Mistaken Identity (Workbook)

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Student handbook

n o s s e l e l p sam

Written by Simon Smart


Collision course Mark 6:6b – 8:21

This part of the gospel shows the disciples to be ‘blind’ to the true nature of Jesus and his mission.

Sum it up Write a slogan to capture the message the disciples had for the people:

At the point in the story we have reached so far: Describe what the disciples thought about Jesus.

Throughout Mark’s gospel there is a close link between the casting out of demons and the establishment of God’s kingdom that overturns the rule of Satan. What things in the world that are evil would you like to see overturned and changed? What did the crowds who followed him around think about who he was?

Disciples on tour! Read 6:6b – 13 This passage recounts an important ‘tour’ of the disciples in the region of Galilee. Make brief notes under the following headings: � The call. (v 7)

The wilderness feast Read 6:30 – 43

Cross out what didn’t happen:

� When Jesus and the disciples landed their boat on the shore of the sea of Galilee, a large crowd greeted them. � Jesus looked at them and said, ‘What a bunch of losers!’

� Their instructions. (v 8 – 11)

� He taught them many things. � They didn’t like what he had to say and threw things at him.

� What was accomplished. (v 12 – 14)


� The people who listened to Jesus were hungry and they bought food from mobile food kitchens that had been brought in.

� The disciples were happy to give up eight months of their wages to feed the crowds. � When Jesus asked for all the food they could gather it amounted to five loaves and two fish. � The people were directed to sit in groups of hundreds and fifties. � There was only enough food for Jesus and ten of the disciples. � At the end of the meal, the crowds left a huge mess of food scraps. � The number of men who had eaten was 5000.

Miracle on the lake Read Mark 6: 45 – 56.

Fill in the speech bubbles for the text that is missing. Try to be true to the meaning of the story as it is told by Mark. What does this incident tell us about: Jesus

The disciples

The battle heats up Jesus has come into conflict with the Pharisees before. Now things start to get even more serious.

Read 7:1 – 8

Note: The traditions of the elders were additions to the Law of Moses that God had given the Israelite people to follow. These ‘traditions’ come under sharp criticism from Jesus here as deviations from the true spirit of the Law. Jesus has no time for human-made religious rules that disregard care for people.

What complaint did the Pharisees have about Jesus and his disciples?

Write your own version of Jesus’ reply to them in verses 6 and 7.

What does this incident tell you about: Who Jesus is? What does this passage tell us about what Jesus thinks of people who ‘honour him with their lips’ or say the right things without their hearts being in it?

Jesus’ attitude to the people?

How would a person’s life look these days if their heart was ‘in it’ in trying to honour God?


A new age dawns Read 7:14 – 19 What announcement does Jesus make here?

What was the significance of this announcement?

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Read 7:20 – 23 Make a list of the ‘unclean’ things that Jesus says come out of people’s hearts.

Another feast Read 8:1 – 10 Draw symbols in the boxes below to represent the events of the feeding of the 4000. Try to make the symbols representative of the action in the story. You may use very brief notes to explain the symbol in the box.


(v 1–3)

(v 4)

(v 9–10)

(v 5–8)

Dodgy yeast Read 8:11 – 15 What might Jesus have meant by the ‘yeast of the Pharisees and Herod’?


Read 8:16 – 21 Explain why Jesus was so frustrated with the disciples.

Eyes and ears that fail ‘I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.’


CLUES What do we learn about Jesus in this section of the gospel? Make a list under the following headings: The miracles he performs (6:30 – 44; 6:45 – 52; 6:56; 7:31 – 37; 8:1 – 10)

Isaiah 42:16 (NIV) In this section of the gospel the disciples are very clearly missing the point as to who Jesus is. Briefly note down the ways they failed to see and hear clearly in the passages below:

What might Jesus say to you about your ears and eyes when it comes to his message?

� 6:37

His attitude towards religious hypocrisy (7:1 – 13)

� 6:49 – 52

� 7:17

Did anything surprise you about Jesus from what you learned in this section of the gospel?

� 8:4

� 8:14 – 20


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