a program, and he plans to be en's teams,” said Naff. “Erick there, he also served as Head deliberate with it. was a fine representative for Fer- Golf Coach at Carroll County “I am looking forward to rum as a student-athlete and will High School. the young athletes competing and be as a member of our coaching Ferrum's men have competed winning in the ODAC,” he said. staff. I'm excited to work with twice thus far this fall, at the “The talent is there.”

October 19, 2018

The Iron Blade

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Men’s Soccer is Currently 9-4 Panthers are 4-3 in the ODAC

Zach Beckner photo

Panther players Noah Kutics, 15; Graham Holley, 24; Nelson Manzanares, 2; and Sam May, 7; position themselves for an incoming 50/50 ball. The team is currently 9-4 and is better than .500 in ODAC play this season. Compiled by Qazir Harnett


At press time, the Men’s Soccer Team’s overall won-loss record stood at 9-4, with a 4-2 home record and 5-2 away. Following is a recap of the most recent contests.

Oct. 13, 9-1 win over Mid-Atlantic Christian. Peter Khraish had a rare hat trick with three goals in the non-conference win. Mid-Atlantic Christian’s Jonathan Langley kept it from being a shutout by scoring the lone goal in the 25th minute of play.

Scoring leaders included Ferrum’s Alex Diaz, who netted two goals and an assist; and Khraish, who tallied three goals and an assist. Oct. 10, 1-0 loss to Roanoke College. The Panthers dropped an Old

Dominion Athletic Conference match to Roanoke College, falling 1-0 at Kerr Stadium. The match featured an hour and 20 minute rain delay in the first half. Oct. 6, 3-2 OT win over Virginia Wesleyan.

Hockey Drops Three of Last Four

Ferrum College picked up an ODAC win, beating Virginia Wesleyan University 3-2 in overtime at the Trinder Center. Virginia Wesleyan drew first blood when Harrison Weinfeld scored off a Kyle Richardson pass at the 6:16 mark, and the Marlins carried the 1-0 lead into the break. Codi Dalton made it 2-0 with an unassisted goal at 60:49. Ferrum answered with a goal by Michael Lyons less than a minute later at 61:19. Lyons scored his second goal of the game at 76:03 to send the game into overtime. Sam May then scored an unassisted goal just 32 seconds into the first overtime to help Ferrum complete the comeback win

Oct. 3, 2-1 loss to Bridgewater. Thomas White scored in the 31st minute to give Bridgewater the early lead. Marc Almeida scored in the 60th minute of play to widen the lead. Both Eagle goals were assisted by Leo Alcantara. Graham Holley scored in

the 77th minute to help Ferrum avoid the shutout. “Very disappointed to concede two poor goals,” said Head Coach Enda Crehan. “We rebounded well and created several great chances. We finished the game well and will look to build on that.”

Sept. 29, 3-0 win over Shenandoah. Michael Lyons had two goals and two assists to lift the Panthers to the league win. Sam May opened scoring with a goal at 19:52 off a Lyons assist. Juan Delao-Rodriguez had Ferrum’’s next goal at 56:00 with Lyons again assisting. Then Lyons netted goals at 69:31 and 79:27. “What a great win for the lads, and to keep a clean sheet is extra special for us,” Crehan said. “It was nice to see us convert the chances that we create week in and week out. We will work hard again in training this week to prepare for Wednesday.” Shenandoah out-shot Ferrum 14-11, and the Panthers closed out the contest with a slight 4-3 edge in corner kicks.

Athletic Schedules Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Sat. Oct., 27 ODAC Conference Championships Equestrian Sun., Oct. 21 High Point University IHSA Sat., Nov. 17 Emory & Henry College IHSA Sun., Nov. 18 Bridgewater College IDA Field Hockey Sat., Oct. 20 Eastern Mennonite 11 a.m. Home Wed., Oct. 24 Washington & Lee 7 p.m. Away Fri., Oct. 26 Randolph-Macon 6:30 p.m. Home Football Sat., Oct. 20 Washington & Lee 4 p.m. Home Sat., Oct. 27 Hampden-Sydney 2 p.m. Home Sat., Nov. 3 Randolph-Macon 1 p.m. Away Sat., Nov. 10 Bridgewater 2 p.m. Home Men’s Golf Tue., Oct. 16 VSGA Intercollegiate Women’s Golf Mon/Tue., Oct. 22, 23 Chick Fil A Intercollegiate

Photo courtesy Ferrum Athletic Department

Brianna Sawyer battles it out and shields her opponent from the ball in a recent field hockey match for Ferrum.


Compiled by Qazir Harnet

A dozen games into the season, the Panther Field Hockey Team holds a current record of 3-9, with an 0-4 tally in the ODAC. Below are summaries of the most recent outings. Oct. 13, loss to Virginia Wesleyan. Ferrum fell 5-0 to ODAC member Virginia Wesleyan University. The Marlins scored twice in the first nine minutes of the game and were never challenged, out-shooting Ferrum 21-1. Virginia Wesleyan also closed the game with a 17-3 advantage in

penalty corners. Oct. 12, 2-1 win over Hendrix. Ferrum attacked early in the first half on a goal from Dominique Harper in the 18th minute off of a pass from Sierra Magdaleno. Tatianna Roberts scored what would become the game-winning goal in the 54th minute off of a Magdaleno assist. “Today was a great team win,” said Head Coach Carrie Hanshue Austin. Everyone followed the game plan and contributed to our success. I was especially impressed by our effort and the way we bounced back through adversity.”

Oct. 6, 6-0 loss to Shenandoah. Shenandoah led 4-0 at the break and was never in jeopardy, out-shooting Ferrum 27-3 by the end of the game. “Shenandoah is a good team. I give our women credit for their effort the entire 70 minutes this evening. I would like to see us convert on our opportunities when we have them,” said Austin. Oct. 3, 7-1 loss to Roanoke. Roanoke scored two goals in the first 8:12, then closed the first half with a 6-0 lead and a 21-2 shot advantage. Dominique Harper helped Ferrum avoid the shutout with an unassisted goal at the 50:57 mark.

Men’s Soccer Sun., Oct. 14 Mid-Atlantic Christian 2 p.m. Home Wed., Oct. 17 Guilford 4 p.m. Home Fri., Oct. 19 Hampden-Sydney 6 p.m. Home Wed., Oct. 24 Randolph 7 p.m. Away Women’s Soccer Wed., Oct. 17 Roanoke 7 p.m. Home Sat., Oct. 20 Eastern Mennonite 12 p.m. Home Wed., Oct. 24 Washington & Lee 4 p.m. Away Sat., Oct. 27 Lynchburg 7 p.m. Away Tue., Oct. 30 TBA ODAC Torunament Volleyball Tue., Oct. 16 William Peace 7 p.m. Home Sat., Oct. 20 Roanoke 11 a.m. Away Sat., Oct. 20 Randolph-Macon @ RNK 1 p.m. Away Tue., Oct. 23 Hollins 7 p.m. Away Wed., Oct. 24 Mary Baldwin 7 p.m. Away Fri., Oct. 26 Johnson & Wales 6:30 p.m. Home

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The Iron Blade

d r a o B n i t e l l u B r e h t n a P

October 19, 2018

Panther Briefs Hundreds Attend Symposium From OPIOD Page 1


Ferrum College Students: $1/$3 at the door • Ferrum Faculty & Children under 12: $5 • Adults: $10 Tickets can be purchased online at

Hauck, whose son passed away from an opioid overdose. One idea addressed to the panel that evening was to introduce an adult drug court in Franklin County that would allow adults to enroll in classes and prepare them for life outside of prison and after addiction. Overton mentioned that the county does have a juvenile drug court that’s had a positive impact. He also said that the county does receive funding for that program. According to Sherese Gore of the Smith Mountain Eagle. in August of 2018, The Franklin County Board of Supervisors approved an application for a $25,000 grant from the Supreme Court of Virginia to support the county’s Juvenile Drug Court.” Throughout the session with the panel, the main message of the evening was that the community needs to reduce the stigma of addiction. “There’s a lack of understanding about the science of addiction,” Macy said. The evening was an emotional one for some and also an educational experience. “If the federal government wouldn’t step in to save Appalachia, if it steadfastly refused to elevate methods of treatment, research, and harm reduction over punishment and jail, Appalachia would have to save itself,” wrote Macy in Dopesick.

Active Shooter Training Offered Anyone who missed the active shooter training on Oct. 16 still has an opportunity to be part of the training. Another opportunity will be offered on Oct. 22 at 12:30 p.m. in Swartz Gym, room 121. The training should take approximately 45 minutes.

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