Creating the Future: Arts Award Mapping

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CREATING THE FUTURE FRAMEWORK Mapping to Arts Award Levels (Explore, Bronze, Silver, Gold)

The following mapping indicates where strands of the Creating the Future framework might tie in to delivery of Arts Award. This is hopefully a handy tool to see where activities undertaken through Creating the Future might be used within the wider framework of an Arts Award. Notes below are brief in the expectation that a trained adviser would refer to the Arts Award toolkit for detailed evidence requirements and assessment criteria appropriate to each level.









Part A: Inspire

Part A: Explore the arts as a participant

Unit 1 Part D: arts research

(unlikely to be completing Gold)

Year 8s respond to an industry brief through a full day workshop supported by role models from further and higher education as well as industry professionals. Takes place in school and in term time.

Notes: Must involve hands-on creative activity/application of arts skills

Part B: Explore

Notes: Finding out about the work of an arts practitioner/creative professional

Notes: Must involve Notes: hands-on creative  information about activity/application of their meeting and arts skills working with arts practitioners/crea tive professionals  what they have Part C: Arts learnt about Inspiration careers and work Notes: Researching in the arts an arts  evidence of practitioner/creative research into professional and future education, summarising why pathways and the person was opportunities chosen and what  summary of was learnt about research and their creative career, reflection on its life & work influence on them


WORK SHADOWING: 20 self-selected or schoolnominated young people from each school undertake a 2 day visit to creative business and an HE provider. They shadow roles and interview industry professionals.

Part B: Explore Notes: Finding out about the work of an arts practitioner/creative professional And/or creative industry/cultural organisation

Part C: Arts Inspiration

Unit 1 Part D: arts research

Unit 1 Part B: development opportunities within the wider arts sector

Notes: Researching an arts practitioner/creative professional and summarising why the person was chosen and what was learnt about their creative career, life & work

Notes:  information about their meeting and working with arts practitioners/crea tive professionals  what they have learnt about careers and work in the arts  evidence of research into future education, pathways and opportunities  summary of research and reflection on its influence on them

Notes:  evidence of research into opportunities to participate in the arts  description of what they did on placement/volunteering/training/works hop  reflection on their experiences and learning  comments from practitioners leading the opportunities Unit 1 Part C: research advanced Practitioners Notes:  research into more advanced arts practitioners, including details of any contact  reflection on how research and experiences have influenced their own arts practice NB. Also need to review arts events for this part

YEAR 9-10

CREATIVE ZONE AT SKILLS SERVICE CAREERS FAIR: Schools receive a pre-visit ahead of the festival to support the visit. All schools then visit the Skills Service event in Peterborough

Part B: Explore Notes: Finding out about the work of an arts practitioner/creative professional And/or creative industry/cultural organisation

Part C: Arts Inspiration

Unit 1 Part D: arts research

Unit 1 Part B: development opportunities within the wider arts sector

Notes: Researching an arts practitioner/creative professional and summarising why the person was chosen and what was learnt about their creative career, life & work


Notes: Could support evidence of research into opportunities to participate in the arts and possibly some elements of workshop attendance suitable for this part

information about their meeting and working with arts practitioners/crea tive professionals what they have learnt about careers and work in the arts evidence of research into future education, pathways and opportunities summary of research and reflection on its influence on them

NB. would probably need to undertake additional activity for this part; reflect & review and gain feedback Unit 1 Part C: research advanced Practitioners Notes: 

research into more advanced arts practitioners, including details of any contact

reflection on how research and experiences have influenced their own arts practice

NB. Also need to review arts events for this part

YEAR 10 - 13

CREATIVE MENTORING: 4 days per term of 1:1 support for students interested in creative careers in school from a new pool of professional volunteer mentors from creative industries. Support for careers staff

(unlikely to be (unlikely to be completing Explore) completing Bronze)

Unit 1 Part D: arts research Notes:  information about their meeting and working with arts practitioners/crea tive professionals  what they have learnt about careers and work in the arts  evidence of research into future education, pathways and opportunities

 summary of research and reflection on its influence on them

Unit 1 Part B: development opportunities within the wider arts sector Notes: Could support evidence of research into opportunities to participate in the arts and possibly some elements of workshop attendance suitable for this part NB. would probably need to undertake additional activity for this part; reflect & review and gain feedback Unit 1 Part C: research advanced Practitioners Notes:  research into more advanced arts practitioners, including details of any contact  reflection on how research and experiences have influenced their own arts practice NB. Also need to review arts events for this part

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