Creating the Future framework

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9-10 YEAR


STRAND CREATIVE BRIEF: Year 8s respond to an industry brief through a full day workshop supported by role models from further and higher education as well as industry professionals. Takes place in school and in term time. Designed and delivered in partnership with The Ideas Foundation

MEANINGFUL WORK ENCOUNTERS: 20 self-selected or school-nominated young people from each school undertake a 2 day visit to creative business and an HE provider. They shadow roles and interview industry professionals.


To understand the breadth of creative careers and begin to understand pathways towards them To support subject choice at GCSE


To explore creative careers, the skills they entail and experience the creative workplace


Young people take part in meaningful and authentic work experience Young people meet and work alongside creative professionals to understand more about the range of creative jobs and pathways

OUTCOMES • Pitching skills, building confidence • Authentic understanding and experience of working in the creative industries • Active connection between the skills and the careers those skills offer

PASSION AND AMBITION: Young people identify activities, skills and subject areas they enjoy and recognise and test skills needed for creative jobs Young people link their interests with existing and future opportunities in and out of school including FE and HE

Young people take part in meaningful and authentic encounters with work – visiting and working in a creative venue/ work place Young people understand the range of FE and HE opportunities available in creative subjects including apprenticeships – through visiting an HEI

• Young people understand the range of creative careers locally and the skills needed to do them • Local cultural organisations have a sustainable work shadowing programme to offer schools connected to FE/HE partners • Young people connect FE and HE pathways to creative jobs


Designed and delivered in partnership with Festival Bridge

Young people explore creative skills connected to their GCSE choices and identify those skills in the workplace Young people explore options for further and higher education and understand its role in the pathway to work

CREATIVE ZONE AT SKILLS SERVICE CAREERS FAIR: Schools receive a pre-visit ahead of the festival to support the visit. All schools then visit the Skills Service event in Peterborough.

To explore options post 16 and post 18 leading to a creative career

UNDERSTANDING AND PREPAREDNESS: Young people explore what creative options are available locally and further afield at KS4 and KS5 supported by a pre- fair visit Young people understand why creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking and project management skills are valued by employers and important for future jobs


Designed and delivered in partnership with The Skills Service

• A Creative Zone which enables young people to talk to employers, business owners and freelancers • Young people know how to get the best from the Creative Zone and the Careers Fair from the pre-fair visit • The skills set needed for creative employment are reinforced by all stallholders • FE and HE are a clear part of the pathway

Young people talk to creative employers, FE and HEIs and hear from creative entrepreneurs Young people see examples of the breadth of jobs and opportunities in the creative industries

CREATIVE MENTORING: 3 half days of group and 1:1 support for students interested in creative careers in school from a new pool of professional volunteer mentors from creative industries. Support for careers staff.

To be confident in making choices and articulating skills leading to creative careers

3 half day sessions for staff exploring potential for training and work in the creative industries; creative inspiration to support effective CEIAG; and practical understanding of how you can prepare students in the classroom. A briefing for governors. Designed and delivered in partnership with UCP and ARU

UNDERSTANDING AND PREPAREDNESS: 1:1 information, advice and guidance for young people looking at creative careers from an industry professional working alongside careers staff

PASSION AND AMBITION: 1:1 support to help young people connect and evidence creative skills with opportunities both in and out of the creative industries

Designed and delivered in partnership with The Skills Service, Take Your Place, UCP and ARU




To ensure young people have appropriate CEIAG to enable them to explore the creative sector as a viable career pathway

Greater awareness of CEIAG resources already available for the creative industries Access to a Creating the Future resource and advocacy toolkit providing local regional and global messaging around creative skills and creative careers Better working relationships between schools, FE, HEI staff and employers to support the creative pathways to work Better understanding of the creative industries sector and its economic growth

• A pool of well-trained creative enterprise advisors that tests how the role works in schools • This pool of advisors is representative of the sector i.e. self-employed, micro businesses and SMEs all represented, cultural sector well represented • Young people report increased support for their career aspirations • Schools engage in planning for creative careers support by spending a virtual budget of in-kind time

• Schools know and use easily accessible CEIAG around the creative industries • A practical resource pack available for young people and staff • Relationships exist between school, HE and FE staff – networking opportunities • Schools understand the value of creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, project management and problem solving as skills for all 21st Century workplaces • Schools understand the growth in the numbers of creative jobs both in and out of the creative industries • Schools are confident to promote creative career pathways to young people and parents using our Creating the Future messaging

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