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Educational programme

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X Films

Another year on, the festival is shaping activities specifically for younger audiences, as a commitment to its current and future community. The Punto de Vista educational programme wishes to give children and young people the chance to experiment with cinema as a form of art and knowledge, by putting on screenings, activities and workshops. As usual, we will work with Drac Màgic, presenting two children’s workshops held in the Civivox headquarters, and this year we will also welcome the A Bao A Qu association, that will curate and guide sessions for children at the Golem cinema and young people at Filmoteca de Navarra. Furthermore, also through A Bao A Qu, this year we are starting off the Young Programmers by Punto de Vista project, that aims to initiate a group of young people in the programming work required by a festival: guided by teachers, programmers and filmmakers Mercedes Álvarez and Arturo Redín, they will pick a film from several suggestions and present it in a session open to the public.

Images for the Planet


In partnership with the Civivox civic centre network and Drac Màgic, we are organising two workshops aimed at children and young people.

Drac Màgic is a social cooperative founded in 1971, devoted to study and education about audiovisual creativity and its use in a range of educational, social and cultural activities. Its goal is to stimulate thought and action around images to help build a responsible, active and creative society.

Ecologist audiovisual editing Portraits of Mendillorri: The Instant Magic of Printing

Starting from an archive of pictures of different natural and human ecosystems, we’ll experiment with ordering images, music, sound effects and voice to create little film utopias concerning the future of the planet. The workshop uses a piece of technological genius, the MashUp Table, to enable us to work on collaborative, creative film editing.

With light-sensitive paper, an object and a little light: let’s create a photo! It might look like the recipe for a magic potion, but this is the basis of photography. Starting from natural elements to be found around the lake of Mendillori, in this workshop we will explore the mechanisms that make it possible to capture an image to generate experimental photographs.

Discovering the world

134 A Bao A Qu proposes a cinematographic adventure in three acts that invites audiences to discover characters and places in countries very different from our own. Together with Fatima, Reza and René we’ll ask questions, laugh, doubt and be excited. The session is a hymn to film and music, as well as opening up a space for reflection about our own and other people’s emotions, the world of children, the adult world and our relations with nature and the city.

Nan va Koutcheh (The Bread and Alley) Abbas Kiarostami

Iran, 1970, 10 min, DCP, B&W, Persian

In his first fictional short, Abbas Kiarostami narrates an everyday adventure. A child is going the usual way home through the streets of his neighbourhood. He has a little mission: to bring the bread home for dinner. But he comes up against an unexpected obstacle: the fear of a dog he finds in his way. Will he be able to make it?

Petite lumière (Little Light) Alain Gomis

Senegal, 2003, 15 min, DCP, colour, Wolof-French

A journey through the inner experience of Fatima, an 8-year-old Senegalese girl who tries to understand the world. Does the light in the fridge stay on when the door is closed? Are people still there when we have our eyes closed? Through her eyes, the sounds that surround her and her sensory experiences, we witness the discovery and questioning of a world that does not always match the adult version of itself.

Rentrée des classes (Back to School) Jacques Rozier

France, 1955, 24 min, DCP, B&W, French

The summer holidays are coming to an end in a small village in Provence and René, who hasn’t done his homework yet, asks his old friend Susu for help. When the first day of school arrives, in response to a dare by a classmate, he throws his satchel into the river. This is to be the start of a great adventure of discovery of nature. Jacques Rozier’s first film is a hymn to freedom and an ode to the senses through which René sees, hears and discovers.

Portraits, Words, Emotions: Between Fiction and Documentary

In partnership with Servicio de Bibliotecas and Filmoteca de Navarra, A Bao A Qu presents a double bill aimed at young audiences: two shorts released last year, with the authors taking part in the session to talk about their creative processes, cinematographic choices and the wishes and needs behind their films. Mikel Gurrea through fiction, Lur Olaizola through a documentary packed with poetry, explore the value of words, the strength of youth, memory, the material, sensitivity.

Heltzear Mikel Gurrea Zerua blu Lur Olaizola Lizarralde

Spain, 2021, 17 min, DCP, colour, Basque

San Sebastian, 2000. The Basque conflict is still going on. As she writes a letter to her brother who is away, Sara, a 15-year-old climber, is in training for the most difficult climb of her life. The film explores, in a subtle, evocative way, the transition from adolescence to adult life, the strength and power of climbing as a sport, absence and silence. Heltzear premiered at the Venice Film Festival, where it was the first short in Basque to go into the official competition.

On 24th January 1954, Mamaddi Jaunarena boarded a ship in Le Havre bound for New York. She was 22 years old and all she knew was where to meet the lady for whom she was to work as a maid. The voyage took seven days and six nights. This could be the beginning of a story. Or a film. Because Mamaddi’s journey begins in the cinema in her Basque village, Ortzaize, with images that leap out of the screen, enter her life and remain with her forever: a beautiful Cadillac, a young woman, the blue sky.

Spain, 2020, 14 min, DCP, colour, Basque

Young Programmers by Punto de Vista

A Bao A Qu is a cultural association founded in 2004 specifically dedicated to projects that link creation and education, involving children and young people, creators (filmmakers, photographers, artists...) and teachers. Among the programs developed by the association are “Cinema in progress”, “Photography in progress”, “Creators in residence in Barcelona high schools” and the European projects “Moving Cinema”, “Inside Cinema”, and “CinEd”.

For the first time the festival is organising the project Young Programmers Moving Cinema, a programming space run by young people between the ages of 16 and 19 who will be responsible for selecting and accompanying one of the films that will be part of the festival. During the workshop, a group of young people will meet over several weeks to watch a series of films proposed by filmmakers, programmers and teachers Mercedes Álvarez and Arturo Redín, and then discuss them in order to select one to be screened at the festival, presented by themselves. Drawing up a film programme involves watching films carefully, knowing about filmmakers’ work, establishing relations, thinking about how to show a film to make it a special experience for spectators and coming up with ways to support and publicise it to enable it to be discovered and appreciated. By engaging in these processes, the Young Programmers will forge a very special link with the films they see and program, and can pass this on to other young people. “Jóvenes Programadores by Punto de Vista” is possible thanks to the collaboration of Fundación Caja Navarra and is part of the European project Moving Cinema, led by A Bao A Qu since 2014, and which has already been part of other festivals, including Festival de Cine de Sevilla, D’A Film Festival, l’Alternativa, BelDocs (Serbia), Kino Otok (Slovenia) and Vilnius Film Festival (Lithuania).

Sources of the images Sources of the screening prints

p10 Archivo Real y General de Navarra stereoscopic photography (AGN, FOT_AMAT_174)

p41 Back cover of the magazine Nejma (1987) with an advertisement indicating that Ahmed Bouanani is looking for a publisher for The Seventh Gate

p46 Still of Amghar (Mostafa Derkaoui, 1968)

p49 Still of Mémoire 14 (Ahmed Bouanani, 1971)

p50 Still of Si Moh, pas de chance (Moumen Smihi, 1971)

p52 Still of 6 &12 (Ahmed Bouanani, Majid Rechiche, Mohamed Abderrahman Tazi, 1968)

p54 Still of Alyam, Alyam (Ahmed El Maânouni, 1978)

p58-59 Actualités marocaines, promotional image [no date]

p62-63 Still of Rentrée des classes (Jacques Rozier, 1956)

p66-67 Still of Douro, faina fluvial (Manoel de Oliveira, 1931) p68-69 Still of Paddle to the Sea (Bill Mason, 1966)

p78-79 Still of O Movimento das Coisas (Manuela Serra, 1985)

p85 Still of MS Slavic 7 (Sofia Bohdanowicz, 2019)

p99 Portrait of Paulino Viota (Óscar Fernández Orengo)

p107 Aumentar el caudal de un río (Luz Broto, 2014)

p108-109 Aumentar el caudal de un río (Luz Broto, 2014). Aerial photography HoverFilms APV

p110-111 Image of Pigmeus do Mondego (Nilo Gallego)

p112-113 Image of Respiración oceánica (Itziar Okariz with the collaboration of Izar Ocariz) at Perforado por, project curated by Peio Aguirre for the Venice Biennale in 2019

p134 Still of Petite lumière (Alain Gomis, 2003) p47 Tetuán, la blanca. Copy provided by Filmoteca Española

p47 La fugue de Mahmoud. Copy provided by Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA)

p47, 51, 55 Amghar, Marta, Une ombre parmi d’autres, Chant pour la mort des adolescents, Adopcja, Zofia i Ludmila, Lekcja 41, Elzbieta K. Copies provided by Łódź Film School

p48, 51, 53 Tarfaya ou la marche d’un poète, Visages de Marrakech, Forêt, Le rocher, 6 & 12, Sin Agafaye, La nostalgie du naïf, Mémoire ocre. Copies courtesy of Centre Cinématographique Marocain (CCM)

p55 Alyam, Alyam was restored in 2015 by The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project in collaboration with Ahmed El Maânouni. Restoration carried out at Cineteca di Bologna/L’Immagine Ritrovata laboratory; 4k scan performed at Eclair laboratories

p56 Transes was restored in 2007 by The World Cinema Foundation at Cineteca di Bologna/L’Immagine Ritrovata in association with Ahmed El Maânouni and Izza Genini. Restoration funding provided by Armani, Cartier, Qatar Airways and Qatar Museum Authority

p64 L’Hirondelle et la Mésange, An-Nil oual hayat. Copies provided by Cinémathèque Française

p66 Douro, faina fluvial. Copy courtesy of Cinemateca Portuguesa

Septiembre 2022 | Buenos Aires - Argentina

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