Checklist for Compassion Louisville 2013
I. Contributions & Insights from OUR School Children. What our youth feel are the most urgent issues to address in both home and work place as regards compassion with comments and artwork included . . . . . 6 II. See what kind of volunteer work our children do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 III. How YOU can be aware of and address the concrete needs of our community. Check at least one box and commit 1. Being Responsible for OUR Natural Surroundings Cherishing the Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2. Helping Out in the World of Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3. Caring for OUR Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4. Being Responsible for OUR Community
a) Helping out with Languages, Translating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
b) Welcoming Our Refugees, Homeless and Ones in NEED through the work of Faith and Other Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 c) Cherishing OUR elderly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
d) Giving OUR children a hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 e) Addressing Hunger and Serving Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
f) Taking responsibility for those of US facing Difficulty or with Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5. Offering our Skills to Our community a) Could you help in the Medical Field? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
b) Are you good in Construction, or Repairs? Do you have Experience with Painting, Electricity, etc? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 c) Wonderful Service Internships are available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
d) Offering business skills to OUR community. Such as: tax help, financial guidance, PR, marketing, web design . . . . . . . . 68 6. Join The World of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 IV. A list of our wonderful organizations that serve our community and NEED us to pitch in! Contact persons included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Participating Schools in the Checklist Project and Compassionate Community Volunteer Work for our Mayor’s 2012 Give-A-Day Effort: Academy @ Shawnee High Ascension Elementary Atherton High Atkinson Elementary Auburndale Elementary Audubon Traditional Elementary Ballard High Barret Traditional Bates Elementary Bellewood Blake Elementary Bloom Elementary Blue Lick Elementary Bowen Elementary Brandeis Elementary Breckenridge-Franklin Elementary Brooklawn Child & Family Services Brown School Butler Traditional High Byck Elementary Camp Taylor Elementary Cane Run Elementary Carrithers Middle Central High Chancey Elementary Chenoweth Elementary Churchill Park School Cochran Elementary Cochrane Elementary Coleridge-Taylor Montessori Elementary Collegiate Conway Middle Coral Ridge Elementary Crosby Middle Crums Lane Elementary Dixie Elementary Doss High Dunn Elementary DuPont Manual High Early Years Initiative Program Eastern High
Eisenhower Elementary Engelhard Elementary ESL Newcomer Academy Every 1 Reads Fairdale Elementary Fairdale High Family Scholar House Farmer Elementary Farnsley Middle Fern Creek Elementary Fern Creek Traditional High Field Elementary Foster Traditional Frayser Elementary Frost Middle Gilmore Lane Elementary Goldsmith Elementary Greathouse/Shryock Traditional Elementary Greenwood Elementary Gutermuth Elementary Hartstern Elementary Hawthorne Elementary Hazelwood Elementary Highland Middle Hite Elementary Home Schools Indian Trail Elementary Iroquois High Jacob Elementary Jefferson County High Jefferson County Traditional Middle Jeffersontown Elementary Jeffersontown High Johnson Traditional Middle Johnsontown Road Elementary Kammerer Middle Kennedy Montessori Elementary KCD Kenwood Elementary
Kerrick Elementary King Elementary Klondike Lane Elementary Knight Middle Lassiter Middle Laukhuf Elementary Layne Elementary Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School Louisville Day Treatment Louisville Male High Lowe Elementary Luhr Elementary Maupin Elementary McFerran Preparatory Academy Medora Elementary Meyzeek Middle Middletown Elementary Mill Creek Elementary Minors Lane Elementary Moore Traditional Myers Middle Muhammad Ali Center Nativity Academy Newburg Middle Noe Middle North Oldham Norton Elementary Okolona Elementary Olmsted Academy North Olmsted Academy South Pleasure Ridge Park High Portland Elementary Price Elementary Ramsey Middle Rangeland Elementary Roosevelt-Perry Elementary Rutherford Elementary Sacred Heart St. Francis of Assisi Elementary St. Francis High St. James Elementary
St. Joes St. Paul Elementary St. Rita Elementary Sanders Elementary Schaffner Traditional Elementary Semple Elementary Seneca High Shacklette Elementary Shelby Elementary Slaughter Elementary Smyrna Elementary Southern High SPAVA Stage One Stonestreet Elementary Stopher Elementary Stuart Middle Taylor, Zachary, Elementary Thomas Jefferson Middle Trinity High Trunnell Elementary Tully Elementary Valley High Volunteer Talent Center Waggener High Walden Theatre School Waller-Williams Environmental School Watson Lane Elementary Watterson Elementary Wellington Elementary Westend School Western Middle Western MST Magnet High Westport Middle Wheatley Elementary Wheeler Elementary Wilder Elementary Wilkerson Traditional Wilt Elementary Young Elementary
What does the Checklist for Compassion Aim to do? The Dalai Lama has stated that for a community, to thoroughly embrace compassion, a long-range and practical plan must be adopted. Long-range—that’s our school children! And practical, well, that’s what this Checklist for Compassion offers in its own small way, joining our mayor’s Give-A-Day and many other magnificent and long-range programs. This Checklist intends to: Demonstrate how our entire school system is not only consciously practicing compassion but leading the way by their inspiring volunteer service in the very categories that we think of as only for adults! Bring joy to everyone’s hearts by seeing the scope and how much good the MANY non-profits are contributing to our region. Offer each one of you an easy way to sign-up for enjoyable and suitable service—to volunteer compassionately. And further long-range: Compassionate Louisville offers our efforts as a template to all our world’s cities and towns as a way that we may work as one team, raising compassionate future generations and citizens, who are aware of their own community’s needs and address these joyfully.
Insights from Our Children!
“I’m young, at least on my standards, and don’t take time to realize how careful everyone is to take care of me. Anyway, I know people have shown compassion towards me because I am where I am right now. And that’s enough.” 6
“Compassion is rising above the Ordinary to achieve the Extraordinary.”
lyrics is something we “The message behind these ‘Lean on me when . ify on rs pe to e riv st ld ou all sh your friend/ I’ ll help you’re not strong/ I’ ll be ld where ever yone or w a e in ag Im .’ on y rr ca you compassionately. How walked around acting that e world be? How much th ld ou w ul ef ac pe e or m h muc es be? If for no other happier would ever yone’s liv ion could help you. ss pa m co w ho of k in th , on reas uly is—the community, as This is what compassion tr r for mutual support.” he ot ch ea on ng ni lea le, ho aw ~Drew
“Compassion is respect for different religions, cultures and races.” ~Gus
ould strive “Each generation sh ionate. It ss a p m co re o m e b to billion all starts with the 7 today. If people in our world thought st a le t a n o rs e p y r e ev this about compassion, op the nonst ld u co n o ti ra e n e g and put le p o e p te a n io ss a p com ork together. an end to it. Let’s w mpassion. co f o d rl o w a d il u b To .” The world is a team ~Tamer 8
“Compassion is honor, togetherness, reaching out, and including each other.” ~Walker
“Kentucky is the place where everybody can be treated equally.” ~Daniela
“I think the mind set now is that when seeing somebody who is having trouble, most people will sympathize with them but many will then think it’s not my problem. A great man once related what’s the difference between compassion and sympathy by saying this, ‘True compassion is more than flinging a coin at a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs reconstructing.’” -Martin Luther King, Jr. ~Douglas
Wes & Jamarco
Muhammad Ali Center
“Apologize to somebody if you have hurt their feelings.”
“Don’t laugh at someone wh en they make a mistake.” ~Hattaway “You can say to someone ‘you are handsome.’ ” ~Wanjiku
“Once your unkind words are out . . . they can never be taken back in . . . it’s like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube once it’s been squeezed out.”
~North Oldham High School
g others “Compassion is encouragin d day. It is when they are having a ba cepting one including ever yone and ac assion is another’s differences. Comp rds with carefully choosing your wo positivism, and honesty.” ~5th & 6th Grade Class y and “Stop brag ging about mone sometimes make solutions. At school phone, kids will brag about their er things.” games, computers, and oth ~David
Teasing & Bullying!
Being excluded e In School and at home, on ing pp 8th grade class saw sto ed bullying as the greatest ne by for compassion, followed ping excluding others and gossi and ignoring shy pupils. 12
O ur s t u d e n t s play-acted being excluded and including one another and found it easy and fun to include those left out.
Being pushed away “Bullies are understood to be NOT cool, but kids needing Compassion because of their low self esteem.” ~Kyle
Come on...join in...we want you!
“I stand up for people I don’t even know.” ~Eleanor
“I can stand up for my friend when she is being bullied.” ~Eleanor “Help someone who is being bullied.” ~Ms. Gerwing’s Class 13
“You, come be My Friend!” Students at Foster Academy play-acting being excluded and then including. Another problem is with the group of children who stand by and watch bullying or exclusion. Some may pretend to go along because they want to “be cool” and others may be distressed but do nothing. Our school children are learning that what is really cool and feels great is to step up to the plate and correct any wrong that is going on. 14
Compassion is natural to all human beings and being unkind feels terrible. Have you noticed that in yourself ?
Even drama students at Walden Theatre School play-act Having Compassion.
Being Alone...
“Being empathetic opens us up to feel the pain and joy of others. We make ourselves vulnerable, and when we let down our guard, we can truly appreciate others. As people who are all hurting, at least sometime, we can use this intimate and human understanding to help make our community (and perhaps the world) a more loving place for everyone. Without any compassion, we’d all walk alone. Stuck solitary in our personal struggles, many may never know happiness or love, only painful alienation and crippling sadness. This is why we need compassion for everyone. Nobody should have to walk alone.” ~Jared
“Nobody should have to walk alone.” “Standing up for people who are being bullied, recycle, and including people when they look lonely.” ~Mrs. Murray’s Class 16
Have you ever been left out at lunch? Just say, “You can sit here.”
“It was lunchtime and I had no idea where I should sit, so I sat down with a group of girls who looked like they were nice . . . but it turned out they weren’t at all. I sat down and one girl said, ‘Raise your hand if you don’t like Caroline.’ All the girls shot their hands up, except for one girl, Izzy. All the girls turned their heads in her direction. One girl asked ‘What, you actually like her?’ Izzy said, ‘Well, yeah. I think she’s really nice. Come on Caroline; let’s go sit over there.’ We went and sat at a different table. That was probably the most compassionate thing anyone has done for me. That was the only reason I had doubts about moving schools; the bullying at that school continued and Izzy continued to stand up for me. I’ll never forget Izzy and what she did for me.” ~Caroline 17
“Sharing your knowledge is the best way to help each other.” ~Abdullah “Compassion is not just feeling sorry for someone, but doing something REAL about it.” ~Elisha
“Be kind by using nice words. Pass the ball to teammates or friends who don’t normally get the ball. Don’t laugh at people when they get an answer wrong . . . instead help them.” ~Mrs. Patrick’s Class “Share my pencils with someone.” ~Elliot
Children on the importance of Sharing...
Everyone can ask, “Are you ok?”
“If someone looks sad . . . say, ‘Are you ok?’” ~Libby
Help others if they fall...
Share your umbrella...
Pick up books if they fall... “Sharing an umbrella if it rains.” ~Mrs. Wolford’s Class
Picking up books... “Julia picked up my books one by one making it look effortless. She showed compassion because when she saw me struggling she did not leave and walk to class, but instead she paused and turned around to help me. It is important never to forget that you can make a difference to someone by just stopping and taking the time to listen or help.” ~Lilly 22
Open the door for someone...
“Having a sleep over with the new kids.” ~Aaron “Hang out with the lonely person or new kid.” ~Watt “Include a new kid in a game.” ~Cooper
Helping younger kids...
Thank your teachers who show
onstrate compassion Our JCPS Teachers dem are also being taught by example. Our students living examples of compassion by the daily, rs. Teachers gather our devoted school teache sess the individual at least twice weekly to as pils, who then progress of each of our pu lessly to different can me moved about seam ing to skills. This instruction group accord tention to each child system of paying close at ich means “What I is referred to as WIN, wh ildren feel profoundly Need.� In this way, our ch nce teachers who valued and clearly experie their progress. recognize and believe in
so much compassion...
“We need to listen and not disrupt. We need to be compassionate to them.” ~Marcus “Be nice by not talking or distracting other people.” ~Nina
Other ways to show compassion... High Schools Make Videos on Compassion
The students of NOH deserve our heartfelt congratulations and applause! They have created a series of Youtube videos demonstrating how this group of dedicated and compassionate students are doing real work throughout our community! Among the many moving pieces which can be viewed on the website: are films of these fine young people making cookies and delivering them to the Wayside Christian Mission Homeless shelter. Other footage challenges us to visit nursing homes, care for our abused animals and address the needs of women and children. These youth are inspiring role models and the music which accompanies their film work attracts the attention of their own generation . . . our future! 28
A Lower School makes Paper Chain Links of Acts of Compassion
As part of KCD’s participation in Louisville’s Compassionate City initiative, many teachers are finding creative ways to explore the idea of compassion here at school. Julie, a Counselor, has been working with lower school students to discuss ways in which we all can act more compassionately. Lower Schoolers have been noting acts of compassion on a strip of colored paper, which is then linked to other strips to form a chain. The chain serves as a visual reminder to act compassionately towards others. Later in the year, each class’ chain will be linked together during a lower school assembly. We will then find a place to hang it up for all to see.
Upper School Videos of Exclusion and Compassion Role-Plays
In 9th grade classes, students have been discussing the definition of Compassion and how they see it—or its absence—in their everyday lives. As those discussions led to insights, the students wanted to create scenes based on behavior they often see around them that causes suffering socially among their peers. And then they wanted to role-play. They shot video footage of the scenes as they played out, editing them for posting to our home web page and to be linked to At another school, students make ‘Collage Cubes’ featuring their lives and including images of compassionate action. In power points and videos, they introduce themselves and explain how acting compassionately has affected their lives. 29
Compassion at Home... ht and it “If your parents are texting at a stoplig them.” turns green and they didn’t know, tell ~Jack
“I can clean my clothes to give my mom a break.” ~Evan “Take it upon myself to water the kitchen plants ~Emma
“Compassion is pumping gas for my mom when it’s cold outside.” ~Shelly
“Get out of bed without needing a second warning.” ~Lucy
“I help my mom get stuff from the basement.” ~Meghan
“I will make an effort to clean up after myself. My mom and dad always seem to get stressed when I don’t pick up my things, and if I do I will be relieving their suffering.” ~Amelia
“Compassion to me is to understand and appreciate what another person wants and talks about. My whole family is compassionate to me. Sometimes my brother and I don’t get along and we are not very compassionate.” ~Lina
“Clean my room so nobody trips.”
“I will always speak to my family members in a ’t polite, nice manner. I won hurt their feelings.” ~Amelia “At home I can help set and clear the table even though it’s not my turn.” ~Emily
“Ways Louisville can be compassionate at home and at school is forgive younger kids & siblings when they break your stuff.” ~Allison “I will give my mom a hug.” ~Jackson “Eat healthy foods to be compassionate to your body.” ~Sam
“At home so metimes m y brother a me when I nd I fight. M am bad. Bu y parents m t whenever there to help ay tease me I a m me out. Tha in need, sad or punish t is what I f , sick, or an eel compass ything. My family is ion is about . Caring for each other. ~Allison
“I will take care of the animals when my family is busy. They won’t have to worry that the animals are taken care of.” ~Amelia
“I will be more compassionate and calm to my sister’s bunny—even though she bites me.” “Play with your animals if they are lonely.”
~Meghan 33
Children Volunteering
West End Stude nts regularly se rve food and do clean-up at a soup kitche n...
2012 Give-A-Day Efforts by our Elementary Students Many of the volunteer categories—asking adults to address needs described in this checklist—have been met by our OWN Elementary school children this past year.
Community Clean-up
Second graders worked tirelessly in Operation Brightside and Earth Day. They have been helping clean public parks, neighborhoods and school grounds.
Appreciation Expressed for Our Military
Children have written letters of appreciation to returning veterans. They have reached out to the families of soldiers, the VA hospital and the Air National Guard. These young people have prepared gift baskets, care packages and post cards to demonstrate support. They have also created a campaign for writing appreciation letters to soldiers still over seas. 35
Volunteering at a Local Soup Kitchen
Students at Westend School regularly volunteer at The Lord’s Kitchen. They volunteer by serving food and doing clean-up. They are able to eat there as well.
“Helping out at the Soup Kitchen is compassionate because I give my time instead of playing basketball. Another thing that makes this compassionate is that I don’t ask for anything in return.” ~D.W.
“Going to the Lord’s Kitchen is compassionate because it fills the people’s hearts with so much joy. When they feel happy it makes me want to go there everyday and help out.” ~L.P. 37
“Help stop bullying and donate to coat drives, shoe drives, food drives, or adopt-a-soldier.� ~Olivia
Using Art and Song to Encourage the Less Fortunate
Many of our school children make ENCOURAGEMENT CARDS which they deliver to the elderly whom they visit in old age homes, as well as to the Center for Women and Families. Some of the cards they have made bring joy to those cared for by the Little Sisters of The Poor, residents of Meadowview, Children at Kosair, and the Sacred Heart Home. These elementary students also sing to many of those they visit. Our children also participate in Meals On Wheels and make Spring door decorations for the elderly. The Indian Hill Elementary performed music in their program called HeARTS in nursing homes. They made posters for Kosair Hospital so that the recovery area waiting room would be more cheerful. An interchangeable art program provided sculpture to beautify a local library. Children sang at the grand opening of the Shively Food Pantry and helped with drives for food banks.
Aiding Tornado and Storm Victims
Our elementary school children have made relief recovery kits and done food drives to help the afflicted. They have collected for a variety of needs such as school supplies, clothing, books and all of the basic needs. School staff contributed gift cards to Kroger, Target and Wal-Mart. Members of Club Kenwood, besides working with The American Red Cross collecting donations for tornado victims, also wrote letters to these people to “uplift their spirits”.
“Making blankets for Volunteers of America.” ~Olivia 39
Caring for Our Animals
Elementary school children visited the shelter of the Humane Society to comfort displaced animals and have created awareness and outreach programs for these poor creatures. Stopher Elementary’s Club RAKaT (Random Acts of Kindness and Thoughtfulness) thought it would be a great idea if they handmade items to sell to the community after the performances of ANNIE. These items were dog toys and treats, key chains, bookmarks with Sophie’s paw print, origami pencil toppers, and bracelets with her initials. The proceeds were donated to the Humane Society to help them buy supplies for the recent tornado victims. At the same time, after the play performance nights, the Humane Society had several dogs on hand, to hopefully get people to adopt them.
“I do lemonade and hot chocolate stands, and the funds go to the Humane Society.” ~Layne
Supporting Charitable Efforts
In order to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma society, elementary children staged a Walk-a-Thon. Appreciating the work of the Shively Firefighters and Police, children wrote them letters of appreciation.
ment The Environ l and Natura gs SurroundgeinOutreach
Our local Ed vide clean helps to pro s to third water system ies. The world countr raised Hite school gh to buy money enou to ser ve the fresh water 00 people needs of 25,0 of our ers in Haiti. Oth built and young have ce Gardens. cultivate Pea m in EcoSome perfor e still others Dramas whil erflies for created butt Holocaust the Houston Museum.
Children Helping Children
In this category we have this Kids Care for Kids Drive. Our elementary schoolers make cards for sick children and do toy drives. Besides this they have made a collection of children’s books and crayons for tornado victims. Others have been raising funds for the Crusade for Children through talent shows. Some children organized a drive to donate stuffed animals to Echo (Exploited Children’s Help Organization).
“Digging deeply for the forgiveness inside yourself is practicing compassion. While most people consider compassion to be best expressed in that day of volunteering or collecting canned goods, compassion is so much more than that. It is the sometimes difficult, everyday actions of kindness, and harder yet, forgiveness that you see people express to others. The accumulated mass of little kindness is what really matters.” ~Hannah
Being Responsible for Our Surroundings
Cherishing the Environment **Training Provided
to plant trees?
Olmsted Parks Conservancy
Flowers – Learn about Victorian Landscaping.
Clark County Historical Society & Howard Steamboat Museum, Inc.
maintain bird feeders, ponds, trails, native plants and butterfly gardens.
The Louisville Nature Center
in an outdoor classroom and garden.
Food Literacy Project, Oxmoor Farm
Serve Team. Help
out with trees and special events.
Crescent Hill Community Council
Community events.
Jefferson Memorial Forest
to landscape and mulch? Community centers are in need.
Louisville Metro Parks
out with gardening projects and weeding.
Wellspring or Bridgehaven
and design education displays and help with special events.
Louisville Nature Center
you help with environmental studies?
Portland Elementary
"Use less water." ~Fatima
Louisville Grows, Inc.
skills needed, as well as clean up and youth education.
Green Team – help maintain The Parklands. Be an Interpretive Ranger for park visitors and help put on events.
21st Century Parks
about environmental stewardship and how to promote this vital knowledge.
Beargrass Creek Alliance
with bike trails.
gardening programs and
as a Land Steward. Join the Trail
Kentucky Mountain Bike Association
maintain The Garden of Hope and weekend food for children.
Benson Chapel UMC
in composting facility, garden and events.
Breaking New Ground
Clean-up and landscaping: interact with persons having intellectual disabilities.
Cedar Lake Residency
Volunteer: tend ornamental and vegetable gardens, greenhouse, nursery and propagation areas. Work with garden staff and other garden-oriented volunteers.
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens
garden work: planting flowers and vegetables, weeding and mowing.
Choices Inc.
Down Syndrome of Louisville, Inc. and Bosma Enterprises
needed keeping up therapy garden.
Easter Seals of Louisville
Volunteers yard. Trail
Maintenance Volunteer: Walk trails to check for obstructions, prune wayward tree limbs, check fence lines etc. A great way to get in some walking in beautiful surroundings.
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens
needed to beautify shelter
Good News Shelter Corporation
Camp Counselors leading hikes and engage in other activities with children K-12.
Louisville Nature Center
Volunteer: Answer phones, file and general office work.
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens
Volunteer: Assist with planning and offering classes, workshops, & festivals
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens
Tour Guide: Following brief training, offer tours to school groups, and others, providing a brief history and description of Yew Dell.
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens
Arboretum & Research Forest NEEDS YOUR HELP! : 1- Fire Tower Volunteer: Show off a grand expanse of beauty from atop an historically registered fire tower. While admiring the landscape, interact with visitors answering questions and providing a brief history of Bernheim. Bernheim staff will train you on the procedures of opening and closing the fire tower and on hosting visitors.** 2- Arboretum Assistant: Adopt an area in the Arboretum to take care of. 3- Aquarium/Terrarium Assistant: Perform periodic inspections of the terrarium and aquarium in the Visitor Center. 4- Discovery Station Leader: Provide visitors with hands-on opportunities to investigate the natural world through the use of natural materials (living and artifacts), visual aids, props and activities.** 5- Group Program Leader: Present public programs throughout the year, including weekend workshops and guided walks, tour bus step on tours, and lunchtime programs for seniors. 6- Natural Areas Weed Police: Work with staff to eliminate and control the spread of invasive exotic plants. 7- Naturalist in Training (NIT): Join Bernheim’s award-winning NIT program, a community of informed and inspired individuals dedicated to becoming “experts” on the local environment. Commitment of 50 hours per year interacting with the public.** 8- Office/Mailing Assistant: Help with general office work. Assist with mailings, brochures and other special projects. 46
9- Nursery Assistant/Greenhouse: Assist nursery staff outdoors and in the greenhouse with potting, weeding, plant maintenance, labeling, collection and entry.** 10- Operations Assistant: Assist in sign painting, trail maintenance and construction, equipment and building maintenance, deer fence damage patrol and environmental improvements of the arboretum and research forest. Volunteers with technical training as an electrician, plumber, carpenter and/ or other associated skills are desired. 11- Outdoor Signage Maintenance Team & Trail Scouts: Work with staff to perform periodic inspections of all outdoor educational signage. As you hike, take some small tools to perform routine maintenance and cleaning. Report back to Bernheim staff about any missing trail markers: replace with new ones when you come back for your next hike. 12- Outreach Ambassador: Travel throughout the Bernheim communiy to answer questions at community booths, speak at engagements, and be the traveling “face of Bernheim.” 13- Special Events: Large events like ColorFest, BloomFest, BugFest, CONNECT, plant sales and other sitebased events require many volunteers. 14- Visitor Services/Gift Shop: Greet visitors at the Visitor Center, assist with phones, welcome visitors at the entrance gate, operate the cash register and provide general information about Bernheim programs.
in keeping the wharf tidy, landscaping, and caring for planting materials. Help in developing a docent program that would organize volunteers to provide historical information and serve as contacts on cruises. Serve as, and train, docents.
Belle of Louisville
“Turn off by Xbox to save electricity all the time. And plant a tree so humans can breathe.” ~Reed “Picking up trash to help take care of the Earth. Getting something for my sister that she can’t reach. And feeding my animals and giving them water.” ~Ms. Barlow's Class We
have many tree planting projects, weeding, mulching, painting park facilities.
Olmsted Parks Conservancy
and trim flowers, shrubs, and small trees on the grounds.
Community Coordinated Child Care
Grounds & Property Maintenance.
Fern Creek/Highview United Ministries Inc. Help
keep our landscaping neat and attractive or paint and wash windows.
Gardeners: Help keep Gilda’s grounds beautiful by helping with weekly garden maintenance (weeding, watering, harvesting, etc.) through seasonal gardening projects or group projects
Gilda’s Club of Louisville
yard, flowers, etc. during early Spring, Summer and early Fall months need volunteers every week during blooming season
Rhonda’s Another Chance, Inc.
with gardening projects on St.Vincent DePaul’s Smoketown/Shelby Park campus.
St.Vincent DePaul
need ONE DAY volunteer groups to do grounds/landscaping: painting, and cleaning; to help remove and replace soil in planting boxes to ready them for the residents gardening projects.
Christian Care Communities
of 5 or more to maintain landscape.
Presbyterian Community Center
need help weekly with gardening, weeding and keeping grounds beautiful.
Bridgehaven Mental Health Services
Uspiritus: Brooklawn
enjoy special benefits including our annual volunteer celebration and awards, special training classes available only to volunteers, and much more. No experience is needed. We’ll provide all the training necessary! Whether you are a gardener, painter, mechanic, accountant or mountain climber, we’ll find a way to match your talents with a Yew Dell Project.
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens
“Turn out lights.” ~Sarah
Helping out in the World of Art Want
to be a tour guide, either regular or “on-call”? Want to help in an office, gift shop or special art events?
Howard Steamboat Museum
greeting cards with visually impaired children once a month or help in the classroom, camp, or office?
Visually Impaired Preschool Services
you like Shakespeare? Help is needed for the summer festival in the park, the Twelfth Night Masquerade and more! Internships are also available.
Kentucky Shakespeare Festival
presentations for children and adults with disabilities which are either instructive or for entertainment in the field of music, dance, cooking, fitness, community outings—anything that would delight and inspire.
Rauch, Inc.
you help with photography for museum communications, or help in the education department with schools and the public?
Frazier History Museum
in Acting or the world of Theater? ATL has many possibilities for you. 1- Adult & Student Ushers: We’re always looking for enthusiastic volunteer ushers! Benefits of ushering include seeing the shows when you usher and discounts on tickets, Actors merchandise and parking. 2- Join Actors Associates: is a self-supporting fellowship of theatre lovers in service to Actors Theatre of Louisville. While serving Actors, the Associates enrich their own theatre experience, enhance their personal development, and contribute to the continuing success of Actors Theatre.
3- The Generation on the Board: is dedicated to building the next generation of theatre subscribers and donors. Composed of professional adults, ages 25 to 40, the group meets at least five times each season and enjoys several social outings. 4- The Teacher Advisory Committee: supports the Actors Education department through consultation on education programming that supports core content criteria and enables educators to bring the power of theatre into the classroom.
Actors Theatre of Louisville
are many opportunities for volunteers at the Fund for the Arts. From fundraising efforts to helping us with mailings. We are excited to utilize your skills to help us fulfill our mission.
The Fund for the Arts
a child to play a musical instrument.
Uspiritus: Brooklawn
needs volunteers for events. For example: May 18 is the 3rd Annual Bacon Ball and we need volunteers to help with everything from bartending to cleanup! Volunteers are needed for our OPEN DOORS community outreach projects as well (ongoing).
Louisville Visual Art Association
Instructor, Mural Artist, Music/ Choir Instructor, Theater/Drama Instructor, Dance Instructors, Sewing/Quilting Insructor, Kiln/Pottery Wheel Operator.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana
Individual projects.
volunteers to develop art and craft
Presbyterian Community Center
need volunteer groups that would like to sing, perform and/or help with resident activities.
Christian Care Communities
professional artists can volunteer in the months of January-March in our Art As A Part Of Healing ANNUAL project. Artists come in and volunteer teach to our members on a weekly basis during the months of January and February. This teaches our members at Bridgehaven new art techniques and new artistic ways to express their emotions.
Bridgehaven Mental Health Services
“I can be compassionate by putting food out for the birds.” ~Laurel “Compassion is being kind to animals and bugs, and playing nicely with siblings by sharing toys.” ~Junior Kindergarten Class “If a dog broke a arm or a leg, you can get some dog food and get a pillow for it's leg.” ~Simone 49
Caring for Our Animals Help
pets at a shelter!
Kentucky Humane Society
photography. Assistants needed to retrieve & pose pets attractively for photographs. Show a pet’s personality to speed up online adoption
help. Cat and dog care, office support & special events.
Louisville Metro Animal Services
the work at WAGS. Help with community awareness.
WAGS Pet Therapy of Kentucky, Inc.
Kentucky Humane Society Help
Interested keeping?
in horses, race meets, grounds
Second Stride, Inc.
a camp counselor June–August & educate the next generation of pet guardians.
Kentucky Humane Society
up & transport wildlife. Write helpful grants for fundraising
Second Chances Wildlife Center
treats or toys, uplift spirits of puppies, kittens, cats, and dogs, while they await adoption:
The Animal Care Society
on the farm. Therapeutic care for happy ponies who need to be fed, watered, groomed and bathed.”
Peg’s Therapeutic Ponies, Inc.
Being Responsible for Our Community
Helping out with Languages/Translating Volunteer
Opportunities: Help with general office work: follow up calls, filing, folding and stuffing letters for mailings, preparing training materials, special projects, etc. Native speakers needed to help with language interpretation.
Affordable Energy Corporation
Latino provides volunteer opportunities year-round, short- and long-term, in the Education and Training Services, Community Health, Citizenship & Immigration, Youth & Families, Admission, and Buildings & Grounds Departments.
Centro Latino
the Hispanic community with language.
training material into a variety of languages.
Water With Blessings
needed to assist non-English speakers practice their English language skills. No time requirement is set for this opportunity; volunteers can simply show up at specified dates/times.
Louisville Free Public Library
W hatever
your skills, a volunteer position can be created for you‌group leader outreach, caller, greeter, lecturer etc.
Jefferson Alcohol & Drug Abuse Center
Community Coordinated Child Care
Eastern Area Community Ministries
adults learn English.
Americana Community Center
speakers fluent in Karen, Burmese, Arabic, Somali and MaiMai languages.
JCPS English As A Second Language Program
need of volunteer interpreters, and volunteers to help families with registration (languages other than Spanish). These volunteers will help families with school enrollment forms.
English as a Second Language Intake Center Volunteers
needed as citizenship and English tutors for our refugees.
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
clinic needs volunteers to assist with translation services.
Family Community Clinic
Being Responsible for Our Community
Welcoming our Refugees, Homeless and Ones in NEED through the work of Faith and Other Groups Need
volunteers of all ages to help in the Donation & Clothing Room. Periodically we can use clerical assistance with indiviaual departments as specific needs arise. There is an ongoing need for participants in the Mentor Corps Project, volunteers who will help refugees with the process of continuing their lives in a new country. There are also opportunities for Group Projects.
Catholic Charities
are looking for on-going volunteers to help with monthly advocacy efforts. We will be distributing marketing information about the issues of homelessness throughout different neighborhoods to expand the awareness of homelessness within our city.
The Coalition for the Homeless
with the ministry’s community feeding program, food pantry, and clothes closet.
Breath of Life U.M.C.
opportunities helping the homeless. Be involved with the community at church
Cathedral of The Assumption Daily Lunch Program
with Sunday School, and many other outreach opportunities.
Christ’s Community Church of The Nazarene Many
involvement opportunities. Join the hospitality committee.
Church of The Advent Episcopal
the disaster relief team that is willing to assist communities in need. Other church opportunities available.
First Capital Christian Church
with childcare and youth ministries.
First United Methodist Church
with Sunday School and at other church events.
Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church
a foster parent, or help with outreach.
Specialize Alternatives For Families And Youth (SAFY) of Louisville
the administrative, fundraising, or faith formation committee.
St. Edwards Church
us in our PLUS ONE Outreachhelping those in need all year long and help us with planning Special Events! Volunteers are also needed weekly, on Saturday mornings, to help with the upkeep of our building and property.
The Kingdom Center Church
S ome typical volunteer tasks include checking guest rooms, light housekeeping, baking snacks, assisting families, washing linens, folding clean laundry.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana
may contribute to our mission of “serving children, adults and our community through the power of donated goods” by volunteering in our stores sorting through donations or serving customers.
Goodwill of Southern IN
needed to paint some common areas and give an extensive cleaning to the entire office area. Minimum of 3 volunteers and a max of 10. Would need volunteers to provide all paint and materials.
Eastern Area Community Ministries
with or even design activities to raise funds.
Water With Blessings
need minor repairs and painting done on our Pavillion. This area is the heart of the campus where residents love sitting, playing games, having picnics, and enjoying entertainment groups. We need painting done on 20 residents’ rooms in our Health Center.
Christian Care Communities
Healing Place seeks to reach the homeless, offer recovery for the addicted, and help restore productive lives.
The Healing Place for Men
in the mission to provide transitional living for women recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. Mattie’s House provides housing for women right out of treatment facilities, jails, and prisons.
Mattie’s House
Being Responsible for Our Community
Cherishing Our Elders
American Red Cross Therapy Program (Clark County Chapter only). Disaster Action Team, assisting with Blood Drives, as CPR/ First Aid Instructors, Administrative Assistants, Volunteer Drivers delivering supplies regionally. Many youth opportunities too!
include Dare to Care Food Pantry, senior housing and daycare, youth recreation.
Highland Community Ministries
American Red Cross Louisville Area Chapter
Meals is asking for volunteer route drivers. You would be responsible for picking up meals at the Production Facility on Poplar Level and dropping them off to senior members of the Louisville Metro community on a daily basis or on a rotating schedule.
G Meals 53
volunteers help with, among other things, **patient/family support, administrative duties, bereavement care, respite for caregivers, events, and development/fund-raising.
needed to deliver meals (Meals on Wheels), as well as long-term care ombudsman, receptionist and clerical support.
LifeSpan Resources, Inc.
to deliver and read seasonal holiday mail to impaired, frail, elderly residents.
Meadowview Health & Rehab Center
depend on you to help get meals delivered each day, provide compassionate escorted transportation, assist in our office, help out with fundraisers, serve on advisory councils and on our board of directors. Besides service to seniors, SCE Volunteers have fun in other ways too. Our annual Volunteer Luncheon in the spring is always a great time for getting together and sharing food and fun.
Senior Care Experts Assisting
in Adult Day Center
Fern Creek/Highview United Ministries Inc.
“Help find your grandpa’s pills when he can’t find them.” ~Lucy “Help elderly neighbors with jobs and doing what parents say by showing respect.” ~4th Grade Class
Being Responsible for Our Community
Giving Our Children a Hand The
mission at Family Scholar house is to end the cycle of poverty by providing single parent students the support they need to earn a college degree. FSH provides academic advising, case management and supportive housing.
Family Scholar House
you help kids with homework after school?
Family & Children’s Place
provided for children’s volunteer advocate.
Center for Women & Families
a Big Brother or a Big Sister. A one-year commitment is required for community based mentoring programs.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana
models and supportive adults are needed at each school. Volunteers can read with students, help with homework club, or assist in family night activities.
Communities In Schools of Clark County
with kids. Serve the Hispanic community too (language).
Community Coordinated Child Care
teachers, assistants, developmental interventionists, therapists and volunteers. Volunteers needed to plan an Art & Craft Supply Drive and a Paper Products Drive.
Dorman Preschool Center
to children in our Children’s Learning Center.
Goodwill of Southern IN
for sporting events and referees for sporting events.
Boys & Girls Club of Kentuckiana
at the Food Pantry, DAY CARE or ESL training.
Eastern Area Community Ministries
summer volunteer opportunities! Interact with kids who have medical needs, help summer staff and be a lifeguard.
The Center for Courageous Kids
are needed for the CATCH Healthy Habit program aimed at preventing childhood obesity. *Volunteers ages 50 and over.
ElderServe, Inc.-CATCH
“Instead of people giving me presents for my birthday, we gave them to other kids who didn't have any.” ~Dr. Lavalee's Class
“Some of my girlfriends donated our ponytails to Locks for Love. We raised money for childhood cancer and gave our hair to make wigs for girls who lost their hair during chemotherapy. It made me feel like I was helping so then I did more. Polar Bear Plunge, Humane Society, and Swim-a-thons became some of my favorite charities. My brother and I also had donation birthday parties where we asked for gifts for charities instead of gifts for ourselves. I felt great when I was able to deliver the items.” ~Meredith
are asked to commit to a child until the legal proceeding is over and the child is able to go home, is adopted or achieves permanency in a safe and stable home.
Harrison Circuit Court CASA
are needed with skills in public relations, graphic design, grant writing, teaching personal safety and as Family Court playroom monitors.
Exploited Children’s Help Organization
needed to tutor, mentor, coordinate donations, assist with special events and the Back-to-School supply drive and provide on-site childcare at Family Scholar House.
Family Scholar House
needed as citizenship and English tutors, apartment set-up, NURSERY CARE, transportation for refugee appointments and general office help.
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
needed to help children and assist teachers in the Children’s Academy and to help in donation stores.
Goodwill of Southern Indiana
include Dare to Care Food Pantry, senior housing and daycare, youth recreation.
Highland Community Ministries
school programs provide homework help, computer instruction, arts & crafts.
Bates Community Development Corp.
play a key role by spending time in the Clubs with the youth on a daily basis. One or two hours each week can make a significant impact on a child’s life. Guest speakers for programs (i.e., Money Matters. SMART Girls, Mitch’s Kids Career Sessions, Keystone Clubs). Need also help: painting, landscaping, skilled labor.
Jeffersonville Boys and Girls Club
child care programs with a focus on reading and arts education.
Mini-versity Downtown and West
available. Volunteers assigned to the Aftercare and TLC programs will provide childcare for infants, toddlers and young children. Jobs include childcare, tutoring, arts & crafts, meal preparation, outings, aerobics, dance, yoga, sewing, games & puzzles, make-up & hair tips, hair styling, sports & fitness.
Home of The Innocents
in camps & classrooms.
Visually Impaired Pre-school Services
at the new “Camp Edwards” Child Development Center
Presbyterian Community Center
Opportunities: Community Involvement Blessings in a Backpack, Every 1 Reads Volunteer, Kentucky Harvest, PTA Clothing Assistance Program, Family Resource Center (FRC), Safety City, Starfish Swim Program, Tutoring/Mentoring Program, School Needs and Wish List.
Roosevelt Perry Elementary School 57
for maternity and transitional home residents, babysitters, and administrative volunteers needed.
St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities
a child
St. Joseph Children’s Home
primary need is for folks to serve as mentors—listening and providing encouragement, support and stability so that these youth might begin to create a future that is distinctly different from the past.
Y-NOW Children of Prisoners Mentoring Program
inspire students to reach lifelong success,as they become strong, confident young adults with a commitment to work, education, family and community. Think about hiring YouthBuild.
YouthBuild Louisville
skills based and social based volunteer committees to join. Make visits to kids in the hospital, or assist with outreach in the community. MAKE KID’S DREAMS HAPPEN.
The Dream Factory of Louisville
are needed to READ TO CHILDREN 5 weeks to 6 years old. Volunteers are welcome to come at 10am any weekday, but scheduling is flexible if a different time is better. Reading to children is important to increase their literacy level.
Wesley House Community Services
a Children’s Ministry volunteer
Valley View Church
Team Member/Childcare Assistance: provide a warm, supportive & comfortable play environment that fills important psychosocial needs of children touched by cancer by engaging in interactive play and supervision. Noogiefest Team Member: Help plan & execute the annual children’s Halloween Party.
Gilda’s Club of Louisville
to attend & chaparone field trips? Plan and organize birthday parties and activites; plan, sponsor, and escort children’s discovery trips for museums, zoos, fishing, hiking, skating, etc.
Uspiritus: Brooklawn
“Smiling at someone you don’t know.” ~Hannah “Making someone laugh.” ~Fisher “The biggest act of compassion I have seen is when I see people reaffirm the belief of Santa Claus in little kids. It gives them a little magic.” ~Lydia
with a child; be a mentor offering friendship and advice.
Uspiritus: Bellewood Home for Children (Anchorage)
Contact your local YMCA. Read to children in the morning or afternoon.
YMCA Chestnut Street
out at Fall Festival where children enjoy dressing up in their costumes and trick or treating throughout the center for goodies.
out at Noah’s Ark Children’s Village, which is a residential foster care community with five foster homes located on an 84 acre property. The homes surround a central playground area. The property houses children who have been abused and/or neglected.
Regional Youth Services Noah’s Ark Children’s Village
St. Benedict Center for Early Childhood Education
germs? Love to clean? Clean doorknobs and other germ hiding places.
St. Joseph Children’s Home
basketball fundamentals to children.
St. Joseph Children’s Home
year olds & those who have started high school: Child Development Center private pre-school classrooms anytime M-F 7:30-5:30
are always looking for people interested in foster care/adoption!
St. Joseph Children’s Home
and serve food at Kid’s Café. Be a guest reader during story time in the Child Development Center. Teach an art, drama, or foreign language class in the Youth Program. Prepare emergency food boxes for families. Sponsor the monthly birthday party for the Child Development Center or Youth Development Program.
Neighborhood House
St. Joseph Children’s Home
year olds or with parental supervision: Thrift Store (flexible)
St. Joseph Children’s Home
year olds: Sewing group (Mon/Wed mornings, Tuesday evenings)
Ropes Facilitator (training provided). Introduction to canoeing (training provided). Library Resource Volunteer Function: Help coordinate volunteer resource center/library. Cataloging books, updating resource sheets and keep material organized in library. Time Commitment: 1-2 days a week
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
St. Joseph Children’s Home
1 8+ year olds: Activities with the children who live at St. Joe’s: Arts & Crafts (Wed. evenings and some Sat. mornings), Fri./Sat. evenings game/movie nights, Recreation Activities (weekday afternoons 3:30-5pm), Gardening Club, etc.
St. Joseph Children’s Home 59
Being Responsible for Our Community
Addressing Hunger and Serving Food We
believe the best way to end hunger is to take action. We accomplish this by engaging volunteers as young as six years old in packaging a mix of dry ingredients that create a high-protein, vitamin-fortified meal specially formulated for children.
Kids Against Hunger-Louisville, Inc.
Opportunities: We prepare soup and sandwiches for up to 150 people each day, 365 days a year. All of our guests are individuals or families who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. All suffer food insecurity. We need adults who can commit to a regular schedule of service; be it one day a week, one day a month or another alternating consistent schedule. We are in need of people to go to our vendors and pick up the produce, breads and desserts being donated to our kitchen.
Cathedral of The Assumption Daily Lunch Program
are needed for the Dareto-Care distribution site: to distribute produce on Friday from 10am to 1:30pm. GrabNGo Meal preparation and distribution. Clothes Closet: sort clothes and assist two days a week. After school programs: provide homework help, computer time instruction, arts & crafts and other enrichment activities.
are needed to sort food, drive a bread truck, be a receptionist or administrative support, help in a Kids Café and teach cooking classes.
Dare To Care
are needed in the agency’s emergency financial assistance office and Dare to Care food pantries. Professionals wishing to donate their expertise in accounting, business, printing, public relations, marketing, volunteer recruitment and other areas are always welcome.
East Louisville Community Ministry
Help care.
involvement opportunities. Help out at the food pantry, or animal food bank. Join the hospitality committee.
Church of The Advent Episcopal
South Jefferson Neighborhood Place
at the Food Pantry, Day Care or ESL training.
Eastern Area Community Ministries
Bates Community Development Corporation
families in need of food, shelter &
hosts are needed to prepare meals for Gilda’s Club Members attending support groups and other activities in the Clubhouse. Volunteers provide the food and take care of set up and clean up.
Gilda’s Club of Louisville
include Dare to Care Food Pantry, senior housing and day care, youth recreation.
Highland Community Ministries
to package food.
Kids Against Hunger
are needed as food loaders for large shipments of food, food pantry distribution, and pantry intake.
Hope Southern IN (formerly Known As Interfaith Community Council, Inc.)
F riday Fun Team. Boost spirit by hosting an evening of food and fun for our residents at Glade House. Internship opportunities.
House of Ruth, Inc.
Shelter Help: Tutoring Children Arts & Crafts. Work in the warehouse organizing. Help in the Kitchen with food preparations. Office work help always needed. Help in the men and women’s emergency shelters.
Wayside Christian Mission
OUR Troops. Community outreach in home or in public, events planning and more.
National Remember Our Troops Campaign being involved with food? Give Wellspring cooks a break and deliver meals, brunch, dessert, etc.
Literary Project. Volunteer in garden and outdoor classroom.
Oxmoor Farm Inc.
help with meal preparation and serve 250-300 meals to Louisville’s homeless community. Please check our Squadron Calendar for the date of the next scheduled opportunity. We meet at St. Francis Episcopal Church at 2pm for meal preparation. Food service is at the Salvation Army shelter in downtown Louisville from 5pm to 6:15pm. Clean-up is usually finished in 15 minutes.
Loaves And Fishes
a meal host. Prepare meals for an emotional support community of people with cancer. Or provide food, set-up, and clean-up.
and Dinner Mondays-Fridays are provided by volunteers.
West End School
can help in the kitchen by assisting in serving, washing dishes and handing out needed items. Guests come to the window for toiletries and special clothing requests. They also come here for laundry appointments. Café: If you are a social person who is passionate about beginning new friendships and sharing Christ, this might be the perfect position for you. The café is where our guests wait for laundry, meals, or just take a break from the outdoors. Many are willing and excited to play a card game and have a conversation. The café is open from 7am-2pm, 7 days a week. You must be an approved volunteer to fill this important ministry position.
Jefferson Street Baptist Center
Gilda’s Club of Louisville
“I will keep packs of food and water in my mom's car to give to homeless people on the street.” ~Amelia
in food bank.
Fern Creek/Highview Unite Ministries Inc.
to serve a meal at our shelter.
Salvation Army Center of Hope
Café Servers
at AIM’s Food Pantry.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana
Aids Interfaith Ministries of Kentucky 61
Being Responsible for Our Community
Taking responsibility for those of Us in Difficulty or with Disabilities Interact
with people with disabilities & help at any of our special events.
Dreams with Wings
Bingham Child Guidance Center is a non-profit organization committed to quality care for emotionally disturbed children, adolescents, and their families
Bingham Clinic
are needed for general rehabilitation support. Speaker’s Bureau, fundraising support, events and special project support, administrative support, client follow-up, landscaping and maintenance.
Bosma Enterprises
childhood development programs for children with disabilities.
Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Ctr./Easter Seals Volunteers
needed for outdoor cleanup and landscaping at residences. Interact with persons with intellectual disabilities.
Cedar Lake Residences
people with disabilities.
Day Spring Foundation, Inc.
teachers, assistants, developmental interventionists, therapists and volunteers. Volunteers needed to plan an Art & Craft Supply Drive and a Paper Products Drive.
Dorman Preschool Center
Social/Night Silent Dinner every 2nd Friday of the month 6-9pm, Mall’s Food Ct.
Rauch, Inc.
are needed for Adult Literacy Tutors, data entry, landscaping, office work, pre-registration help for the DSL Walk/Run.
Down Syndrome of Louisville, Inc.
in the Easter Seals office on clerical projects occasionally serving on the Taste of the Oaks committee. Serving on the Golf Scramble Committee. Helping with other special events. Extra “hands” for tidying treatment rooms and therapy garden area.
Harbor House of Louisville
with children who have disabilities. Volunteers needed to repair and sanitize toys & equipment, spring and fall playground cleanup, and Wish List collection. Be a Spanish interpreter.
Kids Center For Pediatric Therapies
a “Families Training Families” model of training, consultants throughout the state conduct community workshops, provide information and support to families of children with all types of disabilities on the issues of laws, rights, listening and communication skills, and understanding their child’s disabilities.
KY Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN)
Spina Bifida Association has many ways in which you can get involved and help us out! Our calendar is filled with programs and services, fundraising events, annual mailings and much more.
Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky
“Help special needs people.” ~Giona “Respect different religions and be kind to those with mental illnesses.” ~6th Grade Class
in Helping those in Difficulty? Training provided*. 1- Hospital Volunteer Advocate*: Available on an on-call basis to victims of intimate partner abuse and sexual violence at area hospital emergency rooms and The Center’s Sexual Assault Clinic. 2- Legal Justice Volunteer Advocate*: Support individuals by collecting information and accompanying clients to family court hearings regarding protective orders.
5- Community Outreach Volunteer Advocate*: Educate community audiences about The Center’s mission through information sharing opportunities that dispel myths and increase knowledge. 6- Administrative Volunteer: Assist with numerous administrative duties: mailing, filing, data entry, phone calls, copying, etc.—typical office related activities.
Center for Women and Families
3- Children’s Volunteer Advocate*: Participate in small group activities to build self esteem, tutor, provide one-on-one time and assist on field trips as related to Programs.
Case Assistance, Clothes Closet, Job Counseling, Bag Lunch Program, Computer Training.
4- Kitchen Volunteer: Assist in preparing food, serving and cleaning up after lunch and/or dinner in our residential kitchen.
Lydia House with the adult day program working with people with disabilities.
Options Unlimited 63
always needed for classroom & camp help, making greeting cards for children and assisting in the office.
to help adults and teens with intellectual disabilities.
Saint Mary’s Center
Visually Impaired Preschool Services
time at the center interacting with adults with disabilities.
Southwest Center For The Developmentally Disabled, Inc.
Coffee, work the phone desk or the shower room, sign-in the guests. Volunteer for our annual fundraiser.
St. John Center for Homeless Men
Offering Skills to Our Community
Could you help in the Medical Field? Pet
Therapy Program (Clark County Chapter only). Disaster Action Team, assisting with Blood Drives, as CPR/ First Aid Instructors, Administrative Assistants, Volunteer Drivers delivering supplies regionally and nursing home Bingo. Many youth opportunities too!
American Red Cross Louisville Area Chapter Provide
disaster assistance, CPR training, coordinate blood mobiles and health services to residents of Clark County, IN. We currently need an Administrative Assistant Volunteer to help us in the office during the hours of Noon-4:30pm
Clark County IN Red Cross
mission of the Family Health Center of Clark County is to provide health care to the low-income, under-insured and un-insured residents of Southern Indiana. Currently seeking funding to hire additional providers.
Family Health Center of Clark County
and mental professionals & office volunteers.
Life Management, Inc.
your time at our Thrift Store! If you have medical experience, help out in our clinic. Daily operations maintenance help is always needed.
Operation Care KY
with hospitals and others to recover and send what would otherwise go to the landfill. Come help sort & pack medical supplies!
Supplies Over Seas
are in need of anyone wishing to volunteer time for various events, promotions, fundraising, or working in the office with general phone and clerical work. For those with organization and leadership skills, we welcome their expertise as advisors or members of our Board or in helping us make contact with leaders who can help with these tasks.
KY and Southern Indiana Stroke Association Our
clinic needs volunter healthcare professionals to provide health services to adults and children who are without medical insurance.
Family Community Clinic
Offering Skills to Our Community
Are you good in Construction or Repairs? Do you have Experience with Painting, Electricity, etc.?
houses, rooms, porches.
and carpentry help needed.
Louisville Nature Center
buildings and equipment, paint signs, patrol deer fence damage; electrical, plumbing & carpentry skills.
Bernheim Arboretum
clean a museum & give loving care to antiques.
are needed to help in admin istration, customer service, our warehouse, and on the DeConstruction Team.
Habitat ReStore
are needed to help in the repair, rehab and rebuilding of homes in Southern Indiana communities struck by the March 2nd tornado. Volunteers with construction skills are a plus!
Howard Steamboat Museum
needed at community centers.
Louisville Metro Parks
with tool kit to inspect and do small repairs on signage and trails.
at the Youth Learning Center where emphasis is placed on homework completion, reading, creative activities and an overall learning experience. Help with “Repair Affair” home building.
New Directions
Bernheim Forest
volunteers are needed as well as budget tutors, coffee club providers, photographers, and childcare helpers.
Habitat For Humanity of Metro Louisville
train volunteers to carry out energy audits and install weatherization materials in others’ homes, while earning free materials for them.
Project Warm
a part of Thursday’s outreach team. **Training provided. Are you a plumber? Electrician? Handy man? We could use your services. We have multiple projects around our home that could use these skills. Projects include: Dry walling, light installments, renovating a laundry room for use of multiple washers and dryers, painting, ceiling repair, installing new electrical outlets. *Other outreach volunteers please visit web site or contact for training information.
Scarlet Hope 65
mission is to create, sustain and promote access to affordable housing opportunities. We strive to be the premier organization that strengthens neighborhoods and improves lives through education, preservation and development of affordable housing.
Housing Partnership Inc.
help on donated house that is used as office space (100 year old home).
Hand in Hand Ministries
Handy Apartment
set up help for refugees.
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
is always needed! Paint a house, paint a room, and paint a porch— whatever you are willing to tackle, we’ll be glad to host you! Gardening projects are a lot of fun, and the weeds never take a holiday! Deliver a meal, a dessert, a pizza, or a brunch—our house cooks would love a break.
needed for temperature control repairs.
St. Benedict Center for Early Childhood Education
the Child Development Center floor by stripping and waxing. Divide a large room into multiple sections.
Presbyterian Community Center
handy man jobs to be done at an outdoor classroom.
Food Literacy Project at Oxmoor Farm, Inc. Paint
shelter at GG Moore Park.
Louisville Metro Parks
person to do small repairs, etc. around home and assist women with transition from Rhonda’s into own apartment (once a month/ongoing volunteer opportunity)
Rhonda’s Another Chance, Inc.
Carpenters & Painters.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana
with minor maintenance repairs in and around the Choices transitional homes.
Choices, Inc.
Offering Skills to Our Community
Wonderful Internships are available Work
collaboratively with the faith-based organizations to improve the health status of America’s racial and ethnic minorities. Internships available
Faith Helps CDC Internships
available. Volunteers assigned to the Aftercare and TLC programs will provide childcare for infants, toddlers and young children. Jobs include childcare, tutoring, arts & crafts, meal preparation, outings, aerobics, dance, yoga, sewing, games & puzzles, make-up & hair styling and sports & fitness.
Home of The Innocents Friday
Fun Team. Boost spirit by hosting an evening of food and fun for our residents at Glade House. Internship opportunities.
to become a teacher and make a difference in the Louisville public school system.
Teach for Kentucky
American Diabetes Association
an administrative assistant for work in marketing, social media, community outreach. Assist at public events.
Habitat ReStore
a SOUL leader: Student Outreach Uniting Louisville “SOUL” is a Saturday service program for UofL students. SOUL service events offer a variety of different service opportunities about five times each semester. Be an Alternative Service Break Leader: ASB Leaders are responsible for all details of taking a group of students out of town to do community service. Leaders can also recommend locations for sites. Internship opportunities.
University Of Louisville
House of Ruth, Inc. Apply
education and supportive services to people in our community with diabetes. Internship oportunities available.
American Diabetes Association
Offering Skills to Our Community
Offering Business Skills to OUR community Such as: tax help, financial guidance, PR, marketing, web design Like Office help—answering phones? Prepare mailings?
The Louisville Nature Center and Clark County Historical Society
with an interest in event planing, fundraising, PR, marketing and media are needed to help plan our 2013 annual fundraiser-Field-to-Fork Dinner.
& Development Opportunities (quarterly), Proofread Newsletters, Assist with mass mailings, folding, filing, stamping etc.
Choices, Inc.
Food Literacy Project At Oxmoor Farm, Inc.
we can use clerical assistance: answer phones, do filing, work with individual departments as specific needs arise.
Catholic Charities
are in need of someone to set-up a website , design new business card and brochures for the organization.
Associates, and Administrative help.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana
House of Hope Kentucky, Inc.
in numerous administrative details—mailings, filing, data entry, etc.
Center for Women and Families
Writer (on-going volunteer opportunity)
Rhonda’s Another Chance, Inc.
programs and services include payeeships for vulnerable disabled homeless persons who are unable to manage their own finances.
with publication and packaging of training materials.
with mailings, offering families a warm smile and friendly hello.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana
GuardiaCare Services, Inc.
office management including data entry and front desk servcies. Clinic hours are Tuesdays from 5pm-9pm and Saturdays from 8am-12pm
Family Community Clinic
(early morning) Help get the day started smoothly by assisting in the front office where we check mail, check-in the guests, create mail accounts, and more. Any approved volunteer is welcome to fill this position. We will do “on-the-job” training if you are new to the position!
Jefferson Street Baptist Center
Join the World of Education Specific
volunteer needs: Take the Count Me In! Pledge and share what you will do to help Louisville reach 55,000 Degrees by 2020. Students can take the pledge to graduate from college by 2020. Parents, mentors, community leaders, and concerned citizens can take the pledge to promote education, support a student through college completion, and/or volunteer with an organization impacting any of the 5 objectives. Businesses, organizations, faith groups, etc. can take the pledge to ensure a specific number of students graduate from college by 2020 or pledge to lead a high impact program/service advancing any of the 5 objectives.
55,000 Degrees
willing to lend their knowledge to our clients by holding life skill classes. We have had volunteers hold classes in finance, parenting, resume building, and continuing education.
Wayside Christian Mission
outreach programs of Keep Louisville Classical have included a Latin language and Roman culture summer camp, language lessons in ancient Greek, and a four day community reading of Homer’s ILIAD featuring more than 100 participants ranging in age from 7 to 74.
Louisville Classical Academy
volunteers are always needed at the KY Science Center to greet visitors, dispense information, work in our IMAX Theatre, and help educators in the exhibits.
Kentucky Science Center
primary purpose is to holistically develop students in an educational culture that stresses academic achievement and graduation from college. We operate year round, non-traditional educational programs for approximately 400 disadvantaged students age two through college.
Lincoln Foundation
learning lab one-day volunteers, help in one of our 2 learning labs for the day. JA BizTown is a program for 5th graders to have the opportunity to run their own city for the day, opening a bank account, and what it really takes to make a city run. JA Finance Park is the middle school lab; students journey through Finance Park learning what it really takes to balance a budget and how to make important financial decisions. Volunteer opportunities last from the morning to mid-afternoon with an hour training beforehand. JA is in need of volunteers willing to teach JA classes in schools across the metro area. JA serves students in grades K-12 and has openings at all levels. Volunteers commit to teaching 5-7 classes for 45 minutes, once a week. The teacher is in the classroom to assist with classroom management and help JA volunteers.
Junior Achievement
are needed as club leaders, counselors at 4-H camp, judges at events or instructors for classes.
4-H Council of Oldham County 69
are needed for the Dare-to-Care distribution site: Volunteers to distribute produce on Friday from 10:00am to 1:30pm. GrabNGo Meal preparation and distribution. Clothes Closet: sort clothes and assist two days a week. AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS: provide homework help, computer time instruction, arts & crafts and other enrichment activities.
Bates Community Development Corporation Adelante
Hispanic Achievers has two after school tutoring programs on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30pm to 4:45pm. On Wednesdays we provide tutoring at Thomas Jefferson Middle School (1501 Rangeland Road) and on Thursdays at Myers Middle School (3741 Pulliam Drive). During these programs we offer homework help and skill building activities for the eligible students that attend those schools. Adelante also has a mentoring program on Saturday mornings from 10:30am to about 2pm. At Buechel United Methodist Church (2817 Hikes Lane).
Adelante Hispanic Achievers
are needed for After School Programs, Family Education, Volunteer Tax Assistance and with the Americana Fiberworks program.
Americana Community Center
volunteering with the Boy Scouts of America, you will work with youth to build a better future for our country. Scouting volunteers come to Scouting from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. People from just about every occupation imaginable are involved in leading youth to become responsible, caring, and competent citizens. You’ll also discover that Scout volunteering will enable you to learn new skills and build lifelong friendships while giving back to your community.
Boy Scouts of America, Lincoln Heritage Council
give one or two hours a week as homework helpers or Arts & Crafts Instructors.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana
give one or two hours a week as homework helpers or Arts & Crafts Instructors.
Boys and Girls Club of Harrison County
can be Brooklawn Buddies, tutors, classroom volunteers, music instructors, plan off-campus outings or contribute their own special talents.
are needed to serve as mentors during school hours and to develop fund drives.
C.H.O.I.C.E Inc.
“If someone has trouble with a problem on their test, you could encourage them to keep trying until they get it right.” ~Max
are always needed for Project 321 READ where community members are paired with first, second, and third grade students to spend time reading together one day a week.
Communities In Schools of Clark County
Volunteers We
need Positive People who have a desire to “Play with the Purpose of Teaching” both the child and those who stay home and Care for the child. Early Childhood Education Experience would be helpful. But Energy and an Encouraging Spirit is required! Volunteers will have to have a background check (The Y will pay for the background Check) Volunteers will need to commit to this program for the entire school year. The program meets 2 days a week for 2 hours each day. Volunteers must be able to commit to at least one day each week for the duration of the program.
Caring and Learning With Me (Early Learning Readiness Program)
at the Residential Shelter for Youth ages 11-18; Safe Place Program; Family Education and Support Program/ Parenting Classes; Anger Management for Teens; Shoplifting Prevention for Teens; Counseling
Clark County Youth Shelter & Family Services, Inc.
Models and supportive adults are needed at each school. Volunteers can read with students, help with homework club, or assist with family night activities.
Communities In Schools of Clark County
are needed to help with drives to collect baby necessities, books, toys, coats, backpacks and school supplies. Help kids with homework after school.
Family & Children’s Place
are needed in the Education Department working with the schools and with the public. A photography volunteer is needed for communications. Internship opportunities available.
Frazier History Museum
are involved as volunteer leaders, and volunteers who serve in such areas as adult education, outdoor education, volunteer management.
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
are needed to help supervise campers, teach classes and assist with camp activities.
Jefferson County 4-H
operation since 1990, the Volunteer Talent Center recruits, trains and places volunteers where they can meet identified student needs. The options for service cover a broad range-from tutoring or mentoring individual students to serving as judges for academic fairs, chaperoning school events and making writing books for classroom use.
Jefferson County Public Schools 71
Volunteers students.
needed to tutor/mentor
Greater Clark County Schools
needed as computer tutors in Immigrant and Refugee Services.
Jewish Family & Career Services
time commitment of being a volunteer can vary depending on the program that you teach. You can donate 45 minutes, one time a week, for 5-8 weeks teaching JA programs in the classroom or participate as a one-day volunteer in one of JA’s learning labs with your child’s school.
work with children who need assistance with reading writing, and other academic skills.
Louisville Urban League
needed for school and fund-raising events, school upkeep and classroom projects.
Nativity Academy at St. Boniface
Junior Achievement
with the Kentuckiana Works Youth Career Center. Inspire and educate youth.
Kentuckiana Works
you are interested being more involved in government, in making a difference in the quality of life in our community, please join us.
League of Women Voters
care and adoption
Operation Open Arms, Inc.
garden volunteers, physical education volunteers, tutors and mentors are needed.
Lighthouse Promise, Inc. Community Center Help
at Out of School Time programs with a focus on arts and educational achievement, financial literacy and job readiness activities for adults as they aspire to reach their highest potential.
Louisville Central Community Centers, Inc. 72
at the Youth Learning Center where emphasis is placed on homework completion, reading, creative activities and an overall learning experience. Help with “Repair Affair” home building.
New Directions
out at PeaceCaster’s camp. Week long skill building camp. Education is not filling a bucket. It is lighting a fire. As Director of Peace Education Program, I invite you to join me in lighting the fires of respect, compassion and problem solving in the hearts of pre-schoolers, teens and young adults. I am asking for your financial support to teach young people social skills that are essential for learning how to be friends today and our leaders of tomorrow!
Peace Education Program, Inc.
Involvement Blessings in a Backpack, Every 1 Reads Volunteer, Kentucky Harvest, PTA Clothing Assistance Program, Family Resource Center (FRC), Safety City, Starfish Swim Program, Tutoring/Mentoring Program, School Needs and Wish List.
Roosevelt Perry Elementary School Take
time to volunteer. It will be time well spent. Just ask the countless number of parents and individuals who spent hour after hour, day after day, month after month in Shelby County Public Schools last year. They worked with teachers, assisted students in the classroom, handled paperwork in the copy or laminating room, checked in students in reading programs, put together sets for plays, accompanied classes on field trips and even chaperoned dances.
Shelby County Public Schools To
educate in the Catholic faith and to instill Christian values; to develop the natural potential of each student, to encourage students to become contributing members of a global society.
a tutor!
with our Homework Helpers program or helping a child improve reading skills, mentoring one of our College Scholars, coaching a basketball team, leading a Bible study or an art class, teaching dance, music, cooking, photography or a sports activity, speaking at a Patch Parents meeting or much more.
The Council on Developmental Disabilities
students with math and science
The New Albany Floyd County Consolidated School Corporation
T utoring programs, youth work programs, and 2nd chance work programs.
Trinity Family Life Center
Shelter Help: tutoring children and arts and crafts. Work in the warehouse organizing. Help in the Kitchen with food preparation. Office work help always needed. Help in the men’s and women’s emergency shelters.
Wayside Christian Mission
(age 16 -35) for math, reading, science and homework assistance for middle and high school aged youth.
Presbyterian Community Center
Help and One on One reading time. Job shadowing opportunities at your company career Speakers.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana
St. Edward School Tutoring
St. George’s Center
mission of Family Scholar House is to end the cycle of poverty by providing single parent students the support they need to earn a college degree. FSH provides academic advising, case management and supportive housing. Experience the stories of our program participants and supporters at
Family Scholar House
Organizations in Need of Your Help! 21st Century Parks
American Heart Association
Belle of Louisville
4-H Council of Oldham County
American Lung Association In Kentucky
Benson Chapel UMC
471 W. Main St., Ste. 202 Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Aleks Dowd / (502) 584-0350 LaGrange KY 40014 Contact: Kelly Woods (502) 222-9453 OldhamCounty4H
55,000 Degrees
325 West Main Street Suite 1110 Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Lilly Massa-McKinley / (502) 855-6941
Actors Theatre of Louisville
316 W. Main St. Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Allison Hammons (502) 584-1265
Adelante Hispanic Achievers
2817 Hikes Lane Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Kayliegh Hill / (502) 494-7337
Affordable Energy Corporation 150 State Street, # 201 Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Liza Casis / (502) 893-7842
Alzheimer’s Association - KY Louisville
6100 Dutchmans Lane Suite 401 Louisville KY 40205 Contact: Laurie Kavanaugh (502) 451-4266 /
4100 Churchman Avenue Louisville KY 40215 Contact: Madelyn Anetrella (502) 363-2652
American Red Cross Louisville Area Chapter
401 West River Road Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Linda Harris (502) 574-5809 522 Second Street Covington IN 47932 Contact: Steve Talbert / (765) 793-2309
Bernheim Arboretum & Research Forest
510 E. Chestnut Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Paul Beede (502) 561-3770
Highway 245 Clermont KY 40110 Contact: Amy Landon (502) 955-8512 ext 262
Americana Community Center
Berrytown Family YMCA
4801 Southside Drive Louisville KY 40214 Contact: David Noll (502) 366-7813
The Animal Care Society 12207 Westport Road Louisville KY 40245 Contact: Janet Warner (502) 425-3972
Arthur S. Kling Center
219 West Ormsby Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Theresa Carter (502) 636-3424
Bates Community Development Corporation
1300 Heafer Road Louisville KY 40223 Contact: Melanie Cox (502) 244-6187 index.html
Best of Friends Enrichment Center
908 South 32nd St Louisville KY 40211 Contact: Regina Mitchell (502) 772-1604
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana
1519 Gardiner Lane, Suite B Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Kristin Milosevich / (502) 587-0494
1228 S. Jackson St Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Tonia Phelps (502) 636-0573
Bingham Clinic
701 W Muhammad Ali Blvd Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Denise Taylor (502) 584-6767
American Diabetes Association
Beargrass Creek Alliance
Blessings In A Backpack
American Cancer Society
161 St. Matthews Avenue Louisville KY 40207 Contact: Helen Overfield (502) 452-6072 74
240 Whittington Parkway Louisville KY 40222 Contact: Johnna Kendall (502)587-8641
120 Webster Street, Suite 217 Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Judith Peterson (502) 589-8008
200 East Chestnut Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Jan Schoen (502) 852-7548 4121 Shelbyville Road Louisville KY 40207 Contact: Nikki Grizzle (800) 872-4366
Bridgehaven Mental Health Services
950 S. First Street Louisville KY 40203 502-585-9444
Bosma Enterprises
8020 Zionsville Rd. Indianapolis IN 46268 Contact: Lisa Pace / (866) 602-6762
Boy Scouts of America, Lincoln Heritage Council
12001 Sycamore Station Place Louisville KY 40233-6273 Contact: MaryAnn Edgington (502) 361-2624 x3002
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana
1201 Story Avenue, Suite 250 Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Tina Hood / (502) 585-5437
Boys & Girls Club of Harrison Cty. 600 E. Chestnut St. Corydon IN 47112 Contact: Brian Schultz (812) 738-1696
Boys And Girls Haven 2301 Goldsmith Lane Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Donna Beasley / (502) 458-1171
Breaking New Grounds
2100 Woodland Avenue Louisville KY 40210 Contact: Amanda Fuller / (502) 356-2216
C.H.O.I.C.E Inc
Cedar Lake Residences
The Cabbage Patch Settlement House
The Center for Courageous Kids
3715 Bardstown Road Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Liz Sias-Shannon (502) 456-5137
1413 South Sixth Street Louisville KY 40208 Contact: Pamela Satterly (502) 753-4457
California Area Child Development Center
1501 Burnley Road Scottsville KY 42164 Contact: Anna Kobbeman (270) 618-2900
Center For Lay Ministries
1705 S. 13th Street Louisville KY 40210 Contact: Connie Willoughby (502) 637-3671
213 East Maple Street Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Bonnie Ryan / (812) 282-0063
Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Center/Easter Seals
Main Campus Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Phoebe Lipkis 502.581.7207
9810 Bluegrass Parkway Louisville KY 40029 Contact: Phyllis Santos (502) 584-9781
Caring and Learning With Me (Early Learning Readiness Program)
2411 Bowman Ave. Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Debbie Hancox (502) 637-1575
CASA - The Voice of Clark County’s Children
P. O. Box 866 Jeffersonville IN 47131 Contact: Shay Grahn / (812) 285-0743
Cathedral of The Assumption Daily Lunch Program
Breath of Life U.M.C.
1563 Clara Avenue Louisville KY 40215 Contact: John Jones / (502) 298-6149
433 South Fifth Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Molly Chesney (502) 582-2971
Catholic Charities
400 South First Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Mary Byrne / (502) 574-2613
7984 New LaGrange Road Louisville KY 40222 Contact: Patrick Varner (502) 410-6445
2911 South Fourth Street Louisville KY 40208 Contact: Rita Eichert / (502) 637-9786
The Center For Women And Families
Centro Latino
121 Main Street Shelbyville KY 40065 Contact: Sister Pat Reno (502) 647-3349
Choices Inc.
419 South Shelby Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Beth Hedges (502) 585-3780
Christ’s Community Church of The Nazarene 4920 Charlestown Rd. New Albany IN 47150 Contact: Josh Moore (812) 945-3106
Christian Care Communities
920 S. Fourth Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Mickie Modjeski: (502) 560-5152 75
Christian Formation Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 1575 New Albany IN 47151 Contact: Richard Johnson / (812) 945-0886
Church of The Advent Episcopal
901 Baxter Ave. Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Cathy Hicks / (502) 451-6066
Clark County Historical Society/ Howard Steamboat Museum, Inc. 1101 E. Market ST. Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Yvonne Knight / (812) 283-3728
Clark County IN Red Cross
1805 E. 8th St. Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Sara Clifton / (812) 283-8416
Clark County Youth Shelter & Family Services, Inc. 118 East Chestnut St. Jeffersonville IN 47131 Contact: Laura Fleming-Balmer / (812) 284-5229
The Coalition for the Homeless
1300 S. 4th Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Natalie Harris / (502) 636-9550 ext.11
Communities In Schools of Clark County
1406 Frederick Ave Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Cathy Graninger / (812) 280-0028
Community Coordinated Child Care
1215 South Third Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Becky Ritchie (502) 636-1358 76
The Council on Developmental Disabilities 1151 South Fourth Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: April DuVal
Crescent Hill Community Council
301 S. Peterson Avenue Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Melissa Mershon (502) 895-5337 /
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
P.O. Box 573 Prospect KY 40059 Contact: Jenny Silberisen (646) 623-2620 /
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Kentucky And West Virginia
1941 Bishop Lane Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Beth Denham / (502) 454-8435
Dare To Care
5803 Fern Valley Road Louisville KY 40228 Contact: Pat Kenkel / (502) 966-3821
Day Spring Foundation, Inc.
3430 Day Spring Court Louisville KY 40213 Contact: Michael Erskine / (502) 636-5990 Ext. 208
Dorman Preschool Center
P. O. Box 853 Shelbyville KY 40065 Contact: Dana Marlin / (502) 633-2760
Down Syndrome of Louisville, Inc. 5001 South Hurstbourne Parkway Louisville KY 40291 Contact: Tonya Otis / (502) 495-5088
The Dream Factory of Louisville
120 West Broadway Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Maureen Lippy / (502) 561-3001 /
Dreams with Wings
Bardstown Road & Richmond Dr Calvary Church Louisville KY 40205 (502) 459-4647
East Louisville Community Ministry
417 East Broadway Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Betsy Hatfield / (502) 561-0722
Easter Seals of Louisville 9810 Bluegrass Parkwsy Louisville KY 40299 Contact: Phyllis Santos (502) 584-9781
Eastern Area Community Ministries
9104 Westport Road Louisville KY 40242 Contact: Lisa Herbert / (502) 426-2824
ElderServe, Inc. - CATCH 411 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd. Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Kim Newberry (502) 587-8673, ext. 257
English as a Second Language Intake Center
1325 Bluegrass Avenue Louisville KY 40215 Contact: Bertha Weyenberg (502) 485-3623 ESL/index.shtml
ESL Newcomer Academy
4018 West Market St. Louisville KY 40212 Contact: Gwen Snow Special/ESL/index.htm
Exploited Children’s Help Organization
1500 Poplar Level Rd. Ste 2 Louisville KY 40217 Contact: (502) 636-3670 /
Faith Helps CDC
Contact: Rev. L. S. Cunningham / (502) 363-5335 resourcesFai.htm
Family & Children’s Place
2303 River Road, Suite 200 Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Janet Tinsley (502) 893-3900 Ext. 265
Family Community Clinic
1406 E Washington Street Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Becky Montague (502) 384-8444 /
Family Health Center of Clark County
1319 Duncan Ave Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Lori Harris / (812) 283-2371
Family Scholar House
403 Reg Smith Circle Louisville KY 40208 Contact: Julie Brown / (502) 584-8090
Fern Creek/Highview United Ministries Inc.
9300 Beulah Church Road Louisville KY 40291 Contact: Rev. Ron Loughry / (502) 762-9608
Floyds Fork Environmental Association
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
Food Literacy Project At Oxmoor Farm, Inc
Golden Retriever Rescue & Adoption of Needy Dogs (GRRAND)
6505 Echo Trail Louisville KY 40299 Contact: Teena Halbig / (502) 267-6883
9001 Limehouse Lane Louisville KY 40222 Contact: Joelle Johnson (502) 491-0072
Franciscan Shelter House 748 South Preston Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Chuck Mattingly / (502) 589-0140 franciscan-shelterhouse
Frazier History Museum
829 W. Main St. Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Margaret Seifert / (502) 753-5663
Friend For Life Cancer Support Network
4007 Kresge Way Louisville KY 40207 Contact: Nicole Guffey Wiseman / (502) 893-0643
The Fund for the Arts
305 Oliver St Corydon IN 47112 Contact: Jim Mayfield / (812) 738-1869
623 West Main Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Meghan Mando / (502) 582-0112
First United Methodist Church
G Meals
First Capital Christian Church
212 E Wabash Ave Crawfordsville IN 47933 Contact: Sherri Lacy / (765) 362-4817
Flower Buds, c/o Third Lutheran Church
1864 Frankfort Avenue Louisville KY 40206 Contact: (502) 644-5883
4735 Poplar Level Road Louisville KY 40213 Contact: Jocelyn Yuen / (502) 599-3200
Gilda’s Club of Louisville
633 Baxter Avenue Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Drew McMurtrie / (502) 583-0075
2115 Lexington Road Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Rachel Ray (502) 716-7231 /
PO Box 6132 Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Paula Phillips / (866) 981-2251 /
Good News Shelter Corporation 115 Adams Street, Suite 1A Lagrange KY 40031 Contact: Barbara Fendley / (502) 225-0351
Goodwill of Southern Indiana
1329 Applegate Lane Clarksville IN 47129 Contact: Erin Stevens / (812) 207-2269 /
Greater Clark County Schools Administration Building Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Jackie Love (812) 288-4802 ext. 332
GuardiaCare Services, Inc. W. Breckinridge Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: (502) 585-9949
Habitat For Humanity of Metro Louisville
1620 Bank St. Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Carin Veech / (502) 805-1408 /
Habitat ReStore
2777 South Floyd Street Louisville KY 40209 Contact: Tim Howard / (502) 805-1411
Hand in Hand Ministries
2225 Steier Lane Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Libbey Smith /(502) 459-9930 77
Harbor House of Louisville
2231 Lower Hunters Trace Louisville KY 40216 Contact: Dee Pilkerton (502) 719-0072 x529 /
Harrison Circuit Court CASA
233 North Capitol Avenue Corydon IN 47112 Contact: Gloria Wood / (812) 738-3645 volunteer.html
Highland Community Ministries
810 Barret Avenue Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Kelly Smith / (502) 569-2344 4HYouthDevelopment
Jefferson County Public Schools 330 S. Hubbards Lane Louisville KY 40207 Contact: Mildred Lemaster (502) 485-3710 VolunteerTalentCenter
JCPS English as a Second Language Program
1140 Cherokee Road Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Troy Burden / (502) 451-3695
1325 Bluegrass Avenue Louisville KY 40215 Contact: Livan Lima / 485-6379
Home of The Innocents
Jefferson Memorial Forest
1100 East Market Street Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Lori Vaught / (502) 583-2821 volunteerservices@
3532 Ephraim McDowell Drive Louisville KY 40205 Contact: Melissa Head / (502) 719-8948
House of Hope Kentucky, Inc.
11311 Mitchell Hill Road Fairdale KY 40118 Contact: Sherry Wright (502) 380-1753
Jefferson Street Baptist Center
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
153 Thierman Lane, Ste 1 Louisville KY 40207 Contact: Meredith Gault / (502) 485-9397
Kentuckiana Ferret Haven, Inc. Contact: Sheri Steinbach (502) 523-2669
410 W. Chestnut, Suite 200 Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Kitty Armstrong (502) 574-3136
Kentucky and Southern Indiana Stroke Association
3425 Stony Springs Circle #102 Louisville KY 40220 Contact: Carrie Orman / (502) 499-5757
733 East Jefferson Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Chase Techentin (502) 584-6543
Kentucky Derby Marathon
Jeffersonville Boys & Girls Club
241 Steedley Drive Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Whitney Hobbs / (502) 515-3145 /
1001 South Third Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Angela Auter / (800) 928-3378
Kentucky Humane Society
1157 Dixie Highway Louisville KY 40210 Contact: Tangy Hunter-Hughes / (502) 551-4270
1423 Pennsylvania Avenue Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Shilese Stover / (812) 218-9581
House of Ruth, Inc.
Jewish Family & Career Services 2821 Klempner Way Louisville KY 40205 Contact: Sally Hollingsworth (502) 452-6341 /
1845 Shady Lane Louisville KY 40205 Contact: Billy Davis / (502) 817-4975
Housing Partnership, Inc
Jobs With Justice Kentucky
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
Jefferson Alcohol & Drug Abuse Center
1800 West Muhammad Ali Blvd. Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Flaco Aleman / (502) 582-5454
969 B Cherokee Road Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Emily Vitale (502) 479-9180 x 57 /
Junior Achievement
Kentucky Science Center
607 East St. Catherine Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Kiera Phillips / (502) 587-5080 321 Guthrie Green Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Kim Happel / (502) 814-2730 /
600 South Preston St. Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Hugh Spalding: / (502) 583-3951 x3188 / 78
Jefferson County 4-H
1401 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Sarah Wunderlin / (502) 569-9207
Kentucky Mountain Bike Assoc.
727 West Main Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Jenna Spear (502) 561-6100 x6114
Kentucky Shakespeare Festival, Inc
1340 S. 4th Street Louisville KY 40208 Contact: Courtney Hardesty (502) 574-9900
Kids Against Hunger Louisville, Inc.
4209 Gardiner View Avenue Louisville KY 40213 Contact: Dale Oelker / (502) 459-9199
Kids Center For Pediatric Therapies
982 Eastern Parkway Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Jim Littlefield-Dalmares /(502) 635-6397
The Kingdom Center Church
12610 Taylorsville Road Louisville KY 40299 502-640-7732
Kosair Charities Children’s Peace Center
Louisville & Greater Louisville Areas Contact: (502) 361-6405
LifeSpan Resources, Inc.
Louisville Grows Inc.
LifeSpring Foundation
Louisville Metro Animal Services
Lighthouse Promise, Inc. Community Center
Louisville Metro Parks
33 State Street, 3rd floor New Albany IN 47151 Contact: Earlene Bennett / (812) 206-7904 460 Spring Street New Albany IN 47130 Contact: Beth Keeney / (812) 206-1362
5312 Shepherdsville Road Louisville KY 40228 Contact: Dr. Ophelia Scott (502) 964-5909
Lincoln Foundation
200 West Broadway, Suite 500 Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Morgan Hanley (502) 585-4733 x214
Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center
515 West Oak Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Teresa Watson / (502) 589-0370
1622 Fernwood Avenue Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Valerie Magnuson (502) 681-5106 3516 Newburg Road Louisville KY 40218 (502) 473-7387 1297 Trevilian Way Louisville KY 40213 Contact: Andrew Brooks (502) 456-3256
The Louisville Nature Center
3745 Illinois Ave Louisville KY 40213 Contact: Kathy Morris / (502) 458-1328
Louisville Urban League
1535 West Broadway Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Anita McGruder (502) 585-4622 /
Louisville Asset Building Coalition
Louisville Visual Art Association
Louisville Central Community Centers, Inc.
Lydia House
115 S. Ewing Avenue Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Patricia Murrell (502) 895-5218 /
1300 West Muhammad Ali Blvd Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Sam Watkins, Jr. /(502) 583-8821
Legal Aid Society
Louisville Classical Academy
Manslick Animal Care Facility 3705 Manslick Road Louisville KY 40215 502-363-6609
KY Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN) 10301-B Deering Road Louisville KY 40272 Contact: Paulette Logsdon (502) 937-6894
League of Women Voters
416 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd, Suite 300 Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Jeffrey Been / (502) 584-1254 /
Life Management, Inc.
116 Bauer Avenue, 2nd Floor Louisville KY 40207 Contact: Dr. Brian Beckham (502) 773-3406
118 West Breckingridge, #300 Louisville KY 40201 Contact: Nedra Young / (502) 292-6182
6902 Wolf Pen Branch Road Prospect KY 40059 Contact: Shelly Ward / (347) 871-7470 keeplouisvilleclassical
Louisville Free Public Library 301 York Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Carrick Arehart (502) 574-1712 /
609 W. Main St Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Katie Levy (502) 584-8166 x109
504 East St. Catherine Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Greta Howard / (502) 587-8049 www.riverviewmissionarybaptist
Monroe Township Fire Dept, 2nd Floor Henryville IN 47126 Contact: Mary Sullivan: (502) 292-6154 79
1015 Dorsey Lane Louisville KY 40223 Contact: Liz Bayer / (502) 245-4526 /
Mattie’s House
1703 West Ormbsy Louisville KY 40210 Contact: (502) 724-6807
Mattingly Center Inc.
1520 Baxter Avenue Louisville KY 40232 Contact: Sonia Johnson (502) 451-6200
250 E. Liberty Street Louisville KY 40205 Contact: April Enix (502) 585-5433 x105 /
National Remember Our Troops Campaign
111 N Stuart St Baltimore MD 21221 Contact: Thomas Ruley / (410) 687-3568
Nativity Academy at St. Boniface
Olmsted Parks Conservancy
1299 Trevilian Way Louisville KY 40213 Contact: Sarah Wolff / (502) 456-1623
Operation Care KY - Shelbyville 708 Main Street Shelbyville KY 40066 Contact: Judy Roberts (502) 633-1965 ext 202
Operation Open Arms, Inc
529 East Liberty Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Kathey Sanders (502) 855-3313
1400 Envoy Circle Louisville KY 40299 Contact: Laura Carpenter (502) 721-7854 /
Nazareth Home
2000 Newburg Road Louisville KY 40205 Contact: Michael Buckman (502) 473-2375 /
205 Castlerock Dr. Sheperdsville KY 40165 Contact: Willie Bryd (502) 955-7271 x23
Metro United Way
Neighborhood House
334 East Broadway Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Aleksandra Jozic (502) 292-6169
201 N. 25th Street Louisville KY 40212 Contact: Whitney Bennett (502) 774-2322 x235 /
Paws with Purpose
Mini-versity Downtown
The New Albany Floyd County Consolidated School Corp.
Meadowview Health & Rehab Center
9701 Whipps Mill Road Louisville KY 40223 Contact: (502) 426-2778
306 South Roy Wilkins Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Pam Johnson / (502) 583-7352
Mini-versity West
631 South 28th Street Louisville KY 40211 Contact: Niela Burrell / (502) 778-2613
The Morton Center
1028 Barret Avenue Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Priscilla McIntosh (502) 451-1221
Muhammad Ali Institute
2215 S. Third Street Louisville KY 40292 Contact: Erika Stith (502) 852-6372 80
National Kidney Foundation Serving Kentucky
2813 Grant Line Road New Albany IN 47150 Contact: Theresa Duke / (812) 542-8506
New Directions Housing Corp. 1000 E Liberty St Louisville KY 40204 Contact: Danny Flanigan (502) 719-7108 /
No Kill Louisville
P.O. Box 6655 Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Eli Haynes / (502) 265-6665
Northeast YMCA
9400 Mill Brook Road Louisville KY 40223 Contact: Leah McComb / (502) 814-7350
Oldham County Family YMCA
20 Quality Place Buckner KY 40010 Contact: Peggy Kilgore / (502) 222-9358
Options Unlimited
P.O. Box 7834 Louisville KY 40257 Contact: Elaine Weisberg (502) 689-0804
Peace Education Program, Inc.
318 West Kentucky Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Eileen Blanton / (502) 589-6583
Pegs Therapeutic Ponies, Inc.
1055 Wales Run Mt. Washington KY 40047 Contact: Peggy Edwards / (502) 955-4152 pages/19/Peg’s-Therapeutic-Ponies.html
Personal Counseling Services
1205 Applegate Lane Clarksville IN 47129 Contact: Doug Drake / (812) 206-4273
Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church
3126 Portland Avenue Louisville KY 40212 Contact: Rev. Willa Fae Williams (502) 774-4125 /
Portland Elementary Environmental Studies
3410 Northwestern Parkway Louisville KY 40212 Contact: Brenda Stokes / (502) 485-8313
Presbyterian Community Center
701 S. Hancock Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Bill Gatewood / (502) 584-0201
Project Warm
1252 S. Shelby St. Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Frank Schwartz / (502) 636-9276
Raptor Rehabilitation of KY, Inc. 1024 Southern Avenue Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Eileen Wicker / (502) 491-1939
Rauch, Inc.
Saint Mary’s Center
11700 Main Street Middletown KY 40243 Contact: Sister Regina / (502) 254-7298
Salvation Army Center of Hope
831 South Brook Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Matt Yates / (502) 625-1170!__howwe-help
The Salvation Army
911 South Brook Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: (502) 671-4920 /
Scarlet Hope
P.O. Box 6542 Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Courtney Shell / (502) 409-4673
School Choice Scholarships
845 Park Place New Albany IN 47150 Contact: Teressa Jackson (812) 945-4063 /
10002 Shelbyville Road, Suite 102 Louisville KY 40223 Contact: Meredith McCann (502) 254-7274
Regional Youth Services Noah’s Ark Children’s Village
School Resource Network
101 Noah’s Lane Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Michelle Brown / (812) 288-6800
5701 Johnsontown Rd Louisville KY 40272 Contact: Debbie Pollard (502) 935-8422
Rhonda’s Another Chance, Inc.
Second Chances Wildlife Center
710 South 31st Street Louisville KY 40211 Contact: Mona Page / (502) 776-8830
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana
550 S. First Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Rebecca Washer / (502) 561-7657
Roosevelt Perry Elem. School
1601 Magazine Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Pamela Howell / (502) 485-8319 elementary/rooseveltperry
SeniorCare Experts
145 Thierman Lane Louisville KY 40207 Contact: Pat Brodfehrer / (502) 896-2316
Service for Peace
PO BOX 17006 Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Peter Hayes / (502) 290-3611
Seven Counties Services, Inc.
101 West Muhammad Ali Blvd Louisville KY 40202 Social Contact: Deborah Johnson (502) 459-5292 Transportation Contact: Elizabeth Jackson / (502) 589-8920 Disabilities Contact: Brenda Harris (502) 253-7510 Networks Contact: Sandy Block (502) 459-5292
Shelby County Public Schools 1155 West Main Street Shelbyville KY 40065 Contact: Duanne Puckett (502) 633-2375
South Jefferson Neighborhood Place
1000 Neighborhood Place Fairdale KY 40118 Contact: Polly Mayer / (502) 363-1483
PO Box 572 Goshen KY 40026 Contact: Brigette Williams (502) 228-6333
Southeast Family YMCA
Second Stride, Inc.
Southern Indiana Asset Building Coalition
P.O. Box 1483 Crestwood KY 40014 Contact: Kim Smith / (502) 807-6069
Senior Medicare Patrol Dept. of Public Health & Wellness
Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Jessica Young / (502) 574-6164 KySrMedicarePatrolProgram.htm
5930 Six Mile Lane Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Bob Mayberry / (502) 491-9622
405 E. Court Ave. Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: John Hawkins / (812) 206-7520
Southwest Center For The Developmentally Disabled, Inc
8009 Terry Rd Louisville KY 40258 Contact: Dana Slucher / (502) 935-1848 81
Southwest YMCA Child Development Center
2800 Fordhaven Rd Louisville KY 40214 Contact: Tarvis Sawyers / (502) 632-5303 contact-staff.html
Specialized Alternatives For Families & Youth (SAFY) of Louisville
4010 Dupont Circle, Suite 379 Louisville KY 40207 Contact: (502) 813-8280 /
2823 Frankfort Avenue Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Kate Biagi / (502) 893-0242 x279 /
St. Vincent DePaul
1015-C South Preston Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Donna Young / (502) 301-8688
Supplies Over Seas
982 Eastern Parkway, Box 18 Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Angie Martin / (502) 637-7363 /
1500 Arlington Ave. Louisville KY 40206 Contact: Karen Womack / (502) 649-9026
St. Benedict Center for Early Childhood Education
Susan G. Komen For The Cure, Louisville Affiliate
Spina Bifida Association of KY
946 S. 25th Street Louisville KY 40210 Contact: Antoinette Gray (502) 772-7324
St. Edward School
9610 Sue Helen Drive Jeffersontown KY 40299 Contact: (502) 267-6633
St. Edwards Church
9608 Sue Helen Drive Jeffersontown KY 40299 Contact: (502) 267-7494
St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities
602 E. Market St. New Albany IN 47150 Contact: Christy Robertson (812) 949-7305 x11
5216 New Cut Road Louisville KY 40214 Contact: Kristen Hasselback (502) 495-7824
Teach for Kentucky
Louisville KY Contact: Rowan Claypool / 502-599-5061
Uspiritus: Bellewood Home for Children (Anchorage)
11103 Park Road Louisville KY 40223 Contact: Kristy Watt / (502) 245-4171
Uspiritus: Brooklawn
3121 Brooklawn Campus Drive Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Missy Fountain (502) 451-5177 /
Valley View Church
8911 Third Street Road Louisville KY 40272 Contact: Eddie Lee Brooks (502) 935-5142
Visually Impaired Preschool Services
1906 Goldsmith Lane Louisville KY 40218 Contact: Dani Harper / (502) 498-2934
Volunteers of America
933 Goss Avenue Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Josh Kornberg / (502) 636-4644 /
The Healing Place for Men
WAGS Pet Therapy of KY, Inc.
Tri-County Community Action Agency, Inc.
Water With Blessings
1030 West Market Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Steve Hanks / (502) 585-4848
PO Box 43504 Louisville KY 40253 Contact: Wayne Bonnett (502) 562-9247 /
1015 Dispatchers Way LaGrange KY 40031 Contact: Anna Hopkins (502) 222-1349
400 Tucker Station Road Louisville KY 40243 Contact: Sister Larraine Lauter (502) 356-9281
Trinity Family Life Center
Waterfront Development Corporation/Waterfront Park
St. George’s Community Center
1205 S. 26th Street Louisville KY 40210 Contact: Arthur Cox / (502) 775-6232
3811 Hale Avenue Louisville KY 40211 Contact: Terence Winslow (502) 821-0729
St. John Center for Homeless Men
University Of Louisville
700 East Muhammad Ali Blvd Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Jenn Young / (502) 568-6758 x33 82
St. Joseph Children’s Home
U of L W310 Student Activities Center Louisville KY 40292 Contact: Pamela Nessle Curtis (502) 852-0242
129 River Road Louisville KY 40202 Contact: David Karem / (502) 574-3768
625 Myrtle Street Louisville KY 40208 Contact: Jennifer Poe / (502) 568-6342
Wayside Christian Mission
120 W. Broadway Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Ryan Gainey (502) 582-2241 x215
225 W. Breckinridge Street Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Justin Davis / (502) 637-4361
Wesley House Community Services
5114 Preston Highway Louisville KY 40213 Contact: Maggie Villa / (502) 968-8231
Westend School
3628 Virginia Avenue Louisville KY 40211 Contact: Sarah Steenrod / (502) 767-8745
World Affairs Council of KY and Southern IN (WAC)
200 W. Broadway Suite 607 Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Christy Rhodes (502) 561-5422
Fons Vitae wishes to thank the following for their tireless help in preparing this checklist:
Y-NOW Children of Prisoners Mentoring Program
2400 Crittenden Drive Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Rebecca Hentz / (502) 635-4393
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens 6220 Old LaGrange Road Crestwood KY 40014 Contact: Bonnie Heaton (502) 241-4788
From Our Schools: Donna Hargens JCPS Superintendent
Suzanne Wright
Director of Curriculum Management
John Marshall Asst. Superintendent of Diversity, Equity and Poverty
Gwen Snow, Robert Gunn Jr., Kenya Natsis & Sarah Steenrod
YMCA Southern Indiana Child Development Center
819 Short Street Charlestown IN 47111 Contact: Judy Smith / (812) 256-2005
YMCA - Child Care Services
YMCA-Southwest Family Center
2411 Bowman Avenue Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Kellye Bell / (502) 637-1575
2800 Fordhaven Rd. Louisville KY 40214 Contact: Ronnie McKiernan index.html
YMCA - Northeast Family
9400 Mill Brook Road Louisville KY 40223 Contact: Sandy Hicks / (502) 425-1271
YouthBuild Louisville
555 South Second Street Louisville KY 40202 Contact: Carlo Stallings / (502) 587-6700
Valle Jones, Susan DePree & Melissa Stewart Mary Grissom & Aleks Jozic Metro United Way
Kevin Connelly
Center for Non Profit Excellence
Brenda Frank Mayor Fischer’s office
4812 Hamburg Pike Jeffersonville IN 47130 Contact: Melissa Wilson / (812) 283-9622
930 W Chestnut St Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Chabela Sanchez (502) 587-7405
Collecting Volunteer Needs:
Barbara Sexton-Smith Fund for the Arts
Randy Coe Kosair Charities Natalie Harris
The Coalition for the Homeless
Mike Schultz
Community Foundation of Louisville
2400 Crittenden Drive Louisville KY 40217 Contact: Natalie Reteneller (502) 635-4404
YMCA - Southern Indiana
YMCA - Chestnut Street
YMCA of Greater Louisville
YMCA Safe Place Services KY - Louisville
812 South Preson St. Louisville KY 40203 Contact: Lynn Rippy / (502) 290-6121
Organization Assembly:
Christian Tate, Nicole Kowalszyk, Gretchen Luther, Betsy Tyrrell, Lynne Meena & Holly Gathright Publishing:
Gray Henry, Linsey Bridges Steven Stivers, Orme Wilson, Eleanor Bingham Miller & DGI Photography:
John Nation, Olga Mujic & Eric Dennis Printing:
Stu Silberman
Nick Simon & Randolph Settles
David Dutschke
For Videos and Curriculum Ideas:
Jewish Community of Louisville Catholic Charities of Louisville
Publisher’s Press
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