Cambridgeshire Music Hub 2017

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Cambridgeshire Music Hub Live 2017

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The Academy of Ancient Music (AAM) is internationally famous for its vibrant, exciting playing of baroque and classical music, by returning to the style and spirit in which this music was first performed. Performances explore the sound worlds that inspired composers such as Purcell, Bach and Mozart. The players revel in the expressive power of old instruments. Mozart — the joker, the genius! A fast-paced, interactive, theatrical concert will explore the life and music of one of the greatest composers of all time and will be introduced in a warm up session before the story begins. Mozart, a composer, but also a viola player, will enter the stage with his friend, Leutgeb the cheesemaker and horn player.. ‘Be brave.. have courage.. take a breath.. you make me laugh.. help.. you little ass… play a note in tune!’ Mozart writes on the music. The friends banter, whilst playing the most sublime music…. We'll find out how the horn evolved from a real animal horn to Mozart’s colourful, valveless instrument, really a metal hosepipe!

The mixed fortunes of Mozart’s life, touring Europe as a child celebrity through to his early death, forgotten and poor… and throughout, his brilliance and wit as he teased his players, though always writing the most amazing music.... Designed and presented by Jo Lawrence primarily for KS2, the concert can be adapted for other age groups. Information about the programme and a listening list will be sent before the concert, though no preparation is necessary. There will be follow up creative workshops on offer to explore Mozart’s music in more depth and ticket offers for AAM concerts in Cambridge. Suitable for KS2 Available on Wednesday 22 March 2017 Thursday 23 March 2017 Friday 24 March 2017


Academy of Ancient Music



Britten Sinfonia Britten Sinfonia is one of the world’s most celebrated and pioneering ensembles. The orchestra is an Associate Ensemble at the Barbican, has residencies in Norwich and Cambridge and a chamber series at Wigmore Hall. Britten Sinfonia enjoys a growing international profile and is frequently heard on BBC Radio 3 and commercial radio. Custard The Dragon, a show based on Ogden Nash’s poem The Tale of Custard the Dragon, is a fabulous work created for children. Each character is represented by a different instrument and the show contains lots of interaction and songs – perfect for keeping everyone entertained! Suitable for KS1 and KS2 Available on Monday 27 March 2017 Tuesday 28 March 2017 Wednesday 29 March 2017

The Brook Street Band takes its name from the London street where composer George Frederic Handel lived from 17231759. The band was formed in 1996 by baroque cellist Tatty Theo and rapidly established itself as one of the UK’s leading Handel specialists, winning grants, awards and broadcasting opportunities from various organisations including BBC Radio 3 and the Handel Institute. Eighteenth century chamber repertoire has always been the band’s driving passion, focusing particularly on Handel’s music. The Handel Experience / Hurrah for Handel Setting the scene – we immerse ourselves in the sights, sounds, and smells of eighteenth-century London, a fastexpanding cosmopolitan melting pot and a hive of commercial activity. As well as being a famous composer, Handel was a largerthan-life character. By exploring the many parallels between his life and ours, we engage the students in a deeper, lasting understanding of the period and his music. Handel’s genius in expressing emotion provides the perfect vehicle for engaging young listeners.

Our performance and workshops feature: vocal warm-ups, movement games, basic facts about Handel and his compositions, learning a short Handel song and listening to The Brook Street Band perform. There are interactive handson elements including a timeline, picture quiz and a sensory bag, full of wonderful eighteenth-century smells, to transport students to Handel’s London. The Brook Street Band’s visit to your school provides a live, professional concert experience, which includes a Q&A session as an introduction to the historical instruments. This is followed by a workshop. The assembly and workshop provides a unique opportunity for children to work closely with professional musicians, using the language of music to develop children’s observational, listening and communication skills, as well as teamwork, with a lasting appreciation for Handel and classical music. Suitable for KS2 and KS3


Brook Street Band

Available on Thursday 2 March 2017 Wednesday 8 March 2017 Thursday 16 March 2017



Goldfield Ensemble The Goldfield Ensemble was founded in 2011 by a group of close friends who quickly established themselves as a high calibre, proactive chamber group with a reputation for innovative programming and eclectic artistic collaborations. In 2014, the Ensemble were Artists-in-Residence at the Cambridgeshire Stapleford Granary and they have performed at many festivals and venues in the UK including St John’s Smith Square, Cheltenham Festival and Kings Place. They are increasingly becoming known for their imaginative and captivating education productions which have been seen by over 7,000 children. Three Stories About Birds Produced and written by Kate Romano Performed by the Goldfield Ensemble The Goldfield Ensemble members weave their trademark mix of storytelling and live music for strings and percussion with simple shadow puppetry to bring three remarkable (and true!) stories to younger audiences. Find out about the man who thought birds migrated to the moon, the crows who brought gifts to a 10 year old girl and the greatest pigeon hero of the Second World War! You’ll never hear or look at a bird in the same way again… Suitable for KS1 and KS2 Available on Monday 20 March 2017 Tuesday 21 March 2017 Wednesday 22 March 2017 Thursday 23 March 2017


The Grand Union Orchestra brings together musicians born and bought up in most major musical cultures worldwide. These internationally-acclaimed multi-instrumentalists are experts in their musicals traditions and, as charismatic workshop leaders; they are enthusiastic communicators of their art. Musicians will be drawn from a GUO core team: Yousuf Ali Khan (Bangladesh) - tabla, dholak Ruijun Hu (China) – dizi, xiao (Chinese flutes) Carlos Fuentes (Chile) - Latin American percussion Daniel Louis (St Lucia) – steel pan Shanti Paul Jayasinha (Sri Lanka/Scotland) - trumpet, cello Claude Deppa (South Africa) - trumpet, African percussion Louise Elliott (Australia) - tenor saxophone, flute Ros Davies (Wales) - trombone, flute Andres Lafone (Uruguay) - bass guitar – under the general direction of Tony Haynes (piano, trombone), responsible also for composition and arrangements.

Grand Union Experience Workshop and concert (135 minutes) focusing on a single musical tradition, or concert only (45 minutes). Suitable for KS2 and KS3 Available on Monday 13 March 2017 Tuesday 14 March 2017 Wednesday 15 March 2017 Thursday 16 March 2017 Friday 17 March 2017


Grand Union Orchestra



IEM (Industry Education in Music) IEM has extensive experience delivering workshops on schools introducing young people to the world of work in the music industry. The company has relationships with a number of professional popular performers and many worldwide industry brands such as Marshall, Tama, Laney and Zildjian. IEM Dragons' Den Workshop 2016/17 A workshop day covering key areas across the music industry and setting young people on the career path to events and live music in a fun and engaging school format. Includes inspirational speakers, guest artists and cash prizes. The workshop day in your school can be tailored to suit your requirements and can include a vast array of extra activities including music technology, music business activities, goodies and prize draws. In partnership with...

Symphonia Academica, whose players regularly perform internationally as members of London orchestras, prides itself on connecting through music to its audiences of all ages. The ensemble has performed throughout England. Following a residency at the University of Bedfordshire it is now developing a close relationship with the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. Its versatile and imaginative programming has led to passionate and committed performances of music ranging from chamber versions of Mahler's fourth symphony to the works of Bach and from Mozart to the music of contemporary composers.

Musical Interludes with Peter Rabbit A musical version of Peter Rabbit for violin, viola, cello and keyboard. The ensemble introduces the different instruments and tells the story with musical accompaniment. All the children have the chance to join in with a song at the end. Instrumental students can be included in the performance by prior notification. Suitable for KS1 and KS2 Available on Monday 13 March 2017 Wednesday 15 March 2017 Thursday 16 March 2017


Symphonia Academica



Travelling by Tuba Travelling by Tuba is a multi instrumental extravaganza who perform stunning innovative programmes. As one of the busiest groups in the U.K. they undertook over 200 shows in

Available on Wednesday 8 March 2017 Thursday 9 March 2017 Friday 10 March 2017

schools last year. This success was not only due to their virtuosic performance but also the ability as irrepressible entertainers to communicate with their audience. All presentations are cross curricular, including history, geography, science and music. There is a strong emphasis on audience participation and the musicians are very good at crowd control! As well as brass instruments from all over the world, watch out for a Can Can dancing tubist and an exploding tuba!

There are two shows on offer: Around the World in 60 mins Feel the South American samba beat, the calming African spiritual, traditional New Orleans jazz, British Pomp and Circumstance, instruments from every continent including Tibetan dungs, African kudus and Australian didjeridus. Be amazed at our special tribute to the world of opera. Best of British Opening with a flag waving British procession, we feature instruments and music from throughout British history. From the Viking animal horn and Roman cornu to a typical tudor dance on the sackbut and cornett, we discover how the valve works in the industrial revolution. Victorian parlour music and a patriotic tribute to Last Night of the Proms bring us to a rousing finale.


Suitable for KS1 and KS2

BBC Ten Pieces offer for five schools BBC Ten Pieces is an exciting initiative for students. Its aim is to open up the world of classical music and inspire them to develop their own creative responses to ten pieces of music. The project is backed by Ambassadors and delivered by Champions. The Champions are an existing network of over 260 music education hubs, music services, orchestras, music, dance and arts organisations working across the age ranges who can offer help and advice with the Ten Pieces. If your school orchestra would like coaching support for the BBC Ten Pieces, this can be arranged with members of Cambridgeshire Music and Britten Sinfonia/other partners at times to be arranged with your school. 3 hours support per school by 2 tutors and a shared performance event. This will cost £150 for each school taking part. Once participating schools are confirmed, the shared performance date will be organised to suit everyone. If you are interested then please contact Lin Hetherington at

Grand Union workshops and drop-in concerts County Youth Wind Orchestra workshop Sunday 12 March 2017 Grand Union will work with the County Youth Wind Orchestra (CYWO) exploring different music styles and cultures through the use of musical instruments.

Drop-in concerts Great St Mary’s, Cambridge Saturday 1 April 2017 This year’s Grand Union experience gives school groups and families the opportunity to take part in and co-lead a public culmination of participatory performances alongside Grand Union musicians and the Cambridgeshire Youth Wind Orchestra. A series of free 45 minute ‘drop-in’ concerts, open to the general public, will showcase different musical traditions such as Asian, African and Latin/Caribbean. Participants from the in-school workshops will rehearse their material and give performances to families, friends and the public. 12.00 noon: Asian music 2.00 pm: African music 4.00 pm: Latin/Caribbean music


Courses, Workshops and Sharing Concerts GET CREATIVE WITH CLASSIC AL MUSIC



Sing for Your School Cambridgeshire Music's major project for 2016-17 is now up and running and supporting schools and pupils across the county to develop their creative writing techniques through lyric and song-writing. Cambridgeshire Music is providing resources, backing tracks, CPD, in-school workshops and an on-line chart. The Sing for Your School Chart, hosted by Cambridge News on their website, enabling schools to share their songs with each other, with parents, friends and their wider communities. Each ‘play’ of a song in the chart is equivalent to a vote for that song, giving everyone a chance to get involved in this exciting competition. All the votes are being counted up in December and added to scores given by a musical and lyrical expert panel of Sing for Your School judges. A selection of schools will be taking their songs through to performance at a final celebration gig at Cambridge Corn Exchange on 2nd March 2017. Sing for Your School has managed to secure financial support from Arts Council England to give an additional boost to schools taking part in the project. All schools are being offered the chance to take part in the national Artsmark scheme which recognises school achievement and commitment to cultural education. Find out more at


SingFest SingFest is delivered annually by Cambridgeshire Music in partnership with The English Pocket Opera Company (EPOC) and is designed to help support and develop singing across the whole school. SingFest is based on a different opera every year and in 2016/17 it is Romeo and Juliet. The project aims to develop singing in schools in the following ways: 1. Delivering whole schools workshops designed to develop students’ understanding and appreciation of different musical genres. 2. Helping to create opportunities for secondary schools and their local feeder primaries to collaborate on joint vocal projects. 3. Providing and helping to develop performance opportunities for students of all ages. 4. Leading singing CPD and training for specialist and non-specialist staff. During March, participating schools will be involved in our SingFest cluster festivals. Based at local secondary schools, these events will bring together feeder primaries for a celebration of vocal music from different genres. Each school will have the opportunity to perform pre-rehearsed material as part of our massed choir, learn some new songs and share one of their own.

On the Songwriter website – - young people can upload their songs to the online chart and share their music with family and friends to see if they can get their song to number one in the chart, discover music by other songwriters in their area, receive feedback from professional musicians and be in with a chance to win great prizes including performance opportunities and recording studio sessions.

Songwriter Concert On Sunday 19 March 2017 we are holding a special showcase concert at Cambridge Junction which will feature the best songs selected from the Songwriter online chart as well as other young artists from around the county performing original songs and cover versions from various contemporary styles. To be in with a chance of being selected to perform at the concert, young people should upload their songs to the Songwriter chart at by Friday 24 February 2017. Winners will be informed by Tuesday 7 March. Battle of the Artists Sunday 19 March 2017 2.00pm - 4.30pm Tickets ÂŁ3 Venue Cambridge Junction (J2)


Songwriter concert at Cambridge Junction Songwriter is a songwriting community and competition for young people aged 8-18 who live or go to school in Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. It nurtures talented young songwriters and provides them with opportunities for coaching and performance.



Cost Cost for concerts for schools by professional ensembles Schools are asked for a single all-in contribution to costs: School contribution £50 per concert £75 per Grand Union workshop and concert package £100 per IEM workshop day Cambridgeshire Music Cambridgeshire Music is here to help with all music enquiries. Please refer to our website for information about instrumental tuition, orchestras and bands, vocal tuition and large scale projects, classroom curriculum teaching, music therapy, school ensemble support, “first access” and “whole class ensemble tuition” schemes and instrument loan. We deliver music technology projects including Sonic Pi, world music workshops, SingFest and other large vocal projects, school music development including cross arts transition projects and Continuing Professional Development for your staff. Cambridgeshire Music Hub can provide financial support for individuals and organisations for music.



Cambridgeshire Music Hub Live 2017 CONCERTS FOR SCHOOLS BY PROFESSIONAL ENSEMBLES Provisional Booking Form

School name Contact name Preferred phone number Preferred contact email

First choice ensemble Preferred date(s)







Second choice ensemble Preferred date(s) Third choice ensemble Preferred date(s)

Please return this form to Or post to Cambridgeshire Music, 36 Mayfield Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE29 1NL by Friday 13 January 2017. Your concert options will be confirmed by Friday 3 February 2017. Once your concert has been confirmed you will receive a contract with further information and contact details of your ensemble.



01480 373500

Cambridgeshire Music 36 Mayfield Road Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 1NL T: 01480 373500 E: @cambsmusic

Cambridgeshire Music

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of going to press. Cambridgeshire Music will use reasonable endeavours to deliver programmes and other services in accordance with the descriptions provided. E&OE. ÂŽ Cambridgeshire Music 2016.

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