Dealing in aspiration: workshop notes

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Dealing in aspiration: skills pathways for 21st century jobs Why is aspiration important?

What do we know about dealing in aspiration?

What challenges do we face?

What are we doing to make a difference?

The statistics say:

Our own triggers for our own creative journeys:

Social mobility Norfolk, Fenland and East Cambs are in the 20 worst performing local authority areas for social mobility. Also in the bottom 20 are Babergh. Breckland, Cambridge, Forest Heath, Great Yarmouth, Ipswich, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk, North Norfolk and Waveney.

Take Your Place/NEACO Partnership of organisations across Cambs, Norfolk, Peterborough and Suffolk helping young people make informed choices about their future and ensuring young people from under-represented backgrounds progress on to HE and FE.

There are indicators for social mobility at early years, school age, youth – post 16, and adult.

Festival Bridge Delivering Creating The Future in Cambs and Peterborough. A framework of activity from year 8 to year 13 giving young people an insight into the creative industries as viable career options underpinned with the development of a creative skillset. Working with 15 secondary schools.

The creative sector is the fastest growing part of the UK economy – growing at three times the rate of the wider economy. There are nearly 2m jobs in the creative industries which means 1:11 jobs in the UK are creative. The East of England contains 9% of the creative industries workforce. The creative sector generates £84.1bn GVA or 5.2% of the UK’s economy. This is bigger than the automotive sector, life science, oil, gas and aerospace combined. Almost 90% of the creative industry are at low risk or no risk from future automation (i.e.their jobs cannot be done by robots) East of England is the 3rd largest region in England in terms of value and scale of industry, with only the South East being larger Almost half of all jobs in

PEOPLE: PARENTS  People (parents and teachers) and failure  Supportive parents and ballet lessons  My sister wanted me to do what I loved at uni and not be forced into something just for “better” job prospects  Mother inspired interest in the arts  My dad – for leaving me at music college  Parents in the arts industry  Engaged parents – culture and arts  Writing plays with parent as a child  Parents – dance classes, seeing shows at the theatre  My brother “allowing” me to sing with him and pushing me to perform PEOPLE: TEACHERS  Tutor from art school helped me to go to art school  Teachers  Inspirational drama teacher

Fenland and Waveney – worst performing LAs in England for social mobility at school. Ipswich is 8th worst. Cambridge and East Cambs are 5th and 6th worst LA for young people’s social mobility. North Norfolk, Great Yarmouth and South Cambs are also in the worst 20. North Norfolk and Forest Heath are 4th and 5th worst Las for adult social mobility. Breckland, Norwich and St Edmundsbury also feature in bottom 20 nationally.

Creative and Cultural Skills CC Skills gives young people opportunities to work and learn in the creative industries. It is an independent charity that provides careers advice and guidance, promotes apprenticeships, and delivers activities for

What can we practically and collectively do to contribute? Our recommendations for future dealing in aspiration are: Use role models in schools Real examples of making a living Alumni – apprenticeships, ex college students, success Work with parents Engage working parents to bring their businesses and experiences to careers days etc Networks for parents and employers with schools, HE and arts organisations Parental engagement and education – careers evening – key roles Support schools Provide a skills shortage focus for schools with contacts Network through current contacts Support school librarians in careers sessions, more than 15 minutes for VIth formers A creative governor in each school Have consistent messaging Communication across organisations

the creative sector are self-employed/ freelance and being self-sufficient with a good portfolio and contacts is important.

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School, teaching, creative subjects Uni staff and college opened my eyes to different careers School ethos and key staff

PEOPLE: INDUSTRY  Encouragement of an inspirational adult – who listened  Local theatre manager  NMS - Teaching museum PLACES:  BEOL Course Bedford College – teaching and dance ACTIVITIES:  Activities outside of school  Opportunities in school and outside  Useful accidents – events that led to activities  Drama lessons in school OWN CAPABILITIES:  Self-sufficient from an early age  Resilience and confidence to start again and choose an new path INSPIRATION:  Seeing children with behaviour problems and learning difficulties struggle in mainstream

students young people through our National Skills Academy network of industry and education supporters. CC Skills runs Creative Choices – an online resource that promotes jobs, advice articles and blogs from practitioners in the creative sector. It also holds live events for 13-16 year-olds and has an online panel of industry experts to answer young people’s questions You?

Spreading the word to get organisations to events Non creative industries also need to value creative skills Better understanding of freelance and portfolio careers Better connections with business Bridge should become a member of each Chamber of Commerce

education OTHER ROUTES:  Other qualifications/ careers/ work – back to the arts  Performance degree – BBC – police – career change  Boring job and ambition for better  Push factors: not play football, reading libraries, needed to leave home – uni  Learned violin because I broke my arm  Did the jobs I now manage  Volunteering  Bank clerk  Mentoring 16 – 18 year olds at uni  Rurally isolated  Job opportunities opened up through moving

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