7/', //
Heritage Pyrotechnics, I nc.
A Division of American
popularity, just as the f ireworks A name chosen for our catalog because of f ireworks tremendous intrigue and This catalog contains is unequaled. selection Our anywhere. catalog we present to you is theJinest available are f ireworks its employees and company Our products imaginable. the largest variety of pyrotechnics ully selected for caref was listed item Each like. their friends enthusiasts who know what they like and what quality, performance and Price. prepared to be We want you to enjoy the f ireworks which you purchase so follow instructions caref ully and be of art work truly a are Fireworks devices. fascinating amazed by the beautif ul phenomenon created by these and a science in themselves.
"with pomp, An American tradition since John Adams who wrote that our independence should be celebrated on earth. nation than any parade and f ireworks. . ." Americans use more f ireworks our company has an even larger selection than shown in this catalog. Within our 100,000 square foot facility is guaranteed. is the largest f ireworks showroom in the country. Visitors are always welcome! Your satisfaction Thank you for your Patronage.
D,4;*\,AA*/ /r, William J. Shields, Sr. President
P.O. BOX 2623
PHONE 3171284-7122 Copyright 1982, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
NORTH CENTRAL NDUSTRIES, INC. PO Box 2623" Muncie, Indiana 47302
|awsofthestateotoestinffiandhaveorwi||obtainanynecessarypermitsrequiredby|awandwi||useorsel|saidmerchandise in strict compliance with all applicable laws, either city, state or Federal. Prices are subject to change without notice
YourTelephonenumber( SIGNATURE
understand that lireworks are dangerous and assume all risks regarding th€m. I also understand as of a condition ot this sale that I am ovor 18 yearg of rgc. PAGE NO.
Check if additional items are on separate sheet of paper.
Any orders with personal checks must wait two weeks untilcleared
In case of shortages we reserye the right to substitute f ireworks or merchandise of equal value ALL SALES FINAL WE CANNOT SHIP P.O. BOXES
r---\ [rc.rec",ol
CARD Master Charge Card Expires Interbank No. MO. YR. (No. abov€ name on card)
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SERVICE CHARGE Th6 issu€r ol lh. card id.nlil16d on lhrs rtem s !!thorir.d
lo o!v tho 6mount shown .s TOTAL lpon prop.r prosenlalron I promis6 ro ply 5uch IOIAL llogolh6r wrih 3ny olh€r ch.,9.s duo lh6.ooaJ subj.cl ro.nd 'n.ccordsncs
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4100 SUB
Ordering Information CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-428-8599 Please have your catalogue and credit card ready. Only credit card orders accepted by phone.
AIR FREIGHT We can offer air f reight service to anywhere in the world. Even though air f reight is expensive, many of
our clients prefer this V.l.P. treatment. For any questions that you might have concerning this, phone 317-284-7122.
When placing an order during our peak periods o
o June o July o ourtollfreenumbersmaybe
busy. lf you cannot get through, call our general off ice number3171284-7122and in return a small gift will be included with your order.
TRUCK FREIGHT SHIPMENT TO ALL 50 STATES This is the best means of shipping f ireworks to assure you will get them. Minimum rates range f rom S15.00 to $25.00 for 1 to 100 lbs. We recommend orders over $125.00. Many of our customers team up and split the shipping, making it even cheaper than
We honor Visa and MasterOard. You can call your order direct to our off ice 1-800-428-8599. ttB" lf you live in the following states you must wire your monies. Maine, Mass., Conn., Calif., New York, and Northern Nevada "Reno Area". To do this, call Western Union 1-800-325-6000. Instruct them to wire your said amount to NORTH CENTRAL INDUSTRIES, INC., 2627 S. WALNUT ST., MUNCIE, INDIANA, 47302, U.S.A., then call your order in.
OTHER PAYMENTS The best way is to get a certif ied check or a money order. You get this at a bank, grocery store, post office, or drug store. Do not send cash.
sHowRooM We offer even a larger selection than listed in this
catalog. Check map below. Call for hours we are open.
United Parcel Service is no bargain when it corqes to shipping f ireworks. Their methods leave much to be desired. From time to time regarding their jurisdiction, which is even unknown to themselves, their network does not have enough competent help and you run into employees who don't know they can handle this merchandise and why it ends up in other hands. The worst states for this are California, New Jersey, Mass., Conn., New York, Maine, Pa., Northern Nevada (Reno area).
LOST PACKAG ES-STOLEN ETC. All sales are f inal. lf your packages are broken into, or stolen we will act in your behalf if you wish, however, there is a handling charge, unless you are an established customer. Conf iscated packages are uncollectable if the fault of consignee, and no permit is accompanied with order. This is less than 1"/".
use your f reight, it will be sold at auction.
ATTENTION For Our Customers
As we are the importer, manufacturer and distributor LAFAYETTE
we can provide you with the largest selection available anywhere.
An American Tradition
Factory Direct-No Middleman
TOLL FREE (outside lN) 1-800/428-8599
ln f ndiana: 1-3171284-7122
nepeating Aerial $how A. 48-Shot Pearl Flowers
One of our best sellers. You can watch this one again and again and it's always a treat.
48 shots in a medley of colors, just like it says. $4.50 each
E. Soiree
All sorts of fireworks fun in one item. Lots of color and f lash. $6.50 each
F. Garden in Spring
lmpress your neighbors, amaze your
H. Twinkling Stars
Showers of stars and f litter-type sparks. $2.50 each
l. Happy New Year
It looks like a real celebration.
B. Flying Golden Dragon
Great Golden Swirls of sparks. and lots of noise to accompany the show.
stars and reports, lots of action. $2.50 each
your show.
$2.00 each
$6.00 each
Guaranteed to make your dog hide. lt sounds
C. Silvery Eagle Ball
G. Kaleidoscope
Chinese New Year, with lots of shots and swirling colors. lt's easy to see why this is a best seller. Order several because you'll
High flying silver explosions, very impres-
slve. $4.50 each
D. Garden With lnnumerable Flowers We think its name says it all.You'llenjoy it. $3.00 each
riends. One of the four most popular base items we handle, and it deserves a place in
lf you don't get this one, you're missing the boat. Seven different effects, all absolutely
breathtaking. Another of the big four sellers in the base items. You'll get applause with this one for sure. $4.50 each
News Transmitters
like ricocheting bullets and looks like
need them. $4.50 each
K. New Festival Ball
A veritable explosion of color. This one will bring a smile to your face. $4.50 each
A. Dancing Golden Snake
100 Shots Magical Barrage
$2.00 each
Fast and furious action. Count 'em if you can, but there really are 100 shots in this one. Believe me, it's a winner, all colors and an impressive display. One of these is
B. Bursting Thunder
always included in the assortments I get up for my friends.
A continuous stream of golden stars spiral-
ing high above the treetops. Must see to truly appreciate.
Not only is this one a beauty, you'll get
venge on the teenager next door who plays his stereo loud enough to shake the ground. $3.50 each
$6.00 each
D. Sky Blast Just as loud as the Bursting Thunder. Shake the earth a little yourself, after all July 4th onry comes once a year. $3.50 each
E. Sky Racket
This one has multiple blasts for you noise lovers out there. You need one of these too. $3.50 each
Repeating Aerial Displays A. Saturn Missile Battery
D. Spring Thunder
25 colorful shots and you'll enjoy each and every one. $4.00 each
The biggest thunder and lightning storm contained in a tube, and it's all yours. You
B. Happy Fireworks,3T Shots
this shell.
Heft this one! The weight will tell you all
you need to know about how heavy the load is. 37 wondrous f iery shots of color.
may even be able to
fool Mother Nature with
96 Shot Pearl Flowers
Now we're talking some big numbers. This
is a great finale item and one of our sonal favorites. Do yourself a favor
$2.00 each
order two. $8.50 each
E. 3 Laughters
l. Four Performances
You'll laugh too when you hear the ruckus
per. and
this item raises.
Four colors, four types of shots, really nice little item.
$2.00 each
$'1.00 each
Talk about some razzle-dazzle! This one has
F. Blue Palm
and everything but the kitchen sink. $4.00 each
Blue is the rarest of the f ireworks colors, as it's the hardest to achieve, but we're proud of this one.
$7.50 each
C. Gold.Fish Vase colors and noises and spinners and stars
$4.50 each
G. Snow Flowers
Shot after shot of marvelous huge white spinners packed in this one. $2.00 each
Happy Fireworks
16 Shots - Everyone enjoys the Happy Fire.
works - that's why they come in two sizes or your enjoyment.
$4.50 each
$5.50 each {large)
Aerial Displays Shells A. Star Burst
D. FloralShell#200
Burst separates into shower of stars.
The Big Daddy of them all! JLjst like a big public display shell -a huge f lower of f ire.
$3.50 each
$8.00 each
B. Glittering Comet #5
E. FloralShell#100
Shoots large colorf ul burst 40"50 feet high.
Wide trail of heavenly sparks lights up the entire sky. lmpress your neighbors with this one. $3.50 each
C. 1S-Shot Aerial Display Red and White Balls
of Flame shoot high
For those of you who are a bit faint of heart about the #200, we have a #100 with a lively, colorful explosion that's nearly as good. lt will take you by surprise. $7.00 each
1O-Shot Aerial Surprise
For those who like their action fast, loud and beautif ul, this is the answer.
$7.00 each
$5.00 each
overhead and explode into bright stars with
G. FloralShell#5
A dependably impressive f iery display. One of the most popular tube shells. $3.50 each
Aerial Tube Displays A. ColorfulComet
F. Parachute
A wide trail of colorf ul sparks, not unlike a comet's tail.
chute effect with f lare.
$1.50 each
$1.50 each
B. #2 FloralShell
G. Parachute with T.Color
A f lowerlike explosion of color in the skv. $1.50 each
Children and Adults both enjoy the para-
Changing Flares
This one has a flare that changes colors seven times as it floats magically to the
C. Fairy Flowers
You'll enjoy this one - a profusion of dif-
ground from high overhead.
ferent stars and colors.
$2.50 each
$3.50 each
H. Double Parachute
D. Flying Eagle
Flaming Golden Balls exploding
night . noise, color and action.
with Crackers in
$1.50 each
E. Rainbow and Thunder
A popular combination of the best of both worlds sound (repeated explosions) and color (scattered stars). $1.50 each
Twice the fun, lots of crackers, and the kids don't have to argue over who gets the colorf ul tissue parachute when it's done. $1.50 each
Glittering Color Stars
A shower of colorful sparks and stars. $2.50 each
J. Small Festival Balls
Here's a show in itself - twelve shells, four varieties, all winners on their own. your order isn't complete without these. $16.00 box
K. Flourish
Just like the name says, this is a veritable f
lourish of color and excitement.
$1.50 each
L. Happiness Fountain
This is a perennial favorite of young and old, a tri-colored fountain with numerous firecrackers at the end. $1.00 each
Day Parachute
How about a day-time f irework item? Here,s a parachute with a colored smoke f lare. 2/$1.00
N. Bees and Flowers Colored stars and sparks with a f litter-type
effect, just as pretty as the flowers and busy as the bees it's named after. 2/$1.00
A. Sparkling Pearls
candle Shoots flaming spinners into the air. A great display.4Really different
Pack. $5.00
B. 8-Gun Liling Salutes
You want reports in your candles, we got
reports! The show isn't shaggy, either.
Pack. $5.00
Liling Salutes
Our most popular candle. Not only do you get 10 shots with reports, the display id very showy. 4-Pack. $6.00
D. 10-Ball Magical
i::]:],.:..1 i].::::,:,r:
G. 12O-BallCandle
Roman Candle
Light it once and stand back and enjoy. This one will take your breath. lt's busier than a cat in a room f ullof rockino chairs.
$8.00 each
Colorf ul balls, just like you remember f rom way back when. 6 or 1 2-Pack. 12l$11 .50
E. Magnolia 7-Shot.
You won't believe the load in this onel A Roman Candle with fireworks display just like the shell and tube items, not just balls of f ire. A whopper of a candle.6-Pack. $9.00
F. 10-Balls Liu Yang Candle
Another great one - it has it all. Reports like a rif le, shoots spinners like the Sparkling Pearls and has colored stars. 4"Pack. $6.00
H. 1O-Ball Domestic Roman Candle
Buy American, you won't be disappointed. 10 colorful shots per candle. 12-Pack. $14.00
S-Shot Tube Color Pearls
All colors, really nice. 5 shots per candle. 4Pack. $3.00
J. 10-Shot
Tube Color Pearls
Twice as big and twice as nice as the 5-shot. 4-Pack. $6.00
i:lli:ar,:: lliirl:irlai: llr:l:l',:r':r: i.lli.r:rilai i:r::.r'i.i:l:i,
'lilllialri.l' iil:i:rtil,rll
large ltispla A. Monkeys Violate the Heavenly Palace
Light some and watch the fur fly! Lots of action with these rockets. 12-Pack.
B. Sky Tigers and Sky Snakes What a combination - swirlers and exploders and enough excitement fora Sam Peckinpah
C. Golden Shooters
Even if they didn't explode, these would be
o1 .ry'k: s g]q"l,* -q11 the 10-ry"-'... bang_to.wake dead. A personal favorite. 1 2lPack.
ylln:':._ and
le; t=*
j-8 ;-d
loE lac
i-* 1g
A. Yieu County Rocket
This county is known for its expertise in
rockets. Gorgeous colors,
really showy.6-
Pack. $7.50
B. Meteorite Rain A solid blanket of tiny stars with bright flashes of gold and silver for the meteors.
6-Pack. $5.50
C. Flying Arrow Rockets
D. 4-Oz. Rockets
G. 8-Oz. Rockets
can't lose. 12-Pack.
H. Chinese Assorted Rockets
Assorted colors or with Reports - Choose either a lot of bang with a little color or a small bang with loads of colorf ul stars. You
E. Outer Space Rockets
Nobody make rockets like the Chinese, so if
It's Star Combat time with this one-goes on
you have a yen for some outstanding
6-Pack. $3.50
forever. Three types, red, green and mixed.
F. 6-0z. Rocket Assortment
off into the distance. Three types, assorted colors with whistles and reports. 12-Pack.
Assorted Colors or Reports, even better than the 4"O2. because they're bigger. 12-
Pack. $9.00
Watch these flame
Assorted or Reports. Now we're talking BlG. The Grand-daddy of the line and still available either with stars or reports. 12-Pack.
rockets, here you go! Three different types, each better than the last. 6-Pack.
Special Effect Roclrets A. Emerald Meteor Rockets
Green fire slashing through the heavens. Need we say more? 6-Pack.
D. Fire Ring Rockets
The explosion at the top of this rocket's ascent makes a halo of hellish f ire. 6-Pack.
B. Sky Ballet
E. Rocket Parachute
With all the light, sparkle, beauty and grace it's name implies. 6-Pack. $5.00
C. Glitterous Lights
A veil of shimmering stars reaching to the horizon. This is one of our most popular
F. Tri-Color Rocket
lf you like colors, this is the rocket for you. An unbelievable pyrotechnic display. 6Pack. $4.00
It's always fascinating to watch this rocket streak high into the distance, explode, then release a parachute flare that floats gently
G. Eagle Rocket
to the ground. 6-Pack.
too. 6-Pack.
Chase the clouds with this screaming demon of a rocket. A great display piece, $4.00
H. Cosmic Rocket With Bangs
rockets. 6-Pack.
Assorted colors and loud crackers make a
great combination in a rocket, and we're
certain you'll agree. Three different displays per package.6-Pack. $2.00
Bottle Rockets with Report
An all-time favorite, hours of entertainment.
Packed one gross per bundle. These are also available without reoort. $7.50 bundle
Starry Nights
Parachute Rockets
This one has it all - a star, a report, and a parachute with red f lare that swings sparkling through the air.6-Pack.
glistening comet-tail sparks and multiple stars with explosions.
K. Report Good News Rocket
the most popular rockets we carry.6-Pack.
M. Sky Bloom Rockets
Colorful display
A profusion of prismatic delightsl One
Showers of white stars, breath-taking in effect.12-Pack.
O. Butterfly Rockets
Fierce Tigers Roaring
This'll wake up the crowd for you. A
"Hue and Cry" type rocket - both color and noise. 6-Pack. $5.00
Q. Wild Geese
N. Snow Flower Rockets
lf you're looking for loud reports, a high f ly" er and a great fireworks show, try this big
White f litter stars spark and spark again,
crazy-quilt pattern in the sky.6-Pack.
lmagine a wild orange shrieking rocket with a zig-zaggedy pattern of lights. A top-notch
rocket and another of our best sellers.
Pack. $4.00
K$&mWKe,&r m-ercn{s&s 11
A. Small Missile with Color Stars and Report A real Whiz-Bangerl 2/$1.00
B. Large Missile with Report Bring outlhe big guns with this missile. $1.50 each
C. Large Missile with Stars
One of t6e biggest displays you'll find in a missile. $1.50 each
D. Phoenix Flyer With RePorts Light this one and run like the devil. $1.50 each
E. Saturn Missile
Shooting Stars and Reports
.#4+ KR
breaks loose. $2.00 each
F. Cloud High Missile
The name says it all. This one is so big and oowerful it has a metal rod to stabilize it at take-off. $3.00 each
M. Chrysanthemum with Bangs
G. Star Cruiser
A high f lyer that can't be beat. $2.00 each
Not only a beautiful flyer spinner, this
H. Phoenix Flyer with Stars
This one carries the pay-load 40-50 feet, then bursts into colorful stars. $1.50 each
Command Missile at the controls of
lmagine yourself powerfulrocket.
Q. Baby Fliers With RePort is
packed with more than two dozen firecrackers just to give you your money's worth. $1.00 each
N. 2-Stage Silver Jet
$1.50 each
J. Medium Missile
This is a mean little dude, and you'll appreciate its audacity. $'1.00 each
K. Artificial Satellites
More fun than a barrel of monkeys. These take of f like little sPace shiPs. 12l$2.50
L. Plane Flying at Night (Large)
Your neighbors will have the Air Force out looking f or UFOs. $1.00 each
ffif,msHem& ffie$fimsp&#trffi
Ought to written up in capitals. This is our best selling sky spinner. lt goes up about 20-30 feet spinning like a fiery gold spaceship, then changes to silver and shoots up another 20-30 feet. Whoo-ee! $1.50 each
O. Small Plane Flying at Night
We carry both sizes because they're in such demand. 2/$1.50
P. Spring ButterflY
Beautiful colors and a large flying spinner, too. Very popular. $1.00 each
Put a smile on everybody's face with these' Scads of fun and loud, too. Box of 12. 12t$2.50
R. PropellerWith Stars and Report
This sky spinner has both stars and reports what more could you want? $1.00 each
S. Plane with Parachute
How about a spinner that drops a parachute with a flaming flare? 2'$1.00
Feel like shaking some windows up
down the block? You got it! This is undoubt' edly the loudest sky spinner we have. ln fact,
unless you're talking about the biggest shells we handle, you can't get much louder than one of these. Nothing pretty about these babies. 6/$s.00
k FEreetrasEsers & SpesiaE E$ems A. Auto-Foolers
D. 11/16" Crackers
What a way to start somebody's day! Attach to spark plug, hide in the bushes and watch the fun! Rolling smoke and a wild
A big pack of 350 tiny but mightycrackers lots of fun. Use them singly to keep you busy for awhile, or light the whole string.
shrieking noise, accompanied by a big boom, if you prefer. Will not harm automobile, lawnmower, motorcycle, etc.
40 Packs of 80 7/8" crackers. An old favorite
B. Red Rats
wrapped, the louder they go off, and these
These will chase you to Kingdom Come, spewing red smoke and bouncing crazily over the ground until they explode. 24 packs of 6. $8.00
C. Whistling Chasers Here's a chaser item with a loud whistle. This one gets guffaws of laughter after the highspeed chase. Pack of 12. $3.50
of everyone we know. The tighter they're must be wearing girdles the way they pop! $14.00
11/2" Firecrackers 40 packs of 50 crackers. Now we're talking some noise. Run the gophers out of your lawn with these. Use them individually or as a
G. Jumping Jacks
H. Mad Mouse Fireworks
Two dozen angry "rodents" that scream, chase, and blow up. lt's a good thing real
mice aren't like that - things would be pretty exciting if they were. $3.00
l. 11/2" Firecrackers 80 packs of 16 crackers. Wrapped tighter than a tick and loud as can be, these are a sure bet for some fun. Keeps my cat's boyfriends off the back fence, too. $14.00
1V2" Firecrackers lf half a bundle is enough, why buy more? Get some more 40 Dacks of 16 crackers.
rockets with the difference. These are the same high quality as in the whole bundle. $7.50
Things will really be hopping when you light a string of these, and they're absolutely gorgeous. They look like spinning flowers of 'l2 in each bundle. f ire at night. 48 strings of $14.00
Special Pinwheels A. Giant VerticalWheel
Nail this to a fencepost or tree, light it and sit back to enjoy a beautiful show. Four drivers create one of the most impressive wheels we carry. $2.50 each
B. Sparkling Wheel
This is the brontosaurus of the wheels! You won't believe the weight of the load - you'll need a ten-penny nail just to support the wheel at least. TWENTY drivers, and you better have a BIG post!
D. 8" VerticalWheel
H. Moon & Stars
Everyone enjoys wheels. $2.00 each
The silver of the stars and the gold of
Four drivers and absolutely breathtaking.
E, 10" VerticalWheel Four drivers and even more sDectacular than the 8" wheel. $2.50 each
F. Triangle Wheel
Three drivers and as pretty as a speckled
$25.00 each
hound dog pup. $1.00 each
C. Large Happy Lamp
G. Moon & Stars
The people who shot our catalog loved this one so much they put it in twice to make sure you get at least one. Of all the wheel-type
items, this is my personal favorite. The Oriental paper lamp with tassels alone is worth the orice. $3.00 each
Two-Drive Wheel
This one has two drivers and two colors, silver and gold. We sell more of these than any other small wheel. $1.00 each
Three.Drive Wheel
harvest moon and three drivers to boot. $1.50 each
Carousel TriangleWheel
Three drivers and assorted colors, and each as beautiful as the last. $1.00 each
J. Whistling Tri-Rotating
The whistle is loud enough to shake the leaves of the tree you nail it to, and the drivers are all colors and last and last. lf you can only get one, get this one. $3.00 each
& ffipf;nners
A. Silver Flake Wheel
Throws flashes of silver as it spins on the post, creating a flitter effect. 2/$1.00
B. Small Happy Lamps
A spinning wheel that throws silver
gold sparks, then drops down into a small paper lantern for a keepsake.
$1.00 each
C. 120-Second Colorful Wheel
It really lasts a f ull two minutes and changes
colors four times as
fascinati ng.
burns. Absolutely
$2.00 each
D. Moon Coronal
This might not look like a wheel, but
lieve me, it's a MIGHTY good wheel. We sold completely out last year, so order this
one early. $2.00 each
E. Tri.Rotating Wheel Colorf ul halo of spaiks in assorted colors. $1.00 each
F. Flashing Wheel Spurts of silver spray out as it spins, very attractive at night. 2r$r.00
G. Ground Bloom Flowers
this item than anything else except f irecrackers and sparklers. lmagine a tiny whirling spaceship that changes colors three times as it spins. Call out the troops, we've got a UFO. Ah, those Chinese We sell more of
f."glstraisht up.
H. Star Balls This one is a red ball of f ire that spins on the ground, then jumps 15-20 feet in ihe air. We like it so wellwe have two sizes. Small 2/$1.00 Large 2/$1.50 each
L. Whistling Silver Wheels
A, l.ovely spray whistle too. $1.00 each
of silver and a screaming
J. Baby Magic Blooms
A tiny one-color replica of a Ground Bloom Flower, but wrapped in strings of 16's in assorted colors f or a whole crowd of f un. 3/$1.00
K. Magic Ball
Are you ready for this one? lt spins, throws
out a fountain of spray, then blows up its
own balloon. Ta-Dal! 2/$1.00
L. Sunflower Spins beautifully, then lifts off and f lies
are clever devils. 4/$1.00
P. Dancing Fireworks 15-
?9 3/$1.00
M. Ground Covered with Red Lights Spins and throws out red circle of sparks.
Ground spinner with gold sparks. 3'$1.00
Q. Dancing Fresh Flowers Ground spinnei with f lower-like
R. #3 Lotus
N. Camellias
fountain in the center giving it a f lower-like
Six to a pack, a very popular spinner AND it comes in two sizes. Small 2/$1.00 Large $2/$1.50
O. Medium Color Wheel
This can either spin on the ground or be tacked to a post. 4'$1.00
a great spinning effect, and has a
S. Two.Stage Chrysanthemum
Spins gold and silver and takes off into the
air in two stages. 2/$1.00
@gr.s "'=jO.
Wwpm WwKffiM WwKwwffiwMwwffi A. Eight-Pack Party
D. Whipper Snappers
Pull the string and the popper blasts out a
profusion of coiorful streamers. Safe for young and old. $1.00 pack
B. Bulk Display of Party Poppers 72 of the liveliest poppers you'll find.
Any kid can tell you about these. Throw
them down on a hard surface, roll them between your thumb and f inger, stomp 'em on the sidewalk. 50 Individual snaps per box, and they're safe for the smallest toddlers. Available in a carton of 50 boxes of 50 if you like. The kids (and adults) will run through this many in a week if you let them.
party in itself. $7.50 box
C. 36-Pack Party Poppers
The same full box of 50 Whipper Snappers with some snappy packaging.
$4.00 pack
$1.00 each
This will keep the kids happy for awhile.
E. Whipper Snapper, Carded
rlffi l:l::,.-,.11 l:F"a;l*;-*l'
A. #8 Assorted Color Sparklers
D. #36 Sparkler
Here's 36 inches of enchantment. Stick this in your lawn, light, and sit back to enjoy the show. A full dozen Per box.
B. #8 Gold Sparklers
E. #20 Sparkler
Red, green and blue sparklers, 6 per box and 12 boxes per pack - 72 colorful sparklers in
The old favorite. Everyone loves gold f litter sparklers. Kiddies and grandpas alike enioy this traditional item. 6 per box, 12 boxes per pack.
C. Susuki Flower Sparklers
6 per pack. This is the safest sparkler you can buy. lt's on a wooden stick and it's long enough to be safe for small children under supervision. The colors are beautiful, and the sparklers change colors as they burn. 2/S1.00
#10 Sparkler
A nice sized sparkler packed 6 per box,
boxes per pack. Gold. $3.50
H. #8 Gold Domestic Sparklers
A long-lasting sparkler that's not too heavy to be held in the hand. 10 per box.
Buy American made sparklers, they're dipped heavily and they're guaranteed dependable.6 per box, 12 boxes per Pack.
F. #14 Gold Sparklers
#8's too short and #20's too long on burning time for you? This is the answer, a good,
heavily dipped sparkler that's iust right. 6 pieces per box, 12 boxes Per Pack.
Susuki Flower Sparklers
12 per pack. Great changing-color f lare and sparkle type sparklers in a twelve-pack. $1.00 each
i , ri I
ffim#kffi$ ffimmkmm A. Auto Foolers
Just like at the Circus on the clown cars.
these devices smoke and whisile when the motor is started up on an automobile or other engine. They are available with or without report, and will not harm the engine, of course. 3/$1.00
Eight cap sticks. Looks like a firecracker
but with no report.
Nice-sized smoke item, lots of smoke. 3/$1.00
C. Smoke Balls
of our best sellers. A
Not only do the kids get smoke, they have a plastic toy after it's used.
D. Smoke Balls
Old-timey favorite and still a best seller. 5/$1.00
Now the old standard comes in colors. too.
and these are even more fascinating. 5/$1.00
J. Glow Worms
snake item that curls and grows up from inside.
E. Mammoth Smoke
Got a wind-tunnel to test? Want to smoke out some moles? This one is big enough to handle a man-sized job. $1.00 each 18
ind lights
M.80 Smoke
Light the fuse and first you get a spray of colored sparks, then a snake slitfrers up from the depths and rolls out. 5/$1.00
Another good standard dependable smoke item. 5/$1.00
P. Smoke Crackers
These actually glow at night, so you get a
O. Smoke Pot
Colored Snakes
Twelve packs. Kids love these by the dozen, and you save a little money that way too.
M. Three.Color Smoke
Three diff erent colors in each tube.
N. Serpent Charmer
H. Black Snakes
L. Two.Color Changing Smoke
Changes colors as it burns. 4/$1.00
G. Smoke Grenade
these boxes have 6 amazing snakes each to coil and grow beforeyourvery eyes.
great jOke item, too. 2 pkgs./$1.00
F. Large Smoke Screen
B. Smoking Cap Sticks
Three-packs. One
& We$Keffiffi
Pack of 16, comes either plain smoke or assorted colors and looks just llke a firecracKer. 3/$1.00
Q. Spray Balls
Either gold or silver spray fountains, nice at
A good.selling standard item, ask any kid.
A. Butterfly Fountain Silver spray f ountain with a f litter ef fect. 12l$6.00
B. Whistle Fountain
Great little item. A whistling fountain which
shoots a red ball of fire after the fountain. Goes up 20-25teet. 12l$4.50
C. Nite Siren Whistle Fountain
Cover your ears for this one! Sounds like an air raid siren, and it has a nice fountain too. 12l$8.00
D. Friendship Box Fountains
A beautiful silvery shower of sparks. Comes in two sizes. Small 12/$4.50 Large 4/$4.00
E. Golden Flowers Box Fountains A spray of gold f lecks and golden balls in a
shimmer of sparks so nice we carry two srzes,
Small 12l$7.00 Large 4/$4.00
F. Tri.Color Fountain ul colors in one
Three beautif
You'll like this one.
G. Peacock Fountain
A long time favorite, this fountain has four separate colors. 12l$7.00
H. Silver Glittery Fountain Flitter-type silver f ountain
twinkle and spark again.
- the
sparks ,S!. ;
l. Clustering Butterfly Fountains
Gorgeous flittertype gold fountain, lively double spark effect.
J. Golden
{;i:1 r1r
.,-.1 e,::
Paddy Fountain
Lots more golden spray packed in this one than you'd think possible. 't2t$7.00
O. Water Daffodil
K. Witch Whistle
A showy flower of spinning spray with a fountain in the center. This one works in
T. Cock Crowing
water, as it f loats and spins.
raises its head and "peeps". 24l$9.50
A loud whistle, short and sweet. Kids love 12l$3.00
L. FourSeasons
P. #1 Chinese Fountains
Look inside. There are four separate tubes
of color, and they go of f in order just like the seasons of the year. 12l$4.s0
All kinds of beautiful effects here. and
U. Hen Laying Eggs
After fountain subsides, she lays two litile a
solid dozen per pack. 12l$1.50
Q. SilverTree Fountain
M. Silver Dragon
Looks just like a tree with branches made out of silver spray.
Silver Box fountain with lots of snao and 12l$4.00
N. Witches Cauldron
R. Baby Cones Fountains
A popular gold fountain of stars, comes in
A fountain of spray, then a big fat creepy snake. This one's so popular we carry two
two sizes. Small 12l$3.50 Large 12l$4.50
sizes. Small 12l$4.00 Large 12l$S.00
S. Snowflake and Palmtree Fountains
Tiny but mighty little fountains, silver or gold, come in twelves for lots of fun.
Rooster sprays a two-color fountain, then
colored eggs of f ire. 24l$9.50
V. Butterfly Dancing Surprise
Now this you MUST have. This is our most popular fountain, bar none, because it not only has a spectacular fountain, it's packed with our most popular spinner, the ground bloom f lowers. After the fountain. the soinners pop out and take on life of their ownl Another marvel of pyrotechnic engineering. You'll love it. 6/$9.50
W. Jack in the Box Fountain
Another version of the Dancing Butterfly surprise and each spinner is a separate color.
Cone Fountains D. CarnivalCone
G. Moon Shot #5 Cone
A white shower of sparks with floating silver balls of f lashing fire.
A huge silver spray fountain, it delights the imagination.
Silver Fountain of light. lt mighi not make it to the moon, but almost.
$2.00 each
Cave of Pearls Cone Fountain
B. Kaleidoscope #3 Cone
Our most popular cone with gold and silver spray. Wait till it's really dark for an outstanding show with this one. 3/$2.50
C. Kaleidoscope #5 Cone
Even bigger and better than the #3 size. Have one of each. 3/$4.00
E. Queen of Hearts Gone
Truly the Queen of the cones, she'll steal your heart with her bountiful display of red and gold spray. $2.00 each
F. Cosmos
$2.50 each
A mixture of silver and gold spray, universal in its charm and beauty. $2.00 each
H. Giant Silver Screamer
A wild squeal starts the action on this one, and is followed by a huge shower of sparks. A best-seller every year.
Moon Shot #3 Cone
Silver has always been the showiest of the
fireworks colors, and this cone will convince you. 3/$2.50
More Fountains A. Golden Ball Fountain
This one gives you your money's worth. Great gobs of golden sparks, blinding in intensity, mixed with balls of golden f ire. $1.50 each
B. Tri-Color Sprayer A veritable sunset of colors in a long-lasting
fountain that's certain to please. lt always draws a crowd of appreciative neighbors. $1.50 each
C. Space Needle Two layers of bright sparkly lights entrance young and old. A spurting effect fountain. $2.50 each
D. Yankee Doodle Lively two-color spray marches upward into the sky. Ranks right up there with the King Kong. $2.50 each
l. FloralGeyser
E. King Kong
The gargantua of the fountain series. solid seller every year.
Just plain pretty. Silver and gold with a combination spray and sparkle effect.
$2.50 each
$2.00 each
F. Plum Flower Vase
J. Butterfly
One of the most outstanding fountains we handle, not only in size but in effect. lt's
long"lasting and has all the colors of the rainbow. You'll get the oohs and aahs out of your audience with this one, guaranteed. Two sizes. Small 6/$4.00 Large $3.00 each
G. Star-SpangledSalutes
Try this one for a standing ovation. Changing color sparks with a f litter effect.
Largest of the butterfly-flitter type fountains, very popular and with good reason. Take IWO.
K. Jade Flowers
Lovely green flashes of fire and sparks in
this fountain, like dancing emeralds. 2/$3.00
$2.50 each
L. California Candle
H. Tigers Roaring Fountain
How about an angry red gusher of f ire with a wild scream? The kids and adults both will love it. $2.00 each
of the nicest and always in demand.
Hand-held spray tountain, assorted colors, f
or those who like a different type
$1.50 each
Novelty Fireworks
A. Large Happy Lamp
Large flat spinning wheel throws off gold and silver mixed spray then opens up into exquisite paper lantern keepsake, lit from inside. Great f inale item. $3.00 each
B. Small Happy Lamp
Smaller version of spinning lantern, also lit from inside when f inished. $1.00 each
D. Friendship Pagoda
G. Aircraft carrier
Two-colored spinning base opens up into delicate layered Chinese pagoda house with colored windows.
Two planes take off from deck, turrets
$1.50 eaeh
E. LargeTank
shoot flaming balls that explode. You can use this on the water.
H. Racing Car
Shoots colored tlaming balls that explode
Travels like a tank, propelled by sparks of
as it thunders across a hard surface.
F. SmallTank
ire. 6/$3.00
Torpedo Boat
C. Happy Lion
Spins on base of colored sparks, pops up on red tissue ball when done. A real surprise.
Smaller guerilla version of this popular device. lt also shoots exploding flaming balls. Everybody needs a couple of these.
Travels across hard surface, shools flaming exploding balls from 5 separate turrets. 6l$3.00
J. MechanicalSparkler Long-lasting fun. This
is safe for
smallest tot and fun for the largest. Colorul displays of sparkling lights. $1.50 each f
++++++++++++++ &EE
&sssr&gffiâ‚Źn& BoK
Look at this assortment
What else could you possibly need? Hours of entertainment for everyone f rom small to
tall, and we cover everything here! Firecrackers, Roman Candles, fountains, spinners, wheels, missiles, smoke, snappers,
snakes, you get
it all! This is like having
your own personal shopper beeause this assortment may vary a little with availability, but the substitutions are always big-
ger, better and morel Just don't tell the boss if I throw in a few extras, O.K.?
The example above shows candles, rockets, tanks, missiles, not a loser in the bunch,
and you're getting it at a BIG discount f rom retail when you buy this way. We're good to our customers so we can stay in bus.iness, and we've been in business nearly 30 years, so you know you can trust us to treat you rig ht
And now for the REAL
all the
BlcclE!l We'll ship
assortment pictured above for
$50.00, or half for $25.00, or twice as much for $100.00. Just keep it in increments of $25.00 and we'll do you the best job possible on assorting that you'll ever f ind. Even
my kids are impressed, and believe
they know f ireworks!!
$25.00 . $50.00. $75.00. $100.00
Patriotic Decoralions (Not Shown) July 4th Decorating Kit, 22 pci., Ftags, Banners, etc.. . . . . $29.00 - KIT Plastic Red, White & Blue . .. .. . $1.00 EACH 10" Red, White & Blue Tissue Belts . . $1.50 EACH 20" Hed, White & BlueTissue Bells . $3.50 EACH
. .
Red,White & Blue PirateCaptains
& Blue Red, White & Blue Hi-Hats, Lg. Size
Ft. "Let Freedom Ring"
. Banner.
$1.00 $1.00 .. $1.50 .... $4.00
NORTH CENTRAL INDUSTRIES, INC. 2627 South Walnut St. Muncie, lN 47302
Permit No. 627 Muncie, lN 47302