Ten secrets that guarantee success and inner peace. by Fethy Letaief on Thursday, 10 March 2011 at 11:19 1st secret: keep a mind open to everything and hoocked to nothing That means: Believe that anything is possible which requires one enough will Completely abandon what enslaves you (place, object, person) Accept what life offers you without any judgement 2nd secret: do not die without having played your own inner music That means: Listen to your heart Take risks for passion Know that failure is an illusion and that we should never be afraid of it Third secret: you can not give what you do not have That means: Change what we dislike in ourselves Self love and respect Realize one'e purpose 4th secret: adopt silence That means: Discover the value of silence Incorporate more silence in one's life Make a conscious contact with God Fifth secret: give up one's personal history That means: Do not cling to the past Living the moment and accept reality as it is Sixth secret: it is impossible to solve a problem with the same mind that created it That means: Accept the world as it is Knowing that a link exists between each individual, we are all human, family members Seventh secret: there is no justified resentment
That means: Accept the opinions of others even if it is different from yours Forgive those whom we think they have hurt us Eighth secret: Treat yourself as the person you want to be That means make room for inspiration everywhere. 9th secret treasure the divine in you This means that you are God creator of your life and the world in which you live. 10th secret: Wisdom is avoiding all debilitating thoughts This means that your spirit is nourished with thoughts of peace, love, acceptance and goodwill.
Source: The 10 Secrets of Success and Inner Peace - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (Editions "J'ai Lu") adapted and summarized by fethy letaief !