New Anglian Cultural Education Working Group: Terms of Reference

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New Anglia Cultural Education Working Group: Terms of Reference Purpose This group has been formed in response to the New Anglia Local Enterprise Cultural Board Strategy 2016-2022 ‘Culture Drives Growth’, the 2018 New Anglia Cultural Sector Skills Plan and to Arts Council’s Cultural Education Challenge. It exists to enable and maximise collaborative activity across Norfolk and Suffolk to enrich the cultural educational offer for all children and young people across our counties. The working group will have responsibility for the following: a) Adopting and promoting the Arts Council England Cultural Education Challenge ensuring it is meaningful for all children and young people in Norfolk and Suffolk, b) Responding to the priority objectives identified in the ‘Culture Drives Growth’ strategy and New Anglia Cultural Sector Skills Plan by encouraging local networks of sector professionals to collaborate, c) Share information and intelligence regarding the challenges and needs of children and young people across the area, d) Supporting Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs) including identifying opportunities for collaboration between LCEPs e) Maximising the impact and reach of Partnership Investment funds in accordance with the Festival Bridge Partnership Investment plan ensuring partnership agreements are in place with partner organisations, f) Facilitating connections between localities and relevant regional activity g) Facilitating connections between Cultural Education and other county, regional and/or national programmes, strategies.

Strategic References New Anglia Local Enterprise Cultural Board Strategy 2016-2022 ‘Culture Drives Growth’ To have an economic, cultural and social impact within the region by supporting Priority Objectives 3, 4 and 5: 3. Backing creative talent Relevant Actions: Deepen the range and quality of relationships between the region’s schools, HEI institutions, New Anglia Skills Board and cultural and creative businesses in order to pioneer distinctive approaches to creative skills training. We will do this in partnership with the Norfolk & Norwich Festival Bridge, building on our successful Cultural Employment Programmes and Cultural Education Partnerships. - We will ensure that culture and the arts are an ever more effective partner in helping to deliver creative and cultural education for children and young people in Norfolk and


Suffolk, supporting New Anglia LEP’s ‘Youth Pledge’ and building on our pioneering ‘Cultural Education Partnerships’ with Festival Bridge . - We will build collaborative partnerships with FE, HE and Creative & Cultural Skills – ensuring that enterprise and employment opportunities in the cultural sector are promoted to a diverse range of young people and adult learners, prompting an increase in enterprising cultural start-ups in Norfolk and Suffolk. - We will draw on the lessons of working within the national network of Centres for Advanced Training (e.g. DanceEast and Aldeburgh Music) to strengthen provision for outstanding young talent across the region’s enterprise programme. 4. Increasing cultural and creative diversity Relevant Actions: - We will ensure that creative pathways are open to all groups in our community, building on our established areas of expertise. For example, our innovative approach to coproduction and action learning at the University of Suffolk and West Suffolk College will attract and support the learning of a diverse range of students. - We will improve access to arts and cultural experiences and interventions in order to tackle the barriers to participation and engagement across socio-economic and geographical divides. We will do this in close collaboration with our ‘Cultural Education Partnerships’ and ‘Creative People and Places’ projects 5. Building inspiring places to live, work, visit and invest Relevant Actions: - We will work with Norfolk & Norwich Festival Bridge to embed place-making in the work of ‘Cultural Education Partnerships’. 2018 New Anglia Cultural Sector Skills Plan 

Priority 2: High quality guidance, work encounters and new entrant pathways. o Priority 2, Intervention 1: Enable an inspiring careers information advice and guidance environment for the sector in East Anglia. o Priority 2, Intervention 2: Champion and collaborate on a new local work experience model that builds and diverse supply of qualified and ‘skilled’ future employees. o Priority 2: Intervention 3: Identify new strategies to tackle the technical/specialist skills shortages that are reported by the sector locally.

Arts Council’s Cultural Education Challenge We believe that all children and young people should be able to experience great art and culture. Cultural education fosters creativity and innovation, unlocking vital skills that drive the creative industries. Every child should have the chance to: • Create; Compose and Perform • Visit; Experience and Participate • Know; Understand and Review


Statement of Intent Norfolk and Suffolk provide a rich and varied cultural education offer. There is a broad range of opportunities available both in and out of school, yet this working group recognises that there is significant variation in the ability of children and young people to access this offer across the two counties. The members of the working group believe that by working together we can achieve the shared vision set out above.

Membership The working group brings together a core group which will seek to include members from key sectors, partnerships and projects. Members of the working group are not asked to represent the sector in which they work but to commit to providing a representative view to the best of their ability. Membership comprises of representatives from the following organisations:  Festival Bridge  New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (NALEP) Culture Board  Suffolk County Council – Museums and Arts Development Services  Norfolk County Council – Cultural Services      

Norwich University of the Arts (NUA) University of East Anglia (UEA) University of Suffolk (UoS) FE Rep Suffolk Education Rep Norfolk Education Rep

     

Norwich LCEP Enjoy Great Yarmouth LCEP Lowestoft Rising LCEP Ipswich LCEP Heart of East Anglia LCEP West Norfolk LCEP

 

Arts Council England Creative and Cultural Skills

 

Suffolk Libraries Norfolk Libraries

 

Suffolk Music Education Hub Norfolk Music Education Hub

The working group members commit resources to, at a minimum, participate in working group meetings and decision making (as outlined below). Each member will nominate an individual to represent them on the working group. Additional members may be invited into the working group in line with the decision making process outlined below. A clear route to engaging youth voice into the decision making of the working group should be established.


Administration Festival Bridge will administer the working group.

Chair The Chair will be appointed through a majority vote of working group members. The Chair role will be for a term of one year but could be extended for two further terms if agreed by the incumbent and a majority vote. The function of the role will be:   

To work with Festival Bridge to develop the agenda for meetings To chair meetings As required, to provide a figure-head for the group.

Festival Bridge will fulfil the role of Chair of the group for the first term.

Role of the Working Group The working group will: 

    

Assess progress towards the Cultural Education Challenge by agreeing and implementing a monitoring and evaluation framework for cultural education in Norfolk and Suffolk, including key performance indicators Agree and implement a protocol for managing priorities Agree and implement a Partnership Investment plan Agree and identify delivery opportunities to achieve priorities including the distribution of Partnership Investment funds Agree and monitor any income and expenditure generated on behalf of the working group Agree and implement an advocacy plan for cultural education in the county.

Meeting Schedule The working group will meet on a bi-annual basis. Working group members may decide to increase or decrease the frequency of meetings to accommodate the group needs.

Decision Making The working group will seek wherever possible to make decisions using a consensus approach. If consensus cannot be reached, a decision can be taken on the basis of majority support. In the event of a tied vote the Chair will have the casting vote. For the purposes of decision making, the meeting will only be considered quorate if whichever is greater of at least one third of the organisations which form the working group membership are present and eligible to vote when the vote is taken. Voting will be made through a show of hands in response to a proposal.

Financial Management The working group does not directly manage any expenditure. Should it become necessary to manage or raise a budget, one of two options would be explored: 1) Through this working group a budget holder will be sought. The budget holder would be expected to provide project accounts to the working group for scrutiny. Budget expenditure would be decided upon at quarterly meetings. This could involve delegating management to a delivery partner.


2) For the group to formally constitute as a charity or community interest company or other non-profit entity.

Protocol for Establishing and Delivering Against Priorities Priorities will be identified and highlighted by the group as the key elements of the cultural education offer required to deliver the ambition set by the New Anglia Local Enterprise Cultural Board Strategy 2016-2022 ‘Culture Drives Growth’, the 2018 New Anglia Cultural Sector Skills Plan and Arts Council’s Cultural Education Challenge. Having established a priority the working group will use knowledge of the area to identify how best to achieve the ambition. The working group will look to support the development of existing activity, taking care to ensure that growth is managed carefully and sustainably. Where no suitable activity is available the working group may choose to either:  

Openly commission for activity Delegate authority to act in the name of the working group to an existing organisation (either from the working group or elsewhere).

Should a working group members organisation be best placed to work towards an activity and a vote to agree this action take place, the working group member who represents the organisation shall not vote.

The working group should seek to ensure that any commissioned or developed activity does not deliberately duplicate or compete with an existing offer.

Term of the Working Group This working group is conceived as having a function to at least March 2022. Should the working group undertake to continue beyond this term it should be agreed at a future meeting.

Relationship to LCEPs and Other Networks Although the working group will seek to support and maximise value from Local Cultural Education Partnerships and other key cultural education programmes in the county, it takes on no management or oversight of financial responsibility for those partnerships. In addition to the LCEPs listed above the Working Group will also work with a new Creative Education Network which it is intended will be developed from the existing Suffolk based Cultural Learning Consortium. The Creative Education Network will be convened by Festival Bridge who provide the intersection to and from the NALEP Cultural Education Working Group.


Proposed Structure and Relationship Diagram NALEP

NALEP Culture Board

NALEP Cultural Education Working Group

LCEPs x 6

Creative Education Practitioners and Officers Network


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