TWIST Conference 2009

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Do you hunger for gatherings that express the truths of the Word of God with passion, excellence and integrity? Do you long for the music in your church to live up to its promise of uniting the congregation, as one voice, in declaring the praises of God? Do you want to learn practical skills in music and song so that you can serve your local church in this practical and important area?

TWIST (‘The Word in Song Together’) has been delivering training and encouragement in music ministry for churches throughout Australia and beyond since 2003. Join us this year for the finest in evangelical music ministry training and support, now in TWO exciting and unmissable events at TWO terrific locations. Philip Percival and Jodie McNeill, TWIST Executive Team

Philip Percival

Jodie McNeill

Philip is Director of Emu Music. He is composer of songs such as ‘Consider Christ’ and ‘We Are His People’. He is also Music Director at St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford, UK. Philip oversees the training and music direction of our TWIST events.

Jodie is the Executive Director of Youthworks Camping and Conferencing, and writes about and trains in youth, music and outdoor ministry. Jodie oversees the shape of our main sessions, and is the host of our TWIST events.

TWIST Away / 12 to 14 June 2009

Jonathan HOLT

Speaker, June ‘TWIST Away’

Bring your instruments for a hands-on weekend of intensive, practical training for your whole team. Join one of our four, specialised strands from our skilled and experienced trainers as you drive your music ministry in a new direction. Enjoy the beautiful surroundings and serenity of the Youthworks Port Hacking Conference Centres, as you learn in a community of like-minded and passionate lovers of church music. Be challenged by great Bible teaching from Jonathan Holt, as we respond together in song with leader Lara Goudie, under the direction of Jodie McNeill.


3 COMPOSE – Song writing

2 SING – Song leading and vocal technique

4 SUPPORT – Sound + PA

Jonathan has three things he loves more than music: his Saviour (been a follower of Jesus for as long as he can remember); his family (married, with three primary-aged daughters); and his church (planted three years ago in south suburban Canberra). But, after those things, Jonathan loves listening to, playing and writing music. A quality film and decent coffee are also very welcome.

Lara Goudie

Music & Training Director and Song Leader, June ‘TWIST Away’ Lara is a familiar sight to attendees of many major Christian conferences, having lead the singing at the 2008 KCC ‘Burn Your Plastic Jesus’ event, KCC Women’s convention, plus many years in the TWIST band. She has received extensive training in classical piano and voice, and in addition to her recent graduation from SMBC, she has also released her new solo album ‘Out of the Depths.’ DATE /

Friday night to Sunday afternoon, 12th to 14th June, 2009

Location /

Youthworks Port Hacking Conference Centres, Sydney, Australia

Price /

Our fully-inclusive rate of $179 includes meals, accommodation, training and activities, when you book before the end of April.

Registrations & Details /

For full terms and conditions visit or phone Youthworks +61 2 8268 3346

TWIST Conference / 24 October 2009 Join us for the finest in Australian Bible-based, evangelical music at the world-class City Recital Hall, Angel Place, the first specially designed concert venue built in Sydney since the Opera House. We are thrilled to be joined by international guest musician Keith Getty, composer of ‘In Christ Alone’, and his wife Kristyn, who will together conduct a master-class for the conference and perform in concert in the evening. During our main sessions we will hear the Bible taught to us by Justin Moffatt, and gather together in song as lead by the renowned TWIST musicians. A not-to-be-missed event for anyone who loves church music and great gatherings.


Saturday 24 October, 2009 from 9am to 9pm

Location /

City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney, Australia

Price /

Your conference fee of $79 includes refreshments, lunch, training, Keith and Kristyn Getty master-class, and the special ‘In Christ Alone’ concert, when you book before the end of August.

Registrations & Details /

For full terms and conditions visit or phone Emu Music on +61 2 9692 9944

Keith and Kristyn Getty

International Music Guests, October ‘TWIST Conference’ Keith and Kristyn are both from Northern Ireland but have been living for nearly three years in America. Last year they released the ‘In Christ Alone’ album and have had two top ten singles in Christian Radio in America. They travel most weekends working with Christian leaders, making guest appearances at events, and developing the “In Christ Alone” concert event which has been performed in over thirty cities to date in the USA.

Justin Moffatt

Speaker, October ‘TWIST Conference’ Justin, Laurel and their three kids have swapped an urban jungle called Manhattan for an urban life in Sydney. He moved in February from New York to York St. Justin’s new role is as senior minister of St Philip’s in the CBD of Sydney. Justin trained for ministry at Moore Theological College in Sydney, and has worked at Newcastle University, St Ives Anglican, Christ Church NYC, as well as having a role in St Barnabas’ Broadway. In respect to music, Justin has enthusiasm, rather than skill. In the New Heavens and New Earth, he plans to master the Oboe for the Glory of Christ.

TWIST is brought to you by Emu Music and Youthworks For full details of our events, including terms and conditions and online registrations, please visit

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